Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Apr 1917, p. 11

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THE DAILY BRIT 2 ISH WHIG, SATURDAY, ARRIL 21, 1917. PAGE FIFTEEN m------ Our bakers selcct these choice inigredients--high-grade flour, fresh rich milk, Jersey butter and pure shortening in the making of McCormick's Jer- sey Cream Sodas. Sold fresh everywhere in different sized packages YOU SHOULD USE M.S.C. So good that butter Scems unnecessary . NS a = 0.- ¢ It maintains Bealthy hair, corrects unnatural scalp conditions, and assists nature in restoring normal, healthy conditions, by stimulating and renewing the bair-growing processes. @® HEALTHY HAIR NEEDS ATTENTION, and any disorder of the scalp or falling M. 8. C."S8HAMPOO contains health ingredients, hair will grow worse by neglect. pure Cocoanut Oil and other hair which by constant use will keep the scalp and hair in perfect condition. ~ Being in LIQUID form, it is simply wet the head thoroughly apply about two tablespoonsful, work up oceans cleanse the scalp, leave the hair beautifully easy to apply: You in Hot water, then which will instantly of lather that will thorou thly and after thorough rinsing will soft. Buy a bottle from your dealer and follow direc- tions carefully, and you, like thousands of others, will be convinced of our claims. Price 50 Cents All Druggists, Everywhere, or if your dealer cannot supply you wilh the genuine write us. MUTUAL SALES CO. 32 Front Street West - Toronto, Ontario Flome Dress Making Lessons Prepared Specially for This N By Pictorial Review Frock With Kim With the jumper cut in a 2 ¥. and having large armholes to dis. close kimono wunderblouse ef chiffon cloth, this model is eflective in dark blue or green foulard Very successful frocks in soft foul ard silk feature overwaists with large armholes and underblouses, in ki- mono effect. Appealing In dts sim plicity is this design for youthful figures. The jumper has a V:shaped neck and closes on the shoulders under the left arm. Ball plaits take in the fulness of the skirt about the waistline and the one-piece tunic may be finished in straight or pointed effect at the lower edge. In med: fum size the dress requires 415 yards 36-inch material, with 13; yards 36 inch batiste or iinen for the under body and 214 yards 36inch silk for underskirt. If preferred, the lower part of the skirt can be made of silk, with the upper part of lining. This arrangement reduces the silk need. ed for the lower skirt to % yard. Very little work is required on the underbody. Simply close the under- arm and sleeve seams, hem back and gather lower edge of waist so that the stay can be adjusted to position. Pictorial Review Costume No. 7225. ewspaper I ono Undetbinase, Then turn hem at neck edge and in- sert cord in hem, drawing fulness as desired Now, gather entire lower | edge of sleove and join cuff sections | as notched. leaving back seam free below small "0" perforation; finish for closing. Sew cuff to sleeve To make the jumper, close right | Lm. er oh] F no ; [JE Fine fond Co amas k . E Jomoue i Orsay rr oo o RUCTION GUIDE 7225 JumpER | a rerryy underarm seam as notched and fin- ish left for closing. Gather between "T"" perforations and 2 inche above. Form plait in front, credsing dn slot perforations, lap foided edge to small "0" perforations and stitch. Arrange Jumper on underbody and tack gath- ers. Lap back shouider edg> on front, matching large "0° perforations and close with a button and buttonhoe. Take the skirt next, agg. s@ back seam below single large 3) perfora- tion and finish edges above for plac- 'ket Form plaits placing "T" on corresponding small "o" perforations | and tacks: Turn back edge under on slot_perforation, and when closing, lap folded edge to slot perforation near left back edge. Now, close back seam of tuple below single large "0" perforation, finish edges above for a placket. Gather tunic (at upper edge) between "T" perforations; arrange on skirt, center-fronts and center-backs even; match large "0" perforations at top of skirt and tunic. Adjust skirt to position with upper edge over upper row of gathers in jumper, center fronts and center-backs even. Leave left side of skirt free from jumper, from left underarm seam to center back and finish for closing. Turf hem at right end of girdle on slot perforations, arrange around the walst, center-fronts even and fasten at center-back, lapping to slot per forations. This design makes a cool summer frock carried out fin avech union linen and white 'batiste. Sizes, 14 to 20 years: Price, 20 cents. | | | | - [ The Whig' Daily Menu N\ Menu for Sunday BREAKFAST Stewed Fruit Ontment am Omelet Cinnamon Buns Coffee or Cocon LUNCHEON OR SUPPER Deviled Cliamy - Coleslaw Cornstary'h Pudding, (ocon Sauce fea or Milk DINNER / Clenr Soup [Beef in Casserole Boiled Rice Creamed Asparagus on Tonst Old-fashioned Hread Pudding Mixing bowl, flour = cups, teaspoon board, rolling pin, vy brush Sift the flour and salt add shortening and rub in y with tips of fingers until well miked; add a few drops of cold water at a time, until you can shape it. Divide into two parts, roll out! thin; dust pietin with flour and put dough on; cover with 1'tablespoen flour, then the rhubarb, which has! been washed, skinned and cut into ilf-inch pieces; cover with the su- gar and the other tablespoon flour. | brush 'edge with milk. Roll out the! top crust, cover and press the edges Utensils two measuring spoon, * bg Di = ic 0 bowl lightl College No ericsson miamivereciend) Rhubarb Pig " } cups rhubarb, 1 cup table- flour, tea- tepials | sugar, 2 tablespoons flour, 1 Crust 1% « | | 1" { spoon milk 4 short 2 tablespoons spoon salt | uns 17 ning, s ~N Menu for Monday BREAK AST Stewed Prunes Outmenl Poached Eggs om Popovers Jam Coffee or Cocon Tonst LUNCHEON OR SUPPER Fax Salad teh Scones Marmalade Banana, Tea or Cocoa DINNER Haked Ham with Hominy Creambed Spintch Rhubarb Pie Coffee Cream of Asparagus Soup. Materjals One bunch asparagus, 1 quart of milk, 2 tablespoons but- ter, 2 table flour, 1'¢ tea- I speons salt Utensils double boiler, tablespoon poon strainer, teaspoon, Saucy pan. wire small bowl, BB ee et ee Bem reed i * [{ THE ACTIVITIES OF WOMEN Women are allowed to work only nine hours a day in Kans: g Many of the fire companies in Eng land' are now run by women Kd Vernon, the actress, has on the stage for 61 years Miss Sawiyi Misawa js the only Jap- EY Take advantage to-day--of the new health Wi i offers yom, Weak, Anaemic, Nervous, ¥ Run-down IN EW health and new life are of- fered by Wincarnis to you who are miserable and depressed by ill-health, Think what this means, id need not continue to suffer, incaghis will make you well. Wine carnis (possesses a four-fold power In promoting the new health and strength you need. It is a Tonic, a Restorative, a Blood-maker, and a Nerve Food--all combined in one great life-giving preparation. This fourfold power acting upon the system at one time, creates new strength, mew rich red blood, mew nerve force and new vitality, Thus the whole boldly becomes re-vitalized and surcharged with a delicious feeling of new life and strength, Winearnis is a tive necessity to all who are Weak, Anaemic, Ner- Sou, Run-dawn--to all ehfehied by 0 martyrs to --to all invalids--and to all depressed and "ou n't trust Remember that Wincarnis has a Tbutation 0 Arpiation of Sve 3 Sp 10,000 Doctors: Proprietors: Norwich, En " Toronto; Frank S. Ball, Resident Director. Sales Agents for Canada: Loggie, Parsons & Co., Toronto. ~ J bean, J defense by opening to the wives and together Make two or three cross| cuts on top' the steam to come | ofit); brush the top with milk and | bake in moderate oven fram 35 tol 40 minutes This makes a T7cinch ie | Rhubarb pie is one of the most | difficult to make, the rhubarb being | so watery. -Always be sure to put the! flour under and over the rhubarb. | for Directions- The asparagus is | cleaned. The tender tips are cut off | and put into a small saucepan and | used for Monday's dinner. Then the part is cut off very small, put] on in six cups of water and boiled | until tender; then mash through | wire strainer and add to the boiling! milk. Add the flour to the soft but-| ter and stir until smooth Add to | \soup and boil-5 minutes Add sea-| soning and serve with croutons | Lemon Pudding § Materials- -3 cups milk, % cup! { sugar, <1 tablespoon cornstarch, 1 ta-! blespoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon | f grated lemon rind, pinch of salt, 4 | } tablespoons cake-crumbs or soda | { crackers : | x Put the milk on in top of double | boiler, add tNg cornstarch, which \ has been wet with a little cold wa- | ter, the sugar and salt Stir con- | y stantly until it thickens, set aside to| cool. Add the lemon juice and rind.'! Ey Put the cakecrumbs or crackers in p bottom of glass: bowl or ice cream | the cooled mixture /%, other 2 glass and pour over and serve i ¢ | | A A At AA te A AA anse dentist in the United | | States | Mme. Genee, the famous dancer, | spends all her spare time knitting for | wounded British soldiers. Miss Nesta Villiers-Stuart, daughter | of Lady Muir, is doing duty as a par- { lor maid in a London hospital for sol- rdiers £g The town council of Petrograd has | unanimously agreed to appoint a cer- {tain proportion of women to several of its committees. | The former. Czarina of Russia. is of German and English blood, her fath- {er being a German, while her mother | was an English woman. Miss F. L. Stevenson receives a sal- ary of $5,000 a year as private secre- | tary to Prime Minister Lloyd-George of Great Britain. " p Miss Sargh Symonds of Salem, | Mass., has amassed a small fortune from her unique business of placque making out of plaster of paris. Miss Loretta Walsh, recently sworn {in as chief yeoman at Philadélphia, is | the first woman in the world to enlist in any armed naval service. | Eighty per cent. of the Canadian op- eratives employed in the execution of {new and continuation contracts for shells of all sizes are women. Miss Clarissa Zomerdyk, a factory worker, has been chosen as contralto {' soloist for the spring music festival to be held in Paterson, N.J., this month. Miss Grace Mack, old, is an official and measures in Salem, Mass | the only woman among, the corps of 650 sealers Miss H. F. Reid, secretary and as- sistant to the president of the Bush Terminal Company of New York, over sees the work of the company's seve- ral thousand employees. In the last 33 years, Amelia E. Barr, the authoress, who is now past 85 years of age, has turned out on an av-, erage of mcre than two new books a year. | The Vermont Senate has passed a bill granting to women the right to vote under certain conditions ih incor porated villages for all town officers, 'except road commissioners. The Central Railroad of Georgia employs ninetéen women agents whose duty is to solicit and handle all freight and other matters pertaining to this end of the business Over a score of prominent women of Albany, N.Y, have organized a com- pany .of motor truck drivers, whose services will be offered to thé Govern- ment in the event of war. 5 ~ Miss Mary Jenkins, president of the Herald Publishing Company of Syra- cuse, N.Y,, is an all-round newspaper- | woman and gives active attention to every department of the business. The United States bureau of mines is preparing to do its bit for national woman nineteen years sealer of weights She is | State's daughters of miners an opportunity to train themselves under expert in- struction for first aid work. The United States navy officials are considering the advisability of em- ploying women operators for the shore wireless stations to be operated in connection with the power boat and submarine chasing squadrons. Forty-four of the older girls at the Carlisle Indian Industrial School vol- unteered their services by way of sew- ing or otherwise belping, when . patriotic women of that city organiz- { ed the Navy League for the furnishing of preparedness supplies. Mrs. Della M. Foster of EI Centro, Cal, is probably most famous woman LU TTT T A For the invalid as well as those in perfect health Bakers Cocoa JUL is an ideal food bev erage, pure, delicious and wholesome. | Walter Baker & Co.Limited ESTABLISHED 1780 MONTREAL.CANADA + ~ GRACE" DORCHESTER,MASS. i) Grace is fdded even to a charming slight J figure by the D & A Corset No. 624. Like fy all D & A's it is made in Canada and fitted on J Makers also of the'La Diva © D&AG Ask your corsetiére. RUSTARLE +4 living Canadian models. It has the "chic" {| ofthe best French cofscts but sells at half the 73? price. There is a DafiiAs to suit every figure. \ Domo abr co. ts and the Good Shape" Brassieres 7.17 Oysters 60c and 70¢ a quart. inton Insurance Act. The am- ount called for by the Act in $30,000.00; whereas The Imperial has voluntarily deposited over $230,000.00 for the protection of its policyholders, J. B. Cooke, Dis.Mgr. 332 King St., F. F. DALLEY CO. OF CANADA LTD, HAMILTON, CAN. has sweetened half Phone 303; Residence 842. Sry » -Headquarters For GROCERIES, MEATS, and PROVISIONS C. H. PICKERING 1 490-492 Princess Street. » Phone 530. i -------------------- GLASCO'S Pure Scotch Marmalade and Jam. Baker's Fresh Grated Cocoanut with the milk, 13¢ per tin, D. COUPER 341-8 Princess St. Prompt Delivery. | | In glass and tins. | hone 76. a century with the same crystal purity that makes it the favorite to-day. Buy it in original packages and be syre of the genuine. "Let Redpath Sweeten it."' C1 100m. 5es. Made In one * You can INTENSIFY sunlight. You can actual home --by making your furniture shine so thas Yes--itke a mirror--by the use of O-Cedar. Women try SO hard to keep theis.firnicase looking new. But they grade only--the highest ! -- ents 10 right increase the cheery brightness of any room in your chair, each table, acts as a mirror. find hard rubbing cannot accom' plsh it. No-----nor ordinary furniture polish. Only one way is effective-- The O-Cedar way. "IMPERIAL LIFE The Government Deposit of The Imperial Life is almost five times that required by the Dom- ty Incidentally, 4 if you do your dusting with » cloth shghuly dampened in O-Cedar you #ust scienifically-COLLEC T+ ING the dust instead of scattering it. cHamneLL Above Patterns Can Be Obtained From Rad 20 " NEWMAN & SHAW Princess FF eee ) |

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