Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Apr 1917, p. 5

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Amazing Power of Bon-Opto ' | | To Make Weak Eyes Strong Doctor Says It Strengthens Eyesight 50 per cent in One Week's Time in Many Instances able time and multitudes more will be able to strengthen their eyes so as to be spared the trouble and expense of ever getting gli{sses. Eye troubles of many descriptions may be wonderfully benetfied by the use of this ruseripton at home. (Go to any cactive drug sfore and get a bottle of Bon-Opto tablets. Drop, one Bon-Opto tablet in a fourth of a glass of water and let it dissolve. With this liquid bathe the eyes two to four times daily. You should notice your eyes clear up perceptibly right from the start, and | inflammation and redness will quickly disappear. If your eyes bother you even | a little it is your duty to take steps to save them now before it is too late, | Many hopelessly blind might have saved their sight if -they had cared for their | eyes in time, Note: Another prominent Physician to whom the above article was submitted, sail: "Yes, | the Bon-Opto prescription is truly a wonderful eye remedy. Its constituent ingredients are well known to eminent eye specialists and widely prescribed by.them, I have used it very suc cessfully in mg. own practice on patients whose | eyes were strained through overwork or misfit" glasses. | can highly recommend it in case of | weak, watery, aching, smarting, itching, hum- | Ing eyes, lids, blurred vision or for eyes in- | A Free Prescription You Can Have Filled and Use at Home Victims of eye strair and other eye weaknesses and those who wear glasses, ill be glad to koow that according to Ir. Lewis there ix real hope and help for them. Many whose eyes were failing say thpy have had their eyes restored by this rinarkable prescription and many who once wore glasses say they have thrown them away. One man says, after using it: "I was almost blind. Could not see to read at all. Now I can read every- thing without my glasses, and my eyes do not hurt any more. At night they would pain dreadfully. Now they feel fine all the time. It wns like a miracle to me." A lady who used it says: "The atmos- phere seemed hazy with or without glasses, but after using this prescription for fifteen days everything seems cledr I ean read even fine print without glasses." Another who used it says: "I was bothered with eye strain caused by overworked, tired eyes, which induced fier®® headaches. 1 have worn glasses for several years, both for distance and work, and without them I could mot read my own name on an envelope or the type- writing on the machine ore amed exposu ean do both now or lke LL) ". Rit os of. the hand ~ Rrparatione | long distance glasses altogether. I can | almost family. Bon-Opto. referred. to A . every mily, m-Opto, referred to count the fluttering leaves on the trees|sabove, is not a patent medicine or a seere Cross the street now, which for several | remedy. It is an ethical preparation, the for vears have looked like a dim green blur | Ma being printed on the package. The man to me I cannot express my joy at what ufacturers guarantee it to strengthen eyesicht it has done for me," 80 per cent in one week's time in many instances It is believed that thousands w.., wear or refand the money. It can be obtained from glasses can now discard them in a reason- cm Baby Carriages, Go-Carts, Sulkies 1917 Advance Styles Large line just received. Make Your Choice Now. $16.00 to $40.00. R. J. REID, ndertaker Telephone 577 re to smoke, sun, dust or Leading U ESTABLISHED 1832 » SPECIAL ALE SPECIAL STOUT SPECIAL LAGER Under 21% Proof Spirits fully b d and bottled. Fine flavor and nutri- Siete De aed sparkling. For sale by all standard Hotels and Grocers or delivered direct from the Brewery. Fer price list and further information write to JOHN\LABATT, LIMITED LONDON. ONT, or Jas, McParland, 76 Brock St., Kingston. a aa : . ' , YOUR EYES. = Eyestrain if neglected, may cause serions damage to the delicate mechanism of the vision, and by deranging the nervous system, cause headaches and other troubles, For Perfect Satisfaction Cons@lt Optician and J. J. STEWART, Opt.D. rican and Cor. Wellington and Clarence Sts, Opp. Post Office. Phone 609 Century Overcoats ' | GOOD VALUES. NN \ | A. BOARD OF HEALTH URGED DEPUTATION TO] MILK BY-LAW. BY LADIES, ENFOACE THE Board Re-affirms Its Former Recom- mendation to City Council--Tra- ales and Labor Council Again Ur- ges Better Plumbing Inspection. The Board of Health was waited upon on Friddy afternoon by a large delegation of ladies representing the various societies affiliated with Kingston branch of the National Council of Women; --wheo-asked that steps be taken to have the new milk by-law properly enforced. Chairman Blackhall and the medical health of- ficer informed the delegation that last January the Board recommended to-the City Council that an inspector be appointed to enforce the by-law, but no, action had been taken. The chairman assured the ladies that the Board would re-affirm that recom- mendation but that was all it could "do, because the Council was the body that controlled the city finances and made the appointments of inspectors. Members of the deputation urged that the by-law shoold be®tnictly en- forced. Mrs. John Macgillivray, Miss M. Machar, Mrs. H. Smith and Mrs: J. F. Macdonald being the lead- ing speakérs. . The Woman's Council will send a request to the City Council asking that a milk inspector be appointed. { A communication - was received from the Trades and Labor Council urging that steps be taken to appoint a plumbing inspector. It was point- ed out that-although the Board of) Health had recommended and the Board.of Works had authorized the | appointment of a journeyman plum-| ber, no one had been appointed by | the City Engineer, who had been giv- | en authority to do so. The communi- cation stated that plumbing work done in Kingston is far from sani-| tary. The Board passed a resolution | asking Council why the instructions | of. the Board of Works to appoint a | journeyman plumber to do inspection | work had not been carried out by the | City Engineer, | Inspector Timmerman asked for] instructions from the Board regard- ing enforcing €anitary regulations on | some of the cheaper houses in the] city. In one instance, the owner-of | some old houses stated that if he was forced oto install sanitary im- | provements~just now they would | close them up. In,view of the great | scarcity ofthouses, tenants had beg- ged the inspector not to enforce the regulations as they would be without a place of abode. Mr. Cain asked if something] should not be done-to stop clothing | from the tuberculosis hospital being spant to a local laundry, Dr. Williamson stated that he had taken up this matter with the hospit- | al autherities some time ago and was { a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 2], 1917. N YOU'RE BILIOUS! - CLEAN LIVER AND BOWELS TONIGHT Don't Stay Headachy, Bick, or Hav Bad Breath, and Sour Stomiach. Wake Up Feeling Fine! Best Laxa- .tive for Men, Women and . Children. (WORK WHILE YOU SLEC! WHILE YOU SLEEP] Enjoy life! Remove the liver and bowel poison which is keeping your head dizzy, your tongue coated, breath offensive, and stomach sour. Don't stay bilious, sick, headachy, constipated and full of cold. Why don't you get a box of Cascarets from | the drug store and eat one or two tonight and enjoy the nicest, gentlest | liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced. You will wake up feel- ing tit 'and fine. Cascarets never gripe or sicken, like salts, pills and calomel. They act so gently that you hardly realize you have taken a cath- artic. Mothers should give cross, sick, bilious or feverish children a whole Cascaret any time--they act thoroughly and are harmless. mm will be -asfollows: Conservatives 17; Liberals 94 If the Liberals reduce the govern- ment majorities by only one-half of the average reduction in the bye- elections, the Liberals would have a majority of about 35. If the Liberals reduce the ment majorities by no more than one- ' erage reduction secured. in e bye ory the. government will > defdatgiand the Liberals have a ricing majority of seven. WoO BABYS OWN TABLET USED TEN YEARS Mrs. W. J. Wilson, Carp Ont, writes: 'I have used Baby's Own Tablets for the last ten years and can highly recommend them for. baby- hood and childhood: ailments. My baby boy was very delicate; in fact, we never thought he would live, but govern- PAGE NINE A ee ---- 0000s Colored Top Boots for Women This Spring we are showing Black kid with white tops-- Brown kid with grey tops-- Black kid with grey tops-- Tan with fawn tops-- Also browns, greys and white. » Abernethy' Shoe Store| | thanks to the Tablets he is now a fine {healthy boy." Baby's Own Tablets ishould be kept in every home where there are small children. They re- gulate the bowels and stomach and mever fall to cure the minor ills "of little ones. \ The Tablets are soid by | medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents. a box from The: Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. | ADDRESS ON LLOYD GEORGE GIVEN BEFORE THE KINGSTON CANADIAN CLUB. given their assurance that all the clothing was disinfected before being sent to the laundry. v The Board before adjourning re- affirmed its resolution respecting milk inspection and instructed the City Clerk to notify Council. In attendance were-B. Blackhall (chairman), Dr. L. Crowley, E. Cain and Dr. A. R. B. Williamson. Bye-election Record Closed. Since 1914 there have been seven bye-elections for the Ontario legisla- ture, some in rural and others in ur- ban constituencies and in different sections of the province. If in a general election the Liberals | in the constituencies now represented | By Prof. E. J. Michael, of Toronto, by government members reduce the | 'Whe Told of the Characteristics of government majorities by rot more | ted : than the smallest reduction they have the British Premier. ,. . . % Prof. E. J. Michael, of Victoria Col- made in any bye-election, the govern- ment will be defeated. | lege, Toronto, gave an address on his If the Liberals reduce the govern-|personal knowledge of soine of David ment majorities by the average reduc- | Lloyd George's intimate characteris- tion sceured by them in all the seven | tics, at a meeting of the Canadian bye-elections the result approximately | Club in the Frontenac Hotel on I'ri- a eee | dy evening. There was a small but very enthusiastic turn-out and the ' efforts put forth by Prof. Michael de- 9 served a far larger andience. CROSS, FEVERISH < . In opening he said: "l am rather Look at Tongue! Then Give Fruit disconcerted to hear that a Liberal meeting is being held and that there Laxative for Stomach, Liver, Bowels. " are only a few Conservatives here. | hope you will bear with me if my ad- ress touches too closely on Liberal- sm." : Later he explained, in speaking of Lloyd George's 'influence. on the Wales Liberal Parliamentary Com- mittee, that Liberalism is supreme in Wales, only two of the thirty mem- bers being Conservatives. ! Withoutwwealth, noble birth or aca- demic training, David, the son of a widow, had reached the pinnacle of success on the English scale and he sincerely hoped that God would spare him for the great after-war crisis when the nations. would be coming to a settlement. Prof. Michael took up various sides of Lloyd George's character explain- ing his courage, oratorical style, his successful use of the press, and his persuasive powers. Col C. N. Perreau presided and in- troduced the speaker. At the close of the splendid address. Rev. J. D. Ellis, seconded by J. M. Farrell, moved a vote of thanks. "California Syrup of Figs" Can't Harm Children and They Plalygrouns of Canada. The Grand Trunk Railway System have just issued a comprehensive treatise on tourish fishing and hunt. ing resorts in Canada. Those inter- ested may secure copy free 'on ap- plication to J. Quinlan, Boaven:ure Station, Montreal. Mother! Your child isn't natural- ly cross and peevish. See if tongue is coated; this is a sure sign the lit- tle stomach, liver and bowels need a cleansing at once. > When listless, pdle, feverish, full of cold, breath bad. throat sore, doesn't eat, sleep dr act naturally, has stom- ach-ache, diarrhoea, 1emember, a gentle liver and bowel cleansing should always. be the first treatment given. 1 i Nothing equals "California Syrup of Pigs" tor 'children's ills; give a A Besutiful Sight, beautiful varieties of ere that line the two sides of the | about the home of Dr, James Third, Welling- ton 'street. They are charming in colors and make a contrast with the prevailing dullness that is most. in- spiring: ent "In Charge of the Work. N. 1. Goebelle, Queen's University, will act as paving inspector, and overseer for paving ope in d you have a well and playful child : te again. All children love this harm- delicious "fruit laxative," and Tilbury for the current ye Campbell's Hats Snappy New Shapes We are daily selling hats to men who appreciate the advan- tage of camplete assortments plus thg satisfaction of expert serviag. PFiceR§in keeping with the popular demand. » We sell \ ~~) .. $2.00 . 2.50 3.50 . 4.00 4.00 1.50 4.50 Horton's | | Buckley's Christy's Scott's ©. . Barbisio's Stetson's bot | Borsalino's | i | | Great admiration i€ expressed at the | rocuses Campbell Bros, The House of Successful Hat Styles, ------r eer ter THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY.» THERAPION "lis THERAPION No. 2. cures THERAPIO BLOOD POISON. No. 3. cor 8 VITAL WEAKNFSS SOLD BY LEADING CHEMISTS PRICE IN ENGLAND, Send stamp address envelope, age & symptoms for FR! vice on suitability in your ¢ se. No follow up' ciroulars, R. LECLERC Med. Co. HAVERSTOCK RD. NeW, LONDON, SEE THAT TRADE MARKED WORD 'THERAPION' IS OW BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED TO ALL GENUINE PACKETS e------ - ash Away Skin Sores D.D.D. the liquid wash, has be- come a household word. It hak prov- ed itself a remarkable remedy... If you are a suffer®r from skin diseases, including . ulcers, pimples, scales, crust. of Eczema in any form, this remedy will not disappoint you. It! has stood the test and to-day is the | master preparation for all skin dis-| eases. Try D.D.D. to-day. We guar- | antee it. Mahcod"s Drug Store, | Kingston, D. D. D. WOMAN GIVEN TWO DAYS To Make Up Her Mind for Surgical Operation, She Re- Home-Made Candy | Fresh Made Every Day. Sakeli's Next Grand Opera House Telephone 640 Kiddie Kars for oc | the Kiddies 'Make Them Strong and Vigorous. A Pleasing Exercise. Easily Propelled. | CHILDREN'S FURNITURE IN WHITE#ENAMEL Miniature dressers, chiffoniers, dressing tables and wood-bedsteads, and utility boxes. y Pleasing as well as useful for oung folks, PATENTS Pow ) + Ja s Reid THE BUSY STORE WITH THE LARGE STOCK Call Motor Ambula nce Phone 147. { \ A Al 2 A MA a tt ERRATA { Now That Spring Is Here Bay "ANSCO CAMERAS AND SUPPLIES, CYKO PAPER AND M.Q. DEVELOPER A Bole Agent and Distributor T. H. Sargent, Corner Princess and Montreal Streets Telephone 41 ' 5 { MONUMENTS We have opened a branch of our monument business with a large stock { of marble and gramite. Special attention given to cemetery lettering. | FALLON BROS., 139 Clergy St. Phone 637. THOMAS COPLEY "Telephone 987 wanting anything done In the carpe tery line. Estimates given on all kinds of repairs and new work: also hard. wood floors of all kinds. All orders will receite prompt stiention. Shop Queen street. LUBIN'S TALMAN SWEETS NORTHERN SPIES BEN DAVIS BALDWINS STARKS IFriendship's- 210 Division St. Lhone 545 CLE SS | Our coal Is as ciean as coal can posaibly be--free from dust, slale or other foreign matter. * If you haven't laid In sour winter supply, yet, come in and see us--to- day : : The wom who scrubbed the coal bin before the coal was put in care ried cleanliness a little too far, - DANDRUFF + AND STOPS FALLING HAIR ~_ 50c Bottle Prouse's Drug Store Phone . op es "8% = ATH. ion Phone 133 Foot of West St. . '

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