_PAGE TEN _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 34, 1917. W. R. BILLENNESS Specializing Store Fronts and Fit- tings. Remodelling Bulidings of all kinds. ESTIMATES : EXPERIENCE Address 272 University Ave. Quality. Reo and Cadillac Call and See Them. George Boyd Distributor. 129 Brock St. Phone 201 bs ------ SOWARDS KEEPS COAL AND COAL KEEPS SOWARDS. A i A it GLASCO'S Pure Scotch Marmalade and Jam. In glass and tins, ® | Baker's Fresh Grated Cocoanut with | the milk, 15¢ per tin, CLEANLINESS D. COUPER The woman who scrubbed the coal Phone 76. 341-3 Princess St. | bin before the coal was put in car- Prompt Delivery ried cleanliness a little too far. Our coal is as clean as coal can | possibly be-- free from dust, slate or other foreign matter. | If you haven't laid in your winter {Supply yet, come in and see us--to- FOR SALE day, By 183 Acres, $6200 Four miles from city. Good buildings; well watered. BOOTH & CO. | Phone 133 Foot of West St. | FOR TAXI SER- VICE, RING 960 Kingston Taxi-Cab ? Co., SPECIAL SALE FOR | THIS WEEK ONLY a5 Best Laundry Soap, 6 Bars for 25c¢| Linduer's Pure Fruit Jam, 10c a Jar E. H. BAKER Cor. Montpeal and Charles St. Phone 1268. | Government speakers say it Is im- | possible to starve Britain, though the submarine menace ig great, { of In London a big campaign is on { for the suppression of the brewing business till the war is over. Just in Time for Easter 300 Hats 300 All different shapes and styles at aston- ishingly low prices. Just half price charged elsewhere. ' A correspondingly n. Come in and 100 dozen flowers . priced. We can't be Big Removal Sale Bargains in Suits, Coats, , Etc. See our prices in children's wash suits and dresses, at MENDELS Kingston's High Class Ladies' Ready-to-Wear. Opp. Grand Opera House, 217 Princess St. y) L News From Eastern Ontario) GANANOQUE Own Correspondent) March 30.--The Ladies Aid So- ciety off Grace Church held a well] attended tea on Wednesday afternoon in the lecture hall of that church. (From Our { Corporals John B. Gould and| { Stanley Bovey, recruiting in this sec- | tion for some time past, have been I given their last leave of absence to visit with their parents prior to going overseas, The annual business #e Mothers' Department Church was held yesterda) these officers being elected: Presl- dent, Mrs, Addie Carpenter; Vice-| Pres., Mrs. W, 8. Lennon; Rec. Sec'y, Mrs. Joseph Meggs; Treasurer, Mrs. | A. H. Mabee No. 3 Company, Guides held an excelle nt ment in St. Andrew's lecture hall last evening and were liberally pat- ronized Vivian Sword the eleven year old son of Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Sword, King street, recently operated on for appendicitis at Kingston General Hospital, was brought home on Tues- day-by his mother. : The local corps of the Salvation | Army has arranged for a tag day on Saturday to assist in raising part of | meeting of of Grace | afternoon St. Andrew's Girl | the S. A donation of $5,000 for { building huts for soldiers at the front. Mrs. Timothy Bowes, Blissfield, N. B.,, writes: "I have always used Baby's Own Tablets for my three children and I can speak very highly of them as gE could not get along with- out them. § Baby's Own Tablets are the only medicine I would use for my children." The Tablets cure all the minor ills of little ones and the mother who always keeps a box of them in the house may fell reason- ably safe against the consequences of sudden attacks of illness. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, AN INTERESTING EPISODE. Lieut, R. R. Paul, M.D., Had Novel Meeting With Patient, The Dauphin, Man., Herald says: Dr. Roy R, Paul, lieu nt in the R.AMC,, spent a tew JK. in town visiting his brother, M/ H. Paul. The doctor ig taking a short holiday, in an endeavor to recover from the effects of a breakdown in health caused by severe strain and over- work during the past two years in a hospital on the island of Malta, in the Mediterranean. Mr. Paul has an- 'other brother in the R.AM.C, Dr. H. E. Paul. One experience of his is worth recording. He was watching a patient, Pte. Hunt, Brandon, slow- ly recovering consciousness after a serious operation on the brain, made necessary by a shrapnel wound, and was much astonished when the sick man in a dazed way said, 'Hello, Dr, Paul, what's the matter? You are not operating on me again for appendicitis, are you? [I didn't know I was back again in Fort William." It appears that the doctor operated on Pte. Hunt three years ago in Fort William for appendicitis. All the Pauls mentioned are sons of Mrs. Henry Paul, Newburgh. The doctors are graduates of Queen's University, Kingston. A Canadian Wheat For Alles, London, March 31.--On behalf of the Food Controller, it was stated in the House of Commons yesterday that a large quantity of Canadian wheat had been purchased from time to time at the current price for the British Government and the allies, but that it was impossible to state yet what proportion of the whole ' | Gananoque | entertain- | FOR LITTLE ONES| Pte. E. Ww. Flemin ng of Belleville, | | who left with 2nd Battery un-| { der Major McKenzie of thig town, and who has been invalided home, the is | spending a few days with local} friends. Miss Muriel Churchill, spending! some time in town with friends, has | returned to Elgin i The funeral of the late Mr. Elliott | | of Front of Leeds and Lansdowne | {| township was held from the home of | | i i { his daughter, Mrs. M. Cross, of Hal- i stead's Bay yesterday. Deceased was | an old resident of this section] The re-| at| and held in high esteem. mains were placed in the vault Gananoque cemetery, | Fish and Game overseér, George | | Toner, has got right on to his job | | ia the opening days of open wa-| ter. Yesterday morning he seized a| | skiff and decoys and other hunters supplies from a party of sportsmen | from across the line, The party was | successful in escaping, but the loot i fell to the overseer. A number of the local friends of W. J. Cornett, Charles street, | gave her a pleasant surprise last evening when they arrived for an evening's enjoyment and were most hospitably entertained. The town council has secured a speaker from the Department of Ag- riculture for a talk on increased pro- duction aiong the lines of the coun- cil's backyard gardens for increas- ing the supply of vegetables, He will address the school children next Thursday afternoon and give an ad- dress to adults at 8 p.m. | rs mn PRAISES CANADIANS, Services in. France and in Belgiam, Stewart Lyon, Special Correspond- ent of the Canadian Press. Canadian Army Headquarters, March 3]. ~The close relations ex- isting bétween the Canadians in France and the people were empha- sized yesterday when a parade was held at which a number of French officers attached to corps in various capacities were decorated, some with the Military Cross and others with the Distinguished Conduct Medal. The general of the army of which the Canadians for a part, in presenting the decomations, referred to the splen- did struggle of the French nation for the recovery of its ,nvadad territory. The successes in the Somme area were an earnest indication of others to come. The army commander al- so referred in terms of praise to the services of the Canadians in France and Belgium, The unique feature of the cere- mony was that while it was in pro- gress a squadron of aeroplanes wera engaged in battle tactis practice al- most overhead. At the close the rattle of machine guns in the air mingled with the strains of the French National Anthem, Several raids have taken place re- cently on the German 'trenches in front of the Canadians with mini- mum losses. We have ascertained the enemy's exact infantry strength on this part of the front. For Their By Saturday's Large Market. There was a large market on Sat- urday morning with maple syrup making its appearance at from 58¢ to 60c a quart. Other prices were: Eggs 35c¢ a dozen; butter 45¢ a 1b; potatoes $3.50 to $4 a bag; pork 20¢ to 22¢ a lb. by quarter; veal 14¢ to 16¢ a lb.; turkeys $2.50 to $3 each; fowl $2 a pair; chickens $1.75 a pair; ducks, $1.75 a pair; apples 50¢ a peck. A feature of the market was the large number of islanders who cross- ed on the Wolfe Islander for the first time this year, Three Doctors Are Fined. London, Ont., April 2.--Dr, C, C.! Act, was fined $200. fined $100. i for this year has been abandoned. erop had been secured. orders are threatening. at the afternoon Wright fancy by the Sea Adder is 38,100. you in the spring, year after year, is a sign that your blood lacks vitality, just as pimples, boils, and other erup- it is also a jign that your system is in a low or run-down condition in- | viting disease. ! whieh it is wise to heed. Ross, of Hyde Park, who wrote 718 | saparilla, prescriptions calling for liquor since | and true blood medicine the introduction of the Temperance that tired feeling. Dr. A. Mc-| blood, gives new life, new courage Laren, coroner, was fined $100, and | strength and cheerfulness . Dr. D. C, McNeil, of Arva, was also the rich red blood that will make | you feel, look, eat and sleep better, The British Association meeting | It embodies the careful training, ex- | perience, and skill of Mr. Hood, a Serious Spanish revolutionary dis- | pharmacist for quality and power to cure, Interest. Ice cream bricks at | store on Saturday, The various sub-committees of the Greater War Production Committee { will get down to active work next | week Page & Shaw chocolates at itin's Red Cross drug store. Austin's drug Aus- M. C. Luey, advance agent for A Martin's 'Uncle Tom's Cabin" com- pany at the Grand next Saturday, April 7th, is in the city Huyler's Easter = chocolates for mailing at Austin's drug store The steamer Wolfe Islander brought over a large number . of farmers for the market on Saturday morning. Neilson's celebrated ice cream bricks at Austin's on Saturday. H. G. Cochrane has been appoint- ed manager of the Randolph, Hotel. He has been chief clerk there for seyeral years. : Chas. Bell, real estate and in- Se agent, has removed to 128 Clarence street, building formerly occupi by the Canadian Freeman. Coteus McMahon was before istrate Farrell for drunkenness. He said he found a bottle of liquor when cleaning out a room. He took possession and became intoxicated. He was fined $10 and costs, of $12.50. To introduce Palmolive goods we are giving for a limited time only: 1 cake of soap free with one tin tal- cum or shaving stick; cakes of soap free with one bottle of sham- poo or cold cream. Austin's Red Cross drug store. Col. Hunter received appljcations from more high school boys'to work on farms, Saturday. A number of farmers were in to see him about help. He hopes to be able to mccom- medate many farmers next Saturday, and would like the farmers to call at 'his office in the city buildings, Prevost, Brock street, has received all his spring and summer goods for his order clothing department, in Ready-made clothing he has In stock a very fine line of Blue and Gray worsted suits for those not wishing to leave their order. He has also re- ceived some very nice lines of Gents' Furnishings. 9 Ladies Held a Tea. \ a total} Er rs EE I mr-------- Eu m---------- " me -- a ------_---_-- 7 | si momexts or TE 4Y. | THOMAS COPLEY | THiGHEST PRicES Automobiles of Carpenter and Eluilder i Local Notes and Items of General Telephone 987 HIGHES{ PRICES wanting a ring done in the carpen- i mates given on all kinds work; also hard- All orders will SCRAP PAPERS OF All Kinds. Drop a Card To receive prompt at Shop 60 | te | A. SPEIZMAN Many a man has become rich the ll way a pumpkin scquires girth--by 322 Division Street. vegetating ' PLANTING TIME WILL SOON BE HERE Have you. secured your supply of seeds yet? If you haven't we want you to see us before placing your order. Our seeds are all guaranteed to grow and produce good crops. Seed wheaty oats, alfalfa, timothy, grass, clover seed, etc., we have in an abundance at low prices. W. F. McBROOM 42.44 Princess St.' 'Phone 1686. | Notice Having to vacate my present location by April Ist, all orders for monuments after that date will be taken and receive Best attention at my residence and yard, 155 Frontenac street. [Lettering and ren- ovating in cemetery a specialty. JAS. E. MULLEN, 155 Frontenac St. Phone 1417. o a an ------ YOU Will Need iw The T.adies' Aid of Brock street Methodist church held a tea and sale home of Mrs. R. J. Mellroy,' Rideau street, on Thursday | and evening. Mrs. received at the door. The work table was under the charge of Mrs. Robert Crawford; 160 home-made cooking, Mrs, Seon; tea table, Mrs. Fred Reid. In the evening Miss Pear] Nesbitt presided at the organ, and choruses were given by Misses Stagg, Birch, Nesbitt were rendered by Mrs. readings by Miss Pennell, solos were good sum was realized for the funds of the Ladies' Praeger. Solos R. Crawford, and violin Refreshments and a and Mrs. by J. Tuttle. served by the ladies, Aid Society. Operatic Music. Poor Butterfly, Broken Doll and all the big N.Y. hits from the 1917 operatic successes at the Collegg Book Store. The Germans have thrown four hundred large shells into Rheims City in one day. The total tonnage of aliips sunk THAT TIRED FEELING Relieved by Hood's Which Renovates the Blood, That tired feeling that comes to tions are ns that it is impure; and It is a warning, Ask your druggist for Hood's Sar- This old standard tried 'relieves It cleanseg the It makes Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla. fifty years, in its If so, where? Questions Asked by the Agricul: tural Coramittee 1.--Have you any vacant land which you are willing to have worked? 2.--If not willing to work land yourself, will you agree to let some- ~ < one else do it under the i ar ol Cie Conroy 3.~~Do you want any Land to work this summer, and, if so, where? Question ! Question 2. a Question 3 Em TOCIVIC COMMITTEE: My answer to your questions is as follows: That Victrola for Easter Now is the time to see about purchasing a Sonora, Victrola or Grafonola, so that you will have it in good time for Easter and so be able to play your favorite music. By our easy payment system you are able to invest in one of these wonderful in- struments without noticing the expense. Our large stock gives you a wide assort- ment to select from, at prices within every- one's reach. We extend a cordial invitation to every- one to call and see these instruments dem- onstrated. You cannot fail to be interested. Prices $21 To $330 C. W. Lindsay - Limited 121 Princess Street