~ Rotary's Denim and Diamonds gala boosts MDHF Dust off your hat, pull on your favourite jeans and prepare for an evening of great food and entertain- ment at the 5th annual Den- im and Diamonds Gala. - Hosted by the Rotary Club of Milton, the April 21 event will feature live mu- sic by local band Groovy Brothers and line dancing instruction by Tammy Wy- att. Guests are invited. to havé their photo taken in the themed photo booth and bid on live and silent auction items. The fun Kicks off at 6:30 Kirsti Fry photo Robert Fry and Brian Penman, chair of the Milton District Hospital Foundation Board of Directors, are dressed to impress at last year's Denim and Diamonds gala. The Rotary Club of Milton event returns to Country Heritage Park April 21. p.m. inthe Gambrel Barn at Heritage Park, - Country 8560 Tremaine Road. : Net proceeds from the event benefit the Milton District Hospital Founda- tion with funds earmarked for the recently expanded facility's Pediatric Family Lounge. Early bird tickets cost $80 prior to March 21. Tick- ets purchased March 22 on- wards cost $85 each. A table of eight costs $600. For more information, contact Kirsti Fry at kir- sti.fry@gmail.com. --=> Join us at our - OPEN HOUSE EVENTS MARCH 19 Institute for Applied Health Sciences at McMaster Find out more at SATURDAY APRIL 7 10am = 1 pm Fennell Campus All Programs SAVING YOU MORE I TCE CE CR RT TI Ra a TI Ere y/ RD a c: aw a Ll a ' tandia.com/evest | 1.800.598.2891 Ws Check out eVest, our high-interest savings account. New members get welcome rate of 1.85%" and current Tandia members also get an outstanding rate of 1.60%. It's an attractive, flexible option tor your tax-free savings. You work hard for your money, now it can return the favour Ld > ----- tandia Milton Branch - 44 Main Street East financi ] " | id 2 8102 'GL Yose 'Aepsiny | uoidweyd ueipeue) uoyiy | 10}|eyapisul