Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Apr 1917, p. 6

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ow ® | PAGE TEN Internal Bathing's : Rapid Growth Tt is but natur to expect that a re~ Hef from co ration and « many ills ch it which is so effectual Iie make q y m its geugral morning s The "Dear a new man of persuaded n algo, and than ever 'Cascade walk for he ing a thé r Internal and explained in 4 Kingston Ask hy Man of Today cient." if vref i efer { School of 3 Military Sale of Condem " purcha Tender fo demned mdlitacy ceived un Ire ul er Repalrable--consist ing of Hoots oondemned as unt for military wear No. b--lewther, Scrap, « f msisting of -- Ankle boots, Canvas @&hoe foon- denned as unserviceable No. 6 tubber--oon Overshoes, Scrap Scrap » above may Bé seen dud « pective tende . fon to Che wr Ordnance t any of the rowing places Montreal vancouver 1 ng bers, xamined applica Office a Halifax .¢ reo par Ww oa Med cheque for $1,000.00, payable the Minister of| Militia and defence; and tenders for less than two fer $500:00. These will bg returned to 'the unsuccessful tonderars when » contracts are aw- arded. ' The cheques of the successful tenvprers wiil be retained until the conmletion of the con ract antee of the proper execu and will be subjeot to forfeiture the contractor's default The contract shall run 31st, 191% subject cellation at any time t becomes insolvent or 5 Ur with ithe terms of the contract Tenderers should state, clearly for what particular lot or lots of clothing, as classified above, they wish to ten- der; and also whether the tender for®he accumulation at one or more of the above mentioned places, specctying the pla 'Prices for-loits 1, 2, 3 he per poumd: and fx be per palr; delivery to be taken by the contractor, f.o.b. cars at the place or places dio which his contract applies ach teneder must guarantee that in the event of his tender bey ac- | eepted, all uniform clothing delivered | to him will be so altered as to: be un- | recognizable as uniforms When a-supply of chlthing has ae-| cumulated, tie Senior Ordnance OM cer will mwotify the contractor of the | weight or quantity and value thereof, and ithe laditer shall immed.ately de- posit the ampunt called for to the cre- ait of dhe Recciver, General and at the same time send a copy of the deposit receipts to enior Orduance Officer with full g instructions. 'The Minister reserves the right reject any or all of the tenders. BUGFNE FISET, surge General, Miktia and Defence until March PF, to can- » contractor comply f 5 and § should lot No. 4 should LS) Deputy Minister, (awa, April Yeth, 1917 Note--=Nowspapers will for the advertisement if without authority from meat (HQ 64-21-15-36.) PAA A A AA A AAA, We never know happy we were until wa arent, he nse rt paid it Depart- not they the 'how | the 'ws | Worth, | Glerholme | ville | lege IY. M.( r.. PP Neofitn, | | Mrs ] Gananoque f vn Correspondent) mayor, has offered and country yet he to acceptance been awarded watering for salary of $355 spices of the Y.P.S the Sunday school very fine 1 Irew a large Dr his a Gananoque's O'Connor, in nas street of or- cale ening and >nd- ceived here of the sud- ank Hicks, former | proprietor of what ow known as 'Palace of His widow ter Joseph Wads- Word was re | den' dea of is DWee of Mrs avenue 5s Bulloch, eldest daugh- Wilfrid J. Bulloch, of Farm, has gone to Belle- for a course at St. Agnes Col- The Misses Maud and" Lyla Jackson are spending a few weeks in St with da Vi a Phy Mrs is a Miss ter of Catharines Keep Tuesday, May 8th in Mind. The date for the Graduation Exer- cises in connection with the Training Nurses of the Kingston ral Hospital. has been definitely Tue 8th May Grant available this year, 1 Methodist Church kindly been affered fe I A splendid programn y arranged casipn New Orange Hall (Grdund Floor) 7 o'clock, R Mec- an the near Sunday evening Chicas meetings for hall A The Second Coming "Sign Mr these one week ahove Princess street, Subject Sunday evening, of Christ," Mon- of End of This McMurdo is well subjects. Don't day evening Present Age" able to Handle piss him piss, 'R n-Down Women We. Have a Remedy That Will Cost You Nothing If It Does Not Help You. Kingston worhen- will pleas) realize that we mean just what w say in the above heading. Letters like the following prove the effi- iency of Vinol in such cases: "For the benefit of the other tired want to say that [| keep house for seven in my family. I he came run-down, all played out, did not seem to have any life in fe and looked badly I read so much about Vinol I decided to try it and { must say it helped me in every way It built me up so I felt like a new woman, and my friends said they could see a great change in me." John M. Waldron, © Saratoga Springs, N.Y. We recommend Vinol to our cus- tomers as the greatest strength cre ator we know because it contains beef and cod liver poptones, iron and manganese peptonates and gly- cerophosphates, all dissolved in a pure medicinal wine. Mahood's Drug Store, Kingston. Also at the best druggist ih all Ontarie towns. CURES SKIN AFFECTIONS One packane proves it: Sold and guaranteed by above Vinol druggist, FRECKLES Don't Hide Them With a Veil; Re- move Them With the Othine Pre- scription, This 'prescription for the re- moval of freckles was written by a prominent physician and -is usually successful in removing freckles and giving a clear, beautiful com- plexion that it is sold by "Mahood's' Drug store under guarantee to re- fund the money if it fails. Don't hide your, freckles under a veil; get an ounce of othine and re- move them, Even the first few ap- plications should show a wonderful improvement, some of the lighter freckles vanishing entirely. Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strength othine; it is this that is sold on the money-back guar- antee, 80 "GIVE YOUR POUL. TRY our special feed and get results in the egg basket and in thriving chicks. This feed is one of our spec- ialties and those who use .it are its enthusiastic admirers. Try some and note the improvement in laying hens and growing" chicks. McB 48-44 Princes: @ And now for a grand clean- and Ramsay, a the smartest, has | oom REPLENIH YOUR BLOOD IN THE SPRING are feeling "out usyal self. Quite ex and cannot devote IT W you w | Just now you sorts"-- not you | hausted tin real energy to not rest you ahd 'all tired out." 8 flying throu at ake h your®* muscles and joints, or may be your skin is disfig jured by rashes, boils or pimples. { Headaches, twinges of neuralgia, fits of nervousness, irritability of temper and a disordered stomach often in- crease your discomfort in the spring. The cause--winter has 'left its mark on you. These troubles are signs that your blood is poor * and watery, that your nerves are ex- hausted. You must renew and en- rich your blood at once and restore tone to your tired nerves, or may be a complete breakdown. -The most. powerful remedy Jor these spring ailments in men, women and children is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills { Pale People, because these Pills cleanse bad Blood and strengthen weak nerves. New, ri est need for red blood--your great- in spring--is plentifully created by Ir. Williams' Pink Pills, and with this new, pure blood in your veins you quickly regain health and increase your strength. Then vour skin becomes clear, your eyes bright, your nerves strong, and you feel better, eat better, sleep better, and are able to do your 'work. Begin your spring tonic treatment to-day for the blood and nerves with Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills that strengthen These Pills are sold by most deal ers, but do not be persuaded to take "something just the same." If yéu ¢ant' get the genuine Pills from your dealer they will he sent you by mail: post paid, at 50 "cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr. WitHams* Medicine ~Co., Brockville, Ont, VOLUNTEER PLAN Outline Favored hy House Military Committee, Washington, April 21.--The volun: teer provision agreed to in principle y the House military committee is as follows: : That the President be, hereby authorized to call volunteers under and in with the act of Congress April 25th, 1914 (the army ization act) That in the event it becomes nec essary to raise an additional force of 500,000 men the President be, and he is hereby authorized to call such ad- ditional force by volunteers in the same manner. Such volunteer army shall be apportioned among the var- ious states and territories and the District of €olumbia, according to population, raiséd in regimental units or parts thereof; . . . . Provided that such volunteer forces shall be recruited in local units as far as practicable and compary offi- cers may be appointed from such units upon passing such reasonable and practical examinations as to fitness as the President may direct. And provided further, that upon the completion of the enrollment as pro- vided in this act and in the event the President decides that such additional force or forces cannot be effectually raised and maintained under the call for volunteers as herein provided, the President be and he is hereby author- ized to raise and organize the same by the selective draft as herein provided. and he is for 500,000 accdrdance approved reorgan- Mrs. Toye's Funeral. : The funeral of the late Mrs. R. H. Toye was held on Saturday afternoon from her late regidence, 82 Gore street, to Cataraqub cemetery. Rev J. D. Ellis officiated at the service. The pall-bearers were: William Gill, Oliver Chown, Willlam Linton, Dr. W W. Sands, C. C. Folger and T. J. Rig- ney. The many floral tributes testi- fied to the high esteem in which the late Mrs. Toye was held by the com- munity. Floral tributes: H. Lingham, Belleville; Mrs. L. C. Lockett: Mrs. O. Chown; Employees of R. H. Toye and Co.; Directors of Y.M.C.A,; Mrs. R. E. Sparks; Mrs. Tapdy; "Dr. and Mrs. Williamson; Dr. and Mrs. Mylks; The Women's Aux'y of YM.C.A.; Mr. and Mrs. W. Gill; C. C. Folger; Mrs, W, N. Lin- ton; V. Bryant; R. J. D'Arcy; Mrs. C. Barnum; Mrs. Milo; Mrs. Derry; Mrs. J. W. Eliott; Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Meek. The Ogilvie Milling Co., Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. D, R. Gourlay, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. AJ. Freiman, Ottawa; -Mother's Council of YYM.C.A. Contributions Received. G. E. Hague, treasurer Armenian Relief Fund, acknowledges the fol- lowing 'subscriptions: $10--Miss Betts. Bethel Church Mission Circle, Elizabeth#M. Strong. $7--Princess St. Methodist Church Epworth League. W. D. Kaylor, Miss Etta Smith, Miss L. J. Renton, Prof. H. T. Wal- lace, R. W. Palmer. $3--A. W. Palmer, $2-Mrs. G. S. Fenwick, Mrs. H. Robinsan, Mrs. D. ,. Miss J. farold, Mrs. J. Ashworsh, Miss Hop- pin. G. Miller, W. J. Palmer. ~ $1--Rev. Mr. Roadhouse, Miss Gar- diner, H. Miller, Mrs. G. Palmer. Small sum, $2.25. Must Make Higher Marks, Toronto, April 21.--Law. students must hereafter make marks at the examivations. is was decided at a meeting of the Benchers of the Law Society in Convocation yesterday, when it was resolved to bring the standard up to the same level as for the University of Toronto. The pass- ed minimum. was raised from 29 to 40 per cent, on paper, and from 55 to 60 per cent. on aggregate. Honor British Graves. d, Mass, April 21--Graves soldiers who fell April 19th, first skirmash of the Re- war, were decorated by . A wreath of laurel ench, British and Placed - of - 1775, in vol of | Sleep does | up feeling | Perh{ps rheumatism |< there | | ville. the Pills] | has returned to town, | to Dr. r. and Mrs. W.] * THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1917. o*% J z "UBITUARY i Wolfe respected and 1 ed : illness years ago on The deceased ang lived all island. Me was a in religion. Surviving is widow an large family. i w i nds Jar ) ¢ LATE SOCIAL NOTES x = = Mrs. Miller and Miss Diana Miller, Napanee, were in town for "The Flame on Thursday evening, Prof. and Mrs. "T. L. Patterson | left on Thursday for North Anson, | Maine. Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Mather, have one to Boston for several months. Professor and Mrs. W. C. Buchan- an and their family left this week to spend the summer in Highgate, Ont Ls, F. Goodwin is in Ottawa for | the' week-end. | Dr. and Mrs. | Johnson stréet, | Montreal. | | 8 A. W. Richardson, have returned from * * | Miss Dorothy Burton, who has | been the guest of her sister, Mrs | Charles Livington, Teronto, has re- | turned to St. Agnes College, Belle- Mrs. Margaret Macdonald is the | guest of Mrs. T. D. Minnes, Kensing- ton Avenue. Miss Helen O'Connor, been in Gananoque for has time who some Miss Gwenneth Merrick returned home on Wednesday after a' delight ful visit wth her sister, Mrs. Carlos Kirkgaarde, Beloeil, Que. . +» Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hanley, Wel- lington street, annougce the engage- ment of their only daughter May, EE. L. McCardel, Benalla, Aus- tralia, son of Mr .and Mrs, J. P. Mc- Cardel, Dundas, Ont. ' Daugliters of the Empire. A grand patriotic entertainment will be given in tire Opera House on 10th, 11th, 12th, of May under the auspices of the "Anfiandale'" chapter and direction of Theodore Bird. Some of the attractions are "Jack's Wife" one of Mrs, Fiske"s most pop- ular. plays. Specialty choruses and solos. Among those taking part are Professor and Mrs. Hicks, Mesdames Archer and Beecroft, Misses Aljce Goodwin and Beth Small, Alderman Couper, Messrs.,, C. B. S. Harvey, E. Pound, J. Saunders, Courtland Elliott, and one hundred others, {comfort; What-Dyspeptics | Should Eat A PHYSICIAN'S ADVICE | "Indigestivn and practically forms of stomach trouble are, nine times out of ten, due to acidity; there- [fore stomach sufferers should, ever possible, avoid eating food that la acid In its nature, or which by ¢hem- ical action in the stomach develops acidity. Unfortupately, such a-vrule eliminates most foods which are pleas- ant to the taste as well as those which are rich blood, - flesh aad nerve building propertiss, This Is the reas. on why dyspeptics and stomach fler- ers are usbally so thin, emaciated and lacking in that vital energy which can only come from a well-fed bedy. For the benefit of those sufferers who have, been obliged to exclude from their diet starchy, sweet or fatty food, are trying to kéep up a miserable ex- istence on gluten products, 1 would suggest that you should of any 'food or foods which you may | like, ia moderate amount, jaking im- mediately afterwards a teaspoonful of blsurate nagnesia in a little hot or wold water. his will neutralize any acid which may be present, or which may be formed, and Ins'sad of the us- ual feeling of uneasinesstand fullness. Jou will find that -your food agrees with you perfectly. isurated magnes- la is doubtless the best food corrective and antacid known. It has ne direct ac- tion -on the stomach; but by neutrallz- ing the acidity of the food contents, all | when- | and | try a meal | and thus removing the source of the acid irritaton which inflanres the deli- | cate stomach lining, it does more than | could possibly be done by .any drug or medicine Ag a physictan' believe In the use of medicine wheney sary, but T must admit that | eannot see the sense of dosi inflamed stomach with drugs 0 ting rid of the acid- cause the trouble Get w little bisurated | magnesia from your druggist, eat 'what you want at your next meal tak some of the bisuraled magnesia as dir- ected above, and see if I'm not right." | "TIZ" EASES TIRED, SORE, SWOLLEN FEET Instant Relief for Aching, Puffed-Up | Calloused Feet and Corns, "Happy! Happy! Why go limping around with ach ing, puffed-up, feét-- feet so tired, | chafed, sore and swollen you, can] hardly get your shoes on or off? Why don't you get a 25-cent box of "Tiz" | from the drug store now and glad- den your tortured feet? | "Tiz"" makes your feet glow with | Meeting for Pittsburg Farmers. A mefting will be held at Joyce- ville Hall on Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Addresses on "Greater Pro- duction of Food Stuffs' by Robert Meek and Ald. Neil Polson, jr. A Goverrment bill sponsored by the Minister of Finance will amend the bank act so as to facilitate. thy making of loans to farmers ang _live- stock men on the security of cattle and other stock. ! BEAUTIFUL HAR, THICK, WAVY, FREE FROM DANDRUFF Draw a Moist Cloth Through and Double Its Beauty at Once. Save Your Hair! Dandruff Disap- pears and Hair Stops Coming Out. Immediate? yes! Certain?--that"s the joy of it. Yur hair - becomes light, wavy, fluffy, undant and ap- pears as soft, lustrous and beauti- ful as a young girl's after an appli- cation of Danderine. Also try this-- moisten a cloth with a little Dan- derine and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. THis will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt, ot excessive oil, and in just a few moments you have dou- bled the beauty of your hair. A de: lightful surprise awaits those whose hair has been neglected or is scraggy, faded, dry, brittle or thin. Besides beautifying the hair, vanderine dis- solves -every particle of dandruff; cleanses, purifies and invigorates the scalp, forever stopping itching and falling hair, but what will please you most will be after a few week's use, when you see new hair----fine and downy at first--yes--but, really new hair growing all over the scalp. Danderine is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates and strengthems them. Its exhilirating, stimulating and life-producing properties cause the hair to grow long, strong and. beautiful. You can surely have pretty, charming lustrous hair, and lots of it, if you will just get a 25-cent bot- tle of Knowltes's Danderine from any drug store of toilet counter ani try it as directed, ~~ takes down swellings and | draws the soreness and misery right | out of feet that chafe, smart and | burn. "Tiz"" instantly stops pain in | corns, callouses and bunions. "Tie" | is glorious for tired, aching, sore | feet. No more shoe tightness no | more foot torture. . | { At Niagara Falls, a combined com- { mitteg of the City Council, Board of Trade and Horticultural Society will | commence work in a day or two on the municipal potato patch. ° ~ Buy your children's wash dresses and wash suits now. 4 . 30c up. . 69¢ up. 98¢c Wash Dress from Wash Suits from Hat Shapes from 2. oe onal Blouses from... . . . .. . 50c and98c up. Colored Underskirts .. .. .. . . 98c up. Collars .. .. 15¢ and 25¢ up. Raincoats from co. « $3.98 up. Umbrellas from .. .. .. .. . .. . . 98c. Corsets from 75c. MENDELS 213 PRINCESS ST 217 PRINCESS ST YE OLDE FIRME The Musician finds in the #eintzman & Co. Art iano his demands more than met. He finds a tone unequalled-~a touch that meets every require- * ment---an appearance that pleases the artistic sense. He finds a piano which is an inspiration in itself--a piano from which he can obtain effects not possible from any other instrument. .C. W. LINDSAY, Limited, 12k Princess Street, R.J.Rodger, 132 Princess Street, . begs to announce his agent for Aeolian appointment as Kingston » J Vocalion The only phonograph with the "GRADUOLA" "To subtly vary--if you wish--the tone shading of each record." . Art for the asking. catalogues or demonstration

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