THE DAILY BRITISH Wii, TUESRAY, APRIL 3, 1917. PAGE FIVE ' m---- I -- re - -- - m-- it the g t advan e .disecr ¢ F who pos g' things made b labor HOPPINS, Single Taxer. FE CONTENTIONS OF THOSE makes su learer and scarcer, hu -- Laxy PARCENS. TO SOLDIERS AT FAVORING THE SCHEME. LIXIN mane land cheaper THE FRONT ® a Why Beca land is already ---- : g ' It 1 , i \. Hoppins Refers to Remarks of existe A nt hide ul The Embargo(of the British Govern- Commissioner Yourath of Saska- Inmodities no jahor, Will + 3 PARSER 3 . : » toon=-The 'Good That Could be De-| 0. 0° Prod price cov THE 14TH REGIMENT WILL HAVE ~~ Ment on Importations Includes OO lis ne (HN a oul ww = J 3 ; ahi r AX a Single MANY MEMBERS Foods, Clothing, Photographs, Eté, ® rived From Such a System. AXETS are 2 ¢ : : ef ? a . T recent action of the Bgitish : Kingston, April 3 {To the Fhe above cipal con-| The Headquarters "of the Battalion Government in placing an embargo : t } s6 by ynt lite INS nt ich 8 3 : po i ; = -- toy 1 1 ¢ Mc re 1 t 1 on ' i « in Will Be at the Armouries--The on 'importations something that = = = == = ancial Time £th, that gis 1X pla most import- H¥or H + Defence Should Be Will be felt in every corner of the nmissioner Yvuratl f Saska- ance on the ethical side of their] Call For Home te DOW 2 giobe, Fer instance Kingstonian . i ! re ; > hs | . : glol 3 nstance, a stonia Perplexed as ros taxa-| child born has an equal. right. tol Responded To. th, wnaies. 8 RineRonian You are invited to inspect our new spring footwear: | Saskatoon: has lowered its! water. eartia, air sunshine Ww ter 1 by the Whig to- ' x A ; | When intery d by the Whig to- phe raph to his s : ha Bes des 00 ment. nearly one-third these | ete, and land monopoly prevents | day Lieut.-Col lis, who has been phe tog int rmed hor Fig t gre ' 7. to 10. 00. three years, and some think {some from obtain these, unless! gonointed t mm h Ros ee ga Me he ho os ' appointed to command the 14th Reg- that ! ace \ es 5 $ 00 | values are still too high and are they rent for m or go be iment. C.D.F ted ti plans for Dies We the y cou i Rot & vont such valu ' . 0 to 6. . ! rd an Rn : 4 linea of the ae We . 12 articles for the mails »oks, print- F 1 jen on owner of ys ant prop youd a of th eyor ang a campaign for recru were being eq matter, etc, are. also banned or men and women. . e sees. the njustice of re vilizatior he present generation hat : tier, « are . ais . ad. ie inj ) p ent B 1} made and that so far e outlook is People who have been' in the habit viug vacant property, and put- have advantage over those whol, i ny f y members of the old f se S ng more burden on the improved| have vet to be Worn The land mono-| inant } . off th o Of Be nding parcels of Sugar, tea, £ : < : seaperty He blames the present sys-|polist says, go into the city and work | F Ba ment have ers 3 Tor ir services coffee, and other foods to friends or 2 > i LA Ne Ain , y | and support The headquarters of relativi i ap 9 y em of taxation, that the single! for wages, or 1 will pay you to work] ,, hi will } a y 3. 0% relatives in England' will be unable . d } Bb s : : 2 he battalion will be the Armouries, to do so. The list of articles pro- 1x system, for these evils, and re- on my farm, you can make as much and both the Brass and Bugle bands : . a : 8 pro ymmends some system that willl for wa®es as I do with my farm or ant DUS 35¢ prass an os 4 hibited except under special license { place' the burden on those who areiJones does out of his business. Sin } Ve I ganze 3 uf ihe {is quite a long one. It includes the ile to pay. How few there are who|gle taxer replies that this is parti- 141 oun eo H : I following: 9 derstand the contention of sin-j ally true, while I am single and b 4 1 2 and ' USgare Has | Aerated mineral and table waters sen called ang ¢ ays > Pi APs acl gle taxers. Singles ta¥iis ai etflical | bealthy, but God has ordained, and| PPER CF 5 Jang ins ow tee! Agrienitural machinery. : - » officers' who are ppointe ; ciple; as much or more than a the well being of the future. de- nine JCErs' Who are 10 ix appointes Antimony ware litical measure. It is as good in|mands, that I should replenish the RE Ones will be named, Lieut.-Col Apparel, not waterproofed, except ' limited "form, such as Saskatoon] earth Now. tell me what I will dof Mills Is very optimistic and Tooks | hoots and shoes, ha 1s any other form of taxation.| when 1 have a family and sickness upon the call for home defence as! works of art. perhaps better. It would not remedy | overtakes me or wages fail. / And an ideal opportunity for"the men of | pagkets and basketware of bam- the évils caused by booms or reck-| more also, myself and every/mem-| military age in this city and county poo ess speculation, and its best re-|ber'of my family adds a vue tof to come forward and offer their ser- Printed books and other printed - Ss its will be realized when applied! vour farm, and Jones bus\ness| Vices I'ie 14th Regiment has al-| matter, including printed posters wnlimited and nationally No sys-| equally with vourselves, ani \ a] Ways been the strongest and repre-| gang daily and weekly and other per- : : ' : em of taxation can prosper tie.west|{don't get it. Our land values, which | sentative Kingston Military Corps jodical publications imported other- . { the railways too. lgoes to your farm will keep your|and there are hundreds of its old | wise than in single copies thro H M d ) J Li 1 in & $ ugh me-, i the single tax? It is one | family when we are both dead, but| members still in Kingston who.are pn, id ade tax on land values only it would my family must, drudge or steal. [| prepared to assist in the mobilization Joots and shoes of leather and ma- xempt from taxation every thing|shall stand at the judgpent bar and] even if they cannot serve themselves. | tarjals used for the manufacture mide by thor, It claims for charge vou with being 'tae principle] Arrangements will be made to fur-| thereof not alre ady prohibited aomitant governmen owner cause of all poverty and crime that, nish an exemption button to every | Brandy : an railway telegrapl ca has cursed humanity since civiliz-| munition worker and others who | Clocks and parts thereof telep mines and in fa every ation began to dawn I forgot tol may be exempted from duly as physi-!| (Cloisonne ware Fresh Made y Day. public facility necessity should be gay that land values created by the} cally unfit or for any reason | Prepared and raw cocoa. ned and operated by the govern-| growth of community only, and with 'Let every man in Kingston be Coffee ¢nt for the people at cost Single | out efforts Labor value is the offers honest with himself and decide what | Cotton hosiery ! gay thi f sue 8 Of 0 1 nlied t the nature )-1 1d be his i 1 War . x ; i h a i re venue wa « f toil applied 0 he na ura pre hould be his p Tt to win th § war { Cotton lace and articles thereof. a € S d to the value of the land [ducts of the earth Those who pos-feyvery man enlisting for home ser- | Curios PP oP A PP i A AAA. AAA AAA, ttt 2-2 Q > » t " bans ' H F To allow a ne more lo £0 10, Diatomite and infusiorial earth. . Next Grand Opera House France," said Col Mills at the close Embroide : 'ork : 3 S ry, and needlework T 1 h 6 d the Whig's i ) : a ainting Spells, {of the Whig's call { Fancy goods known as "Paris" e €p one | 40 -- I Sire goods, Nerves Completely Exhausted A Friend Suggested the U Use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Cure Resulted Now Strongly Recom- mends It to Others. recommend this treatment to anyone suffering from nervousness, dizziness or run-down system." Another interesting comes from Mrs. Woolley, proven the curative effects (Chase's Nerve Food Mrs. M. HH. Woolley, 168 Bagot street, Kingston, Ont.; writes: "I was suffering from nervousness, dizziness and sleeplessness. After taking a treatment of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food I feel much better, having been bene- fitted just as represented. I can now sleep well at night and feel better in every way. It certainly is a great boon to humanity to be able to get such a medicine, I recommend {ft to all suffering from nervousness and sleeplessness." . Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents a box, a full treatment of six boxes for $2.50, at all dealers, or Edman- son, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto Kin Apr. 3. 1917 Tere another report which will be 6 pec fal interest to every woman who weak and run-down in health The headaches, the nervousness, the dizzy spells which accompany this condition soon disappear under the upbuilding ' influence of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food You can feel yourself gaining in health and strength and by noting your gradual Increase in weight from week to week you can prove that new firm flesh and tissue is being added to the body. Mrs. Nellie Harding, 377 Earl St., Kingston, Ont., writes: "Last winter I was sufferfhg from nervou$ness, headaches agfl dizzy spells. The head- ache and dizziness were so bad that I used to faint. I didn't know just what to do, antil a friend advised me to use Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. So I got a box and followed up the treat- fon is is statement who has of Dr. ment, with splendid results. Now I| Do not be talked into accepting a have not had a fainting spell since |substitute. Imitations only disap and I can sleep quite well. 1 would ' point. (a ASK YOUR GROCER FOR CHARM TEA IN PACKAGES. Black, Green and Mixed. Packed in King- ston, by GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. Pt A AAA PAP ~~ ~ ~~ A aA SAVE @:) YOUR EYES. -- Eyestrain if neglected, may cause serious damage to the delicate mechanism of the vision, and by deranging the nervous system, cause headaches and other troubles. For Perfect Satisfaction Consult Optician and J. J STEWART, Opt.D. Optometrist. Cor. Wellington and Clarence Sts. Opp. Post Office. Phone 609 20th Century Spring Overcoats Crawford 6 Walsh SPECIAL AGENTS TAILORS, Princess and Bagot Streets: WOUNDED SECOND TIME NOW BACK ON LINE Lieut. Walter Hird Had Close Call When Companion Was Killed. . Lieut Walter Hird, of the R.C H:A., was wounded for a second time but back at the front again in France He has written to friends in this city "I, was returning 'hes a few ago," Hird, "when old. Fritz birthday present and knocked me ouf for a time. 1 got hit on the head and hip, also on the right leg Another young fellow was killed He wags hit over the "1 met one of my old boy voung Minnes, about a week ago looks well I am in the same tery that Walter Steacy was when he lost an eye I was scoutmaster. Tell him that we are keeping up the fine record I have the right section of the battery." The writer was just recently made v lieutenant. is from the said Lieut sent 'over a tren days heart scouts, He bat- with his Notice to LC.S. Students. The local office of the Internation- al Cerrespondence School has been removed to 130 Clarence St, form- erly occupied by Canadian Freeman, The Latest Egg Record, Mrs, Ford, 283 Sydenham writes: In reply to H, Barnet, Colborne street, who speaks about production, we have six only six months old. We had 31 eggs last week and the week before, and have had 118 eggs in four weeks. I think this wants some beating. street, egg a3 For Easter. Bibles, Prayer Books, Books, Devotional Books, Hymn Easter Cards New books and gift hooks at R. Uglow & Co., making accept- able Easter gift An Odd Incident. A dead mouse dropped in front of dent is that\a bird mus: have picked up the mouse and then dropoed it. Winn Surren Win Bactacse, Kionevs on Rucumamisw Now? | Letter Tolls of Long-lovked-for Prescription, Dear Readers--11 1 can do any good in the world for others, 1 wish to 90 1h and 1 feel that jus is my duty to write about wondérful ts I received from the fo MEE Eo LF hie, om my ne! a sie h_troubles. suffering from iid ET len eh. You've all undoubtedly the famous Dr. Pierce and known medicines. Well, this prescri tion is one that has been s cumatolly used many y by the physicians instantly | 60 hens | | Ornamental and down feathers, Fire extinguishers. Artificial flowers | Raw fruit of all descriptions (ex- cept lemons and bitter oranges) and almonds and nuts used as fruit Glass manufactures. not alre prohibited | Gloves, ! Hats. Bonnets Hides, wet and dry Incandescent gas mantles. Raw jute Leather, dressed and undressed. Linen yarns and manufactures Lobsters, canned, Mats and matting, Mops. Painters' colors and Perfumery *hotographic Pictures. Prints. Engravings. Photographs and mape, Plated and gilt wares. Live quails, Quebracho, hemlock, eak and man- grove extracts, Rum, Salmon, canned, Manufactures of silk, cluded. Manufactures of skins and furs Soya beans. Stereoscopes. Straw envelopes for bottles. Straw plaiting, Sugar, articles and containing sugar used for food, cept condensed milk. Tea. {| Tomatoes. Typewriters, | Wine. | Wood and | hewn, sawn ady pigments, apparatus. yarns not in- preparations ex- all kindy, planed or timber of or split, dressed. The prohibition of importation of | periodical publications exceeding six ! teen pages in length otherwise than "lin single copies through post has been removed. REASON dice ge a | | | FARMER GAVE Yhy He Did Not Want to a well-known young K ton law- Professor. yer e was Ww alking on Brock | Justice of the Peace George Hunt- Street) on Sunday, afternoon. Ihe ler who has the hard task of secur- only cause \ie can give for the inei- |. ° help for the farmers, } 2% an i jteresting*ytime. Saturday a farmer, iwho is in need of some kelp to get in his crops, called on him and asked fur a man. "I can send you a real good man," "ald Col. Hunter, who was pleased that he could make the farmer such .an offer. -f | "Who én you send?" said the knight of the ®oil. | "I can send you a enllege pro- fessor," was the reply. 'Can he milk and do all the work required of him on the fayin:"" was| je next question. "Yes, he can do everything. He has bad the experience, and with his knowledge should be able to fill the Lill satisfactorily." | Cel. Hunter': breath was almost! taken away when the farmer told; him that he did not want any college professor working on nis farm, and 'asked the reason why. 'Well, its just this wav " explain- ed the farmer. "If'1 take on that ccilege professor he will have every- one 'n my house'eating wih a jork." Col. Hunter regarded this excuse as the "limit," ¢specially in these "days, when the demand for farm help i= so keen, and it was hard for him: to take the farmer seriously in the matter. MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION Upheld Work of School Teachers on Religious and Teaching, At the meeting of the Ministerial Association, held Monday, a dis- cussion took place on religious and moral teaching in the schools. The discussion arose over a statement credited to Mr. Halpenny, Secretary of the Sunday School Union, that the public schools were not doing the{® work that they should do. The members placed themselves on cord as saying that such was not the condition of affairs in Kingston and tribute was paid to the work carried on in this way by the school teachers. and thé Board managing the affairs {of the school, 4 Hats READY NOW Our les is always the the season. New shapes and in men's hats for fellows. We still our old-time prices: $2, $2.50, $3, $4.50. Fn, Campbell Bros. Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers showing of Easter hat Sty- event of new colors particular maintain A er aan How You Can Make \ | ff -------------------------------------------------------------- Hairs Quickly Disappear (Helps to Beauty) { Even a stubborn growth of hair will quickly vanish from the face, | neck or arms after a single treat- | ment with delatone. To remove the | hairs make a stiff paste with a little powdered delatone and water, apply to hairy surface and after about 2| minutes rub off, wash the skin and | it will be left free from hair or blem ish To avoid disappointment, be quite certain you get real delatone. ee rn -------- mm, HE RE IT IS! | ---- | Mchenaie Softly Soliliquizes and | Writes A Message, | The man who said "I'm from Mis- | souri you'll have to show me," was not demanding any more than his| rights Since coming here 1 have made no boastful claims as to what | I can do, but if this man from Mis-! souri be here in Kingston, I will be glad to meet him, [ will show him, after having been shown, 1 for and he, am sure, will go out and boost, a satisfied customer is a booster That is my main way of getting a namo to satisfy the man who pays me to work for him 'Satisfy the man who pays you to work"----be you employer or employ- ee"--my own motto, McDonald, Wellington, new~touring car. James has pareh chased a Had Awful Attacks of Heart Trouble WE HAVE A NICE FOR 5 OR 6 YEARS Diseases and disorders of the heart | and nervous system ,have become | frightfully prevalent d& late years, One can scarcely pick up a paper but he will find recorded instance: of sudden deaths through heart fail ure, or of prominent men and wo-| men unable to prosecute their ord-| inary business or profession on ac-| count of a breaking down of the nervous system, { We do not desire to unnecessarily alarm anyone, but to sound a word of warning. When the heart begins to beat ir- regularly, palpitates and throbs, hes! shooting pains through it, it Is time | to stop and think. To all sufferers from "heart and | nerve troubles Milburn's Heart and | Nerve Pills can give prompt and] permanent relief. { Mrs. Frank Arseneau, Newcastle, | N.B., writes: "I had awful attacks| of heart trouble for the past five or; six years, and as [ had tried many kinds of medicine without getting! any better, ["Tecided to give Mil burn's Heart and Nerve Pills a trial, | and to my surprise | found ease from! the second dose. | continued taking | them until 1 had used six boxes, and | now I feel as well as can be. "At the present time my siste using them for nervousness and great comfort by their use." r 5] nds} ~ $0c or three boxes for $1.25, at all) dealers, or matled diz ect on reeeipt of| price by the Twin Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont, | F-- UP-TO-THE-MINUTE Everything for Children's Comfort. James Reid In BABY CARRIAGES, GO CARTS, SULKEYS AND STROLLERS. The Busy Store with the Large Stock. Phone 147 for Motor Ambulance. ~~ -- ~~ Now That Spring Is Here Buy ANSCO CAMERAS AND SUPPLIES; CYKO PAPER AND Sole Agent and Distributor M.Q. DEVELOPER . TF. H. Sargent, Corner Princess and Montreal Streets Telephone 41 ---- MONUMENTS We have opened a br of marble and granite. Special attent nch of our monument business with a large stock metery lettering. fon given to « F ALLON BROS., 139 ASSORTMENT OF Easter Eggs JAS. REDDEN & CO. Phones 20 and 990. -- Pure Clover Milburn's Heart and Nerve Plils arel graduate of 1883, died at Cannington | on Sunday. at Woodbridge last November owing | to 111 rhealti: i i : Honey 20c a Section St esters 4 | ---- Rev. Malcolm McKinnon, a Queen's | He resigned his charge 1 > Clergy St. St. Phone 637. LUBIN'S Sep Remedy CURES DANDRUFF AND STOPS FALLING HAIR 50¢ Bottle Prouse's Drug Store © Phone 82. Opposite Bt. Andrew's Church