Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Apr 1917, p. 12

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POLICEMEN LETTER CARRIERS DRIVERS and other workers who must have enduring strength, take SCOTTS EMULSION to build up and keep up their health, Surely it will do as much for you, but insist on SCOTT'S. Scott & Powue. Toronto, Ont. 1-15 A AAO PN NANA BA BR Be Be Hopes Women Will Adopt This Habit _ As Well As Men Glass of hot water each morn- ing helps us look and feel clean, sweet, fresh, -------------- BB etree ele lB BB Bo BB BeBe Beer Happy, bright, alert vigorous, and vivacious a good clear skin; 2 "natural, rosy complexion and free dom from illness are assured only by ineide bath, what a gratifying enange would take place instead of the thousands of sickly, anaemic-looking men, women and] * and pessimists we should see; a virile, optimistic throng of rosy- | fags checked people everywhere An inside bath is had by drinking, | each morning before breakfast; a] glass of real hot water with a tea spoanful of limestone phosphate in it to wash from the stomach, liver, kid- neys and ten yards, of bowels the olse neglects 16 do his duty does not previous day's indigestible waste sour fermentations and poisons; thus | cleansing, sweetening and freshen- jng the entire alimentary canal be fore putting more food into the stom- ach Thyse subject to sick headache, bil- tor It is to nen of military not the pleasure and profit of listen " dian. club lasg | was commented oh in your news ane editorial columns of the 31st ult T speaker 's portrayal of the Kaiser's! eriands cheer character, the comparison of of emocra many and Canada, the part Canada el not clearly understand the position | taken by young men who are still living comfortably at home instead of honorably representing ti ir fam ilies 'at the front : | loam, ~-Healthy blood If oniy every Ve nan and likewise every man coulds [thought realize the wonders of the morning} "PAGE TWENTY.FOUR FLNSY REASONS GEN HAD YIOLENT Firs BY YOUNG MEN FOR NOT, ENLIST ING TO FIGHT. A Citizem Deals with Them and Calls Upon the Young Men to Quit Themselves Like Men" April 3 To the Edi tted 'that all the city had Kingston y a rill nt 1d stir r ing to the prifian) SL A imy unbounded satisfaction dress delivered by KE 2. £8 2 thanks asto-its KC of Toronto, befq e the Cana evening, which 1 ideals y as practised in Ger tle Syrup, during the pa relieve a"chroni ough short time ago | became sub violent coug directly after el I was going into LOOKED LIKE CONSUMPTIVE. Mrs. Mary Whete , writes: "Ha of Dr. Woo hroat trouble, allow me to ering quali began losi After taking Dr Wood's' 1 am pleased to relate that the cough | was taking and should take in the|nas entirely disappeared and I have | world struggle for right, showed | gince regained the lost weight. I have our own country and liberty was men- 1 to their country's call, one e€an-| Mr. Johnston's words coming at | the same time as the press despatch trom the old land that every fit man was needed at the firing line and that Britain was passing a hill the re-examination of men previously for rejected as unfit all=for further ,Isery if 'the Pre | Among reasons given loc ally by ¢ a ae : ere eld on Sunday, | voung men, for not enllanng aor Scott, of Queen 'SCAs : pe t{ sid 0 s ¥ oo overseas two seem to A N( 1 more. ng ahd eve ) that they will not do so until some one or other connected with the mili tia department here goes, or they are {the week-tnd.with Mis fousness nasty breath, rheumatism, { each stands or falls by his own colds; Jand particularly those who gets have A pallid, sallow complexion, and who are constipated very often, | gbjector, it troubles one to know are urged to obtain a quarter pound | just what moral grounds "hag has Mrs. J. W. Bab drug but of limestone phosphate at the store which will cost but a trifi is sufficient to demonstrate the q and remarkable change in be health and appearance awaiting thos who practice internal sanitation. We fons: instead of the multitudes of | "nerve wrecks," '"rundowns," "brain hi ald weaker ones or def sons He surely would not have us ick | tamely submit to the tender mercies Mrs. Lee Mr of thes murderous Hun, refusing to |Overs, of Fort Willian end ourselves. | week Ww 1¢ te sturdy | Stuart M the Puritans, those pioneers of liberty in the new world, went armell to worship, and while girls With pasty or muddy complex-| they prayed were also ready to de- miist remember .that inside cleanli-| fend the weaker ones with their ness is more important than outside, | lives against the savage redskin | Holir ! oline because the skin does not absorb im-| Perhaps it is not this particular war, purffies to contaminate the blood,| hut all war that Are conscientious while the pores in the thirty feet of one objects toy In 'mw general sense] {all men object to war) At present | the question would whpear to be whe {ther the existence of Cangda, includ- {ing the existence of the p the honor of the objector shi fended by other men to Whom bowels do. Ee nm rn Blankets Our method of finishing blankets raises the nap, keeps them soft, and pro- longs their period of useful ness, Blankets are returned to Jou Just like riew. The Parker process of dyeing or cleaning Bedspreads and Eider Quilts is most suc- cessful, and does not impoverish them in any way. PARKER'S DYE WORKS LIMITED "wr " 69 Princess Street, King- | ston, Ontario. For cleansing, purifying and beauti- | fying the complexion, hands and hair, Cuticura Soap is supreme, espe ially when assisted by touches of. Cuticura Ointment to soothe and heal the first signs of skin troubles. For free sam- _ ple address post-card: **Cutidura, Dept. N, Boston, U.S. A." Sold by dealer: throughout the world. . { AAA AA AM G Bulk Oysters | a quart, _-- pay taxes for w m-- Dominio Fish Co. | erty and he de- | war {is as repellant as to him, who are as | innocent of the war as he himself {who have as sensitive conscience ind ag high a sense of duty, while he is content to remain a passive {onlooker and deliberately shirk "wun. | odious but imperative duty Is. he i more righteous than the thousands {of aur pest who have paid the su | preme sacrifice, or than the hundreds {of thousands of all creeds who are fighting in the ranks of the Allies 'Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friend." Of course he does not refuse to << purposes, but why w consistent For ould he not what difference morally is there be tween the man who fires the gun and the conscientious objector who helps supply the money to provide the guy chemists at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, and ammunition? One is almost com ] pelled to the" conclusion that the consistent attitude of the objector wou be to refuse to pay war taxes or ork at high wages on muni- tions, ete, and incur every risk, in- cluding imprisonment and loss of civil rights for his convictions ~ I am sure, howevery if the many | | tardy young men, with Wo particular {home ties, could have heard Mr. iJohnston, they would have real-| ized their responsibility and their Every package of "Anuric" is sure to country's needs. | am confident that! A many wil! yet "quit themselves like! ture on the package just as you dc on {| men," rather than wait for compul-| i : | sion under the Militia Act.--E. E. H. MICE DESTROY ORCHARDS, | i On Wolfe Island--Mrs. Rithard | Russel Scalded. | tar Wolfe Island, April 2.---James| Mahoney, ailing for some time, is| & slowly improving. William Russell,| wea Buffalo, visiting relalives for a few| Is a frequent cause' and sometimes a days, has returned home. Nirs. Thomas Friend, who underwent operation in the Hotel Dieu, is im proving nicely. lost a valuable tio-year-old colt. { Mrs, Richard Russell was acel-| dently scalded by the overturning of the kettle on the stove. Daniel Laggart, confined to the Hotel Dieu for the past two months with stom-| ach trouble, is slowly improving. § The new seeding looks fine and] there are promises of a good erop. Mrs. Robert Horne who was acei-| dently burned about the Anus and' hands, in coming in contact With-the| stove, fs" much improved. James Scott, a popular young, re- sident of Athens, has left for Van- couver, B.C. up in a yellow wrapper three ping trees | the burn Co., Limited, Torot Lée, at Odessa, d depth of the water in prepai the new suction pipe. 8! "| /Anurie | mn 'Fhe young peach orchards on the! * * St. Lawrence fruit farm has been completely destroyed by mice, which | have also destroyed a large amount' of young apple trees in difidrent! parts of the island. Robert Boyd has commenced to build an up-to-| date barn. Earl Griméhaw has just completed -a garage and intends to purchase shjate. William Keys! ly clearly that we were at war because no hesitation in recomm nding Dr Wood's Norway Pine Syrup.' 1 and that German victory uegh! There are many imitations of "Dr. | ed . rrecdom and destr tion oO » 5 loss of edom ar Het '| Wood's" on the markel so see that fall institutions we held sacred 1 : : - i would without doubt have made none of these so-called "pine syrups | things clear and stimulated recruit- | ape~handed out to you when you ask ing. for. while many have respond-| for "Dr. Wood's." It has been on the market for twenty-five years, is put| 50¢. Manufactured only by the T. Mil ---- rns PROF. SCOTT OF QUEEN'S Preached at Re-opening of Wilton | I a 1 Ppesbyterian Church. . > » Wilton, April 2 The reopening] e well attended Mi Phyllis Spring, conscientious objectors As far as!inon \fissy, Lillian Macdonald ha the former excuse is concerned it is|gone to Naphnee, where she has of the most flimsy nature and would [position with the Robin'on appear to be not even the shadow of pany Claude V \uselstine, Signa n- excuse Although unfortunately [Training Depot, Ottawa spendin there is some ground for such conten- {a week at his hone here ion, yet the fact that some one The Wilton cheese factory re (opened on Monday with a large sup relieve another of his own respofisi- | ply of milk i. J. Babcoek Ie bility in the matter, or exonerate him | ®NEAKC d as cheese ther Fhe W for failure to do what he knows to i an open meeting an be the right thing. Personal respon- eon on Wedne sibility cannot fe shirked or dismiss- one | AL reiay ) } Bu d so lightly; s divinely given, ev- 38 Mu } ALLER . 2 ery one must answer for himself and wil . h ! brid \l : Wien, : Sta x Mrs. W. H. Mills, rippe : ; proving With respect to the conscientious Frank Ward su red stroke last week, b for advancing 'conscientious' rea-| some time wit ¢ W Ce i Switzer spent 16% Clark Walke vl th to lose a young heighi leg last wee Rev. MM: and family en 'ess Movemen Parsonage at Yarkert The Civie Utilities Commission; had a diver at work 'on Sunday at the waterworks plant taking the SUDDEN DEATH Jaused by Discase of the Kidneys. The close connection which exists between the heart and the kidneys is well known nowadays. As soon as kidneys are diseased, arterial tension! ie nereased and the heart f{upctions are attacked. When the kidneys no longer pour forth waste, uremic poisoning ocenrs and the person dies, and the eanse is often given as heart aisease, or disease of brain or .ungs, t is a good insuransengaimst such a risk to send 10 cents for a large trial package of "Anuric" -- the latest dis- covery of Dr. Merce. Also send a» sample of your water. This will be examined without charge by expert Buffalo, N. Y. . When you suffer ftom backache, frequent or scanty urine, rheumatic pains here or there, or that constant tired, worn-out feeling, it's time to write Dr. Pierce, describe your symptoms and get his medical opinion withont charge--absolutely free. This * Anurie®ai. Doctor Pierce's is found to be 37 times more active than lithia, for it dissolves uric acid in the system as hot water does sugar. Simply ask for Dr. K 's Anurie Tablets. There can Lag Main be Dr. Pierce's.. You will find the signa- Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for bl ood and stomach. WORRY, DESPONDENECY. Kidney Disease is suspected by medical men when patients complain of backache or suffer with irregular urination, dis- symptom of kid disease, Thousands on Inmotiate relief frpm Juploms after using Dr. Plerce's have testified to t ding * TAKING ENORMOUS CANADIAN PROFITS all, my over 1915 or 86 per cen rade mark, price 25c and | day, were blea ation for bed, too frequent, scanty or painful passage. The general symptoms are rheu- matic pains or peuraigia, headaches, spells, irritability, despondency, and general misery. Worry reasing - per h 1915, and the Nance 100 per zes, and -p sentative ofl e (6 common stock, was 3 1-4 m jong, an increase of 11 50 earned on each $100 k in one year The : qual to ov Alldd a 1014 What 18 t gto {o- about n \ Al to be ti priv © yt hie : i Of | patriotism of th grain ETO We in demai a hig price | or ti I Ww i? wi b ) those newspapers whicl y far afield as Lancashir i ton operatives, t 1 ) | pible examples of the lack of pat otism among the free i ? 1 DEALING WITH DOUBTFUL KNIGHTS as a shock to C tradition to learn that dian polit the British Columbia government | about to dispossess Sir Richard M Bride of his fat job as agent-general | of the province in London As-all Canada, at least, knows, the ex-pre | mier was "berthed" at the right time in an effort'to save the Tory ip in | British Columbia. ' That the shelving put a tax of $15,000 on the pecple the long suffering province wi ween bled white by Sir Ric lis cohorts for years, was ree, considered the proper thing it was considered at all IK | dition, the government pensioned off he former agent-general at $6,000 la vear to make room for the noble knight! It will be tough if Sir Ri i ard has to go to work now, but plenty of heNer men are earning r ing. The incident is-disturbing, h ever It dts a precedent for deali with "Hom." Robt. Rogers hou ttempt to get r the administration a | the party Jonah in several of t ways Suggested Perhaps, after all the good old rew=slmmber of the Do minion hay prove the only reliable | haven for the fellows who have done 3 1 eir bit with a thoroughness that unfortunately attracted to them a fatal and undesirable notoriety. COLLECTED SUM OF $17.08. For a Quilt For the Kingston Red Cross Society. Verona, April 3 Mrs. T S Genge, one of the Helping Hand worker# devised a means of creating some little interest in Red Cross work She donated material for a lied Cross quilt, distributing the several blecks, and asking for a con- tribution from each participant By this means the sum of $17.05 was collected, The 'Helping Hand" work ers completed the quilt and handed it on to the Kingston Branch of the Red Cross, The contributors wer Claude Percy, 10c¢; W. D, Percy, L.. Smith, 25¢; Miss McGinnis borne), 2%¢; L. Storms, 25¢; 8S Storms, 10¢; James Storms, 206¢; Mrs. 8S. Deyo. 25¢; Mrs ¥ Storms, 50c; Mr. 'Bertram _ (Tich- borne), $1; C. W. Leadlay, $1;! Kitson Amey, $1; Miss E. Yorke, $1; Miss N. Geddes, $1; Miss Lane (Belleville), 25¢; Mrs. Wells, $1; Mrs. H. Reynolds (Kingston), $1; Mrs. Genge, $5; M. ReVell, 10t; Mrg Asseltine, 10c¢; Fenwick Curran, s M. Yorke, (Bellrock), gs M. Timmons (Bellrock), 05. a -- ------_ sad Fatality at Kirkfield. Lindsay, April 5.--A distressing accident occurred at Kirkfield when a boy named 'Carey, aged eighteen vears, employed by W. H. Essery's Crushed Stone, 'Limited, was smoth- ered to death. The unfortunate youth was em-| ployed on the large crusher, when he accidentally Well into thg ma- chine. His cries for help were heard by others employed at the plant, but by fhe time assistance arrived he was smothered to death, Pe Melville Wilder and Hubert Sills paddled to Garden Island in their canoe Saturdey and had to thrsugh ice in Many places, £ 4 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURTAY, APRIL 7, 1917. 2 and 5 Ib. Cartons-- 10, 20, 50 and 100 lb. Bags. PERCY'S PUZZLED! veureisr - $510.00 in Cash Prizes to be Awarded LL Walter Ba MONTREAL CANADA + DORCHESTER.MASS. - \ grade sugar. Tor the invalid as well as those in perfect health Redpath refining methods produce no seco We make and sell one grade only--the - Bakers Cocoa is an ideal food bev- fF 0g erage, pure, delicious and wholesome. . ker & Co.Limited §' TABLISHED 1780 ddd 2s ~ A Nt highest--so that you will never get anything but the best under the name of Redpath. . "Let Redpath Sweeten it."' 9 Canada Sugar Refining Co., Limited, Montreal. ASK HER TO WRITE AND TELL ME WHAT SHED LIKE" Fir's MARYS BIRTHDAY | MARY GETS PERCYS AL) "ris answer wit [fy ve percy some- | | (OH! From MARY] THING TO THINK ABOU = AND THIS IS HOW HE FELT WHEN HE READ IT up the lette Percy to give her for her birthd spell something different entirely i or three worils out of one name ly "Diamond R ch of the na girl would like t now try to sol Mary's let send your sc Prize Prize Prize Pilze Prize Prize Prize Prize Prize ime PERCY'S PLAN WILL HELP YOU s E. Moore (Bellrock), 25¢; Mrs. Genge, collected $1.55. Total $17.- break ARY'S letter is surely a puzzler. She has so mixed rs in the names of things she would like ay gift that they e-has even made two yer nine, which is u u presents a present that any You know one oft them; and when you do, re-write nsider the corfect names. am eresting contest we will award $510.00 in Cash Prizes 1st Prize $150.00 in Cash 2nd Prize 3rd Prize : Prize Prize Prize Prize Prize Prize Prize Prize Prize 22nd Prize 23rd Prize 24th Prize 25th Prize ¢vaoth Prize, Fifty Cash Prizes of $1.00 each HE first thing Percy did was to walk through the Jtores and make a list of all the things that would make nice presents for a girl, so that he could compare his lists with Mary's and see how many names would fit the puzzling words prised to find the number of nice thin, girl. for very soon his lis umbrella, wrist watch, kid gloves, lace hand thimble, diamou bracelet, slippers, card case, trav toilet set, ¢ » otc. pencil and paper and try! one could get for a lowing: Sewing set, silk waist, manicure set, jewel case, rchiefs, napkin ring, earrings, silver frame, necklace, books, ling bag, purse, broocH, , flowers, set of furs, lace collar, d presents may help you. How to Send Yotir Answers SE one side of t keep it the &: your solution o not send ancy only one set may win a prize be awarded in any family. E employees of this Company and their relatives. CHED TO THIS GREAT CONTEST Y ONE CAN WIN A FINE CASH PRIZE RANKLY this great contest isintended to advertise HE jud EvERywoman's Worn and introduce it to friends and readers in all parts of Canada ead care fully the copy of EvErywonax's Won Such we send you, show it to the members of your familhand discuss it with y. ue friends. To qualify your entry to stand for the judging and awarding of these big cash the rules and conditions of the contest. In judging the prizes we will ask you to write and tefl us just what you entr , think of EVERYwoMax's WoRLD and to help us further advertise and introduce it by showing your sample copy to just three or four of your friends and neighbors who a will appreciate this worth-while Canadian magazine both the answers and your opisions will be o and want it to come to them every month. You can making the decisions on the awards. All answers must NO EXPENSE IS ATTA AN ceived. the send you F Canadiats. Cig on lakly. of the paper only in writing out Mary's letter and in form as given above. merely substituting the proper names in place of the jumbled 1n the lower left hand corner instead of ihe postscript put your full name (stating Mr Anything elise must be written on a separ drawn or typewritten answers. may send as many as three sets of answers to the puzzle but and not more than one prise will ntry to the contest is barred to all your full address fe sheet of paper. Do A contestant « HIS interesting contest is reproduced from this month's (shue of EYERYWOMAN'S WORLD -Cana da 8 Greatest Home Magaz.ne. IT 18 OPEN TO ALL. You may enter and win a bij are a reader of EVERYWONAN § moreover, vou will neither be asked nor expected to take the magazine. spend a single penny, nor buy any- thing in order to compete. When your ans hlighers of this great magazine will EE OF ALL COST asampie copy very latest issue in order that you and your friends may know what a live, interesting. up-to-the-minut . zine in nublished right here in Canada by Can ui gurely like EVERYWOMAN" HERE jr sthing in Canada like it for bry > i*, timely, interesting articles, up-to. the minut : fashions, etc. it abounds with beautif illustrations ¥ 1d departments of interest 10 every in the family. More than 130.000 Canadian homes gladly ake EvERYW wax's WoRLd and ._ It is supplant favor of Cana ans agree that it is the most int PPoduced a Canada. prize whether you YORLD Or mot, a or enter. welcorae it every merican magazines in the and you will like it and zine being A A Sa ee v POLISHES ITE-TAN- 8333223322 NRNNNNN ee wy 8 E- a : = 23 hace punted. the mica wd Marg [FIRST . easily vender this simple favor and through it an ad ditional Cash Reward io guaranteed and will be paid to rectly. send you your e copy of the magarine the competitive pri and the big lim of cash prizeshind rewards that y win. as well as names and Adresses of hund winners of big prizes from EYERTWOMAN'S WORLD, your answer to The Contest Editor, EVERYWOMAN'S WORLD. CONTINENTAL PUBLISHING CO, LTD.4} Continental Bidg., Toronso, Ont. F. 7. DALLEY CO. OF CANADA LTD., HAMILTON, CAN MAGNIFIED COPY OF MARY'SLETTER Sincw Yow have 4, Kinaly aoked me ks Augguel a. . Auton thet § asoutd, Like 3 amv Andry your a Atle fof 4 Sm, honk oduy, y yw any Pole gd bohday § would Auek fo ii any of Pre 1. BALL RvMiE. 5 20H C ROB. 6.5 8. DEVILS KOG 7 Gran C ' SORE STUFF 8 9 Do Mi DANN - ~ Yu. '0. TRAINE | "2 ni of the entries will be in the hands of pendent judges, having no eonnection rm. whose cames we will tell you in due ptestants must agree to abide by ther The awards will be given to the senders of the - opinions and sets of answers qualified according to to the puzrle, points of merit will be fa) sets most correct answers: (b) general peatness and nce of the entry (handwriting, spelling, punctu- mn and style all being considered'; and the merit of oupled in follow the. form of Mary's letter, but containing the sender's solutions for the proper names as calied for above. Answers in any other form will not be consid ered. The contest wil close promptly at 8 PB, August How the Prizes Will be-Awarded Meh. promptly after which Judai will be commenced ave received. we will write and the prizes awarded, Stud ary' letter and try + of names solved cor. for the correct solution sow. Entirely in addition to , an extra cash reward is guaran. teed and may be secured" #t once by #very contests 2 can t complying with the conditions of the contest, Address - ---- Be | NEAT

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