NY \ / THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1917. ¥ : PAGE NINE - a ---- ---- -- oon i - = I I 1 ! i ; (THE HISSING MUST CEASE'THE PRESBYTERIAL UNION 1 | . ; pe : 2 S-------- . ---------------- : One Quart of Mi | OF AMERICAN PRESIDENT AND HELD ANNUAL CONVENTION IN 1 eas i i . { i : " TRE wl . " , e | Is equal in food value to three-fourths of a pound of i k 1Ay IN THE ATRES THE CITY ON FRIDAY : | | Beef Steak, eight eggs, fifteen pounds of oysters, two ' Consul Johnson Again Complains-- PD. V. Sinclair, of Belleville, Was le | © pounds of fish, six pounds of tomatoes. And the milk He Says Soldiers Are Responsible! Elected President =ad H.W. New- he Is more easily digested and far more economical than --Military Authorities To Give man of Kingston, Vice-President-- 3 - . apy of the other foods. Warning. Interesting Addresses Delivered. . : FOR WOMEN n 3 * 3» For within a few The annual mvention of the ' . , eeks, Unitedstates Consul Johnson Kings ~ Pre t i Union was han Waa i A an a a : Of stripes, and Fr . dont W thrown upon | At rnoon. session Rev. Dr This season we offer real pretty footwear the screen in theatre On: M. Ms: ( ned with devo . bl k b hi . . ee a a a a A A A AAA SN Si mmm. mame. | Th UTS ALY President Wilson's! tignal se President D. V. Sin- mn ac ' rown, grey, w te and combination picture was d-with marked ap- clair, Rev. Dr Gracey, who is in plause, hh d with © the* ap-/ charge of field mission, Rev. -J.' D colors, yet not extreme. -- : = > : playse were s which the Consul Boyd and Rev. A. J. W. Myers, To? : . un states came from soldiers including | ronto, and Mrs. Angus Hall Stirling 3 CHEMICALLY SELF-EXTINGUISHING:- [lic\tn", Fou otcers." Consul Johnson | ail gave. addresses The financial Prices $10.00, $9.00, $8.00 and $7.00. ) y : - agdin reported the matter to the g | statement was satistactory. * A quar- : Lo . : ( What do these words mean to you? . . | eral officer anding and was as-| tette composed of Messrs Raynor, A AAA A A A A AA -- - sured at would be taken to| Newman, Wilson and Thompson gave . : They mean greater safety in the Home -- Surely something | warn t that insults to the! an enjoyable number : : 3 =x . that interests you keenly! | head of the American nation and Old | At the evening sion, the devo- : 2 3 : 3 > | Glory would. not .be tolerated | tional exercises were conducted: by / ' Perhaps you have noticed these words and the notation Mr. Johnson told tha Whig tha:| Rev. W. J. Parsons, of Glenvale: af : : "No five left when blown out" on our new "Silents Parlor" match ivilians were not responsible for the! ter ich the nominating committee, . boxes. The Splits or sticks of all matches contained in these hissing Ho remarked that it was! composed of ev. Mr. Salisbury, of boxes have been impregnated or soaked in a chemi al solution very disagreeable for Americans to! Burnbrae, m McIntosh: Belle- which renders them dead wood once they have been lighted and attend the theatre and see their Pros- | ville nd A'S Kerr. of Helle- : blown out, and the danger of FIRE from glowing matches is ident nsulied ville: R ibmttted the follow te ro hereby reduced to the greatest minimum, The Whig can assure Mr. Johnson hy Sa : . i y irresponsible persons acted Honorary President, William Mc SAFETY FIRST AND ALWAYS -- USE [lin ne matter of which be comptains | mmtoeh, "sellovites President, 1. ¥ i h flag has often h2en hissed ! Sinclair, jelleville; vice-president, ian torn down in the United State H.-W. Newman, Kingston tary, ' . ; } EDDY S SILENT 500s Hut Cand S F. L.- Newman, Kingston; treasurer, | there we he ucts of jingoe d w, Kingston; executive " were repudiated by good Americans rittee, Rev. br. Gracey, Ganan- Home-Made | Now that Uncle m has issued aloque; Alex. MacGregor, Napanee; J. | defi to Germany, t few people O'Bremner, Bancroft; William Gill, > = - {who display such unfriendly attitude | Kingston; Miss Gandier, Newburgh; F Jat the theatres shou emember that | James Craig, Kingston al y / the United States is now one of the) Finance committee, D. A, Shaw { Entente Allies and is going to use| Kingston: John Cooke, Belleville; Fresh Made Every Day. ® [its blood'and money to help in over-! William Moore, Latta; J. €. Link g | shoul r Pr sian militarism They | later, Gananoque should remember that American. Am E. R. McLean of Cooke's y & eu S om ATEN SL Eb SLANE bo RL Bain ig Pi Sakeli's years Britain's representative in Ger » Possibilities 'of Religious Edu- | . - | many and did a great deal to allevi-| cation "in Kingston Presbytery," in Next Grand Opera House Cond T date the lotr of Britjsh and Canadian which he urged the Kingston Pres- Syrup OFF AR & hori oners Fliey should likewis2 res! hytery to have Queen' University Telephone 640 ' | me mber that Consul Johnson has for | jpaugurate a course for graded : o 5) 2 | Lhe past year and a half been instru sons so-that teachers might have a EASTER HATS. CANNER SR ©D IVER l { mental in having thousand of par-| chance to take a.few week's course -- fouls sent safely through American in the winter It was pointed out Out tock ha hit 'the key ~~, Sr. --_-- A Smeg A A ANN lB A pA | sources to Canadian prisoners of war} that in the States these courses were note in. men hat style by N UP-1 O-THE-MINUTE y | in Germany, and has packed the par-| given and an appeal was made to get selecting the feature models = ™ gels In his own office ree of thats: Queen's to take the initiative, Can among the manufacturers * " In BABY CARRIAGES, { He hus also done everything to help | ydians went over border to get er Sold in gencrous size bottles by cll dealers. | Canadian mothers and fathers in get. | (his training Christys, AA GO CARTS, SULKEYS ty ting word of their sons in German The interesting announcement was 1 ba EY THE J. L. MATHIEU CO, Props., SHERBROOKE, P.Q. { captivity. . It is a poor return for a {made that the Union had. pledged its Stetsons, l [ 1S) 3 AND STROLLERS. / Makers also of Mathieu's Nervine Powders the best { few irresponsible men, probably most srt to Rev. Dr. Gracey in his P ! / \ remedy for Headaches, Neuralgia, ard feverish colds, of them outsiders, to tarnish the 'misslonary work to the e of roctors, | good name of iKngston by slurring $500. The money has already heen : a : | tha American President ,who has| raised Borsalinos, ---------- -- AAA A AA A A, | lined up the American pethle on the Dr. A. J. W. Myers, of Tcronto Buckleys, { r iside of the Allies If the military gave a most interesting and instruc- 1 -- | author ties can lay hold on any of the (jya address on "Youth and the Com- Rega 8, { guilty parties they hould punish} ine World Order." i 2 them, and if there are also any civ During thé evening, solos were Old Time Prices. {ilians responsible thoy shoul¢ ® | renderad by Mrs. W. A. Beecroft and ~ {ashamed of themselves, Mrs. A. D Nelson It was decided $2 to $4.50. RN to hold 'the next convention at Gan- > ~ anoque Rev. A. 8. Kerr of Belle- YOUR EY , Sw Eyestrain ir 'neglected; may cause serious damage SATISHIED MOTHEF S. ville, conducted the closing exercises to the delicate mechanism of the vision, and by deranging the nervous | At 6 o'clock, the dolegates had system, cause headaches and other troubles. : 5 Ean want] SUDpEr together after which Rev. Mr. 3 For Perfect Satisfaction Consult No other medicine gives as great yap oan reported that the summer 3 jie stagtion vy ie Phe hi pt school, for the trainimg 'of teachers i § tik Abany s ables, 2 IA LW ) a8 ished af 'n's this < 3 's Larges i yealers J J. STEWART Opt.D. Optician and are equally good for the newborn woud be established af Queen his Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers ; J, ' Optometrist, babe or the growing child. They ure!" * e . =" 3 4 J) | . Cor. Wellington and Clarence Sts. Opp. Post Office. Phone 699 absolutely free from injurious drugs| top ties at She an mae ~~----_.sya'r"'tnynnnnnsooB.>h =0p0o Everything for and canfiot possibly do harm---al 3 provi 8 : Mrs. er -- ------------ : : avs BOOK Concer ther Mr: | Annie Taylor was convenor of the CD END 0 GED - yas good Concerning thom Mes:| tes. Tha. adiox wore. tondor. Children's Comfort. -_ -- . dwrites: "I have used Baby's Own|€d a yoia of thanks Sor the excelion| "Ranks with the Strongest" | - . Tablets: and am well satisfied with| manner in which ex Jooked after 4 #® them and would use no other medi-| the arrangements, | HUDSON BAY | ame el = ine for little ones." Thé Tab-| pep | lets are oi by ine deniers or anit FATE Fie EN RE i Insurance Company . by mail at 25 cents a box from the}. A SACRED CONCERT GIVEN FIRE INSURANCE Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-| . . . ! | , ) ville, Ont. | In the First Congregational ( hurch Head Office, Royal Insurance Bldg. | The Bus Store with the Lar J ey. see | on Friday Evening. PE au | y ge Stock. : The £50 foot-bul of the new M.T.| JA sicred concert was given In the oe Ror L QUINN, oe 3 | Phone 147 for Motor Ambulance. --_-- . Company freighter Westmount was| RPirst Congregational church on Fri- launched at Collingwood on Thurs- | qay evening, and was opened with Ww. H. GODWIN & SONS { ye | day. Mrs, L. L. Henderson, Mon-| prayer by Rev. John Lyall. Two or- AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ | ~~ Se treal, formerly of Kingston, graceful-| gan solos were given hy Miss Bessie o/ . {ly performed the christening cere-| R Vocal solos were rendered tne . ® | mony y M. E. Fearne, Miss Winni- OT ans AN CR | Now That Spring Is Here Buy Charles Moxley, formerly of King-| fre/ Woolgar and Dr- A. W. Rich- é ston, hes developed into a peach of ! ardkon. There were four anthems y ANSCO CAMERAS AND SUPPLIES, {a curler at Lloydminster, Sask. In| by/ the choir--"Jerusalenr," "Hark, S a recent bonspiel his rink made four rk My Soul," "There is a Green - | CYKO PAPER AND M.Q. DEVELOPER y J straight runs and won the grand ag-| I1ill FartAway," and "No Shadows ' ~ Leregate prize. Yonder." The, solos in the anthems + i Sole Agent and Distributor 3 . iinet | Wore taken by Miss Fearne, Miss : -- ar h Woolgar, Mrs. G. Coward, Miss E. No More Pulfed-Up, Burning, Sweaty, A Leach, and Rev. T. De C. Raynor. Calloused Feet or | : GOOD VALUES { The Congregational male quartette Corns. ar ent . y . 2) Sen | rendered "When Storms Around Are . eo * 9 For Six Months | Sweeping." Rev. Mr. Raynor gave . i ao . . : | two recitations entitled '"The Feast Corner Princess and Montreal Streets Telephone 41 B.B.B. DROVE THEM AWAY. | of Belshazzar." and "The Leper." A. : ts f "~ | duet, "When I Survey the Wondrous pli 1 3 ; : - . "ogg ras sndere by Misses : When the blood becomes impure | Cross, was rendered ¥ the very first symptoms which mani- | Wolgar and Leach. Miss+ Taft and s ! fest themselves are a breaking out of | Miss Rogers were the ompaniets various forms ofsskin-trouble such as There was a large awd sence. presen), We have opened a branch of our monument business with a large stock . bnils, pimples, sores, ete, and to gel | "| of marble and granite, Special attention given to cemetery lettering. rid of these, trouties Jou wast Must Furnish Certificates, 3 ; ; ' ine % cleanse the bloo oroughly w It will be a hard matter for any- : SPECIAL AGENTS TAILORS, good blood remedy. ow | one in future to defraud the Cana- FALLON BROS., 139 Clergy St. Phone 637. The best hood toausing femedy| jun Patriotic Fund by making false i rr ---- . : on the market to-day Is Burdock. ements as to the number of child- | / yr 1 Princess and Bagot Streets. Blood Bitters. ren dependent on them when apply- | ; 5 = | A NEW SUIT ' Thousands of people from one end ing for relief. £ 4 ~------_ ! F EASTER LUBIN S ; of Canada to the other have used it Circulars have been sent from | j,. (ake your shoes off and then | OR during the past forty years, and have | headquarters hergAo all soldiers' de- put those weary, shoe-crinkled, ach- We have it here. Come in and , mempenmnn Rething but words of praise for its pendents "are dwqwing from the jo puening, corn-pestered, bunion-| Pick it out. See the new styles and » : = cleansing properties. . fund, @sking them t6 forward the , ro a elt 6 Cours in a "Tiz | UP-to-date designs. Compare our Mr. Rufus Beers, Upper Main |, qrriage certificates, and in the case bath. Your toes will wriggle with prices with others and we guarantee River, N.B., writes: "I want to 8a¥| where allowances are drawn for chil- joy: they'll look up at you and almost | YOU" Won't go away. without leaving a few words about your medicine. | gmp birth certificates must also be gor 00 Wl Cl Tike another | Your order. L, i ron Burdock Blood Bitte rs. d had otis furnished. dive in that "Tiz" bath | Fine blue serges at $18, $20 and up "hee 1 for over six months and sometimes nie-- -- v . ech Eel 3 | Fine browns and greys at $18, $20 up Announcing the New Easter and Early eas 20 Wad 1 could not work. 1 tried » singsiom Wagar A¢ Fhe Pont, | When your fact foel ifke luppn of 120 WLS wie Treas C0 SICAL LY \ Spring Modes of {lots of cures but nothing would drivel 1; Cor. J. 8. Skinner w former jo 00 0 Lh Sloricus Your feet B1OVES, hats, boots and shoes, etc. § . them away for good until 1 took mayor of Kingston and for a number... dance with joy: also you 'Sil! 3 > & BER. In 2 Shon Sb as all of years commanding officer : the gad all pain gone from corns, cal-| ISAAC ZACKS, : . 5 tter. It is a dandy me - 11 14th Regt., who has been serving in ing : orl N . -- keep it in the house all the time." | nha Middlesex Regiment Imperial louses and Pamone. ike Tel 271 Princess Street. | : Burdeck, Blood Bitters is manu-| srymy since the beginning of the war, | ino only remedy that draws out all| ~~ ------------ Wr, factured only by The T. Milburn C0. | i pow in France with the Hamp-' poisonous exudations which puff " 2 Limited, Toronto, Ont., but sg welll pire Regiment, to which he was up your feet and cause foot torture. WE HAVE A NICE | x « on] and favorably is it known that there: yransferred recently. He wa® resid-} "qo 'y 25 cent box of "Tiz" atny | { 3 sg 4 are many imitations on the marketl.| ng in England when the war began, drug or department store -- don't. ASSORTMENT OF % Frere : See that our name appears on the} ang was refused an appointment ini yay Ant how glad four feet gets ' : iL wrapper. go - the Canadian Expeditionary Force bY | ow comfortable your shoes feel. Yon | > > A pre nvied w view the Iavored Jaodels in Spring and ibn) Re ---- the Hon. Sam Hughes, £38 wear shoes a size smaller if you J 00s, © For exclusiveng, uty, grace, correctness Re = a a - desire, | EX and superiority of materials, workmanship and finish, the wew/ ITY T AXI ST. 'AND Cunard Line in Pittsburg. | mm : d Spring styles excel anything ever presented for your inspection, C The Cunard Line and Anchor Line i . | - -- have taken an office in the Chamber i S| f M WwW - of Commerce Buflding at Pittsburg.| . . - ) " hoes for Men, Women and Children. | 285 King Street. H. H. Kellerman, who has been in the| SPECIAL SALE FOR | 5 3 , : Sustoln service of the Cunard Line, as Man- i ~ x : i - x Opposite Cast House ager of one of its Passenger Depart- | THIS WEEK ONLY 1 ~ = --~ { ment, for many years, has been ap- . { : Ja ® Phone 749 il: pointed Manager. Charles G.- An-| Rest Laundry Soap, 6 Bars for 23¢| J REDDEN CO. - ' an ] HE : | drews, at present Manager of the firm | Lindner's Pure Fruit Jam, 10c a Jar] AS. : & . i ® el ' Boat, Train and All City Calls | of Messrs, J. J. McCormick & Co., : ! p : . A Promptly "Attended to. J Tourist & Tickst Agents of Pittsburg, hones 20 and 990 111 Princess Street. Kingston. modern five and seven passen- Mll «ill be Mr. Kellermann's Assistant. _ E. H. BAKER : "A : . - : ger cars used. BD - Bu Cor. Montreal and Charles St... | On Sunday last the deith occurred | "A. wet Good Friday makes a Phone 1263. ' {at Aulisville of Samuel Walker. He | thirsty year," is an old adage. i was seventy-four years of age. | | i