Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Apr 1917, p. 11

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~ - That is what Rabbi M. Shallit of Edenbridge, Sask., says regarding a cure by Zam-Buk;of which he gives -- the following particulars; | ELGINBURG., "A short time ago," said the Rabbi, **a man brought his little Mar On the Sabbath 'Rev 'son to me and asked if 1 knew of anything that would cure the | Mr Codling expects to. exchange child of a terrible skin disease, with which he had suffered for | three years. The child's forehead, eyes and ears were covered | with sores. The sight was shocking, and the child had not been able to see fgr two years. As he was an only child, the father said Hospital on Thursday suffering with he would give anything to have him cured, but as he had already { bneumonia Mrs. M "Shannon and been treated by many doctors, each of whom bad given up the pit Glenburnie are i ending 2 Case as incurable, he had about despaired of ever finding a cure. | tow 'dave with I oF or aE Having, great faith in Zam-Buk, 1 recommended it, and to cut a | y haries 2 . = Vig Simkin i long story short, perseverance with Zam-Buk has now completely | Charles Irvine 5. simbking 18 cured the child {able to sit up. Sugar-making has be- gun Miss Maggie Dougherty spent a THE FATHER'S ACCOUNT week in Kingston with her sister, Mrs. G. Arthurs. Mrs. J. Hawkey 1 5 : and Beula are visiting friends in lowing letter from the father of the boy expresses his gratitude: k Company, Toronto Kingston to testify that my boy sufiered for three years with a severe bh doctors tried to cure, but in vain. 'The sores on bis eyes ¢ that for two years he was quite unable to see. Zam-Buk, § however, has worked a complete and permanent cure. pulpits with Rev. Mr. Currie, Prin eess Street! church, Kingston Mrs | Quick was removed to the General ! PLEASANT VALLEY March 30.--Richard Ellerbeck and Sons have taken possession of the AAA NAA WMAMAAAANAAAAAAAAAAN The Zam-Buk treatment was recommended to me by Mr, M. farm lately vacated by W. Snyder Shallit, Rabbi of Edenbridge, for which I shall be grateful to him forever. { Mr. Emberly, Colebrook Road, is in With hearty thanks to you, I remain, Yours faithfully, s vicinity with his sawing outfit. (Signed) E. ROMANUK." A number attended the sale near PUAN AAA AA Sydenham on Wednesday Mrs. T . us} 34 40d fa sea P SNe): Fnsworn, Send talrcoupon Topping, who was removed from her ples. blocd-poisouing, pi'es, cuts, burns, | and Ic. stamp (for return poste brother's home to the General Hos- a rice and discanes. All drugeists and | age) to Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, pital, is improving quite rapiodly #lores of Zun-Buk Co., Toroalo. 50c. box, 3 for $1.25. | and free trial box will be sent. Dr and Mrs. H. A. Boyce visited the . for 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Boyce. R. J. Barr, Burridge, visited friends here, Edgar Kerr, Verona is at Edgar Hughes' BUNKER HILL. March 30.--A gloom was cast over this' neighborhood when the news came on Tuesday morning, March 27th, of the death of Lucy Timmer man, who passed away on Monday af- ter a short illness at the home of her brother, Henry Perro, Hartington Deceased was a maiden lady and a life-long resident of this place. She was born near Verona about fifty- eight years ago, and when only a child her parents moved here. She was the youngest daughter of George Timmerman, sr., who died some thirty years ago, and since her mother's death seven years ago, she spent the time among relatives. She leaves two sisters, Mrs. J. Leeman, Godfrey, and Mrs, William Smith; Perth Road; also Anson and George, Tho Kind You Have Always Boaght, and which has been brothers, of this place, and Henry in use for over 30 years, has bornn tho signature of Perro, a half brother, at Hartington, and has been made under his pere whose home she was at when death lg sonal supervision since its infancy. called her. The funeral was at Des- > Ll hit Allow no one to deceive you in this, ert Lake church. On March 28th. " All Counterfeits, Imitations and *¢ Just=us-good " are but Service was conducted by an old Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of friend of the family, Rev. J Mede; Infants and Children--Experience against Experiment, of Holleford What is CASTORIA rea [11 Castoria is a harmless snbstitute for Castor Oil, Paree Leeds goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. Ig contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie v bh, substance. (ts ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms SAND BAY. and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it April 2 ---Sugar making is nearly bos been in comstant use for the relief of Constipation completed. H. Woods opened! his Flatuleney, Wind Colic, 211 Teething Troubles an cheese factory on Tuesday last. Miss Diarrhea, it regulates the Stomach and Bowels, Ethel Running spent Sunday at her assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep, home here Clamson Sly left for The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend, Picton to open his cheese factory Visitors: Mrs. Ross Vanorman and son, Blane, Elgin Vanorman, Eben GENUINE { AS { ORIA ALWAYS ezer Orange, Warren and Miss G Kelsey, Long Point, at' V. Goff's; Frank Lappin, Melcombe, L. Slack and Wilfred Fodey, Warburton, at Charles MoDonald's; Mr. and Mr R. Running and son, Lansdowne, at J. Running"s; Miss Vera. MeDonald and Miss A. Ward spent the week end at R. M. Lappin's, Melcombe; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lappin and child- ren at Mrs. 8S Patienee's, Dulce maine; Miss Marcella McDonald at ™ John Fodey"s, Warburton; Mrs. L " n SE or ver ears Johnston and Miss Kate Johnston returned home from Lyn on Satur- rn The Kind You Have Always Bought day. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY, Pool Bears the Signature of o I'S RESORT. March 26.--Cherry Buell has pur- chased a touring car. Henry Elliott met with a misfortune on Saturday while attempting to drive across the channel, his horse broke through the ice and drowned before it could be rescued. Edward Salter and bride visited at Alfred Salter's last week. The snow has nearly all disappeared and the ice in the river is failing fast. Miss Edna Poole has been visiting relatives in Lansdowne. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Ashby have recovered from Grippe. Ernest Poole hag sold his houseboat and moved fo Gréna- dier Island. Quite a number from here attended the moving picture show at Mallorytown on Friday even- ing. ---- WILLOWBANK. April 2 William * Edwards, of Gananoque, Is improving the ap- pearance of his cottage on the river bank by erecting a verandah around it Mr. and Mrs. Edwards enter- tained a few of their friends from " arr town to an oyster supper at their cottage one evening recently Miss \ Loretta Beaubien, who stays with On!" her sister, Mrs. James Cowan, jr., is learning millinery at Mrs. Middle- ------ tons, Gananoque. Mrs. Thomas . Little and Miss Helen Haig are both q No turning back in the indisposed. Miss Armstrong has ~ . Dunlo Quali been having examinations last week Pp ty Crusade. to find the standing of her pupils in The man ears bicy their different classes. The snow q yy of cle J disappeared without much flooding, liremaking have taught us and it willéhot be long till the farm- what counts in offsetting the ers are at their seeding. The chase "dail ind" bi factory under the management of iy grin on icycle tires. Henry Jones opened last week for > w business. Mrs. James Turcott was § That's. why we say to you, at her daughter's, Mrs. H. Garrah's, | as a bicycle rider, "Dunlop one day last week. Miss Jennie Me- . Clement, of Pittsferry, is t Mrs. | 3 the biggest wird in Tire Joon Clark's i ow rey : : 0 'in tire mileage!" Dunlop Tire & Rubber | Lennox and Addington] Goods Co. Limited : ~ : 'WiLsox. Head Office & Factories: TORONTO March 29.--The shareholders of . 1 the Star cheese factory met on the i Sth to arrange for the coming sea- Branches in the leading cities. son, which promises to be the most ~ B. 131 + | prosp@rous the factory has known. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1917. PAGE ELEVEN -- ee et et ee a en. se eee Aap nem FROM THE COUNTR YSIDE, Frontenac | | the wi from Tou W i ® the winter in fhe nber \ | Grace Wilson, Calabog v | friends here., George Bg D § | is at Jame W Miss Grace 4 ---------- i A A At At at tt, Atta PN Eta \ eects uta | 7 MC Cai | EE TEETS : LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE \ Has bought the Blakemore Studio, 180 Wel- In effect Jan. 14th, 1817. ington St., Over Royal Bank Chambers. Traits wil leave sud secive at City foot of Johnson street. GOING WENT a sod 1c on et 1 -Now a BHR des Fine, Bonny ! ty Arr Clty W. Fergoo 1 » 03 GOING EAM ve Clty: Arr. City 1. . x 0am. 217a.m. A i 58 3 3.56 a.m, tend farmi George Br his ! treal , Mon t." John, Ball is vis ! ry Tie- Muriel Hu r L. Pa ir ed | Ras . - 1 a rer inf , Apply a fine team of horses from James | Penetang Ontario) Child, Once so Thin and J. B. HANLEY, AGE McKinnon, 'Laval Ar Mc Pl | Delicate, Cured by Dr. Cassell's Tablets. Cor. Johnson aud Gninre Streets, son will run the stage to.Calabog = a _-- Kingston, Ont, i i FY aus Speni ie | MRS. JARVIS, BOX 286, PENE- ught poor bab 21d Fve, but o AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAM. ter away fk | Su re : - SHIP LANES, ing to farm TANG, P.0, ONTARID, says: "It | day I chanced t ar of a baby Open Day and Night Telephone 99 preparations " i a pleasure to . mr nee their land beir ( ori ™ a vd all farm i y Lassell'y D -------------------- ---- adhd L { .-- -- | iO 1 21€ . i i $0 only : Hon 18 $i olf 5 taken Lanark : es Foe a : ad for ; r i dos ner 3 . t $| sities for him. and ose Passenger Service | -- at . : Hetween /MABERLY. | 1ich he ! April Fan ih | ; h Le 'Montreal and London swing; some fine ru p haw « a1 bet gl a + I} ttUalling Falmouth fo nnd PHNNenigers ) been reported Ww. J I give A 8 nd Mies taken over the ma 5% 1¢ a S. Ache De a ing and pap : . : He Ne - ~~ ice in the river \ pearin . £ : : ol 3 John Duffy sold I e oe now, McLaughlin 8 Garage Mr. Sherda: A ge ex Liat te cured, an . pected to atténd Thomas ( p emed just skin i blne. H veighs twenty-five pounds at twelie Seize the opportunity; bring us sale to-day only w 4 len pounds. We nev inths old." your car before it gets snowed fin. ----- : | You will want it looked over before JOHN FOX'S DEATH Every mother should know that Dr. Cassell's Tablets are { [using it in the spring. We have had -- Just as suitable for children as they are for grown-up people. ! factory experience and can guarantee Formerly Dry Goods Merchant in Their splendid nutritive and vitalising properties soon PH our work, Let us look after your Belleville and Quebec, overcome any tendency to nervousness or weakness in the 3 battery; we will save you money, Cobourg, March 30 The funeral little ones, and lay the foundation of a strong constitution ¥ } R J F of John Fox, one of the for after years. « J. I'ursey, Prop. known men town, took place here this mor into the dry goods business a . 3% Tue W he was similarly eng Belleville, wi ch store at I bec, where T i [| IMPERIAL LIFE gaged ¢ SH -------------- he had resided in Cobourg, wi | The i o | f Pri 0 n ' cal n 1 Dr. Cassell"s Tal A P ither Fox Garage Phone 1609; Res. 081. of Glengarry Madoc, a a number of vears he |} county {is a brother New Stand, 84-38 Princess ree Mr. Fox was a native of Ireland and ! : cess Street, seventy-two vears of ag He ente ® | Opposite Wormwith's Piano Works. ed dr . i 13 ' -- some y position of collector of 't tive, Alterative Nutritive, R FREE inion is 1. 1 Ar © " remedy f fusur ame Of his famiily two daug . i ounf{ ealled for by the tin Mrs. Fred. Downs, 1 SAMPLE. Nervous Breakdown Sleeplessness Malnutrition { E50.000.00; wherens The rial Morley Kinsman. Osh On receipt of . 5 Nerve Paralysis An®mmia Wasting Diseases { hay voluntarily 'deposit over predeceased their cents t cover Infantile Weaknass Kidney Trouble Palpitation | Cig dn fur the protection of is survived also bv mad ek: | Neurasthenia Dyspepsia Vital Exhaustion | en, 8 8 algo | 2 "merous a : jage ss (regs he I fr sample ill be Specially valuable for nuMuig mothers and during the : her marriage Miss Gres jree mmple will in Oritical Pericde of Lie © i J.B. Cooke, Dis.Mgr. ment was in St. Michael's Cemetery > Be { Sold hy Druggiets and Storekeepers throughout Canada | Aa Prices: One tube, 50 cents: six tubes for the price of five 332 King St. Wir tax, 2 cents per tube extra | Phone 3503; Residence 849. Seeding has commenced in gouth western Ontario Sole Proprietors: Dr. Cassell's Co., Lid, Manchester, Engy ht te Se EY whose fame has been flashed beyond the Seas. MURAD with its goodness that cannot be imitated, with its sales greater than any other cigarette in history. Sold in packages of 10 and in boxes of 50 and 100. J Everywhere-lDhy ? FINEST QUALITY Farmers .are busy tapping their maple groves. By all appearances the run will be shart Mail-carrier

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