( / THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SAT RDAY, APRIL 7 1917. PAGE FIFTEEN - nme-- ---- me------------ m-- smile ey ¢ "1The d§ of S New Bl re Few But Very i ; { "The Demand$ of Smart Ne ouses are Ie ut Very Important L A = , i and n faced, and & crown of satin, the are Piel Review designs. Num A cap of which is of leghorn. Placed at | bers and as folloy ¢ lose ;intervals around .the brim are Blouse No. 71 Size 44 ¢ ' g! luettes with yellow centres. None inches bust. Pr 20 cents AT of the fashtonable hats requires much Blo "No T7177. Sizes, 34 to 44 « t trimming. Lace straws, net and chif- | inches Price, 20 cents & " fon, shirred and gathered in many Blouse No. 714 Sizes, 34 to 44 ' of { odd ways, are used for particula inches bust Price, 20 cents . : pretty model Fea hers make very Blouse No! 717 Sizes, 34 to 44 ' 0 i 1 I vi fit i "lente € } fitting « 1 ia a : i Inevi Embroidery is a feature of j back an is also well suited | Possibly because of the dye situa- j [any mart blouses, There may bej td this blouse tion the manudaature 8 of materials > \} [little or much of it, it may bg of an In sharp con to the white have dona much to encourage experi ! | inconspicuous or strik ng sort, but it | models are pict 1e blouses in| ment along the line of white and : > i ja there M a h of it is done by ma dark | silk and satin, with a bit of | black Some of the loveliest of the | chine but the high grade models have | gold or silver braid discreetly ap-| cotton materials for spring and sum- | hand work, oo because of the out plied about neck, front, 'sleeves { mer are in white with "quaintly bro- line and tracery character of most of and 'lower edge Many times the] ken stripes of black : A blouse car- 4 | this embroidery it is much more eas-| neck is h gh, for the French desig-4 ried out in one of these new cott us 1 | ily and quickly done than the heavier | nérs are clinging to the high heck has a w ide belt of white apaiices embroidery of the old days, in preference to :» more open effects y crepe. with collar and pockets of the | Groups of tucks arranged at either | preferred by American dressmakers | "trimming. Still another oftac side of the {ront and a draped collar | Fortunate the designers on this! tive model is in hlack arid white nov- j and belt of foulard gilk lend an air of | side of the Atlantic have developed | elty s Ik trimmed with bands of | distin tion to another white model. | sufficient ndependence to Sponsor | crepe Georgette with picoted adzes ey ye HRA J N £ 8 divided be-| lar, of Georgette, the same material . << x hip The tucks are pressed into per-| tween the high and the pen neck being used for the belt AQ Sify \ fect order, and the flaring sleeves are Very effective results are being ac Bi roa : | vs unconventional as the tueks are complished with black and white im The hats worn with the separate 7172 arranged on { 4 fo riser An adorable mo clannish ono way and another, and also with JUSES are as interesting as the | gmart trimmings, but when of good inches bust Pr 20@hents ¢ is an interesting de | pa G ' it Nothing marter than the white andadark blue. An interesting ses themselves, their infinite var- | quality are expensive, so that one |i Blouse No. 7 Sizes, 34 to 44 otheg and should not | neckliy | rimmed at either | blouse of white sports silk trim model for semi-formal wear is dn jeing to their charm. A type of [always safe in selecting a flower lines t. Price. 20 cents » woman who t of and nt w | with self-material in striped desig white crepe Georgette with a del] much exploited has a wide brim | gome ornament af braid or embroid } Blouse~No. 7172, Sizes, 34 to 44 \ antun ad ra 1k. ing | When the design falls well below cate design in black. The vest, col irooping slightly and a medium high | ery Buttons are used extensively | in Hes bust Price. 20 cents I'he peplam ig a most important | adapted 10 d elopment in other m { hips, the tashipnable finish for the lar and sleeves ar ef plain white Crown that bells out a little at the | jn the decoration of summer hats and louse No, 7135, Sizes, 34 to 44 adjunct of 'the sparate blouse, whic holt : "ny a dainty affair i lower odge is a narrow band of the chiffon. The idea is not new, of! top. This chape is made up in many | it is. really an education to see the -- bust Price, 20 cents never gets far away fro the Ru itched, Bits oN 1 : to correspond with the belt; | course, but takes on a semblance of | materials, but a particularly attrac- | varied designs in which they appear. Pictorial Review patterns on sale wn influence Many of ¢ latest embrgidery appear about the belt and NZ lar and cuffs. The panel eflect, novelty | by virtue of a new handling. ! tive model h as a brim of leghorn, sat The fashions shown on this page by local agents ' i - ~ A tt St At Sl NNN Ar NN | NN A A lt A et tl NA AN NIN Ni 8 i mir tt 04 + | still a ively engaged in the not oil petition, her field of endeavor ems- THE MINISTRY OF DOLLS The Will and the Deed. % "That's fine," approved one of the { § }vstae { in Wilmington | bracing golf, tennis, hockey. and | I ite-ll " - : "My husband," said the matron, group. "You must be proud of your THE ACTIVITIES { Mrs. Mary Goddard, one of the old- | basket 31) ost Life-lke Dolls Leave Too Lit-] «was 4 confirmed smoker when I hus band. To break off the habit of OF WOMEN { | #st Quaker preachers in the United | Over 500 society women of West tle . dole Imagination. married 'him a year ago, but to-day lifetime in one year requires a | States, recently celebrated he: 107th | chester, N.Y., are conducting first n the doll's house, too the cost| he never touches tobacco. He used 3, rong will, Indeed." ABest eee ice epson teed | 5p] | aid classes with a view of preparing : living steadily rises Many af to smoke 40 cigarettes a day, but "Well," remarked the wife, medi- hava | themselves for Red Cress work in doll--1 ke live music-| if you offered him one now he'd run |tativly, "that's just the kind of will {] ve got." London Answers | Twent M loin womer have | W = Os One half of a} tie girls between |, et es $s 10 Wo hr «| case of this. country going to war, A Tonic Medicine isa Necessity i This an--was made in Germany, and the| a mile rather than smoke it." ixteen and twenty years ob 4st Hf ised by the chief of police to For the first time in history, the has checked the emigration. New York state work tot : 0 ) wife of a President participated in Season. But there will be dolls as long as Fhe t to vote in provincial and Dr. Johanna Westerdyk, recently | innugural ceremonle when Mrs there are hung Dr. Williams' Pink Pill Pale jmother them. . The poor « muBiei Ali#ire Tus Deer gran(dd to] DE. JonGnud Westereyk. Jeo ed les, Mis Willies' Dial. Pills for Pate | React. pen. Th Ee Pri Hokus Mary Toilet Set and appointed to ¢ chair of.plant pa | ad ¥ ) , ' 3 ha ht ¥ ' n t it is | of her husbapd while he took the ji'e¢ople arg an all year round tonic, |18 hion pis i A 1 3 fo Faquisit Bracelet Watch IK rs mstick end, Hf no bet n who Woodrow Wilson stood by the side women of Ontario A womat rirl Hvision « logy at tha University of Utre blood-buik at lk, o « woman and gl Hy Holland's first woman, professor oath of office for his second term Noodbuiider aid DY Tm. ore) Tis 1 r It t t States ployment se A Tm ae, fuss ' y t the » 3 1abl i 0 nin 14 ot > the? United Stat employ men i a os a ' Mrs. Sallie J. Franham of New But they are esgecially valuabie 'in ' ning JRay RO be vice in New York have offered their) i Hermila Galindo, a prominen York city, has received a commission the spring whet the system is loaded orious creation, with a dawn- \ t t nit Stat ri) ragist o co ty, wns car Sut ir it nmpurities as restilt of the in- ts axe heeks » teeth ervicés to the United ies #0) y of Mexico | a can-1 oh the government of Venezuela to | W!11 IMDPUIIEES a3 a uit of the in suis waxen cheek iL 3he teeth M ¥ door life of the winter nihs ringlets a butter yel « s6 of i « wr deputy in the Mexican con EF csh 2 arnment moi 'C wal | ep o ins nea 5 make a statue of Simon Bolivar, the |. 2 ot ; , ta 3k : 1d = 1 to Ar- | RTE t Lhe ecent « ction but was 3 3 nere 1s 0 B seas w * ¢ ( ose ald M Ho Homueis, Lown mart : ! Rl uM 3 y liberator, which is to be presented to |, ther Season n L a AC 4 : wal of Riverside Ci ind., is tl th tv of New York by that govern blood is so much in need of puri a chest inder pressure emits > A ) p ¢ d arn. i : t xs A wT 1e Clty ing and enriching, and every dose of |! squer saluation These dolls facturing that have "all but the soul of a first woman to hold such a position A 1 a 1 nC endsh anc in that state i women Mugla 2 token of friendship and these pills helps to make new, rich, Lh . admirat . »d blood In the spring feels | human child are not the- best, for I ora De Graph Lochner, Ww ol except in ae Elica ba . hits a: } ed lod n the spring one feels re .n I L ' 1 buys ells real estate Is claimed tiles, fer Miss Elizabeth C. White, daughter f yo, and tired--Dr. Williams' Pink | they leave too little to the \MARINA- | ofyyss bes t hay lure t income of i ny | of Joseph White, the: New Jersey Pil s , give strength. In the spring tion, that wond 3 power of "make- ar cCumands 0 nave it H ge come » p> a - 2 » 1 \ " hy Ea} 1 i o woniah in New York city i Patamel, lowa State] | ashe on kine. bs for Jus ww ih sgh the appetite is often poor---Dr. Wil-| believe = W hereby childhood builds |, ceasof co a i ae , , ized in blueberry culture and has de- ng' Pink : . its ow »w heavens 4d earth i time for you. Privees Mrs. Margaret Hill wed 05 vears 1, lege claims to have one of "the 2 oe ' : Ne t liams' Pink Pills develop the appe- 8 01 n new he ven and earth and Ee nat Just what you Reed. I: t | test all-round athlet song | Yoluped a berry three quarters of an | rite. tone the stomach and aid weak [Peoples a solitude with Indians or} w handsome elena i ¥iste Mirror 1 the distinction of Dyeing the olde greatest all-round athletes among| oo" yo meter, She has dozéhs of | digest t is 1} fairies. The lov f a child r lovely Parisiao Bristle Hale ants ead, merchant in the state of Delaware danni co-eds. Miss Pammell has eA X : ns digestion It is*in the spring that ;'8° he love ol. a chu for a strong dressing comb. All ark in rich, ebony NN extita her advanced VEar he 18 Wl medals in uthletic com. |2CTes laid out-in the fruit which she{ poisons in the blood find an dutlet | doll does not depend - on clever| Anish and both brash ana mirror have Despite 'her advanced years she is won ven Metals 0 8 Bm m- | cuperintends the workings of person- lin disfiguring = pimples, eruptions mechanism and a face that is a | est somes tn ® nics presentation box snd it work of art. The adjoining high will sive Jou & Hil ar ie oe hair at the table or space side by ide on the pillow may have' to be ren to a smudged and battered specimen that is just a bunch of rav- ran Sharer sere ER yy and boils--Dr, Williams' Pink Pills Miss Ethel Lee of Alinneapolis, | speedily clear the skin because they who holds the Northwgbtern skating | go to the root of the trouble in the championship for wafnen, is a bril- | blood. In the spring anaemia, rheu- Il »player as|matism, indigestion, neurigia, ery: Mant tennis and base well In baseball she is\credited with |sipelas and many other troubles are | €lings--a small - edition of the throwing and batting--Hke an exper- | most persistent because of - poor, Vauipire who was | ajrag, a bone fenced leaguer. \ weak blood, and. it #%_ at this time and a hank of h : | when all nature takes on new life Poor, indeed, is the child life that the blood mniost seriously needs has no doll and no dog. Either isi Some people dose them- [a competency, and to have both is will do anything they can, Nobody selves with purgal ives at this season, {2 fortune. If one could watch the can question their patriotism. They but these oniy further weaken them- [Whole day of a little girl with her ah selves A purgative merely gallops doll one would find therein the com- ---- are the baskbURe of ES re through the tem, emptying the |plete epitome of human lite. "As a' & % 2 + | bOY , but it does not cure any- imitation," she does with her stolid i" doe wel) It any. Helds ; the West thing. On the other hand Dr. Wil- if her whole vocation were endless GOING )) G&G ING GONE tn are unploughed a : € lliams' Pink Pills actually make new | P&po0ose what she has seen her farmers sons' are in the trenches. |, ouich reaches every nerve and | mother do It is as real! to her as The farmers are speeding up the) .... {, the body. bringing new flesh and blood. [It must be fed and work of production this spring with |, ayo, new health and vigor to soothed and aired and punished like every muscle strained. No farmer | co k easily tired men, women and |2 regular baby. Thi instinct of has held or is holding his hand be-l.nildren. Try Dr. Williams' Pink motherhood tendety manifest in the ' cause of any possibility of a slump | pills this spring--they will nt dis-|! ittle girl is not to be denied or dis- ---------- he Western Farmers, that The farmers of Western Canada attention in prices As a matter of fact, the | appoint you. 5 couraged out of het itl without ir- price of the 1917 crop is fixed now, adie ip | reparable loss-- Philadelphia "ub- : Sold by all medicine dealers or}, Ledger. WILL SAVE IT. 100 OR apart from variations in supply and sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six demand, caused by war, peace OF |) ,ve: "for $2.50 by The Dr. Wil : weather; that, is, the presentgvalue |jjams Medicine ©v., Brockville,| Water and work seeiy/the course of is fixed. Any farmer can ins¥re his ont. least resistalice. 1S YOU S PING? crop by selling October wheat, {If his Pe y = : i i - ALN o / wheat is not on the market in Octo- a ' The preachice of dandruff od fall | ladies. ~ Tt stops itening almost in- Neyo ad a warning which iti stantly. / ber he can transfer his contract to Guaranteed ) Your Grocer December, The insurance will cost r best to oss of | You ma may bs told that thers am Pals may De tas tc hardly | remedies "justas good as H : him something, but very little. He to be shad n c geile it. can make himself quite secure of a Ee ? how little | ¥ ta good ively flat price whether wheat goes up or b. matte ou cannot affor take chances exclusively bY. 0 Ss no down. That is the ecogomic function nay be the fall each day, it is work- | with nor can you expect to obtain m the, more than which a wheat marke{ discharges and ing toward fhe same upd inevitable | results from "'an ff brand" article. ingredients A the the purpose for which fit exists.-- result, an t is total baldness. | Insist\on having genuine Herpicide, 8 10 . Winnipeg Telegram. You may have hair enough toda, | the ginal Germ-Reme@, lor Dand. specified on ordinary meee Not That Trouble. byt bow t the day | reff. * kind os after? Dandrafl and {sibag ve You get a sample of this de- the label. Inds. Maggie--Sure, miss, and it's a mean baldness sooner or later amd lightful hutedressin a book! { hard life I bane living. ing ha ha mand the immediate jar and on the care EE by sending anerpetic oof of Newbro's Bb | tem cents in Ny or rr Te to The 2 . { : Mrs, Smith---Didn't I tell you, = - Maggie, »it you marry in haste, you Llosps the sedlp free froin gr ani Herpieida Ce., 2 Dah E. W. GILLETT CO. LTD. El peut ut WII ad ue abundantly and nacaraly. By By this | will never He Jee TORONTO, CANADA tan He ® means total incur dness may nye sverywpere in 8 « in 60 cent and Winnipeg : i ) et ha y 5 . Herpicide does. not stain or dye | hintacion oe mer t ' 4 ; The British parliament adjourned A from the big musi ty, "The Million Dol hana mest exquisite Canada|" x cations Shned the eve . on Thursday until April 17th, the cudtomary Easter recess. lar Doll," at the Grand on Eas ter Monday, matinee and night ps a