\ NEWS Halton Regional Police Service has arrested a 39- 'year-old Milton man for al- leged impaired driving un- der what they are calling "vexing circumstances." Those circumstances involve a man allegedly driving erratically around a Milton neighbourhood _and in a field behind a pub- ~ unbuckled in back seat: police . lic school with his six- year-son unbuckled in the back seat. According -to police, around 8 p.m. on Saturday night officers responded to several reports from citi- zens of a vehicle driving carelessly, hitting curbs and swerving in the area of Farmstead Drive and Lou- is St. Laurent Avenue. Police located the, vehi- cle driving in a field be- hind Boyne Public School. The driver was arrested for alleged impaired driv- ing. "To the officers' sur- prise, a six-year-old boy was found unbuckled in the back seat," Staff Sgt. MILTON Paul Davies said in a media release. "The boy, believed to be the driver's son, was turned over to his'mother at the scene. The mother was unaware that her es- tranged husband was driv- ing around with their son in his vehicle." Police say the man was Notice of Study Commencement ' Thompson Road - Louis Saint Laurent Avenue to Britannia Road The Town of Milton is carrying out a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) Study for the road improvements on Thompson Road, between Louis Saint Laurent Avenue and Britannia Road. The need for these roadway improvements has been identified in the Boyne Survey Secondary Plan. WSP has been retained to assist with the study; the study area is shown on the map. Thompson Road, between Louis Saint Laurent Avenue and Britannia Road, is currently a two-lane rural road with a posted speed of 60 km/hr. This portion of Thompson Road is designated in the Town of Milton Official Plan to be a minor arterial road with a 35 metre right- of-way; and is within the Boyne Survey Secondary Plan Area. Lands adjacent to Thompson Road are designated to be residential and office areas, with "Secondary mixed use nodes" (i.e, community facilities including significant commercial facilities or subject to provisions of high density residential) identified on Thompson Road, south of Louis Saint Laurent Avenue. Phases 1 and 2 of the CLASS EA process for the proposed widening of Thompson Road have been addressed through the approved Boyne Survey Secondary Plan (June 2010, as amended in 2013, 2015, and 2017). The Town of Milton is now proceeding with Phases 3 and 4 to fully address all requirements of Schedule "C' of the Municipal Environmental Assessment (October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011.and 2015) for the improvements on Thompson Road. The Class EA Study will review the available background information, identify the problems and opportunities, assess the alternative solutions and generate preliminary design concepts to address the potential environmental effects, and determine the preferred alternative. Public consultation is a key component of the Class EA process and input will be sought throughout this study. Details for upcoming public engagement opportunities will be advertised as the study proceeds. Regional Roag 25 driven to the Milton police station where he provided Drunken father drives erratically with young son > samples of his breath. The readings * were allegedly more than four times over tHe legal limit of 80 mgs. He faces a criminal - charge of impaired driving and Highway Traffic Act charges related to the un- belted child." Halton po- averting a potential trage- Boulevard lice are grateful to the community for. calling in to report such an incident and enabling officers to in- tercept immediately, thus dy," Davis commented, Police will not be re- leasing the name of the ac- cused to protect the identi- ty of the child. Ferguson Louis Saint Laurent Milton o = wd £ 3 o w For further information on this Class EA Study or if you wish to be added to the study mailing list, please contact: Diana Jiona, P. Eng. Manager, Infrastructure & Rigrt of Way Town of Milton 150 Mary Street Milton, ON L9T 625 905-878-7252 x2513 diana.jiona@milton.ca Katherine Jim, M. Eng., P.Eng. Project Manager - WSP 610 Chartwell. Road; Suite 300 Oakville, ON L6J 4A5 905-823-8500 katherine.jim@wsp.com This Notice Issued: Thursday, February 15, 2018 ES-RP18-001 810z 'zz Asernuged 'Aepsiny] | uoidwey) ueipeued uo | vn Woo uo}|eyapisul