THE-DAILY BRITISH WHIG, ® SATURDAY, APRIL 7 1917. > i t + 4 } ~ Frontenac i Yours en aad rete > ¥ i - mca 1 LENDOWER < = e101 1) it contains ' > LY 9 H 4 . the most ! ve tol S = : in an. agrécab ( digested py « -- ® i i . ie * No 3) "Dri e Sl form:-----DBect Ml iver Peptones, IVE OIOW-- ir A ---- ¢ 4 Th R d o R 9" Iron and Manganese Peptonadte 5 Gly f] a Oc gh ' L d Addi { WESTPORE . i 10€ a i 'Ou \ LAK) €nnox an Ing on CETOPOE phat ele, X CL ROSH LARK l % be Ked 1ail<tip( i ¢ Tie ia an a aed | BETHEL 2 F. } \ ] Kk Ny 5 > a Full Formula on Every Bottle a fs always sold with a definite guarantee to return the purchaser's e : money if it fails to give satisfaction. Very few bottles are returned, ' J x = tin MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE, LONG POINT + KINGSTON, ONT. CLARENDON *YENMMACHAR ' . . Also the best druggist in all Ontario towns 8. ' = i - = - ; A ~ " ~ - . » 1 + . Canada Cement Company, Limited > Amazing Power of Bon-Opto § I | Fr G11 i trea { | / : To Make Weak Eyes Strong "CONCRETE FOR PERMANENCE' i . / é . i v Ho me - >" Doctor Says It Strengthens a) 600D BLOOD h nti O / ) GO D 2 Eyesight 50 per ce ne A obi les of J { Automobiles o {i Blotc hesagd | ? s Ti | Quality. | gore | Week's Time in Many Instances a 18 key pt. | : ) . 5 rest I {| : fe Reo and Cadillac ! by ait ih ¢ f | { A [ Prescription You Can Have Ww i the faithtul use o Filled and Use at Home 50 43 ! { : | . <r? wien | BEECHAMS| : 1 i ---- | George Boyd Pil k S \ i tributos A A DELTA 120 Br st rh ot Worth a Guinea a Box ree b : . Directions of Special Value to Wome a are with Every Bex Ne SE pee i everswhere. I 29cents, > i KPITTSFERRY 3 {1 we rowing be a wy ] Wl A ¢ l G { Vi } ~ . { IN PACKAGES. ; w Black, Green and Mixed. Packed in + King- 0 i \ H sn -- ston, by H £ Q I Xr GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. M } N J Leed gm " N= ------ -- ) He S iT Ji i tte eee en se ed : l il 1 V ick' r ohn VN y MORTON McCormick's Jersey Cream Sodas Mrs 5 1 Me lex i + . . nui be yf friend to i { ; jlassey cau v ~ are so crackling crisp, so light, and TR : : glosses ea | so easily digested that they "can 8 er J 2 ~ -- t : Clars nd rene. 14 « be eaten at times when heavier, Clara and A coarser foods, perhaps, would cause many friends of Miss | At-| A or) t | , discomfort. ON ts 1s ui Dr a saw | Sold fresh everywhere in différent critioal eondition in : | petette tuatngsttreteetntios pebreeeaes : sized acka res. Ask your grocer. il Hospital. The i the sa k . . packages. Ask your grocer. |i} Hobie), Ti fone Puls, Shen Suna 't Township Councils | 77777 ful dances of late of 3 H 3 k Vi ports having a good irned Tie r. spend + 4 | v Wh h Morrison, pastor of week I M I vig) \ . Sand Hill Presbyter h as return ry LOUGHBORO 9) decided to remain®a pastor f p veek al Seelg el { 9 ' 4 another term \ 1 $ AYedp losin ---- € CHARLESTO So good that butter" LAKE OP INICON Dr Ea Mi. and M Ww ; #1 : seems unnecessary March 31 The lake is now con-| Cro went to the Outlet on el a ) ' $ vii » sidered nifit to drive on Tra pets = -------------------- ~-- H oF » 64 |.r0 md\ng a start to capture the : on . ; pe i supply¥td' muskrats. A n r of BES F le} a : Fred Peters -- A A AA AA farmers 'Dave tapped their trees ab zy sundarv: § i A. 'DarlThg has purchased a Chevro ' a ark ; " let car. The many friends of Wil-; - 'BOWELS, STOMACH, $ : a iol E. = liam Kerrnisia, Cha 's Locks, @ ; : i A CO F 1 t Stops that pleased to hear that he is progress : | nomi ca ain ng favorably since undergoing al HEA 3 A | < operation for appendicitis at, Kings I a a : » ain in t e ac ton General Hospital The house n ua : . CERTAIN inherent occupied by Mrs wdall was barn They Liver ' the L 1B } h i " > perma + us ( » ground me ight las Ie Aven the Liver and Howels| pa I 3, ¥ f armanent - satisia nm w f - Pain in the back is one of the most com od Lo tie grout dS 2. hig I Jas ~ and' Straighten You Right i 3 . | . te, mon symptoms of Kidney trouble very tropa ap i Up 1 | Of these, the more imps . i , saved ~ The cause of the fire is un Pe | these, more 1mpr e and Cove § movement becomes a torture, and if neg- Known The surprise party held at -- all: § County . Canacity ™ / 3 , lected, the disorder finally confines the suf- P ON ith's. recently 'was gieatly or Don't Be Bilious, Constipated, Sick, | an oe of 16186 tile account; 8 I apacl . I extent 10 ¥ are present, ferer to bed. jd%ed by about forty young people With Breath Bad and Stomach i p i | accurgtely d mine real This i8 exactly what happened in the case Dancing and games were indulged in Sour, | J of Mr. Arnold McAskell, of Hants County, until the wee small hours of the | Nova Scotia. He sought in vain for relief morning. Mr, and Mrs. Smith prov: | . » o until ne decided to try od themselves an ideal host and - ENGLISH 70 7 Pure White Lead nostess J. Randall has secured a i 30% Pure White Zinc position on the Elgin section. Mrs | 100% 1). Cumpson is nof improving M { 0% Pure Paint Hughson and R. Ggmble attended E | Stewart's sale at (aiifornia on Fri- ada Sor Rift art 3 . KIDNE day. Mr. and Mrs. ©. Elexander and made in over fifty ar ( es these virtues in.such of little son LawrencA hdve returned i we | @ mann p a ult 1 r paint can excel, and few used one box he. began to to Kingston after spending a week, at Woodruffs stone birn it the | can equibks ' : feel bet Two boxes entirely relieved BK Jwith Mr. and Mrg/F. Smith. Corp. Agricultura Office, ote at Dr Sar-| an equat. him. And 'best of all, up to the time he Burt Hepburn, 2¥3r® QU.H, is re gents, and one at the Methodist Par. It is economi 7 * mre aitvls a . wrote us, he had®sd no further sign of $h nawing acquaintances in thi viein-| gonage, was laid over for further | R : 4 ore surface and wear trouble. Mr. McAskeil concludes his lester ity. | consideration. The position of al longet than other pain Ls. it does not permit of the of gratitude by saying, "1 cannot say too - ! township road overseer was also jaid | use e Dis t ir ta id aXDENSIVe i h i much in favor of these great pills and would - . : ! over. (Council adjourned - 1a. meet | e of the best ir t is expensive in the long recommend them to anyone suffering from WILMUR - Monday May. -Tth. 2 p.m. at the | run. - . Kidney trouble.' March 24.--The weather for the! Tonight sure! Take ( 5 call of the reeve B-H "E Lh" Paint . sass '} - NN past few days has been guite mild enjoy the n gentl and nies -nglisl aiht --costing but little more 'than a cheap tr tronhl iso . + i re Riley on Bisdder trowble may alse and there is every sign of spring. bowel cleansing ypu ever experienc r mixture--produces a better. job that lasts three to four times as Lumbago, gravel, irregularity of Charles Shales, Perth Road, was in|ed. Wake up with your head clear GRENADIER ISLAND. lon Shido Mii ae ane Pris foo this distriet recently his Lstomach sweet, oyeath right and feel 3. Mids Myrtle Simes : g- time and escape Worse oline outfit sawing ing fine ce rid of sick headache any friends Mrs biliousnes§. const yn, furped tor ! 2 Jers sell Gin Pills st 50c. 8 many friends of astipabion. fury h : on Tie Sore {ore wad to xnow gue, sour stotsach. had Bids. Clear ELLIOTT BROS, Kingston, Ont. from her recent and | your skin, bP en your 3, quick- : Mrs, Sidnoy Orseri re- en your step and feel like doing.a 3 NATIONAL DRUG & CHEMICAL GO. cont visitors at Mrs Rioness'. | full day's work. Cascarets are-bet are our authorized agents They will gla rive vou color OF CANADA, LIMITED Mrs. Achroyd spent a week with her ter than salts, pills or calomel be cards and prices. Or you may write our Ser +. Department Toronto, Out. son at Perth Roed The Helping cause they don't shock the liver or direct for advice on your painting proble . PR ep U. 8. Address--Na.DraCo. luc. Hand Circle will meet at the home| gripe the bowels or cause inconven: nung proiems. 202 Main St, Buffalo, N.Y. 4% of Mrs. C. Slachs on April 11th, ience all the next day ' y James Brawley is slowly recovering Mothers should gi 8 4 give cross, sick % grrr Mr. and Mrs. R. MeC TG spent | bilious,- feverish "children a whole 7. 7 a day last week with their friends|Cascaret anytime: as they can not EW 3 at Murvale' Miss 'Pearl Talmon!injure the thirty feet of tender bow- A it ) s---- spent the week-end with Miss M. els. [rnc nhs -- ¥ Lp ------ i i A i Ay F ROM THE. COUNTRYSIDE | For Run-Down People Vinol Creates Strength