Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Apr 1917, p. 4

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1917. - ~ PAGE FOUR Ea m-- ; -- ; os : f nit It : fc st feel discou i when he looks gion of e United States must fee 8 The British Whig »on must fee] discoure 3 SATH YEAR {could suppor the " ar ------ : Se (American rights oh ihe er -- A Wise Old Man. +The k of Education } ba (Guelph Mercury) réapud t B After all, the grepud 8 and talK be pr . 3 ¢ » ofliga 1 chap to lof having her make yh : . } p kr i n is {loyalty pledge an. oath 5 . 1b's be jalll glance ou 8 Canada can 8 { nection tary se y a | pathise with Ur Sam under 1e Bas ¥ BOR. A} irs as He has no claim upon the commis- Notable Captures. | Ci | sion. i d« jer) | i - ee . > Nothwithstanding the temperance { The opp ion In the I Ontario wave, the British have.taken Beer-| ~ (lature pr against the i the Nickel Tru sheba, and the French are tackling of the race track during the war. But} 14,4 | 1915 i Champagne, : the ministers only le, and 8 = A oe ----------- a Buin hen i lected all t Vas Canada's Shipbuilding. again. Their friends are financially |... he »* le the n (Hamilt Times) interested says Mr. Dewart Ship to the value of $60,000,000 EE nr TTY 4 $722.867.19 are to be built in Canada this year, GREATER PRODUCTION CLUB. (#1225007 7 -- says the London Free Press, and; - Toronto, in a great meeting which | Premier Borden said that warships Bo v 1 was held in Massey Hall, demonstra-| lcould not be built in Canada. f set a---- ted its concern for the farmers and PUBLIC OPINION i gave assurance that they would be | % ol s assisted materially, especially in har-| Blondin is Quiet. | : Weekly by i nen hel : | i DT TINA PUBLISHING vesting of their crops. They would | (London Advertiser) \ o 3 3 in i} a tule Tes C€O., LIMITED. be given this aid largely thiaigh| ot Mr Blandi is by Hi Just at pros 25 YEARS ACO M---------------------- nt. p ave ia Hs oi \ n J. G ELMO ..coveuvoorecssss President | the Greater Production Clubs (Or taver hasn't waned | r > i . { Leman A. Guild ... Managing Direcio War Production Clubs, as they are| HL, : ee called in Toronto), and composed of| Cons Piption is Coming. A quarter of a mile of the K & » ness i T onto Globe Business OBS hep i" 343| employers and employees who en-| Conscription for productive work | P. Railway track is under water near Editorial Rooms us list for the service. They sign cards| may become a pressing necessity if Wilbur. eee rere ee lsimilar to the National Service| reliable calculations show danger of | Capt. Gaskin was in Deseronta] SUBSCRIPTION RATES Cards and are glen other cards of| food shortage { making arrangements ~or timber Hf One year, delivered in city ...... 18 00| membership and of performed work : --- [ with which to build a new lake ves- One year, if paid in advance ...-.-. 5.00 Aoi +] Doubtful Honor. | sel, 'with a capaéity of 50,000 bus- One year, by mail to rural offices $2.50 A feature of the Toronto plan is] (Ottawa Journal-Press) hels. One your, to United States .....33.30 the leadership of the Toronto em-| A good many men question the , Most of the ice moved out of the One year, by mall, cash .... +} ployers, who see that if anything ef-| Justice of giving d yote o the ro harbor last night as a result of the One year, If not paid in advance ; setive a enifton ; 2g { man who refuses to take 0 1e 14 wind storm. Ope year, to United States ...... $1.50 | fective, or magnificent, is to be a { in the theatre ! os gix and three months pro rata complished it must be under their er ------------ 2 A ee eee See sd Faster Has For All MONTREAL REPR TATIVE guidance Hence they are promis-| A Baseball Star, At George Mills & Co's. big store 3 rater S : 2 al (Oswego Times) 4 ' > MIS &« Ss. Dig 8 . R. Bruce BPR 1 ATIVE ing, by enlistment, to go with their{ gp... RT Nodraw watd § - re ' fn 5 i] Sank, pl4g men and to put in the usual vaca-|galary of $50,000 now. Tie may ba Experience teaches that people sel- mn » '235 Fifth Ave. New York |tions-on the farms. The vacation isjable to climb as high as tho Pypesi. [dom hit a man when he is down t F 1610: Ass'n Bldg. Chic lone of two weeks, ordinarily, but if} dent of the United States, bid he They us ly jump on him -- he i i i ------------ nn Se ------ of the best job bh da -- The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG Is uuthenticaisd by the ' Audit Bureau of Olrculations. PRAYER. Thoughtful behalf of the Church and Missionary Societies; A SEASON OF pérsons, on wed a call to prayer and re- have | pentence on Good Friday Usually thé day set apart for reflection is «iven to pleasure, and the conclus- forced upon one that men are their relig- trangely neglectful of ious duties Good Friday is one of the anniver- ; which invites repentance and Ana this year the invitation Arie pra \ s accompanied by a feeling which intense and devotional. The vheels. of industry are stopped for 4 \ while, and the tumult of com- were » ceases, while frail humanity hows in adoration. The tragedies of var and their bereavements deepen the 'hought and make the occasion -- mproessive Oh. the sadness of ii, that in a time ike this, na carnage withou' a parallel, while an ambit tered yveorld is writing hispory in 0 blood, there are crimes withgat num- her Men will violate ih moral pillaging and plundering. and desecrating even sacred things, in their lust for gain. The appeal is to step aside for a day. -to humiliate one's self by ab- law, : ente from foods, to realize what Good Friday means to an erring race It' can and should be done. The Church stands for certain vir- war cannot destroy. She is passing | through an experience that must purge her of all that con- fliets her exalted ideals, She still represents sacrifice, and the Lord forbid that it shall be neglect- ed A season of earnest prayer will help the people in a time like this It will strengthen them tor the work 3 of the hour. It will relieve them of % some of the depression that follows the offering up of their bestiin the interest of human liberty. In the name of the King, the most precious of all things, the lives of young Canadians, have been offerad on the altar of their country. Let us not fdrget. that the day orate recaMs the greatest of all of- ferings for a dying and sinful peo- ple. tues that with we « Forty thousand persons subserib- ed for the war loan apd offered $266.000,000 when only $150,000, 000 were desired. The smaller sub- seribers will get the Snost of what they want. PACIFISM AND DISLOYALTY. Some Americans are having a painful experience in trying to fit their views into passing national events. Thus the pacifists who call- ed Senator Lodge out of a party caucus at Washington, to warn him against voting for President Wil- son's declaration of war, angered him eo that he knocked one of them down. #lis impatience got the bet- ter of him, but no one expressed sympathy to a man who was smitten for, his imprudence, Dr. Jorden Starr, of the California University, travelled across the con- tinent to preach pacifism to the pro- fessors and studemts of Princeton University. He was refused a hear- ing in any of the college buildings, hut in a church delivered his pacifist message only to be hissed into sil- ence when he abused the president. in New York a public school teacher preaches a doctrine that very wosely resembles the doctrines of the Nationalists of Quebec. This teacher, (Mr. Fichlandler), says he would loyally support the American government 'n resisting the inva- commem- | another week is necessary to help | will be asked for and readily grant ed who are interested in this movement mate Therefore, the em- ployers of the city will be showing the part of wisdom as well as of patriotism by joining the Greater| Production Club and commending it success. to others. It is very gratifying to notice the widening interest of the people in city gardening for food] producing purposes. It will be more gratifying if the citizens can give the| promise of help to the farmers, and in the most material Join 'the Greater Production | Join it to-day. | necessary way. Club. There is the more need for great-| er production of foods now that the United States has gone to war with Another million of men from agriculturtl pur- Germany. withdrawn suits. At A REIN WI CANVASSING FOR PAP, The local druggists can accept any old excuse that is offered to them in| a political way, but if they do they will be exhibiting a very docile spirit. They must have been inter- ested in a discussion of the public accounts in Toronto. In this dis- cussion it appeare that the broth- er-in-law of the "ass\stant provincial secretary, who runs i drug store in Sarnia, had orders fo} goods which he delivered to several| of the public institutions. The assistant secretafy could not account for all these | orders that were given to Mr. McGlbbon, and it was remarked that robably: the druggist's success was the result of his canvassing. A Lojndon man, it was said, had remarked|to the assist- ant provincial secretary that he had not beer able to do much business with the public institutions because "MecGibbon, of Sarnia, got ahead of him." Of course, the heads of acting heads of the asylums knew that Mr. the assistant provincial secretary. It | is not very hard in consequence to i get ahead of the others. Perhaps | that explanation may satisfy the { Kingston = druggists, and inspire "them to make further sacrifices for | the party. Then again, it may not. EDITORIAL NOTES. Are you a member of the Greater Production Club? No? Why not? Gardening is the fashionable as well as profitable occupation this season, Have you, reader, got out your spade? Major-General Hughes is in the United States giving pointers to the American officers with regard to their army. Where is Allison? There is no scare about this Great- er Production Movement. It is the suggestion of men who realize that the people ust guard as far as possible ant starvation, The Ontario parliament is practic- ally unanimous upon the bilingual school question. The school trustees in the effected districts had better take notice and act accordingly. ------ No. 3 district leads in the recruit- ing. The returns for the last six months show that 6,200, men have donned the khaki. This surpasses the exhibit of the district of Toron- to, omitting the SUNatrueHon ug ment. . ---------- The Farmers' Union of Ontario propose to establish all over the pro- vince stores in which they may trade 'been doing, and to their advantage. There is money in co-operation, when business principles are observ- \ the farmers to save their crops this| The greater the mimber of people] the greater faith one has in its ulti- | | Heuston was the brothér-in-law of [AL as their friends in the west havej Random Reels "Of Shoes and Shipe and Sealing Wax, of Cabbages and Kings." ed thing classy for $18.50, and then be, compelled to choose between a da- mask boulevard velvet at $49 and an- other one just like it If we had a law in this country prohibiting clerks in the spit department from showing anvthing over $15 to wives who are accompanied by their husbands, how much brighter this world would be. The spring suit is sa constructed that it cannot be worn after it is four weeks old without creating com- ment, and this is due to the pernici- ous system of exposing summer suitgl in the show windows. It would seem as if the style shows could be a little more liberal in their yiews and turn out a robust sprifig suit now .and then which could be worn until late in October without causing the owner to be debarred from the bridge club The spring suit is made in several different styles, in order to harmon- ize with the complexion and figure of the wearer. A neat-fitting spring suit which does not cost more than a tile roofed garage is an ornament to any wife, and when she buys it with her own money it becomes a work of art. THE SPRING SUIT The spring suit is a gift from a man to his wife which makes woman more contented 'with her husband and vice versa Nothing illustrates the reckless ex- travagance which dominates this age more clearly, than the refusal of wo- man to. be satisfied with one suit of clothes a year. What is more revolt- ing to the mild and humane instincts of the average husband than to be obliged to buy a box-pleated spring suit for his wife with $19.75 which he had saved for a fishing trip? This practice, which is growing to alarm- ing proportions, is making it more and more difficult for a dressy hus- band to spend all his salary on fancy vests and $2 neckties. It is getting so in some quarters that husbands who have no will power are not only obliged to pay for the spring suit, but in many in- stances are forced to help pick it out. It is a painful thing to see a dejected, woe-begone husband dragged into the suit department by. an exuberant wife, with the idea of getting some- Rippling Rhymes AN OLD STORY "We'll soon be giving the cost of living a solar plexus blow!" So men are crying as they go plying the spade and rake and hoe. About ten million, per- haps a billion, have made their solemn vows, to labor hard in the fertile garden, encouraged hy theiz fraus. We'll all be raising green goods amazing, all kinds of peas and beans, our bosoms glowing, we'll all be show- ing huge stacks of luscious greens. And while we've lumping we'll hear the slumping of prices at the store; they'll be descending, still dow ard wending, till they can sink no more. Oh, it is trying, when you've been plying the hoe, all summer long, it makes you saddish to find your radish ie worth less than a song. You vow you'll never waste fierce endeavor by raising things from seeds, and you determine you'll do no squirmin' hereafter in the weeds. This year dad blind us, in cheap and sweat-stained duds; in h laughter if you name home grown spuds. --WALT MASON. ALT MASCA, 1 A you'll find us at work, years thereafter we'll shriek wit mn City Dairy Opening 7 Monday, April 9th mm Se a Pasteurized Milk and Cream This Dairy is fully equipped with all the latest sanitary machi 0. J. Robinson, one of the proprietors, formerly ran Point Pleasant Dairy for many years, and extends to all his old cus- tomers and new ones, an invitation to in- spect. this new plant, they will be able to serve the people : - Delivery to all parts of the city. eh ROBINSON & MARRISON, Props. (= Try Bibbys For Your New Hat ---- __. Try Bibbys For Your . New Hat New Pinch Back Suits : The Earl, $15.00, Fancy plaided worsteds, ~ sizes 33 to 39. : : The Noble, $15.00, fancy cheviots; small checks, sizes 33 to 40. : The Ritz, $20.00. Fine English worsteds, checks, plaids, and pencil stripes. The Yale, $20.00, English worsteds, small pin tof patterns; black and white. Sizes 34 to 38. PINCH BACK SUITS Blue, $18.00, $20.00, $22.50. Sizes 34 to 40. : . PINCH BACK OVERCOATS $15.00, $16.50, $18.00. Real beauties. Fancy "cheviots, Oxford greys, plain blue .vicunas. BOYS' PINCH BACK SUITS A AA AAA NAAN -- Try Bibbys For Your Shoes And Save $1.00. ce en rose | Bibbys Your Shoes And Save $1.00. Limited Largest and Freshest Stock of sez TIRES" Always at your Ser- vice. «NOBBY TREAD" «CHAIN TREAD" «PLAIN TREAD" porn a TRY US AND BE CONVINCED. INSPECTION FREELY GIVEN WITHOUT CHARGE. REPAIR CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. EVERY CUSTOMER SATISFIED. SERVICE IS OUR POLICY. CTR Auto Tire and Vulcanizing Co. 206 Wellington Street EERE ERA RARER 2 i At Thermopolis, Wyom., a strang- | DR.DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS er, believed to be a German,' , who | ulating Pill for Women. $5 a box or three for | HD old at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any | A rein | ble Re | {of Thermopolitans whom his cry in-| furiated. Thirty-one Bridish sunk by submarines cluding eighteen over sixteen dred tons. AORTA ERATOR Yitaziey; for Nerve and Brain; increases "'grey | vessels were | matte : a Tonic--will build yon up. $3 a box, or | for $5 last week, In | two for Bot drug sores, or by i oa tens | A one a phe TH as *K, =| of price. HE SCOBELL Drug Co. bl Catharines : hun- | Outage 4 | EREDICING CO T0800 0. ONL. (Fors ey at Mahood's Dmg Store. ~~ FOR SALE! 1--Frame, 7 rooms, Pa St., Price $1225, 2--Double frame, 6 rooms each, Raglan Rd. Price $1550. '@# 8--Frame, 7 roo Quebec St., Freezone|-: = 4--Frame, 7 rooms, Plum St., Price $2000. 6 rooms each, THE NEW B--Double stone, Ridegu St., Price $2850. CORN REMEDY £--WBrick 8 rooms, Beverly At -- McLeod's : Drug Store : -, 7--Brick, 8 rooms, Colborne "York St. St., Price $2850 8--Brick, 8 rooms, Price $3000, p--Brock, 7 rooms, Colborne St., Price $2550. . a» 10--Brick, 7 rooms, Colling- wood St., Price $3500. 11--Brick, 7 rooms, Albert St, Price $4300, ee ee a -------- 0 Next Moore's Electric Shop. A GEE Heart, Rafting Memory. Price $1 per box, One will please, siz will cure. Sold by i in plain pkg. on t fein JE EET EERO EERO SIN -- shouted "Hoch der Kaiser, as be address on receipt of price. Tug SCOBELL RUE Dervous syste, akes Blog na bk 0 of prie 3 ol tw, mm new Stood Ssukine (Foipeg og Bin Co., #8. Gathastuien, Obiario. m-- : | Debility, Aen old, fy 2s » v ese: ynehi » hands | 3 i a - ~ . Toeatoret | a n A | OSP HONOL Fi OR MEN. Nie aud | deney, loss of Energy, Palpitation the oN oh Wind pr Brock Street. 24 Johnson Street. Phone 2083 & T.J Lockhart Clarence Bf. Phone 1035 or 1020, :

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