hes COMMUNITY RIDING THE RAILS LIVE WHERE YOU BELONG! 8102 '81 Auenuer 'Aepsuny) | uoidweys ueipeues uo | = Graham Paine/Metroland, Kyle Carberry, 26, catches some air as he rides the rails at Glen Eden, where snow guns blast snow onto the runs in an attempt to recoup some of the lost snow from the last week's thaw and rain. we eam, we build, we play with LEGO' Bricks MARCH BREAK CAMP Wy Py, The ultimate LEGO® Experience! Outdoor play included: Oakville: Faith Baptist Church Burlington: Tansley United Church ~ ti - J 5 be : . invaV ed bni Find out wa L € Milton: St. Paul's United Church about ourfin HOMES v Motorized Model Themes Pirthday Parties | / Minecraft Theme eT DON'T COMPROMISE. DISCOVER MORE. and many nore! Lo UE | CHARLESTONHOMES.CA Visit our website for more details. Oakville/Mississauga/Milton/Burlington o1 CRY a 900 Rona Amaral ramaral@bricks4kidz.com * www.bricks4kidz com/missoak VISIT OUR MODEL AT 27 OLD RUBY LANE, ABERFOYLE 416-473-2043 CALL TODAY! Woo uoyjeyepisul