# I il | lS Of And F or Cdr Far armers | a wi | The Latest Market Reports 45¢ «|i The Farmer And the Manufacturer. to $9; canners' bulls, $6.50 to $6.75; canners' cows, $6; sheep, $10 to | Winnipeg, April 7--Wheat-- No 30; lambs, '$13.50 to $14.75: Northern, $1.94%;: No. 2 Northern, calves, $10.50 to $11.50, milk ted to $14. Offerings at Canadian Paci-| 2 ¢ W., 658%c¢; No. Toronto, April 7.-- Heavy steers, $1125 to 311.50; Choice butcher, $10.50 to $11.00; good, $9.00 to common $7.00 to $9.50; 'Heifers, good to choice, $9.50 to $9.75; helf- cows, choice $8.00 to $10.00; butcher medium $7.00 to $7.50; ° butcher er good $7.00 to $7.25; butcher med- ium $6.00 to $6.50; feeders, 900 to light $10.25 to $11.25; sheep heavy No. 2, $2.11%; No. 3, $2 50 to $9.50; calves $8.00 to $14.- 4 ; #pring lambs $13.00 to $16.25; Manitobi culled lambs $9.00 to $12.00 hogs, '761%c: No fed and watered $16.00; hogs weigh- feed, 74% 3 ed off cars $16.25; hogs f.0.b. $15.-3rail, delivered Hogs, receipts, 52,000; market, Buffalo, _ Mag (Broad) CLAVE STOC K MARKETS 1813.00 to $14; stags, $11 to $12 --t * | Sheep and lambs, receipts 64200: Montreal. lambs slow, others steady; lambs, Montreal, April I7---Chofce steers | $12 "to $15.50; few, $15.60: to $11.75; good, $10. to $11; lings, $11 fo 315.25; "wethers, 2 medium, 39 to $9.50; butcher cows, [to $12.75; ewes, $6 fo $12; mixed choice, $8.75 to 39 25: good, $8 to! sheep, $11.75 to $12.25. ' $5.50; medium, $7 to $8; butch | bulls, choice, $9.75 to $10.50; $9 to $9.50; medium, $8.50 GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Winnipeg .» choice selects, $16.96 to $17; Np 4, $1 75%: No. $1.5 ; selects, $16.50; sows, $13.50) ¢, $1.25 feed, $1.02 Stock Yards this morning were axtra cattle, 25 sheep, 480 hogs and 628 Toronto 1 690%; No. 2 CW. $2.65. Montreal medium, $9.50 to $9.50; medium, $7.00 to $7.50; butcher tending upward. , choice $8.25 to $10.00; butch- Ibs, $8.50 to 60; feeders)». $6.25 to $6.507 stockers, 700 Toronto. cutters $5.50 to $6.76; sheep, |swhear- No 1 northern, $2.15 3 053% ; , track, bay po: . 31.9612 $15.50. American. corn--3$1,33 1% ------ to embargo Chicago Ontario oats---No, 2 wliiite, 69¢ o Chicago, April' 7---Cattle, receipts, |71c; No. 2 white, 682 to 70c. 19.000; market, weak: native beef Ontario wheat No. 2 winfer, per , $9.10 to $12.80; stockers and | car lot, $1.88 to $1.90; No. 3, $1.86 10 feeders, $7 to $9.80: cows and heif- to 31.88; dvcording to freights out-| , $56.50 to $10.75; calves, $9.50 to side. s 3 $5.5 $10.75 Peas--No. 2 nominal; car lots 2.75. Barley Good malting, $1.21 shade lower light, $14.50 to a. ' | i 30; mixed, $14.75 to $15.35; $1.23; feed barley nominal. $14.60 to $15.40: rough, $14. Buckwheat----Nominal, $1.34. 50 to $14.75; pigs, $10.50 to $14.- Rye--No. 1 oingreial, nominal; | : bulk of sales, $1.10 to $15.30 Sheep receipts, 20,000; market, wethers, $10, 4 to $12.85; (jute, $9.50; strong bakers, in Jute, | lambs, nitive, $12 to $1 No. new, $1.53 to $1 Manitoba flour--First patents, jute bags, $10; second patents, 5.140, $9.10, Toronto. active; shipping, steers, $9 jexport grade. $12 25; butchers, 88 to $11.50; Millfeed =Car lots, delivered, $12 to $14; heifers, $6.75 to $10.50; cows, $5 to[Aontreal, shorts, $40 to $42; bran, $12; and Woodstock--baled bulls, $6 to $9.50; stockers|$38: feed flour, per bag, $2.80; F317; loose $13 to $14 per ton. $8; feders, $8 to $8.75; fresh middlings, $43 to $45. und springs, steady to strong, Hay---Baled, track, Toren car $50 to $110. lots, No. 2, $12; mixed, $¢ : Veals, receipts 1,600; active andistraw, $9. 60 cents higher, $5 to $16, iis Hogs, receipts, $9, Soo; active and GENERAL TRADE. heavy, $15,60 to $15.90; $15.70 to $15.85; Yorkers, Butter. $16.50 to $15.75; light, $13.25 to Belleville, 33c to 386¢ per Ib.; pigs, $11 to $13; roughs,| Brantford, 42¢ to 45¢; Cobourg, ig RAW FUR PRICE LIST. As Furnished by George Mills & Co, No 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 2 No. 2 Extra Large Large Medivm Small Large Medium RED FOX 3 12.00-15.00 9.00-12.00 6.00- 8.00 4.00-5.00 4.00 2.50 RACOON 4.00- 5.00 3.60+ 4.00 2.50- 3.00 1.256-1.50 1.60 76 5.00- 6.00 4.00- 5.00 3.00- 3.50 1.50-2.00 1.50 1.00 WEASELS (pure white) BEAVER OTTER (Spring) (Black) (Short) 1.25 1.00 75 35 u hy¥iine, sking no value -27.00 18.00-22:00 8.00-10.00 4.00-7.00 4.00 3.00 (Cubs according to size) > 8.00-10.00 6 00- 8.00 3.60- 5.00 2.00-3.00 4.00 2.00 10.00-14.00 8.00-10/00 4.50- 7.00 3.00-560 3 "6 00 2.00 { 20.00-25.00 15.00-20.00 9.00-12.00 400-500 400-800 1.50-3.50 MUSKRAT , .80 70 60 4b Small No, 2 Skins of all kinds according to value. ™ -- Extra Large Median Small Large Medium & Large Prime Primo Prime Prime Priem Small Umprime 4.00-5.00 3.00400 2.60-3.00 1.50-2.25 1.00-1.75 50-1.00. 3.00-4.00 2.00:3.00 1.25-2.00, J5-1.26° .75-1.00 .50- .75 (Narrow) 7 * et Wa . 2.00-3.00 1.00-2.00 .756-1.25 .60- 75 or, a5 36-50 -2.00 -.76-1.00 50- .76 38- 50 .35- .60 .25- 35 nan RAW FUR PRICE LIST. 4 As Furnished by John McKay; Limited. No. 1 No. 1 Neo. 1 No, 2 No. 2 No. 2 Extra Large Medium Small Large Medium Small 3.00- 5.00 2.50- 4.00 1.50- 3.00 1.00-2.00° 1.50- 3.00 1.00-2.00 * 0) 10.00-14.00 8.00-12.00 5.00- 7.00 4.00-5.00 5.00- 7.00 2.00-4.00 YOTE . 6.50- 6.50 3.00- 5.00 2.00-2.75 3.00- 4.50 1.50-2.50 . \A : 11.00-12.00 8.00-10.00 6.00- 7.00 4.50-5.00 5.00- 6.00 3.00-4.00 3.50- 4.50 3.00- 4.00 2.00- 2.76 1.75-2.50 1.25- 1.60 .75-1.00 A 10.00-13.00 8.00-11.00 7.00- 9.00 5.00-7.00 5.00- 6.50 2.00-3:90 + 3 FISHER : i 25.00-40.00 17.50-30.00 10.00-20.d% 7.00-9.00 7.00-10.00 3.00-5.00 OTTER : 5p ae 13.00-14.00 * 9.00-10.00 §.00-7.00 9.00-10.00 5.00:6.00 00 8.00-15.00 5.00-10.00 3.00-6.00 4.00- 8.00 2.00:4.00 WEASEL - " ®. : 5 ; J .25 35 .25 BEARS : : Zz 18.00-25.00 14.00-20.00 10.00-15.00 6.00-8.00 6.00- 8.00 4.00-6.00 SKRA' . » B50 30-40 20- 30 .10- (20 4.00 3.00 2.50 3.00 _- 3.50 306 sm avs 200" 19% (Brown) : i 1.00 1.50 1.00 : = age a0 . 2.60 1.76 50 50... "0 - ata El so doz. ; $1.9086;;" No. 3 Norther 847%; } $1. 3 hern, 'th 47% ; 'r, | the farmer Hope, | farmer's" Strat-| greater. \ 25¢| the quantity of grain it took to buy increases as those, quoted above, KTreéage With vasoline to k« 3 . he Vo. 1 feed, 6385¢; No. 1 feed, No. 2 feed, 6213¢ Barley 600 calves. { No. 3, 81. 10; No. 4, $1.10 rejected, ut ? | 87¢ feed, 87¢. Flar--No. 1 N.W.C., 2.60 to $2.75 per bus-| uuo0k to buy $100 worth of farm | to no extent equalled by his tonnage miah Williams Co. Ros 5 Co-| implements in 1910 will buy those | ol-purchase. Every hundred bushels | chased the wool clip of Hamilton, 2.50 Port to Montreal, April' 7.--A fair amount of business in grain was done to day for domestic account and shipment to | outside points, and the tone of the| market was very firm, with prices Woodsto k. $3 The-quotations were: --(Corn---Am- erican No. 2 yellow, $1.40 to $1.45. Oats Canadian Western, No. 2, 77¢: No. 3, 75 to 76¢; extra No. 1 feed, Brant- Cobourg, 75 to T6c. Barley-----Manitoba feed, Bound, 1.06; malting, $1.35 Buckwheat, to 800 lbs. $8.50 to $9.00 stockers ' No. 3 $1 ne $135, medium, 650 to: 750 lbs. $7.25 to 7.75; stockers light, 600 to 650 lbs. $7.00 to $7.25; canners $5.00 to $5.- Wood X stot is Toronto, April 7 Manitoba gais--No. 2 CW. 3, TERT, extra , No, subject to Cobourg in baled $10 to $13, Ontario, flour--First patents, | nateq Buffalo. $7.85, bags, track, Toronto, prompt | | Peterboro-- --~by April 7.--Cattle receipts, Sipmencs $7.45, bulk, seaboard! ' -baled $15 to $16, -------------------------- Kingston Markets Kingston, April -eis, [sn fresh, doz. | Finnan Hada ie, 1 Handoen fresh, be Kippers, doz... | Oysters, quart | Trout, salmon, 1b. | White fish, 1b.. See each . Cranberries, qt. Grape-Fruit, "each. | Potatoes, sweet, Radishes, bunch .. Barley, seed, bush. | Oats, Man, bush. . | Local, hinds, Ib, . Yodal, fronts, 1b. Western, 1 hinds, th, Ww Chile it has crossed the Andes to|staff from the factories, and takin' ay = | it ! ban Ce New Yorx War, while it has decreased the the prices. .of I 0 kes I to 161% cen ipply of near everything, has in-| pase---wieh { cost of hz Farmers will have to pay eased the « nd This has sent | materi to twine this year, : ices flying to the nether heavens | tin to be satis- A Pennsylvania farmer elf from Iwentv-eight e materials markets his changed the income and expen-| fied if 2 I res of practically every man who fihancial ruin i i f 1 r : manufactures or buys | crisis is over. means 'of a i Woods produ kind. It has affected | There is another way in which the | more cheaply and more quick ! { both r who uses agriculgufarmer comes ou ahead--he sells market gardeners could a few vears| tural and the manufdc-| more than he buys, What financial ago who lived but Bre or six. miles} turer w es-them, but the far- | wefters call the manufacturer's "'ton- | from the market | mer has ont ahead. Jr of' purchase"--that is, the For warts on cows' teats a good: Although » price of the machines weight in tons of all the materials Ireutment is apply a mixture of} s some- he buys- corresponds almost exact! LWo ounc ach of ian it was tiefore, the ly to h r nnage of le . He can what greater i sing power is still only sell A: an increase averaging incture of iodg t the teats affoNGy milking minut f8 after is shown by comparing | 20 per ¢ what he buys at such a certain number of machines six | which cannot be averaged but which skin from getting tender or blist or seven years ago and today, | run high and sharp along all lines. ing. The same quantity of wheat which "eg The farmer'se tonnage of sale is J. E. Hample, buyer for the Jere- ., has pur- same implements to-day very much | of seed wheat which the farmer buys: Peyre & Girard, Beaiverheasd ( ., improved and made of the high | at present hiZh prices will 1 duce | Mont., at forty cemis a pound. The cr priced materials and Téafe the far- | some 1,600 bushels.of w next | fleeces will average seven pounds, o1 nr worth on an average $1.50 a bushel | farmer buys for seed at this year's | of $43,600 . in 1916. It would have taken 400 | prices Will yield him in an average Pruning young app! © trees during bushels of oats at $:25 a bushel in | year 2,000 bushels. The farmer sells, the dormant state 1910 to have purchased $100 worth sunshine and rain which cost him! at lesg expense in vit of farm machines . This $100 worth | nothing, manure which costs him the | than the removal i and of farm machines will cost the far-| work of hauling it to the field, and | branches during the growing season, mer $130 today, but 220 bushels of | the elements of (fertility in his land in the experimental orchard at the oats wil more than pay for them, | wh% he bought possibly years ago! Ohio Experiment Station Moreover, | for oats in 1916 were worth on an before high prices were fashicnable. | summer pruning does not. accordin average $60 a bushel, The 400 |The farmer's labor and groceries | to these exper iment s, hasten bushels of oats which it required to | have increased in price, but his ton- | bearing machines, only much improved, at eclipse and outdistance his tonnage to produce a barrel of apples on an $130 today and leave the farmer a of purchase at the new prices, In| orchard of 500 trees averaging two surplus of $110, the game of high prices the farmer | barrels to the tree Included: is a The market reports last fall were! comes out ahead, i charge of five per cemt, interest on full of sensational headlines about There is still another way for the | land at $75 per acre. Another New 'Another high record was made for | high prices are hurling at every-| on 60 | October wheat this week when it | body's head. Even at an increase | allowafdce for interest on investment, . reached 162 3-8 "October delivery | in price much greater than any|- The total nu mber of cattle enter- the rise in the prices of grains. |farmer to dodge the missile which | York A figures his averare cost de nds $1.15 barley sold at 90 cents per bushel"; | which has yet been made, the far- mg Canada frown the United States | #04 $1.28 Port "New high records wire establiched | mer covnld well afford to buy ma- through the pont of North Portal | the } to in the Wheat market during the past chines and put them to work on his! Sask. during the year 1916 was, save week"; "Barley--it is impossible to farm, The more machines the far- Nor'west Farmer, ipproximatelty fi supply "the demand"; "October wheat | mer buys, the less labor he will have | times as many as came throusth the advanced over 12 cents sinee our | to buy, and labor has increased more same port during 1915. Froia pre- last report'; "Oats awoke from their than machines. The more machines sent indications, bag ed upon inquiries slumber this week and advanced into | the farmer buys, the less waste will reaching veterinary and customs de- | new ground"; "December oats up to | there be on his farm, and the waste 'partments, the year 1917 will equal {w 64 3-4 cents and May oats up to of crops at the prices that.are being if not surpass, the record years of | 65 3-4 cents today'; 'Two dollar! paid for them today is more expen-| 1911-12, wheat became a redlity today.) sive than it ever was before in hifs- ---------------- These are extracts taken from the! tory. The more machines the far- market reports as published in the mer has on his farm, the more acre- STEEL QF CANADA'S Farmers' Advocate and Home Jour- age will he be able to cultivate and GAINS REMARKABLE nal last fall, the greater yields he will get from The manufacturer of the machines each acre. The increase in the price for raising these crops, however, of grains being much greater than Profits Shown After Unstated, | a has no balance in his favor, and the the increase in the price of mac hines, Deductions are of Large Co papers have not contained semsation- | it can easily be seen that the fare al reports of advances in prices. He will come out far ahead by increas- has increased the price of his ma- ing -the production of grain by in Montreal, - April 6.--Earnings of chines slowly and gradually, the total | vesting money in the purchase of the Steed Company of Canada of an of the increases averaging about 30 crop producing machines. He will 1916 after unstated. deductions for sal per cent. On the other hand, there come out much farther ahead by this maintenance, renewals, and war tax have been startling increases in the than he will by waiting, thinking es for two years, amounted tc, $5 cost of the materials which he has | that ibupeiingt washines may drop. 021,391, an increase of $1,7 built into these machines and which | The price of § products will un- op 55 per cent as <COmMparad with he as had to buy at the new prices, doubtedly drop first and to a greater 1915. As compared 'with 19714, the The cost of steel today is more than | extent, increase reaches spectacular heights! ©d 2% times as much as it was in 1914, | With the demand for food pro- at $4,481,580. a gain of male 'than tire price of pig iron bas nearly greater than the world, has 800 per cent elected doubled and cotton duck is ove | ever known, the demand for grains ---- Mr twice as high as it was in 1914. next year cannot help but be more 20 Per Cent. on Comit on. } The cost of labor has increased 25|than equal to the supply, and prices i the per cent, of coal 143 per cent, and | arepractically sure to be tremendous of tool steel 500 per cent. Similar! From the standpoint oS helping to sharp increases are noticeable in the | feed the world. as well as of adding cost of nearly everything else which |to his own pocketbook, the farmer the manufacturer uses in making | Will come out ahead even in #o- his machines for the farmer's use.| portion to the number of farm, ma- for J916 of Canadian Westinghouse The manufacturer has not increased chines he buys, a rr a be en Veal, by carcase, the name by which the plant is bes I as coer on 11 15 known. To them it wag alfacfaca, ---- 'the best fodder," To Italy we owe Poultry, the plant's other name, lucerne" Cuiexens, dressed, y While the Spaniards are chiefly re- > is xn RJ 25 sponsible for the introduction of al- chk live, 1b. .s 18 falfa into the warmer States of the Hens, dressed, 1b.. .20 neighboring Onion, the growing of Hens, live, Ib..... .e 16 | the crop in Canada and the northern Turkeys, 1b. .. .. .e 3 States appears to have been made possible by the introduction of seed vo > { Vegetables. fro ermany . Alfalfa was first eT'D 1873 i Apples, bh. .. .. 3.00 5.00 tak®¥ to Germany by the Spaniards, . accounts. Parsnips, bus. .... 'e 1.50 Wendelin Grimm in 1857 brought J M. Sutherland, Potatoes, bag. ... 's 3.75 20-pound package of this hardy on Potatoes, pk. . .s 70 to America, and from that 20-pound Onions, dried, bus. 'e 4.00... packet most of the alfalfa grown in - et eater Turnips, bush. .. .e 1.00 Minnesota, the Dakotas and Montana ---- originated. About the same time an- Hides and Skins--John McKay, -|other German brought to the Niagara Limited. distriet other hardy seed, and from Cow Hidea (greem), lbs. ... +20 | this 'has sprymg the Ontario varie- Cait Skins, lbs, .. . . .30 | gated of to-day, a variety which has Deacon Skins, each, up to .. $2.00 | given as satisfactory results in On-| Horse Hides (mane and tall tario as Grimm has given in Min- Bhi gach tine n. ach 3.50 nesota. eep (fresh take o eac 2. But what a story! From Persia to| Tallow (rendered), Ibs. " .08 Greece, from northern Africa to! D you ever"see a "big fire, where burning Spain, from Spain to Germany on one embers falling on wooden shingles set other side and Mexico on the other; and r : = | then from Germany to Ontario and bouses alight? Neponset Twin Shingles abso- | Romance of Alfalfa. 1 Minnesota, lutely resist fire, and cost little more to lay than . at : | J wooden shingles. The story qf alfalta is one of the | } Double Width Cutréhat of Ly romances of agriculture. Five hun- | A ament of the Farmer. i dred years before Christ the plant | LJ was recognized in Persia, but it was| set +] and Nail Holes not until a little over half a century i i ago that it first became generally "Darn the 'iuck!" lamented a! Made of the finest asphalt and {known in North America. aight WH e Slow and Harrow. surfaced with crushed slate, in the interval between these per- | "It's gett 80's a farmer can't get | Green, they the history of alfalfa is inter- | enough off'n his farm to feed his | Redan give th He oven with the rise and fall of Em- [own family, Of course, I raised | res and the movements of armed taterd and fad a big erop, too, but less cost. Ask' hosts. Alfalfa furnished fodder for | you ppose I'm going to let to show you samples, or the war horses of the Persians when | my folks eat taters when they're! write us for prices. Greece was invaded hy the latter. | bringing $2 a bushel in mérket? And} Carried to northern Africa, possibly | the hens is laying some, but to eat | BIRD & SON, by one of the followers of the Queen when they're quoted at 65 cents of Sheba, it was later taken to Italy | a would soon land. us all in' still later the Moors lef: if = the poorhiouse. Thed ef butler | n as the ome really beneficent |dnd cream and milk, all mightp éx- legacy of the Arab conquest. When ing he livin'. It's easy tseeh , that the Spaniards themselves became | you ain't no. farmer, eles you Wu. | conquerors, in turn they took the! n't talk so silly about a farmer's life | plant with them to co in North [one round of bountiful luxury. America and Chile in th America, | When produce is so high as it is. and from Mexico it has spread, via/now'days the joys of farm life is| Thia, all over the western and | transferred to Fifth avenue, Noo | m western States, and from | York. We're livin' on cheap Sthned feed the hends of Argentina. tare of the burden ond of it." Zim, To the Arabs we owe the origin of in Cartoons Magazine, ~ PAGE TWENTY.THREE a supply. Every first er sells them. Sunkist Uniformly Good Mathews, ed mer a $70 surplus, for wheat which {year's probable high prices Every | a total of 109,000 pounds, and the cajwit per bu iy sold for §. 75 a bushel in 1910 was | hundred bushels of oats which the | contract has been signed on the basis | per 2 gnel buy the $100 worth of machines for | nage of sale at the new and unheard An apple grower in Dutchess | [-0conm otive the farmer in 1910 will buy the same | prices of 1916 and 1917 far! county, N.Y., says it costs him $1.19! throu ghout April Dividends in Canada. 3 barrels at rh 40 without any | P'®ferred stock "000.000 on ment, Proportions. | having -------- to ( harle: 3 the # Mo 39. 939 L nour Black ¢ lantic although - Ahitibi Pulp and Paper C Hamilton, April 6~--The report | O'Grady 4 | Ber STANDARD BAN OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE A rs At mati A General Banking Business conducted, offering special facii- ties in the handling of busine is { ! ! Celery, b h +» 0b 10 i i i pC 1 by Ea ly enviroment. From Germany KINGSTON BRA N CH, Neponset Dealer, Kingston--A. Chown & | There are agents in most cities and towns.