NEWS : ; © } . : 3 » - . a liton teen recognized Ss - | ] f : © fc or ner vo unteerin : = 000 © 9S Qo E p Fe and her cnerous heart 8 © e < JULIE SLACK talent to organize and help Hortons Run/Walk Camps. quickly to Canadian cul- 2 jslack@ supervise the activities. he is currently growing ture, her family still had = She ~also volunteered er hair out to donate it for , ties to Egypt, which im- her skills to. help her wigs for cancer patients. pacted her over the last 10 Maria Henein is just 15, church with its website de- She loves all sports, and = years. It's especially diffi- but her volunteer list could sign and a mobile apptoas- she coaches younger chil- cult for her to have her fa- very well outdo that of sistinbringingits message dren, both in basketball ther absent for long periods : many adults. to all parish- ' and soccer. of time while she was grow- | Her generous heart and ioners. Her In addi- ing up. He must complete helpful nature garnered faith is dear "This award, this tion, she his residency to become | "her the support and grati- , to her, and , . was an ac- recognized as a doctor in tude of many Milton resi- she credits IS all God's tive mem- Canada, forcing him to dents who nominated the her success ra ce.' ber of Play- Newfoundland just recent- - Jean Vanier Secondary in life to'that. 8 ' ground Ac- ly. School student for an Onta- "This - Maria Henein, tivity Lead- Her father is her inspi- Julie Siack/Metroland =e }o Junior Citizen Award, award, thisis ers in ration in her quest to be- Maria Henein, a Grade 10 student at Jean Vanier co-ordinated through the all - God's student Schools at comeadoctor--something Secondary School, was nominated for the Ontario Ontario Community News- grace," she her school, she works hard for in Junior Citizen Awards for her many volunteer papers Association. Each year, she helps her church (St. George and St. said. "I praise God for it." She has participated in the Canadian Cancer Soci- which saw her plan, orga- nize and implement clubs school. She's determined to get accepted at McMaster efforts in Milton. and outdoor recess games University in Hamilton. oud (a stringed instru- nated for the award and Abanoub Church, Milton) ety's Relay for Life since at Guardian Angels School. When she's not studying ment). proudly accepted a certifi- fundraise for special sea- Grade 9. She also raises Maria moved to Canada and volunteering, she is an Maria said she wasabso- cate of recognition late last sonal dinners and chil- money forchildrenfromlo- from Egypt with her family avid pianist and also plays lutely thrilled to be nomi- month. dren's festivals. She also volunteers her time and cal low-income families through the annual Tim when she was six years old. Though she adjusted TUNE-UPS PREVENT BREAKDOWNS. TERRY ROWLE) 905-878-1979 7% VE Smart Shopping Sr * View flyers from your local retailers * Create custom shopping lists - * Earn cash back on groceries * Get the best price, always! 4 I tb 2 fa) nN Qt old 2 he Google play CHOPPED. E chef designed salads wraps soups ps ¥ ' #5 oe ni in 24-Hour Service Available ' Orn i : 5 OFFER EXPIRES 6/15/2018 010$1.700.S y : On a qualifying system purchase. Lennox system rebate offers range from $100 to ome restrictions apply. Mi 5 One offer available per qualifying purchase. See your local Lennox dealer or for detatls. Lennox dealers Iton Common are Independent owned and operated Rusinesses © 2018 Lennox Industries, Inc 840 Main Street East 3 = r-- eT -- 905.875.6680 ® £