- Milton Canadian Champion | Thursday, February 15, 2018 | = ( B RIME 5 Friends said the ° victim went to York University and wanted to work in human resources LOUIE ROSELLA Irosella@mississauga.net Rabab 'Arshad was out studying for university ex- ams with friends last Mon- day night (Feb. 5) and was too tired to drive home. So, the 19-year-old from Milton let a friend drive her car while she rode as the passenger. Little did she know that 'decision would ultimately be a deadly one, as her Mit- subishi crashed into a pole near Mavis Road and Eglin- ton Avenue, killing her and leaving another friend bad- race let friend drive her car ly hurt in what Peel Region- al Police are calling a street race. "This 'wasn't her fault. That's what's killing me in- side," said Maleeha Ram- kissoon, a good friend of Ar- shad. "She thought she was making the right decision. She wasn't even driving and now she's dead." Two friends - one a Brampton resident, the other from Milton - face street racing charges in the. horrific crash. Police 'are now saying seven young friends left a: Mississauga restaurant just before 11 p.m: in two separate vehicles - a blue Mitsubishi Eclipse and a black Ford Fusion. Moments later, they were both traveling west on Eglinton Avenue when they "came into slight contact with each other" approach- ing Mavis Road. Police said the Mitsub- JOB. NEED ONE? Photos courtesy of Instagram Rabab Arshad ishi went out of control and crashed into a pole. Ar- shad, a York University stu- dent, was thrown from the 905.693.8458 thecentre.on.ca ue = vehicle and was nounced dead at the scene. The Ford Fusion did not * crash. pro- .. Both drivers- were ar- rested by Peel police and have since been charged with eight criminal driving offences. A 21-year-old Mississau- gd woman in the Mitsubishi suffered serious but non- life-threatening injuries and was taken to a Toronto trauma centre. - The alleged driver, Mu- hammad Daniyal Khan, 20, of Brampton was taken to a local hospital also with non-life-threatening inju- ries. Police allene Hashim Khan, 22, of Milton was driving the Ford Fusion. Both Khans, who police say are not related, each face charges of dangerous driving causing death by street racing, criminal neg- ligence causing death, criminal negligence caus- ing bodily harm by street racing, criminal negligence causing bodily harm, and » Milton teen killed in suspected street dangerotis driving causing death and bodily harm and criminal negligence caus- ing death and bodily harm. The pair was released from custody and left Brampton court with fami- ly members following their bail hearing last Wednes- day. "It's ridiculous these two were allowed out," said RamkKissoomn "Someone died. Does that not mean anything?" Friend Yolanda Harden said Arshad was studying human resources at York University. "She wanted to help péo- ple," she said. "She made ev- eryone smile." Police are now asking for witnesses, anyone with video footage or anyone who saw the vehicles prior to the crash to call them at 905-453-2121, ext. 3710. -with files from Pam Douglas ' that