Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Apr 1917, p. 1

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12 PAGES | » 1 . Ae 1Z1n 141111 PAGES 13 Cr tt ttt tts titted s YEAR 84: NO. 84 s i | : : Marshal Haig 15,000 prisoners and ' ~~ | > - Nn between 50 and 100 guns, : 5 " | en - -- x = The driving force bf the ~great | Ack Jez 1 ! offensive was undiminished today | : 5 : Lo i 4 E a | even with bitter opposition from the | A ; IV BEATEN [= = LINE MENACED = OF REVOLUTION ie . je 500 EM ed 2 : | 3 rr -U | War Tidings, | \ AE a YY 7] Lt is officially announced that the | ' . | 3 a 3 i Se-- United States has taken over from Sh -- | ; on . y | the British the protection of al} At= : 2 ; | : Pe L] the British Capture of Vimy Ridge on ia.ic ion, 2,2 shipping. (In Germany During the War Is the Opinion The United States will be excluded | KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1917. LAST EDITION : C adi S sorted $ F us| Pha Constang, . i : Hom the Allies trade black list i» By al Ins, upporte By me amo # ~ n % | Gorman observers in two captive | ' Sl - LED IN AT. ballons escaped deat Sunday by the | Will SWEEP ~ * British Formations, Carry the Strongest CANADIANS Ut EE es OVALISH WIL The American steamer Seavard| : i i wv : {9,000 GERMANS WERE TAKEN | warning in the Mediterranean by a | OVER THE COUNTRY WHEN De ensive 0s ions I- | BAYS) : PRISONERS. Ay | German submarine. All the crew of | WAR IS OVER. J ) 4 a | 81 was said to have been saved. . . 4 2 y | - - MUT.8 i The Brazalian consul at Paris no- mans on the Western Front ' 3! \ |The |firitish Casualties Small--| he Braslian c ent Monday that 4 | Th Germans Believe That "Ger. . , ) Tanks Did Great Work--The Ger- German U-boat three times attempted | Mans Wit Sain ie Victory, But S } A mans Taken By Surprise, | to sink another Brazilian steamer | ingland Wi in the War," ewan el fo the Whig.) ond. | Were splendid and proud that they ' > : @ (Special to the Whig.) | which has just docked at Vigo, | Hotterdam, Wpril 10.--I Dy Stewart Lyon: Special Corresp have been counted worthy to furuish IF , 3 4 Paris; April 10.--The whole Ger The Uni St x i is | ent of the Lanadian Press. = | striking farce in so important an | Ad ARABIA Ww Re, i Ap * SB © United States' main PUTDOSe | from several persons who have ar- Canadian Headquarters in France, Operation as the recapture of Vimy | E . + x Bs. 9 {man line is menaced by the British |in purchasing the Danish West Indies [rived from Germany that much di (via. London), April '9.--The crest gioco : E : SPF: O55 |8ain.at Vimy Ridge yesterday. from Denmark was to defeat known! tent exists amo y _ he A of the Vimy Ridge has been carried.| = No ground in all France is more | X Syrian Desert |" The Canadians led in the great at-| Jerman plans to establish a Zeppelin | con Fiala among fhe soldiers a jo defensive position of| dear to the heart of the French | * : { eC v | and submarine base there, the front; one reason for this discon. The sfrongest defensive y t has| PeOPle than the front from which | * Scale in Miles . ! | tack and capture of Vimy Ridge, | Orders suspending further Nation- tent is the "distinetion between offi- the enemy on the western fron "i" ihe Canadians set out for and drove | TBs B te ga i With nine thousand German. prish| al Guard mobilization until Congress | and men as regards food, the heen captured by the army of Sir 0 enemy from his positions on - {oners. "The British casualties .were| adopts a definite military policy have . : { . ; § s ye . flicers being provided with every 'anadian' Ri { Vimy. This > Mes : shows ly the lo- | been issued by the United States ad-| © Douglas Haig, and the Canad an! dge of my This map of the Mesopotamian Valley shows ¢ rly | small. ued luxury. While my informants are : in| BR -- feat Caniki 'here itis ssian' es have 2 ; corps was given the place of honor in sive Attacks Fail, | €ation of Kanikin, where the British and Russian Jere | Some 3,500 prisoners were 'captur | agreed there is no liklihood of a rev. the great event, being strongly sup- tipegial tb the Wing.) [united in their pursuit of the fleeing. Turks. : fed in thé new drive against the A een Wa | olution during the war, they state ported by some of the most famous London, April 10.-- The repulse of | German lines by one of the British | WENT TO WASHINGTON {that the Social Democrats' doctrine of the British formations. all German counter attacks in S€-| positions on roads radiating _ from AWFUL DEVAST, armies alone, Reuter's correspondent TO STUDY PENSIONS |, .. gained enormous ccopt By Saturday atternoon Thelus, | Vere fighting during the night at the | Arras" said the official statement. IN EVACUA FRANCE at British headquarters in France : i acceptance northern end of Vimy ridge is re-| . i CPR |among the men at the front, : A tidal the chief village held by the enemy | OC by Field Marshal Haig. They did not succeed in breaking telegraphs. The prisoners have been| W. F. Nickle is Drafting the | . B. Socialism will sweep over through. In stubbornly resisting an EE on the ridge, and lying due east of| "The enemy was Slocted and a ny of Speier a, Nk oor lu. 8. Ambassador' '8harp in| coming in in an endless procession. Bill For the Canadian {Germany ds soon as Hostilties are Ne . Vaast, ounded out|counter attack by them fa . he mgd 4 i { The : Neuville 8t. Vaast, was p western slope was cleared and count. divisions suffered considerable logs Paris Reports h sit to ay ee casing In inten Commons. | concluded, They added that one at of all "recognition by-our artillery, whip \ a es. : " er-attacks repulsed. the Ottawa, April 10--The work of | © most remarkable features of only two houses remaining. Even "In the neighborhood of St. Quen- CRT ; pe { I ---- : ~day* 1s" in the deep dugouts, where the Ger- tin," the report continued, "the en. Washington, April | Never be. Tanks Capture "The Harp." drafting the Pensions bill, which will Stmany today i that yi country mans had hoped to be reasonably |emy was driven from the high ground fore in. the history of world, has! Along the greater part of the front | De introduced during the next ses- a..or 'men. BOFHIOYS. safe in that rain of death, no safety|Detween Leverguier and Hargi- there been such a ty &h destruc- Says the correspondent, the. advance Sion of Parliament, is being rapidly | numbers of men are being continual. 4 court." tion wrought by eithéf a vanquished | of the infantry was strenuously. op- | Proceeded with by W. F, Nickle, who | ly sent to the tront. was to be found anywhere. "We seiged the village of Tam- or victorious army." posed. Near A h -| has the matter in" hand at the re- , yy." nsed. F Arras the Gefmans of. . All men serving at the ft poux and also the neighboring : MANY WORKMEN This- striking * stafement is con-| fered determined resistance and a Quest of Sir Thomas White, Minister granted ten days: leave re on Awc-Inspiring Spectacle. defenses -to the north and south of tamed in a cablegraphic report re-| large pocket of the Germans was | of Finance. A thorough study of elled to wor v Saturday night our Canadian gunsjthe Scarfe." celved by the State Shost to-| reported to be still holding out at|Pension systems generally has been rn either at "ven dave ot that continued the work = of devastation| . "After an intense bombardment day from American Ambassador| mid-day, although entirely sarround-| made by Mr. Nickle, together with way or munition work. 'An English under conditions which made a spee-|the enemy at night attacked on a ; ; at Paris narrowing 'the result! ed. : Kenneth Archibald, K.C., counsel for woman long resident in Germany tacle that was majestic and awe-in-|Tarrow front south-east of Ypres and The Baldwin Locomotive And Munition] of a» official inspection of more than| The famous redoubt named "The| the commission in Charge of the|stated that the workin classes are spiring. A full moon in the east tit | succeeded in reaching our support 100 miles of the iny®ded French | Harp," only a litle les formidable problem. The two gentlemen named suffering from privatign. Cases of up the countryside with mellow |!ine. They were immediately eject- Factory a Edystone, Pa., Suffers. © territory which. oS paccatly given | than the noted "Labrinth," was cap| have just returned from a: visit 1o [collapse among the hgrd manual Ia- beams on the horizon, while the |©d. leaving several dead.' ---- Up by the Germans and retaken by | tured with virtually the whole bat-| Washington, where the working of | borers were numero . When she flash of the guns mile a continuous _-- " : the French. The Ambassador's re-| talion defending it. Several "tanks" | the system now in foree in the United applied for permission to leave the play like that of the northern lights Tampoux is about three and a halt port asserts that repomts circulated | were seen climbing Telegraph Hill, | States was' into, 'officials asked her If she not afraid In the Dominion, or distant sheet|™iles north-east of Arras, in the di. | in France and published | which commands "The Harp," and; Through the courtesy of the of-| to travel to England now. They lightning. This was sharply broken | "ction of Vitry-En-Artofs and Doual. probably' had much to do "thei &ials in the Amerjean capital, who | said laughing, "We sink every ship now and again by a column of red-| Hargleourt is on a line with Tres ig had | surrender of this position, Save every assistance possible to going to England." She said, "Bure. ridge, high ursting. ; 3 by the retreating Germany Army were | thro to the yalley oft sired, Mr. Nickle and Mr. Archibald | children?" But the officials The guunbrs, With tireless energy, fui $e main line of German con. pT-- In no.way exaggeritéd.' Towns 'were adds the cortéspondent, the obtained a thorough insight into the again laughing, "Yes, every ship." continued the cannonade through | Pun! atighs between Cambrai and totally destroyed and other terriftc| made good' progress, upon the Lens administration of pensions in the| I am assured no one in Germany Easter Sunday. -On Monday morn-| St: Quentin. Reported damage done without any. apparent branch of the ling they captured Mai- States, and obtained many, { believes thie country will derive ing came the supreme moment, that King's Cones ilations. ei] to the Wie military reasons. son Blance wood. which will probably prove of value | advantage from the war, while the in Which our Infantry was called up- Soutial grat rg Philadelphia, Pa, April 10.-- ROBBERS Rath Zitat In d-afting the legislation to be| more intelligent Germans forsee MODS. of wrend reap the fruit of| , _. (Special to the "Ring. Ghorge | Barly reports, followin three ter- BERS RAID A' oLUB, pr urprise (0 the Germans. &dopted in the Dominion, | paukruptey, destitution and an end- montis of preparation. They had de ion, De Ce IE Flo ¥ reports, & ---- + The attack also hit the north-| -- ----_ [less prospect of unremunerative toil endured, unwaveringly, the answer- Marsnal Haig: messag ritie explaglons in the Baldwin Loco- Masked Men With Guns Cleaned | gyi linge of the recent German re- after the war. It is now commonly ing fire of the: enemy, which, how- "The hols Empite will rejoice at | Motive ahd munitions factory at Out the Members. - treat from Arras to the Aisne. The | $b tb PEFEP EPIL P PIECE S004 said, "Germany will gain the victory, ever, was not edual to ours. the news or yesterday's successful | Edystone to-day, gave estimates of Philadelphia, _Apuihq 10.--Thy ve] Germans evidently had expected a INCREASING N + | but England will win the war." . Operations. Canada will be proud [casualties ranging from ten to fifty [masked robbers, armed. with révol-| renewal of tue 'densive in the valley 8 TO SERA RES LT * ANT Canadians Spring to Attack. that the taking of the coveted Vimy vers, entered the Broadway Club, | of the Somme, for in making the re- OLT, Mi PAYS PHYSICIAN dead and from 100 to 200 injured. ol Such was the spirit of the ififan- idge 1 t t of 71 Mechin street, Camden, at an|treat in that sector they announced Jodo try, who in the grey preceding the oor Fai othe lot ot hes In the 'excitement and confusion) early hour and ordered eighteen men | that they had 'completely disarrang- (Special to the Whig). + FOR BREAK NOSE dawn, sprang from their shelters and all who have taken part in this |following the explosions, which oc- to hold up their hands and lime up od the Brisa Sgensive plans. Yay: : ma aii ue, Arm Borger : Court i te he th inted tim me. It " : 1 . again the R.* > esist-| terday's blow was Britain's answer. 8 C n Proceed ngs ned when the appoin e came. | splendid achievement. curred siiortly after ten o'clock, it|agal a Otie. red resist vay # nearness to revolt in Germany. ¢ Over Attack Avoided by Settlement. noy-Le-Retit, Pontru and Maissemy, | COULD NOT BE LEARNED AT AN been left tA {gd 3 > i ¢ dish-yellow fh re, WLR Ri pie ET Taine nani, "-RARLY HOUR, : by the wrough long the - rafiway ne' Sears the trp full the end 'de-|ly not ships carrying women and ish Was a great occasion, and greatly - : ance and was knocked unconscious * . they rose to. it. Pighting Goes On. Was impossible to get definite: facts) 20% 82d fron 'the batt pf a recor! Ofensive Extends Northward. * (# The United States entry into + . From the craters of the scarred . as to the number killed or hurt, or ver. While two of the robbers cov. (Special to the Whig.) | # the war and Monday's British # | 4 id front, which resembled. the .opening By the Untod Press Gor dent. the ful extent of the damage. ered the crowd, the third went | . London, Anil 10.--Field Mashal # victory lead to much trouble, 4 8t. Thomas, April 10. Court pro- made In quarring SP Nyations, tie dis. London, April 10.--To the south| One report from -the fire depart- Shrough thelr pockets and 'got 3300 Huis gllensing ac ar, oxietded bb tbtsoboataciais. ceeding threatened against Alderman ance to the top o of Sea to-day the British t t t Edystone sta- cash, twelve = watches, eight s Spat PLETE 0 00000004 from twelve hundred yards to a lit- were ad the on system of ted aad guar yoy 100 men had stick-pins and other articles of value. | here today from his handquarters : a i mmond Sa Ps Beunett, tle short of a mie. Thereafter the the German lite, which is nearly | been sent (o the hospital at Chester, tte Aga mentioned fighting near La Bassee, al Society, for aa es following an ground falls easterly toward the|opposite the famous "Hindenburg |and that many of them were believed W. F. GARLAND 18 SCORED Bitter fighting marked the Sop. ttack by th Ao h % great plain of Cambrai. Up thelline." From the point the fighting {ts be so critically injured that they -- 7 |tinuation of Field Marshal Haig's attack by . Shinan on the oe. ridge, amid the shattered Hun tren-|rront runs by Feuchy Chapelle to the | could not recover. For Violation-of Law in Government | forward march in the great spring : ---- | or at a meeting of the City Counel ches, our men swarmed in-successive least to Neuville Vitasse and south- Reports direct from the scene Contract. offensive today, The British com- | Committee last Monday, when the waves. On the northern end a few warward. All dlong in this section said that "many must have 'been Ottawa, April 10.---A severe ar.{ Mander-in-chief today reported 9,- y doctor's nose was broken, have been trees along the jskyline marked |the troops are mow facing the Hin- ight." "| tai 000 prisoners and forty guns as yes- British averted k settlement of the case. ! killed outright. Ffaingment of W. F. Garland, former day" ' Alderman Hammond paying Dr. Ben. . bi Te ao arash a pn had not slackened in German Plots Responsible. Foousefvative ember for, Carleton, his Bird Te tuo Seat dal ot nett $600 i : 4 . ] ntario, contain nN a report by - . triad -- the remains of an orchard. © slightest degree to-day. The i the Wiig.) ; = issio smash, Lon . Hl wn a m---- ---- 3 Stops are immensely pleased to be Philadelphia, Par, April 10.--Offi- © invetieats yidson; Commi ner ------ King an; rt 4 Thinks ingly Richard Olney, Sceretary ou State amine Wegiwous Vand, the] treneh ------ or the Imetion of ml ow Mas of the po Tiki report deals bmg the sald of Expect 15,000 Prisoners, words" in greeting America's entry gioo oy Sunday, He a ni i war. twelve-inch weapons were used ~ the "Push" started one are 50 killed and 200 injured: It is rg nin rip resign his Bich ju By WAlliam Philip. Simms, U.P. staf Wilson in the followi | range The Jurhoses at very long could the Dione ho nighe[aibler CCAR Plots are respon-{Qiurien saga; -Garland ought by Uh he BRtich. Armids Afeld, | ooaived by the King Totetay Ye The Ruscian Duma has voted. for range. The spendid co-operation of through thi Dlackness of the night|sible. i . subterfuge to do what the law, as| With the Fmies 0M] SOR, 8 Jussia . SER oe nt GN Eh Shh SE Mt edt ut ie an UL 1 TREE SRE ree Bi S01" at mason ot SLATER corr of he Sn Seuuter-aiack, on a mueh Jo part ut to' the ltvely singing of Canadian attarmoon that thirty per Sant, ork i ------ aad § ish smash will have _netted Field ational ita os Jovot 3 a opmanity " front. ? i songs a American ragtime, in the employees nearest the exp on . * A ment amon, MEMORANDUM he ron southern end of the Can- midst of a howling snowstorm. were females. CANADIAN DENTAL CORPS. ke me 31 the world, or siving 30 Setond ct x, % Dan tt mans eld Prisoners continued to pour back - ee sm ebm With = ; a v 4 gr dian (rent he oan than ry od of the lines to-day--most of them| RUSSIA RENOUNCES CLAIM Organized 700 in Command =F. ££ L088 Holland +of national independence and uphold for BrobatItS® 3, right hand corner, north. Many prisoners were taken of ER of : or on, 3, A Arron. = WS the Highty of hunianity, wR SRL niche, {ea ghd sale hx 3 Constantinople As Part Claim hn, April: 10.--A Canadian! EQWEND Ey "In nam ft. Luke's " o aa sa for a, which hag beeu Hive For Peace. army dental corps : ; to which Jerincom wrect. Wednesday, April 1ith, mered it to pieces. It did not long SS tBgecial to the Whig ~~ | finitely organized : <. 'guidance, 1 thank you | to™ 3 to 6 pan. hold out. By 12.30 o'clock, seven : : Petrograd, April 30.--The pro-| Eo instrong, j : : . : ring words." BORN, X hours after the battle began, no or- Ss onal Government today announc- | of other : y ' een ; a CN : ganized hody of the enemy remained] London Papers Praise Oanadisns. ed lishment 'of its claim for iters of the new corps . | BIRD--Oon Afri tub BIT to Mr. and on Vimy Ridge, save the nest of co: Specid] to the Whig) Russia of Constan : ; > vi tinople as part of don. A disease hitherto ) 3 : 42 Division a led mach n sections on Hill] London, April 10.--The big . p peate, -as previously {0 dentists is now being trea! ty a mn IRKLEY--1n We Tab . ie gun our don papers are loud in praise of the ARTES dor areateratic ra them. It is trench dnd it ls oe { MERKLEY. Ws : Canadians for capturing Vimy eon; 4 ©, and the ' d J > : Savagery, MeCUTCHEON--In Hartford, Conn, U. Casualties Light. ~ Sesh, which have bean held resol: LE Cow . : R.: ; ; il 10, 1 $3, Mr. "and Of the casualties it can only be| utely 2s the ana as the feat a ----aa nt 4 : ke Sif al er corresponden : ne. wi v 6 J bi 3 - . fo ; v = § DAS moment that they weve! bastion fortress ra month of the : recklegs- of the ground] war. is ia : into the war was expressed by Presi. | Some months, Olney wis eighty-two yr Bis Yared im, 18 daughter, Doris Mado DIED - : | Eg = ara va The pt 'taken on « unde : i ¥ i / ; Ys ' Rk un rom ifs 1 adian part of the fropt bly to- n State: ents have Sal a FW ednestly moraine at tal-e}*%e to two thousand. Our men ; Ri. ; ered eeks ago 4 2 ' " ds 250 acomaineanoss respeotfully NIAAA i tN a a fil EEE : i : 3 id

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