Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Apr 1917, p. 1

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ily British Whig (= Scot = arvvam------ A YEAR 84: NO. pt FIVE-] MILE ADV ANCE | RE AND RUIN LEFT -- . THE Se i HOSTS ARE maRRVING INDENBURC INE = CH __KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1917. LAST EDITION 'Cupid Enlists Battalions From EAST OF ARRAS [DMEM = 'ol --oosi™ HAS BEEN TURNED : i i | EE. RRC] iota reconss fy Al Maringnl comin y | E v. pF n i | 1 ds for all pa Si ows Ca i Bit smashed from coast to coast in the | United States yesteriay. A combin- nn { 2 f y i {ation of war brides and conscription spe . : MN . | J ) 6 : 3 : {dodgers wag responsible, -- Alon the Entire YA 3 {""Four hundred and eighty-two 7 ISH rusn IS ressing : ||. ! pay : | couples obtained licenses at eity hall: 1 000 CERMAN PRISONERS ' - ---- 2 i . - . i - New York, far exceeding the record . . R } Fy Eo ) ; : " jot any single day since the marriage y Hes 0 a ron nae my | ge { oN a : 0) ; | Bense bureau 'was, established on - i | ; ; Manhattan Isle. a » " s : : t L@ ER ~ Le | Chicago's record for the day beat HAD BEEN TAKEN UP T0 TUES- IS Firm e wes n asl - fo pas . 3 |New York's by 633; the grand to-| DAY AFTERNOON, | tal at the end of the day being {1,115 licenses issued in Chicago! The Canadians Are Still in the Thick . . + | p Fo | alone. ties Light. > { ! Reports to the United Press from of the Fighting and Have Taken { : 4,000 Huns, . : | other sections of the country showed ' ' With The British Armies Afield, | the northern slope of the ridge to-| [othe the Bens was nation wide. (Special tg the Whig.) April 11.--In. freezing blustery day, British patrols were actively | . 1 Both in Chicago and New York| London, April' 11.--Eleven thou- i blinding | Pressing on. From the plain beyond | ¥. : fthe crush. of couples around the sand German prisoners with 235 off Weather, with bursts of blinding in Ee I Cates feverishly | ] y ge | bureaus was so dense tha lice re-| cers, 100 heavy field guns, 163 ma- snowstorms, the British smash con-|gerved their guns, Uirecting shells at | serves were called to quell riots; hi a si " tinued to-day unabated by the fierc-| all parts of the forest in the hope of x i v Cand for a tim. the Chicago eau. ch ne guns and sixty trench mortars est resistance from tHe enemy. | hacking 15a vaward rush of the Sa A | | had to be closed. | uve already been captured by the ro 18. : | i ' On the blood-soaked crest of Vimy | od Ba rns Halg's crip. il the} f { These battalions of Cupid were re- Sritish- in the battle of Vimy Ridge. : : i A ] jeruited to many time war strength|The Hindenburg line has been turn- ridge alone, it was established by German line reached a depth of five 4 despite the jeers of men and girls in od rount to-day that the Canadians had | miles east of Arras to-day. With this| ¢ ; Ae EG cous at men sud Evia In E 2 taken almost 3,600 prisoners, includ-|Sweep forward Hie Srengili of ihe iY of public officials, 1e 'Canadians are etill in the ing 7 23 Incluad-| British offensive increases with each » | In dozens of instances grinning|thick of the fighting. A total of 4,- ing 72 officers and 23 gus. i batteri f the enemy line The y $ 3 : | battering o 4 a { ' | youths. admitted they were wedding) 000 prisoners and thirty guns have #d in this number were nine guns of push to-day was pressing along the N lodge w Others not so outspo-| ne ) s ee | | to dodge war. ABS hi | been taken by the Maple Leaf troops. heavy ealibre. The booty from the, entire fifty miles of battlefront. ' a > Rl {ken comforted themselves with the | tod pil defeated Germans also included 70 ] p _ i 3 g , > { Eden-old subterfuge of blaming- the | sion La ai's smashing oti pl 0 trench Canadian Casualty Estimates. ! = ' { woman, saying they were 'wheeled S Ca m s urther for- machine guns and about 4 res (Special to the Whig.) oy eR : z x ihe f into martimony to avoid war ward against the Germans to-day. mortars. Ottawa, April 11.--Eighty-nine : os gi y wp AR oF : A i | : : The. capture by British forces of Elsewhere along the line where Canadian officer casualties were sus- * | the village and heights of Monchy Gen. Haig smashed his men -for-| tained in the first day's Agnting of § ; . : 5 : | THE WORLD'S NEWS | Te Fata omy ia Rergute was an- ward, three corps of British troops [the Canadians for. the famous Vimy PORES ¥ WE : Nas 3 ef Paric Lina 4 5 Taps | nounc nearly despatches from tod: 7,294 prisoners, including 170 ridge. This Includes dead woums : Here is the main street of the town of Novan, the. point nearest Paris oceupic d by the fers IN BRIEF FORM him to-day Officers. They also seized 88 guns, ed and missing, and the Canadian| Mans previous to the retreats of last month. The picture shows what the Germans did to i ns "Satisfactory progress is being 18 trench mortars and 84 'machine losses as indicated by the officer los- before eviicnation. French engineers are al work repairing the shattered ruins: > This is Tidings From All Over Told in Wate Pow wii sg PLL on guns, ses are considered here to be unpre- the first picture fr 111 ' NOW are: " devastation. | »| Haig declared. '""The battle front . The top of Vimy ridge is now -at- cedentedly light in view of the im- SL from the n W area of devastation AAA A iin a ign ni | a Pithy and Pointed situation is developing generally in tained and firmly held. The British portance and nature of the action. { Way. accordance with our plan." Arne = } were systematically clearing out|The ratio of dead to wounded and | | |e Monchy le Preux lies at the south- snipers in villages farther ahead on missing is usually about one in five, > { President Wilson calls on United | ern extremity of Vimy Ridge and the the lower slopes. The steady pound- The number of casualties among | States farmers to increase production | heights of La Bergere.are just ad- the rank and file is not available ' h ; {of food at all costs, | jacent. The smash by which these ing ot fields guns searching out such nets of the enemy continued inces-|for publication. Usually the rate of i oN i a President Menocal was finally re- | new positions were gained puts the santly. casualties among (he men to cas | elected President of Cuba when by-| British line another half mile south Bad weather made no difference |ualties among officers is about twen- f 3 elections were held at Victoria def east of Arras in the direction of to-day in the strength of the "Big |ty to one. It is estimated that the '8 | Lastunak. | Cambrai. Pusi." = Elated by their victories;| total casualties among the men for An officfal statement issued by the! The territory . northeast of St. confident of their superior strength, | the first day does not much exceed Orangenien says that thirty per cent. | Quentin is being swept clean of Ger- of the éntire membership of the! man forces as the British encircling d sec in the perfect co-ordina-|1,500. The wonderful artillery pre- aus ! t & -- of al arms or The Serr the | paration is considered to be respon- Manner in Which British Advanced Over By the Huns is Recounted by Ex-Ambassa- By Preventing tke Germans Sending Too Dider In British Columbia has 'en-| movement gues ou, British and Canadians poured for-|sible fon the comparatively ' light : German T { d N I Fast. listed with the righting forces. ward in Waves, steadily encroaching |losses. The names of those who fell Many renches. dor Gerard, any 11608 A { At Austin, Texas, the greatest pub- War Tidings. on the German-held land, and asin the spendid victory will be made [lie 2 oust ation Syer Htnonsed a The French a Jopgiation ia oe {took place onday afternoon, when {dered to eave eims, g Frenc -- : epi -- 'Steadily eating it away from the public in the usual way. Relatives ; ; énemy. or dependents will first be notified. THE GUNS FINALLY MASSED. more than twenty thousand citizens movement is on. ; | of Austin and adjacent towns attend- In order to expedite mobilization i nn. * g British Gain Five Miles, Berlin's * "* Report. | A ; ed their loyalty to the American flag|the United States Government is ' 5 yr hd Whig.) : v NT | [| -- by forming 4 marching column sev- planning to take over the control of i of Pr ir rs sum | Deri Eaiat ho chi whips 1. GAINEY i MAN FRONT fy yn TAUGHT 70 BITE BRITISH | IT WILL BE KNOWN WHERE om) aires jog. ta ger each hour, despite desperate ef-| Repulse of British attacks ith, frida, SEN Th . | PRISONERS, HUNS- WILL BIRR. TPhold fever, Jideh has Dean Le. The sanadlans} have thersulihly Priv forts of the enemy to dislodge them. | heavy loses," to the Suomy on bath intrepid Atinmen over tiis Ads i ---- b : FO so Borer; as. ast | ant of] cred ory dn fully. ne A counter-attack was Pepulsed dur- Hides oe TA | Everywhere and Enable the Brie. Grad Protested to Officials--Says tor Their Supreme Military Effort|yn Nie =o Bo78l Richelieu and Ya-|pared to make further inroad fmme- gs eo Rb covering ment. Ish Artillery to Shell Every Dun.! United States Could Not Have! "German Prisoners in Oages| maska, and caused, it'is said, by the diately upon his further fortifica- Aroug -- / = very Done Anything Else Than Enter Cause Amusement to the Britis contaminating of those rivers by the| tions. Hest total in railway gr. Area. } | the. War, Tommies, | |eewage in the neighborhood, does not de eaten NOT TO CHARGE MORE This is the smallest tatal in railw th. the British Armies in Fn . re appear to have abated. HINDENBURG'S PLANS accidents in the last ten years. France, April = 11.--The ) British | DV York Avril 11.--Somg London, April 11.--Many obser- + . SEPP Ibe SBP ee bee i Text Books. SII ed the northern pivot of the famous | "Pcl [Alioy prisoners in. Germany [the present smash in order to pre-| "FEEDING OUR ALLIES" Catch the Allies. { of Toronto, April '1 ~The" Minigter ARE VERY LARGE. ot British troops are pressing far be. Su bis. were id he Members' of To Jo, utlacn Russia. that | IN War at Present--Hundreds 1i. "3 1 eons a rTAny 0 r BTR GRRL The hak, 5 § S110 or lt Te we Bard fr Cio MAN, 0, Su Se ere oni efort un bo Yesited. movements of troops for the spring he her Mar Si for paper : as (including 235 vy MdYanced ron 2 06r- Gerard haa vy os nip ir fhe Rom Ne a oa - ah bo tits layed by ar eg Continued So LEAST IN TEN YEARS 4 Guns (including ; Be 2nd iu pu; found an amus- oo ughy Bililury lies sew Lelie ration of foodstuffs and pro-! Which during the fraog myvetiants Only Thirteen Killed in Ontario Rail (¢ more than .. .. .- Shem ly as wen file operation. for delivering them at the| restrictions, is now being resumed way Accidents Last Year. + Trench mortars .. nails in the heads through the bars either Russia or Italy. The British ports of Britain and France is to be] O0 more normal basis. Various ex- er a 386 Mjared HEE ey Yaar Rd ave Jan sampa. ! dent of their strength in France and us Jn BON. = ot thousinds | Sieh Jor 1h yD ord an using lis Se oN HE io PRL Ln istlens men Save mute ation. of the attack launch- hore Martie po ittenbure, thle to take care of herself. European fronts as soon as they are| man military crities are based op the strongest sections of the German fhere Bre Bis Te. yas 4 ad, ei deyelan here Germany = facilities are available. ments from She trop Soysments . iy Ti Sin nei Fh Set BoA She th To Tak vee Re ta Tm oA Comme ot [2 A ld 1011 od SE gh Cl cs dt BLL SL French. org Sapir lh Slt | mere Brome ec, | IF hire ot dit" Die ai | Be fotwhrd. dressing "este. ths Nebhina een fer 08 10 the Sand Pi cutiot issued by he War In Russian the ve ange poi dan Hn abe ay iy Prt hog ug he prisoners singin Ju hig Sp prisoners at a; athe hey iin It by Buenos PAiren Ap IT Argen- Ole "0h "Hailes detruchosy amy rai mie eon of the rag duh stand So S| hoot, UF neg, not IVE BS tort grat nret all ingle men without depensontn. [20 sacs pied Slates' declaration fhe Shams vislonty bombaried sur Mallon, © hatin et Bene aC bi "Germaine 1 yas 3h shout converse wih Germans wh| _ PAYOUR COMING 70 Us. (us a muiraic ~~ "To oe SARI bce | oS 0,0 ar WE, Fh £0 ES Sn Pl UE SE BES ma, pas tr st of 0 Pris 3 pm ----- 7 ' pi Than Previously For The School aT im sweep east of Arras yesterday turn. | CU PdIng stories of the manner in [vers believe the British are making Were Completed a little Late to ADHI 11. The Minigter |# BRITISH CAPTURES Hindenburg line, and large forces" 'Ortured by their brutal German vent the Germans moving to many TO BE U. 8. PART Copenhagen, April 11,--There are + -* | Pupils of the schools of Ontario shall # London, April 11.--The total #|¥0Rd the top of that German barrier, last night by the former United Sta-| ne Germans intended to attack her Men to |i now completing his new strategic + paid for them previously, in spite of + is officially stated to be as fol- The manner in 'which the British ard. It was the first occasion since less a great diversion were created. (Special to the Whig.) operations, which were somewhat de- + officers) country's part in the great war tor; Passenger traffic on the railroads, g . must have believed would protect cannoy up to 8 inches), H Than 2 ing time in shooting arrows with | vent a German concentration against | viding means by full naval co-| tBpdciakic the Wiles # Machine guns .. themselves have-been amazed at the, the Allied prisoners in the Ger-|and French feel completely confi- | the extent of the United States physi-| Press trains and sleeper services, upon railways operating in Ontario roa---- tention ron Was called to onc | Flanders, and Maly is regarded as tor will be trained for action on| The current articles of the Ger- i In a fortniglit,at most, it is expect- | fit and as nD as the transportation | assumption that the first develop- and Municipal Board just completed. | France. ed Monday against some of the|tles on the church door, One jneident be pac 4 28 soon a P ' / lines of the entire Western front | confined in one eamp with typhus effort this year. GIVE PRESIDENT AUTHORITY | to have an opportunity et ac- . . ar, | 'Toronto, April 11.--When - the . ¢ of entrenched warfare. It has taken quainted A ie Tporty Alien = ay | Cage German Prisoners. * {Special to the Whig) Lientenant-Governor prorogues the 3 \ months and years of preparation, | were all driven into the quarters London, April 11.--Men who are 'Washington, April 11.--The House | Legislature to-morrow afternoon -he - aus : H WV. ese but when the guns were finally mas-| With the Russigns. They were by | Walking back to the hospital stations Naval Committee to-day reported | will give assent to 111 bills or exact- - hammered it into submission., » "1 learned that the German offi-| mans are being "done" everywhere. | in time of war. | enactments of the session just Paris, April 10.--The official com-|5 German battalion attacked the| was this hammering which de-| British soldiers in uniform. When| Wounded men return, whistling or| pending upan them, will be discharg- Argentine Remains Neutral, 'North of the Oise the artillery on | machine-gun fire. brought about the recent retirement dogs bit a few prisoners. Corps and Divisional Headquarters|the War Department to-day, . This tine to-day formally "recognized the shelled German organizations east | of the Orfano Gul." : . Now the top'of this line] tise was being continued. 1 told a|their turn at the front. They gath- ---- but announced her strict eontingance EA ---- positions in the sector. of Neuville- | The meaning of the aeroplane activ-|if the practice did not stop I would| re able to speak English. Even in! British Foreign About to! DAIL from London hotels, who are ca (Special to the Whig.) Windsor Hote the direction of Bethincourt, we 1 ' ops. ; . - : = See top uf page 5, right hand corner, ery firing was reported along the|of Germans, has been revealed in the I told that officer 'I don't know|tured anxiously inquire how things London, April 11.--Foreign see- " Tat Sader our artiery trea! whole front yheterday. On 'the | new attacks, What You can do. aboUT IMF § Laces [Are Botte er anduire h Zeppelins,| retary Arihur J. Balfour to spout so ToT Srobabiittien train, which was completely destroy- Carso during the night of Sunday the! The intrepid airman are covering ia few dogs.'" The camp command-|!eft "any visible signs" of the city. leave for Washington on "a special oo Belgian 'artillery took to] ®P¢mYy attempted to attack the ad-|{the advance everywhere, keepingler was ved. Loud Jaughter rings about the mission," according to an official sup a Ge artillery heh vanced posts recently captured by| the troops advised of enemy move- "These Rings may show you ajCages at some of these queries, and annoyncement to-day. During his wo task rons erman una Tront | Our troops in the area north of Bos- and enabling the British ar-| little something of th Spirit exist- the replies of the Tommiles ecause!absence Lord Cecil act as 17, tay : : Shheared, , | comalo. The attack was stopped by shell every area where [ing in Germany. We ve no com-| laughter in turn within thé cages, Foreign Secretary. 10th 'Aprel, 1917, by : ite spirit tea the th our batteries before it had time to|concentrations appeared to be tak- prehension of it in. this country | The prisoners toss out water bot- ! pr Rev. John D. Bilis, at the Queen | Anite spirited firing 0 Sourse of [develop - ing The day was anything I could concéive of no greater calam- | tles, which the British refill and| ' ANDREW BRODER STRICKE © BL Methodist parsonage, Miss Vers : "Ea 'theatre--V iv : but ideal for flying. - It was blustery ity than that events should have [fling back. There is also a lively ; iis Kathleen Davis, daughter f George Eastern Sook ee uve ate ' {from sunrise to sunset and furious arrayed us on any other side than |exchange of souvenirs. With A in the Commons is, 148 Riacau at. ¥ ae ; of Mona : : Show-squalls were in the air at half- with our friends across the border." . 5 i ber at Ottawa. Aor nr 7 hour intervals. Du the! : Ho $ ingen

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