Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Apr 1917, p. 3

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ROMANCE IN SLAV NAMES. " URGED ALL YOUNG PEOPLE o Notice [ TO AID IN THE GREATER PRO: Pe A bUGION CAMPAIGN. ance 14 tory, and Fame, w-(anadians know there is ro the strar gecsounding . sian names brouglt to our notice Fit Hanley Read Premier's Proclama. the war 1 have taken over the grocery busi- tion in St, Mary's ( aihedral--Tells | 'It is interesting, in the first place, ness of What the Parish Has Done For the {10 note how largely ing "hope," "victory "fame." a { "Joy" figure in Russian, Polish, a Slavonic nomenclature, while "'glor names signi Rigney & Hickey at 138 Princess street, and will re- open dn a few days with a complete Hoe of new goods, ; I'will extend a welcome to all old y and Fr War. Palu 1 wad celebrated in thdral 6n Sunday by the| sing and distributing! yy assisted by Frs. | that spirit of fiery patriotism whi rigan. Fr. Meag-| burns in every Slav breast, and 'h customers of this well-known store, was master of ceremonies, FY. caused this conflict to be regarded and, I hope, also to many new ones, Halligan was in charge of the sanc- 1a 'holy war." - ty ofr, High mass was celebra-1 The Czar's name, Nicholas (whi a |appears in his own country masses Fr. Hanley read | Nikolaj, or Nikalo), bears the a proclamation land the|spicious meaning of "victory of t eing made the Ontario people," being derived from the u itself Han he emier's United Grocery Store Co. | Ben Lee, Mgr, . ba by eanings Connected With Joy, Vie. Rus- is capable of forming an entire class All of which evidences THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1917 DESERTION IS CHARGED BUT CLAIMED PHAT JOHN BUR-| Stes m- GEON GAVE HIMSELF UP, by eral Allowed in His fy- --( ase Adjouriied For a Day to ay cure Evidence. y' The first case of desertion to come before the Police Court on Monday morning Farrell, ch . . as There have been quite-a grist as | cases of this kind before the gou Magistrate, but the city Police Co has been free of them, John Burgeon, a well-built you ch as u- he 1d dier, was the person charged. A. Cunningham appeared During the Time the Governor-Gen-! Proclamation was heard | by Magistrate | man, with the make-up of a good sol- for him and PAGE THREE Probs: Rain. Tuesday, cool, clearing. Dress Up For Easter ! CHOOSE YOUR NEW Se- | | ot | nty| urt | Ing B "Ranks with the Strongest' HUDSON BAY nsurance Company FIRE CT Head Office. Royal Insurance Bldg: MONTREAL PBKCY J. QUINN Mansger, Ontario Branch, Toronto W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ¢ and P ICKERING 490-492 Princess Street. Phone 530. Spring Medicines 1 April is the Month for Spring Medicines: Narsaparilla Extract. Beef, Iron and Wine, Quinine Tonic. Sulphur and Molasses, Bland's Pills. Take your spring tonic now, At Best's | | The Popular Drag! Store, ! Open Sundays Phone 59, Branch 2018 i Eee) Nr A tion of Resources Commit-| Greek word nikon (vietory). referred to the fact that St.| Another beautiful Russian name sh had contributed 400 is Anikta, which means, literally, overseas-forces, had given | "without victory"; hence, "'uncon- to the Red Cross Society | quered." lar objects, and this latest | Few would recognize our familiar ould be given the same gen-| John under tlw poetic Ivan, with the explained to the Magistrate that the accused had given himself up under the governor-general's proclamation, and on this account, asked that the charge be dropped. Burgeon signed up with **B" Battery, and is quite willing to go to the front with any €rous response He urged the peo-|feminines Ivanna and Ivancica, all {qynit, ple to do what they could for great-| of which means "grace of the Lord." It appears that Burgeon was in er production and lend their assist] Our Elizabeth appears as Elisa- Detroit when the governor-general is ance in the campaign now on. Fr.|vetta (oath of God), and Kate is sued his proclamation about giving a Hanley advised the young men of the | transformed into Katarina of the chance to all deserters who gave parish, who were idle, or had noth-| musical Katinka, themselves up within a specified ing much tordo, and also students af- Jefronissa (mirth), Jelica (light) time. Burgeon gave himself up on the close of the schools, to gecure|and Jevva (life) are surely a happy the second last day of the time al- work with the farmers during the|trio from which to christen a baby lowance, and has been held at the girl, - Here are just a few of the count less "glory" names: Stanislay (camp glory), Mitrofan (tire glory), Misti- slav (avenging glory), Lavoslay | (lion glory), Vatroslav (fiery glory), Wencelaus or Venceslav, as the true {spelling is (crown glory): Slavomir (glorious friénd), Slavomir (glorious | peace), and Slavoje (glorious love), inmer months, as men were scarce and 1 products could not well be cultivi ile was avail barracks here since Feb, 27th. Just why he has beensheld so long without a charge being made against him was not "stated, but it appears that cer- tain documents concerning the case went overseas with the battery, Magistrate Farrell remanded the case for a day, in order that Mr. Cun- ningham might have an opportunity labor able | EXCELLENT MUSICAL COMEDY "The Girl Who Smiles," at the EASTER SUIT OR COAT TOMORROW With Easter but four business days away, we would suggest an early choice of your new wear- ables -- whether it is a suit, coat, hat, kid gloves, hosiery or neckwear, our stocks are most com- plete, replete with all that is novel for the spring season. Do come inand ° SEE OUR SHOWING OF New York Suits . ~ co... $15.00 to $45.00 YopCoats ,.. ....... =. $5.50 to $42.50 New York Millinery .. . .. .. . $2.50 to $9.50 French Kid Gloves . . . . . +... 31.25t0$2.25 Silk Hosiery . . er ov ve 38c to $2.50 Grand on Saturday, of presentining evidence that is re- | or the three beautiful feminines, Ku- : : quired by the court, Large audiences enjoyed 'the pro-| J i 1 | doxia (happy glory), Migcolay (peace em duction of the French musical com glory) \ and Valeska (ruling glory). te = Lo edy, "The Girl Who Smiles," at the In all of these (except Eudoxia, TO OPEN BRANCH HERE. Grand on Saturday afternoon and| whieh is used in its Sreek fora) we -- . evening Tris production follows |ghall gee that "Slav" signifies | Pronunent Brokerage House Coming | more closely the lines of the real | "Glory"; hence the pride of the Slay to Kingston. musical comedy than most. so-called | opjc race in their title The Whig is informed on excel- productions, the plot being consist-| .«pgman belongs to Valdemar |lent authority that a prominent and ently carried out. A good singing| (powerful fame){ Valdimir (ruling well-known bond and stock broker- company is seen in the play, 'which | the world), Rurik (tamed rule), and [age house 'has completed arrange- is headed by Fred Frear Beth | Ulrika (noble rule.) ments for bringing in wire and -open- Groves-Young has an unusually good One of the prettiest groups of |ing up a branch in Kingston. The voice. Clare Thrapp, Leland Stearns, | Russian names is that which ecorre- | firm in question operates private Tom Collins, Willis Claire and Ger-| sponds to our "Dorothy" set, and [wires between Toronto, Montreal and aldine Malone give admirable sup-| comprises Fedor, Feodor, Ferodora, |New York,'and will be in a position | port {and Feodosia, all meaning "God's [to give Kingstonians prompt, high-| err | gitt'; while Pheodora and Pheodosia [class and reliable service. There is] no doubt that this will be very pleas- ing news to the many citizens inter- ested in the buying -and selling of securities, and that th&\ new firm will have the good will and generous patronige of the Kingston public. | denote 'Divine gift." meaning of the following: Radak, Radan, Radko, and Radman, and form ideal names for little Russian boys. Dadmil (joyful love) and No German About Him. "Joy" is the People at Napanee have been tell- ing that Marsden Kemp, the piano turner, is a German. Mr. Kemp was born in Kingston, his father, Eng- Radivoj (joyful war) supply two Easter Neckwear . . Jail . ...25cto $2.75 Novelty Waists . . co ...98cto $10.50 You Save 5% on All Cash Purchases By Shopping at "The Woman's Store of Kingston." EACY'S - Formal announcement will appear | J lish; mother, Scotch, "McTaggart"; | iporg while the pretty Radinka : in thé"press within a few days. his grandparents, both Kemp and] (joyful peace) will surely be used Marsden, English, crested families. | Why Hair Falls Out | | | : y | greatly when that glad day ages! Mr, Kemp offered his services at the | Paul, meaning "little," das. a USE PARK FLOWER BEDS beginning of the war, but a gun-shot | whole host of variations, of which wound in his left hand disabled him. | the best known are Pavia, Pavola, |For Planting of Vegetables for. the|tion of the scalp, the hair roots S------------ and Pavlina g 2 Public Instruction. shrink, loosen and then the hair |} Customs Collections. "Peter" denotes "a stone" or Ald. Hugh Nickle has come along comes out fast. To stop falling hair | "rock" and supplies the basis of 4m name Petrograd (stone city, or, more which the The Kingston Customs collections March amounted to $47,129.03 total collections for the fiscal | nearly, rock fortress), with a good idea. He would uge the large flower beds in the parks, Which have not yet been planted, and sow yeir endit ; March 31st were $479,-| Czar has substituted for the former |in them : 4 ay oo ss Rr . St. Petersburg, a title that was real- |instruction of the public. Superin- ee. aon ly Tocorrect, inasmuch as Russia's [tendent Phillips is an experienced capital has no connection with St, grower, and he could show the peo- at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a bottle of Danderine at any drug store, various vegetables for the Pour a little in your hand and rub applications all dandruff disappears and the hair stops coming out. Dandruff causes a feverish {rrita- - Kiddie Koops Bahy Carriages 25-cent into the scalp, After a few Peter, but was called after Pater the Great, the Russian Emperor. ple something worth while. Ald. Kent, chairman of the parks commit- tee, is also a member of the City Council Greater Production Commit- tee, and no doubt he will consider ( Ald. Nickle's suggestion. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years the Signature of ZT A A a A Golf. The game of golf, according to the new Encyclopedia Britannica, goes back atleast five centuries, having been portrayed by early Dutch paint- ers. One of the pictures in a Dutch {luminated Book of Hours, now in | the British Museum, -is a painting of iways bears : - Alway Loew's Theatre for Kingston. In spite of rumors to the contrary, the Whig is informed that arrange- ments for the construction of the [three men putting. at a hole in the turf as in modern golf. Although the Dutchmen did play and paint golf, they did not write about it, so there are no records describing the game, Just when Scotland took up golf Loew's Theatre for Kingston are be- ing quietly proceeded with by those interested. It is practically assured e that the theatre will be erected here, r and it will not be many months be- fore same is in active operation. The great financial success of the chain BACK TO THE LAND AGA Resources which is being carried on for increas- land. Go-Carts and Sulkies We have just received a large consign- ment of new and up-to-date designs. Make your selection now while the ALL GIVEN TO RETIRED FARM- ERS IN KINGSTON, Committee Appeals to Them to Lend Helping Hand in the Time of the Country's Great Need. In connection with the campaign d production, the call is made for etired farmers to go back to the Dr. Albert H, Abbott, secretary of Is unknown, but by 1457 it was al- ready so popular, says the Britan- nica, that it interfered with the more important pursuit of archery. In May, 1481, am Act of the Scottish Parliament was passed, forbidding this sport: "Futeball and golfe for- bidden. Item; it is staut and or- dainit that in na place of the realme there be usit futeball, golfe, or other ik unprofitable sports. . , ." It is rather curious that this is an edict of King James IV., who'later became much attached to the prac- tice of the "'unprofitabill sport" ---not only he but his daughter, Mary Stuart. : England's Importance, At the moment Germany suggests peace we see the control of the policy and purposes of her three great opponents passing into hands determined to carry on the war, and with all three of her great foes reor- ganizing their ministries and replac- ing their generals with the plain pur- pose to push the campaign and with not the smallest suggestion that peace is expected or desired on any but terms that only a victor can dic- tate. To men these crises in Britain, France, and Russia are the strongest reasons why the German proposals will fail to end the war, rather, I think they will accelerate the pace of the fighting, when spring comes, and it is possible to move in France and Belgium again. And henceforth the part that Britain will play in the coalition against Germany will in- crease steadily. In my judgment, it may become commanding, if, as many Englishmen believe, Great Britain has found in Lloyd George another Pitt.--From "Peace, Poli' tics, and War--a Marvelous Mouth," by Frank H. Simonds. * "Moreover" and "Perchance." | Someone has revived the old story . of the farmer who called his dog Moreover; and being qi the subject, referred the scoffer to the line: - "Moreaver the dog came and licked the sores." This is bet- ter than the equally true tale of the maiden lady whose canine compan- | ion was named Perchance-- 'After Lord Byron's dog," she would ex- plain. The reference was to the Juatagion, "Perchance, my dog will wl, We desire to announce to automobile owners that we have installed the most up- to-date vulcanizing plant between Toronto and Montreal. : ITS OPERATION We have engaged Mr. Frank Pearson, who is well known to every automobile owner of Kingston, as an efficient tire and repair man, to operate this plant. Mr. Pear- son has just returned from Toronto, where he was in the employ of the Dunlop Tire Company in their repair department. GUARANTEED Any work we undertake to do will be guaranteed absolutely. If we cannot guar- antee a satisfactory job we will not under- . take it. ] Give us a trial. - Angrove Bros. The family of German Sills, Belle of Loew's theatres is well known The Toronto Loew's said to is a 7 per cent, basis. Is to be é¥ected in Hamilton shortly. Broke Limb for Second Time. Mrs. H. W. Watt, street, had the misfortunae to break her leg for the second time within a few weeks. the General Hospital, where a pre- lous accident to the limb necessitat- ed an operation. steps to her home she slipped and fractured if for the second time, and in his 62nd year, years he resided Deseronto, For a number of in Napanee and em "Fagged-Out" Women .s o RR barrel. The advance in sugar was ol - Will Find a Helptul Suggestion. In | occasioned through recent high Ins alu NE wp and eat. s Letter. rices which Canadi finers w ls : Overworked, run down, "fagged| iors © Canadian Tefinery were | qy, freely. out" women who feel as though they could hardly drag about, should profit by Mra. Carter's experience. She says: "I am the mother of six children and I got so weak and run- down that | couldn't eat anything and it seemed almost impossible for me to get around and do my work. I tried different doctors' remedies without benefit. I saw Vinol adver- tised and decided to try it, and re- ceived so much benefit from the first bottle that I continued to take it, and it has built up my strength and made me strong and well. 1 consider Vinol the best medicine I have ever taken, and advise all weak, run-down wo- en to try it." Mrs Bessie Carter, State Road, N.C. If all the tired, overworked, run- down women in Kingston could only realize how our delicious Vinol, which contains beef and cod liver peptones, iron and manganese pep- tonates and glycerophosphates, sup- plies the vital elements necessary to build up blood and strength, we wouldn't be able to supply the de- mand. : Mahood's Drug Store, Kingston. Also at the best druggist in all On- tario towns. » F alers. : : and | ag ! . ville, had a very marrow escape from : BP hone v. death by ptomaine poisoning fiom j| canned salmon. Mrs. Sills and Miss }] Martin are still in a serious condi- j tion and confined to their beds. J @ be earning from $4,000 to $5,000 net profits weekly at the present time. The preferred stock is paying 7 per stock was last week also placed on A Loews theatre 98 Frontenac | Mrs. Watt recently left In walking up the ieorge J, Carter died at Toronto stock is large. - the Resources committee, has writ- ten a circular letter, emphasizing the need of prompt action for the assist- ance of the farmers. He says that the call of the Empire for more food is urgent, but that Ontario farmers can- not respond unless labor is available Phone 90. for seeding, which will commence early in April. Immediate action is Sess ------------------. imperative if assistance is to be ---- I. F. HARRISON COMPANY | given, | Dr, Abbott calls for retired farm- | ers and others in the Kingston dis- | trict to co-operate with the Board of | Trade and other organizations inter- ested. Retired farmers in Kjngston will now have a chance to do their "bit." THE MARKETS IN BRIEF The Prices of Sugar and Flour Rose Last Week. Two increases have taken place during the week which mean much to the grocery trade, namely, on sugar the advance amounted to 40¢ per hundred and on floyr 30¢ per wv fry cannot promise shipment owing to scarcity of tonnage. Trade gen- erally is good. Spring lines, includ- forced to pay for raw sugars. Flour on the other hand returned to the point reached in the face of a con- tinued firmness and high price for wheat. LATEST FROM MINNESOTA. Report Lands of Canadians Confis. Provisions were firm during the cated if They Do Not Serve. week with advances recorded in a A leading citizen this morning re- number of lines of cooked and|ceived a letter from Riverton, Min- nesota, agking him to send a copy of the order alleged to have been passed by the Canadian Government provid- ing for the confiscation of property moved Howiward Suriug tie Noek:| of Canadians living in the United @!an farms, The Canadian market | States if they did not return to serve is now almost entirely independent | their country or work their land. of the American source of supply, | Newspapers in that state had pub- With, continued good weather prices Shed (his falsehood in order to pre- are expected to decline still further, | Yo" wining lands, etc., being work- Lobster is another of the commodi- ed in the Canadian west. The citizen ties in. which a decline hag heen _| who received the letter replied im- iorea. This hee } 2 (mediately that the confiscation story smoked meats, Live hogs were quoted at higher prices than those! generally prevailing last week. Eggs Easter Select Your Shoe Re- quirements Early. This year offers a style prominence in footwear 'never before 'equalled. We are ready with a through the shutting off of the Brit- | Yasulase TO isli 'market to the packers of the Miss Weldon, St. Thomas, will be Maritime Provinces. New Zealand {the new superintendent of the onions came into the Ontario market | g.yyi1,'e Falls Public hospital and will for the first time, owing to | take up her duties on Monday. city of other onions, and are com-| ooh. Falls Couneil has fixed the steady price. but there. to a der (5% rie at 25.3 mille, one-teuth of PORN (Oia oer ie mill under last year's rate. The recent British embargo on ex- | ports has cut off supplies of many staple lines, which in the past have steady sellers in is market. Packet t are very in price, Tagore ot teas have been unable | to get promise of téas for shipment from Colombo or Calcutta, Tea ean The Sawyer complete range of spring shoes in all styles. You'll like them. be bought at these points, but srow: | I Bt EE A kr or ble 35

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