| { } ! ) | Thursday, February 15,2018 | 88 Milton Canadia ion a E «© £L nC Health insidehalton.com NEWS "Nearly 600 seniors - on Allendale wait-list ® Continued from page 11 home, long-term 'care homes may be an option, w = ® w e ou "Improving access: to long-term care and sup- porting patients while they wait for placement in a long-term care home are key priorities for the Mis- sissauga-Halton' LHIN," she said. "As the seniors' population continues to grow, we are further work- ing to explore new models of care that can support se- niors in their home as we await additional bedded ca- pacity to be built within the LHIN." While the Ministry of and Long-Term Care has indicated it will create up to 5,000 new long- term care beds within the next four years, Szakolcai said the local LHIN doesn't know, how many beds it will be allocated yet. According to the region, which operates Allendale Long-Term Care Facility on Ontario Street in Mil- ton, there are currently 581 individuals on the wait list for placement at the local facility. Wait lists are developed and managed by the Mis- sissauga-Halton - LHIN's Home and Community Care. : Each long-term dare ap- plicant can select up to five homes. If an individual is placed in a home that isn't their first choice, that per- son can remain on the wait list for one or more of their other approved. choices in the appropriaté prioritiza- tion category based. on their need, said Szakolcai. She added that wait times fluctuate based on many factors, including the number of crisis pa- tients on the list, vacancies provided by the long-term care home, number of ap- plicants, total number of beds available, specific care requirements and whether the person has re- quested a private, semi-pri- vate or basic room. Currently, the estimat- ed wait time for a private female room at Allendale is 2.5 plus years," with that number climbing to five plus years for a basic fe- male bed, according to in- formation provided by the LHIN. While it remains un- known when Tassone's mother will get the long- term care placement she desires close to home, the Milton woman mined to fight for her rights for as long as it takes.' "I'm not going to accept anything but my mom staying in the hospital un- til she gets placed in Allen- 'dale." is deter- Temporary regional unit reserved for Trillium Health Partners patients MELANIE HENNESSEY _ mhennessey@milton canadianchampion.com A Milton woman is ques- tioning why a temporary regional unit that recently opened its doors at Milton District Hospital isn't ac- cessible to Halton Health- care patients. The 35-bed unit, which was established: quickly and opened Dec. 18, will tend to Alternate Level of Care (ALC) patients from "hospitals as identified by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. ALC patients no longer need acute care hospital services, but are unable to live independently and are most often waiting for placement in a long-term care facility. But Sharon Hunter was surprised to find out upon ' inquiry that the unit is be- ing utilized by patients from Mississauga, not Mil- tonians. "Where's the access to the level of care that Halton Healthcare . patients are owed?" she asked. According to Halton Healthcare interim manag- er of communications and . public affairs Emma Mur- phy, the province provided direction on how the beds will be used and it priori- ° tized ALC patients from Trillium Health Partners for admission to the unit. A fact sheet distributed by Halton Healthcare explains the unit was opened as part of a provincial strategy to help support hospitals and regions with the highest ca- pacity challenges in Onta- rio as the facilities pre- pared for an annual in- crease in demand due to flu Notice of Community Consultation Toronto Pearson is fast becoming one of the world's leading airports. As we meet the demand for air travel, the Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) and NAV CANADA are working to identify measures that address the issue of aircraft noise for local neighbourhoods. season. The regional unit has been established in the for- mer MDH medical/surgi- cal in-patient unit that be- came vacant on Oct. 1, when patients were moved to the hospital's new expansion. Halton Healthcare iden- tified the space as an oppor- tunity to address system-. wide capacity challenges, says a press release. from the corporation. The province has pro- vided one-time funding to "operate the beds in the unit until March 31. 'While additional fund- ing for. such temporary beds was recently an- nounced by Health Minis- ter Eric Hoskins, Murphy " said details on whether this will keep the Milton beds open: past March have not been made available by the ministry yet. Starting March 2018, the GTAA and NAV CANADA are conducting public consultations on new proposals that are aimed at reducing noise impacts' for residents around the Greater Toronto Area. The new proposals include: new flight paths for overnight flights, changes to the preferential runway system and a summer weekend runway alternation program. Join us at any of the upcoming events to learn more about what the proposed initiatives mean for your community, provide feedback, and speak to industry experts. Registration is recommended. Community Briefings Attend one of two community briefings that include an hour of technical review and analysis led by an industry expert. Discussion with GTAA and NAV. CANADA representatives to follow. March 3, 2018 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Westin Toronto Airport, Sutton Ballroom 950 Dixon Rd., Toronto, ON Presentation Schedule: 11:00 a.m. = 12:00 p.m.' 2:00 p.m. -3:00 p.m. . April 7,2018 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Four Points by Sheraton, Windsor Ballroom 6257 Airport Rd., Mississauga, ON Presentation Schedule: 11:00 a.m. = 12:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. =3:00 p.m. Community Open Houses Drop-in style evening events will be held in communities across the GTA and include the same information as the briefings. GTAA and NAV CANADA representatives will be available to answer questions one-on-one and speak to the impact and benefits of the proposed changes on your community. Open houses will be hosted from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 0 between March 3 and April 12, 2018. To find the Open House in your community, please visit torontopearson.com/conversations : n select dates To register, or for more information, visit torontopearson.com/conversations, call 416-776-5739 or email community.engagement@gtaa.com NAV CANADA Ln -- ---- Toronto Pearson