ANNUAL VESTRY MEETINGS! THE ANGLICAN CHURCHES ON MONDAY EVENING. | oF St. James' Church Had the Best Year Financially in Its History--Good | Secure many subscribers through the! envelope system as possible, so that the' revenue raised by this' means cover the current expenses. The committee is to meet at the end of, every quarter and to report. J. 8. Sibbit wag re-eleeted rector's warden, and J. D. Baxter was elected people's warden. J. A, Wilmot was re-elected vestry clerk . N. Stanton Berry; people's warden, A. J. Shan-| non; auditors, E. E. Horsey, George Compton; chief sidesman, Earl Park- ins. r Advisory board--The churchward- ens, George Compton, J. A. HoMand, | James Blakey, S. Thomas, S. Graves, | H. J. Simpson, W. Carroll, W. J | Saunders, 8 Green, J Serivens, T.| England, 'E. Parkins, A. J. Murray, H. Jennings, J. Marsh, James Fe =, general fund and $650 for a new organ. " On Easter Sunday the sum of $900 was collected at all the services. The organ committee reported that $2,- 500 was on hand for the new organ, and that it would be installed' by September 1st. While the building committee has sufficient money on hand to make a start on the new THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1917. A -------- PAGE FIVE Pretty Footwear Reports at All the Annual Meet- Sunday school building, it was con- * ings. {sidered unwise to make a start at The vestry meeting of St. James' [the present. time, owing to war con- Church was held on-Monday Bight, ditioks. sad the matter of building and the financial statement present- | W& . 2 ed was one of the best in the history | The rector Spinal that he nad of the éhurch. Forty members were | re-appointed Joseph arrar as his in attendance, the rector, Rev. T. W, | Warden. W. Ny ato Nas iY dec. Savary, océupying the chair. ed people ® Warden, sud Neji: cCalg Before the business part of the | a8 re-elected vestry ¢ TOF b i nieeting was taken up the rector read| The advisory board w fe Som the names of members of the con- {posed of the following: JK. Carroll, gregation who have been killed at |W. H. Dalby, G. E. Hague, 1ancls the fromt--Barnard Richards, Ern-|King, Neil McCalg, J. S R McCann, | J. N. Watts, A Graves, R Reynclds. {35 and B R. Sioit uate Delégates to Syngd--A. J. Murray, [3U¢itors for the you delegat the W. Carroll and H. Jennings, Stuart was elected as delegate to the t Hearty votes .| Synod for the next three years, ' Y votes of thanks were ten - . dered to the officers of the church,| A VvOte'of thanks was tendered the Sunday school and the ladies of the | OT8anist and choir, to the Guild and various guilds for their work during Sunday school teachers, and - other the past year. | societies of the church for their "After the meeting was closed the Splendid work during othe year. . members -spent a pleasant hour to-| ee. gether, during which rel: eshments were served, FOR WOMEN This season we offer real pretty footwear in black, brown, grey, white and combination colors, yet not extreme. -- est Partridge, Harry Scott and Geo. Prestqn. The latter's brother is also at the front, and the father is now | preparing to go. Reference was also made to Harold Farrar, who is do- ing his "bit" at the front. He was a very active worker in the chureh, and is much missed. 'The report of the rector showed that there were 268 families repre- sented in the church, with 476 com- municants. At the Easter services there were 389 communicants. Dur- (LIEUT.COL. LOW IN FRANCE | ; | ATTACHED TO THE 4TH C.M.R. i BATTALION. W. J. Murray, H. Sharpe, J. Sharpe, F. Hamilton, F. Welch, S. C. Smith. W. H. Dalby was re-elected envel- ope secretary and W N. Linton was elected secretary of the Sunday school building fund. W. J. C. Allen and J. S. R. McCann were elected as auditors The estimates as submitted by the advisory board were accepted, 0 on the people at the pr APT . r Suassts being Thade Ii the items of R. J. Carson was elected tecture} MEULCO C: A Low says: tHe War x . * warden and P. D. Lyman people's Cb An affectionate/letter was sent by warden. Lieut.-Col. P G. C. Camp: | piice 20d attached i a fx St. George's Vestry Meeting. The vestry meeting of St. George's Cathedral was held ia the Sunday | school 'hall on Monday evening with | (3 large attendance, 'a number of Expects to be Returned to Canada as ladies being present. Rev, AF. C. Colonel--Cannot Get Post Very ; Whalley presided. The {nancial | Easily. statement read was | Writing "rom France under date of arch 13th, to a friend in this city, Ing the year there were 38 baptisms, [the vestry to Bishop Mills, who is iil, 27 confirmations, 11 weddings and [and letters were also sent to mem- 25 deaths. Special reference was|bers who were Wndble through il nade to the death of Albert E. Shan-| Ness to be present, also to the Misses nom, who was a lifedong member, |lovick in the death of 'their nephew and who took a prominent part in/by drowning. the activities of the church. The| A letter was sent to the vestry of rector, also made a touching refer; |St. Luke's church, wishing the new ence to the death of Arthur Lovick. | rector, Rev. J. de Pencier Wright, It was noted that the attendance at|and his congregation much prosper i» the morning services were =better ity. follows: S R. E. Burns. were: P. D. 8 {Calvin, C. C. rice and W, bell was re-elected vestry clerk. The | finance committee C. Calvin, White, R. E. Kent, H. F. Price and 1% €X¥Pect lo be here long, as being Kirkpatrick, G. J.°F. Johnston, C. E: The different societies and organ- {talions, co 4ecided to come. to one elected was | where most of my men 'were. 1 do W.. J Prices $10.00, $9.00, $8.00 and $7.00. ------ » 's Shoe Store -- a 'ted | & Colonel it is not easy to get a job, The sidesmen elected {and of course the commanding offi. 3... | ¢er of the unit does not want a man ad wool S.-C. lof equal rank 'to himself about. It Sins, 2 > Saw yerr|is not good for him or myself. I ex- HX Gil mith, H. F. pect, therefore, to be returned to A Ae Canada after the stay here. Perhaps Lyman (chairman), C.| than in the evening. | The Sunday school has eight offi- | cers and 36 teachers with a total, re-| gistration of 350, The various or-| canizations have been doing good | work, and had.a most satisfactory | report to make, | The rector expressed pleasure at the financial statement, which was! presented. Bight years ago, when the rector took over this charge, the congregation raised $4,445, and there was a debt of $7,000.~ 'This year the sum of $7,500 was raised, and there is no debt, while there is a balance on hand of $116 in the Learned From ~ That He Could Depend Liver Pills to C ® Maynooth; Ont. Apr: 10. Living eighteen miles from a drug store, Mr. Carr found it necessary to keep in the house some treatment to regulate the action of liver, kidneys and bowels. To the habit of keeping these im- portant organs active by the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, when required, he attributes the good health of his large family. Here, surely, is evidence of the va- Th lue of these pills as a"tamily medi- ciné to protect the Wiembers of the family who use it from the common ills, so many of which arise from constipation of the bowels and tor- pid condition of the liver and kid- neys. Mr. James Carr, Maynooth, Ont., writes: "About 19 years ago I re- ceived an envelope containing two of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. 1 Nineteen Years Ago ure Many of the Common [lle of Life. tI can be of some value there. If not, | 80 back to civil life and my family. |Th's Is a wonderfully interesting country, and one sees evidences of [the tremendous organization, pre- paration and development in the Al- the few Francis King, -Prederick' Welch and G. E. Hague were aspointed delegates to Synod, the 'latter for three years. izations of the church presented re- ports which showed them to be in a most flourishing condition. . n . St. Paul's Vestry. St. Luke's Vestry Meeting. ' . : The annual vestry meeting of St. The annual Vestry meeting of St. lies' armies during Luke's church was held in chrurch hall on Monday evening, when reports were presented by the past rector, churchwardens and the vari- ous branches ef the church, all of which showed the church to be in a preaperous acondition. The election of officers resulted as | : , : {not being ready, tie me follows! Rector's warden, James journed for a week. a a Sample on Dr. Chase's Kidney- J I used the Pills, and by the time I had finished one box I was cured of the pain in the back and shoulders. "We have great confidence in Dr. Chase's. Medicines. 1 have a family of ten children and have never had a doctor in the house for dny of them. We live eighteen miles from a drug store and find that these Pills cure nearly: allithe ordinary ills by - lating the liver, kidneys and Bovels. are all .well and sound t- théir use, and I have Fecom- mended them to hundreds and given away many a box, because 1 believe there is no medicine so good." By awakening the action of liver, kidneys and bowels Dr, Chase's Kid- ney-Liver Pills cleanse the system of poisons and remove the cause of bil- lousness, headaches, backache, lum- bago, kidney disease and rheuma- tism. One pill a dose, 25 cents a box, wad doctoring at the time with two doctors, and as they did me no good dit dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Ltd.. Toronto. {City Dairy PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM, Y Visit This Dairy and Decide for ourself. -- Satisfaction Guaranteed. 24 Johnson Street YOUR EYES, to the delicate. mechanism of the system, cause headaches and : For Perfect J. J. STEWART, Cdr. Wellington and Clarence Sts. Upp. Post -- Eyéstrain if neglected, vision, and by troubles. : Satisfaction Consult were not funds, through the envelope system, and ask them te subscribe .by this means, and to bring before the con- gregation the amount of 'money re- quired each quarter. 5 cause It is the aim of the committee to deranging t Optician Opt.D. So ae h Paul's churgh was held -on Monday | years, t € dven. Canon W. F. FitzGerald pre-| "There is nothing but success sided and read reports of the Wo- [ahead for us. We have the men and men's Auxiliary, A.Y.P.A{, Ladies' [the metal, both of which Fritz had Guild, Sunday school, choir and or- right at the start. The Canadian gan fund. These were satisfactory, Tommy is in a class by himsel, and and were accepted. Owing to the lis mak' ng good evervwhers he goes. church warden's financial statement | To me it is amazing the development eting was ad- land evolution of this citizen army | from all classes of citizens who never - thandled a rifle or knew of things St. John's Church, Portsmouth. {military in 'their lives before. I saw The annual vestry meeting in con-! Major "Billy" Manhard a few hours nection with this church was held in ago. He s a D.S.0., and is one of the 'school house on Monday even- [the best 'out here. In facet, Kingston Ing, the rector, Rev. J. O. Crisp pre-|boys, both officers and men, have siding, There was a fair attendance | Made good. _ Lieut.-Col. Dawson has of the members of the congregation, 'done splendid work, likewise all of several ladies being present. One. of the officers, the canons of this diocese permits ae uepm-- lades who have sittings to attend véstry meetings and vote. A very ] satisfactory financial statement was | submitted by Mr. Scally, treasurer, | Eo -- : which was referred to R. Graham | TWO YOUNG AMERICANS HAVE and Mr. Paige to be audited by them BEEN FIGHTING VILLA. and reported at the adjourned meet- | ! ing to be held on the 23rd inst. Jas. {They Have Signed Up With the Halliday was elected people's ward- | 233rd Battalion--Are - Antlous to en and Jethro Graham, rector's | . a - warden; James Scully was appointed | Get to the Front. treasurer;: Mr. Walkem, K.C., was! After eight months. of chasing appointed a delegate to the' Synod Villa on the border, two young Am- for the next three years. The finan- ericans, P. Crammer and R. Yerex, cial statement showed this parish {decided to get ito a real war. They exceeded their apportionment by enlisted at Vancouver With the 253rd, some eighty doMars. {Queen's University Battalion. They dot -- are at present in' Ottawa, and will "St. Mark's Chiarch, come to Kingston afler the Easter The annual vestry meeting of St. JolIgays, to train 'fn "the school " Marks church, Barriefield, took place Both young men were formerly on Monday evening, The rector, members of th i e 3rd Gregon National Rev. A. 0. Cooke, presided, and ad- 'Guard nlisti i ly dressed the vestry on the work of go & enlisting in i the: past year though border life agreed with them, year, | excitement was not - plentiful en- The auditors' report showed. an ©X- 'ough, and they received their dis Denditure of $1,128.82, including charge, coming from = ¥éra Cruz, $150 paid to missions, There still Mexico, to Vancouver, where they remained a deficit of $55, which out- | signed wp with the Highland unit. © | standing collections covered. | They declared that they were Following the adoption. of the re- pleased with the action their coun- port, there was a general discussion try was taking - against Germany, on the financial standing of the par- dnd although they now wished to ish, With a view to placing -the be with an American unit, they funds on a better basis, it was pro- | were of the op nion that they would Posed that the advisory committee, see active service before their coun- consisting of the. rector, the wardens, [trymen. Both' young men are ex- the vestry clerk, James Baxter, Ed- [cellent specimens of manhood and ward Murray, N. Stanton, jr. J. J. make a fine impression in the High- Wilmot, and J. M. Stuart, meet gt Jand uniforms. | the end 6f every quarter, and adjust Tl Me sgt the, finances so as to be able to meet all indebtedness to date, | The committee were to interview " | Pegular seiobon to the | WAR. BORN IN APRIL oP 1007 AND LIVED FOR WEEKS, | Has Become a Mummy and is ty Inches Long and Weighs Two' Pounds--Interesting Exhibit. | A real mummy, a baby, born in! 1907, "who died after living several weeks, was viewed the other day at a local undertaking establishment. There is no record of the parent- age of the infant, and, in brief, its history is that it was found dead ten Years ago, and the body was turned over to. an undertaker.' As the body was never claimed. he decided to use, it for experimental purposes in en- balming, and prepared a special mix- ture of embalming fluid, a portion 8% Shieh. he injected into the little y. : -- } The result proved successful, and Try This! Your Hair Gets Soft, | in a short time there were evidences Wavy, Abundant and Glossy of mummification, and after being At Once. an object of curiosity and a "ten ------ Ss' Save your hair! Beautify it! It js| taken to an only a matter of using a little Dan-| building and tucked away on the head top shelf of a cldset. Jasin Jot have 4 aad at tog shell of a vides years the infant body has laid there undisturbed, ex- whe person has called i unused room in the i Twen-- SPRING HATS SMART SHAPES You will be delighted with - the new shades we are shows ing this season in greens, greys and browns. Special blocks for every type of face and every age of man. Special values at $2, $2.50. Campbell Bros, Hats That Are As Good As They Look -- -------- THE SENATOR WHO LOST. = = RM LRALEILETTE This is Senator La Fullette, whe led the six pacifists that voted against the resolution declaring war with Germany. =¥ Y. I}, Special Greater production needs more hands. The farms of the country cannot grow greater crops with the present shortage of labor. WAS ANAEMIC For Over a Year Anaemia, or blood turning - to water, is caused by the heart becom= ing deranged and if the heart be- wonder," the mummy was i il iE & - i i y Fresh Made Every Day. ' _ Sakeli's | Next Grand Opera House Telephone 640 Sn Te -------- Niddie Kars for ory the Kiddies | , Make Them Strong and | Vigorous. A Pleasing Exercise. Easily Propelled. CHILDREN'S FURNITURE IN WHITE ENAMEL Miniature, dressers, chiffoniers, . dressing tables and wood-bedsteads, and utility boxes, Pleasing as well as young folks. James Reid THE BUSY STORE WITH THE LARGE STOCK useful for PATENTS summing Now That Spring Is Here Buy \ ANSCO CAMERAS AND SUPPLIES, CYKO PAPER AND M.Q. DEVELOPER T. H. Sargent, Qutney Princess and Montreal Streets Telephone 41 MONUMENTS granite." Special attention given to cemetery lettering. : FALLON BROS, 139 Clergy St. Phone 637. EE ---- SPECIAL SALE FOR ~ THIS WEEK ONLY, | Rest Laundry Soap, 6 Bars for 25c Pure Fruit Jam, 10c a Jar | | rueins