Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Mar 1917, p. 2

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LA PAGE SIX THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MAR CH 17, 1917. EY CHURCH SERVICES INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Local 'Notes and Items' of Getieral | » HIGHEST PRICES PAID SO andrews € i v. J. ¥ and 7 pai. S JOHN McKAY Limited, | viii presen <: vo 149-157 Brock St. - {iV ccd to all ue : ree 1 Albert st corner of Bagot and Charles stres 11 a.m., "Lifé"s Sowings and ings'; 3 p.m., "Sunday school Bible class; 7 p.m., "Th grant"; Monday, 7.30 p.m., Christia: bons and Carbon Papers. Filing Cabinets Office Furniture J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Street. \ ) "THOMES COPLEY Telephone 987 wanting anything done in the carpen- tery I oe given on all kinde of repairs and n Achievement Through Glasses. ew work; also - wood fours of all kinds, All orders wil receive prompt attention. Shop, § Queen street. Ex<President Roosevelt was awkward and stupid as a boy until he suddenly dis- covered that he could not see as much as other boys. SOWARDS KEEPS COAL AND COAL KEEPS SOWARDS. He tells us that glasses changed his career. Yours may be such a case. Come in and get our specs falist's advice. Consultation freé, -------------- ; . The ¥.8. Government's great naval : construction programme will be held "up and perhaps stayed indefinitely in event of'a nation-wide railroad strike. SERRA po Upholstering Perhaps you have a chair that seems too shabby to use and yet too good to discard. THE BUSY -OPTIOCAL STORE.. : Pl [HRT Why not let us make it over for you better than new in our upholstery shop. The new designs in Tapestries and Shadow Cloths are wonderfully beautiful so that at very lit- tle cost you can have new furniture. If you will telephone we will gladly call and give you an estimate. This is just the season for making things over. You will find our service prompt, our prices reasonable and our workmanship as good as the reputation that has come to us through thirty-six years of Fair Dealing. R. McFA UL Kingston Carpet Warehouse. i Oy Suburban Residence| coiden Linc FRE ESA = I Golden Lion Grocery FancyClover HONEY In one pound sections, 25 cents each. California 5 Son £ Princess Street Methodist Church, EOE OAR OO Pyi Outlines the Plan of 1, All Bible studénts welcome 1d py : St. James' Church, corne A! h sireets All seat 36 R W, Savary, B.A7, rect h ri v, 152 Barrie street Fourt Sunday in Lent, 11 a.m., mornin pre and holy conimuy , sermo E "Tainkiz cor. Brock and: Montreal streets Rev, George 8S. Clendinnen Jas: residence, 242 Johnson street. Rev Douglas Laing will preach at 11 a.m Pastor at 7 p.m. Sunday school, 8.30 p.m.; Epworth League, Jfonday at 8 p.m. Prayer service Wedne p.m. Cordial welcome to visitors all services. Bethel Congregational corner Barrie and Johnson streets Pastor, Rev. T. De Courey Raynor; am. the pastor will preach, his sub- [ject being "Spiritual Progression." 7 p.m., Rev. Shantyman's Christian Association. | Wednesday, Union prayer meeting in the schoolroom,™ § p.m.; Friday, Y.PS.CE., 8 p.m, Cooke's Presbyterian, Brock street Minister, Rev. E. R. McLean, M. A, B.D. 451 Johnson street. The minister will preach morning and | evening. 11 am, "Traths That | Couriterbalance"; 11 a.m., Beginners {and Primary School; 3 p.m., main | school and Bihle classes; 7 p.m., | "The Right to Life,"' the sixth com- mandment; Monday, 8 p.m., Y. P. Sdciety, social evening; Wednesday, 18 p.m, prayer meeting; Thursday, 7 pm; Boys" Chub: - First Congregational Church, . cor- ner Wellington and Johnson streets | | | --Pastor, Rev. T. De Courcy Rayner; | Residence, 224 Johnson street. Ser- | vices '11 am. and 7 p.m. Sunday | school and Bible classes; 3 pm. 11 a.m., Rev. Thomas Joplin, Field Sec- retary of the Shantymen's Christian Assoclation; 7 p.m.; the pastor, topic, "Looking For a House." This is an interesting message of vital impor. ance. Remember, First Church is "The Church with a welcome." All seats are free. St. Luke's Church, corner of Prin- cess and Nelson street--Rev, J. de Pencier Wright, M.A., B.D., rector, 311 Alfred street. 'Phone 871. 4th Sunday in Lent. 11 a.m., Holy Com- munion and morning prayer; 3 p.m., Sunday school and Bible study class; 4 p.m., churching and holy baptism; 7 p.m., evening prayer. Cathedral, Toronto, will sing. The rector will preach at both services. Seats free. Strangers and visitors cordially invited to attdnd. Sydenham Street Methodist Church --Rev. Alfred Brown, pastor. The pastor will preach at both services. 11 am. "Mutual Obligations in the Church"; 7 p.m., "Lessons From a Gran of Wheat." Music by. soloists and 'full choir. Class meeting, 9.45 a.m.; Junior League, 10 a.m.; Bible school and Wesleyan Club, 2.45 p. m., Senior League and congregation' in entertainment, Monday, 8 p.m.;| prayer and praise service, Wednes-' day, 8 p.m. Soldiers and students specially invited, .A cordial welcome to all : St. George's Cathedral--The Very! Rev. G. L. Starr, M.A, D.D., dean | and rector (overseas); Rev. A, F. C.| Whalley, M.A, B.D, priest-vicar, 138 Bagot street, phone 1444; Rev. ! ¥.0. yle, M.A. assistant, 120 Wel- Ington street, phone 1904. Fourth Sunday in Lent. $ a.m., Holy Com- munion; 11 am. Matins and choral Communion; 3 p.m., Sunday school and Bible classes; 4 p.m., Holy Bap- tism; 7 p.m., Evensong. Preacher, Rev. V. O. Boyle, Social hour for soldiers immediately after evensong in St. George'd Hall. Services of in- tercession daily, morning and after- noon as usual during Lent. Wednes- day, 8 p.m., Litany and Sermon. ------------------------ Great Clearing Sale. Prevost, Brock street, has made a great reduction in price of ready- made clothing and gent's. furnish- ings; also the order work depart- "ae pens W. R.McRea & Co. Paign is still on. your cheque or promise yet? ment, to make room for spring and summer goods. There is a good as- sortment to choose from at extreme- ly low prices The Y.M.C.A. "subscription cam- Have you given » you do it now. wi ' Redempticn.' » on Friday evening and also 3 p.m; Song service Military Y.M.C.A., day, 8 p.m.; Boys' club, Thursday, 7 to Church, Residence, 224 Johnson street. Ser- vices, 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. Sunday school and Bible classes at 3 pam.; 11] Thomas Joplin, of the Mr. Chees-| borough, late soloist of St. Alban's! Interest. { | 'Do your bit for the Kingston Y. M. | re : s A. now. It needs $5,500 : ¥ | St Paul's--Morning prayer and!Endeavor: £30 pm., Red Cross Bri-| . C. livingston returned from To-| he oO le e Holy Communion, 11 o'clock. gade; Wed Ay," 8 p.m,, ' prajy ronto on Friday afternoon . Preac tor ay school, 3 meeting. We give a hearty weict: F Rn hi goa of) p.m 3 Eve 91 2008, 8 al a ry a u's Rey ? Belgia n Relic § EE TT TT lint Ldn reach rund - . v Union Street Baptist Charch-- LB.S.A. sas for Bible] had. Rohenson wag lonsred by MAGAZINES Motion Picture Classic, M Services 11 a.m id 7 pm: 11 am, i a entrance over 9 opie o We 2 he was en- z y - C Dr. Nath; Bible school 3 pn. To g street) | tertainel and prescutedith a smok RECEIVED I'op Notch, Popular Science m., Prof. Mather; Y '., Mon- ibernacle €1 an Mon 1 st TO DAY : 8, um. Braver meeting. We folv.™ y 2 4 Montreal st - RAW FURS WANTED. 38% P = % rayer meeting, Wed Holy. Was TemCTey or ie General H on Friday Jame ! lance Don't card on St K over the G lege Book Store Miss Ada Adams' parlar millinery pening, Tuesday, March and i in 8 - Reid' tion Picture News, Life (Fa British and Foreign Mails ar EASTER York. There is still ample CARDS 26th, h g following days. Open Tuesday and cards overseas. The comp ni thursday evening ' It is understood that the Ran now on display. , dolph estate will Y, BV i school; { pam, even conduct the Ran- 7pm. yy praver and sermon, sermon subject,' dolph hotel after the present lessee, Lx : . : . Stor Sunday school, 2.45 pa "Reality in Wolship." James Spence, retires. AA A A A A AAA PP SN Amir Srrp---- A AA i i ng yworth League, Monday, 8 p.n -- Mrs. Walter H. Shibley, after rayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p First Baptist Church, corner John- Spending a couple of weeks with he: i2 cordial invitation to all. y r P streets-- Rey, parents at Harrowsmith, returned to OPEN NIGHTS -- .ai stor Services at -vew York on Saturday. Chalmers, Barrie and Earl Streets and 7 p.m. - Rev. Mr. Clen- The American channel was re - 7 Rev. M. Macgillivray, D.I/ mini- dinnen, pastor of Brock Street Me- borted on Saturday morning as being ; ' ster. Services, 11 aan.,.Rev. R. M.| thodist church, will preach at 11 a. uben, and the heavy wind is playing A AHA --m---------- Dickey, M.A.; 7 p.m, "Need, Service m., and the pastor at 7 pm. Bible havoc: with the ice in the local har- ' " < and Reason of Present-day Fait school and organized Bible elasseg bor. a - i Sunday school and Bible cl 31 y Lat 2.45 pom: Strangers, studenis and Assist the Y.M.C.A. canvassers by > | prayer meeti Wedne soldiers cordially invited to join us Sending in your subscription to sup- : . p.m. Students and strangers c« in all the services port a "worth while" work. | - | * . ally invited to all the services. = Following the meeting in the City 00 : : Queen Street Methodist Church-- Hall, H, Hartley Dewart and H. H First Church of Christ, Scientist.| Rev. J. D. Ellis, pastor. - Experience Horsey were entertained by members . Johnson street. between Bagot--andtmeeting 10 am Preaching Sefvives, of the Eiberal Reform Association #t Je Wellington streets Sunday school 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sunday school, the Frontenac Club, 3 . . New or Rebullt 9.45 am.; service, 11 a.m., subject: Adult Bible' class and Young Men's The steamer Algonquin, torpedoed OC & Rented and Repaired. "Substance." Wednesday evening tes-| Club, 2.45 pom. A.m topic, "What this week, is well known to locail " : timonial meeting. Public reading the Church Expects From the Com- marine men, having been on the St | room same address, open every after-| mujty" : p.m. topic, "The Job Seek- Lawrence to Superior route for a i 4 nooh, except Sunday, 3 to 5 o'clock. | ing Man" The pastor will preach at Dumber of years. | i orona All are cordially invited to the ser- horh services Seats free." Every- Ask any of the boys in khak! what | { vices and the reading room body welcome, they think of the Y.M.C.A., and then | : We keep ready for delivery - ? _ end in your subscription to help con-| locke Di Tor tots Portable, Folding, 8% Ibs. Rib- Calvary Congregational Church, Brock Street Methodist Church, tinue the good work for at least an-| Pr A es ' other year. The Ladies' Aid Queen Methodist Church entert choir and ushers of the church to fea | presented | the choir with mortar board caps. | A petition is being circulated inl Napanee for signatures asking the Ontario Government to continue pay-| ing taxes on the electric light plant | taken ower by the Hydro-Electric | commission. ) The 1917 Gibson art line of Easter cards at College Book Store. | M Ada Adams' parlor millinery] opening, Tuesday, March 20th, and | following days. Open Tuesday and | Thursday eveninga. Some time ago the Bricklayers, Masons and Plasterers' Union asked | the contractors for an Increase from | 50 cents to 55 cents an hour from April 1st, 1917. The contractors | have made no move to. grant the in-| crease. : ! With two exceptions, the Whitney i Hotel and the Royal Hotel, all the present hotel-keepers have made ap-| plication to the inspector, William | McCammon, for a renewel of their] i tr of ined 'the | Are the coats and suits that we show. Exclus- ive styles from artistic designers, and only found in carefully sel- ected stocks such as ours: i COATS, $6.50 UP. SUITS, $15.00 UP. Be wise and see our range. "standard" hotel licenses. These} T H E B E S T two hotels will bably close, . » "Don't neglect fo help the Y M.C.A. | Ladies' Cashmere Hose in the trade at 50c. subscription campaign now on. Your | cheque or your promise will be wel- | comed bv the "Y." Rev, Thomas Joplin, field secre- | tary . of the .Shantymen's . Christian Association of Feronia, Ont., is in the | city appealing for aid to carry on the | work. He is speaking at the First | Congregational Church in the morn- (Today's price 75¢c). Our "Dollar Special' Corset is a Winner. All sizes, 19 to 30. "Pictorial Magazine for April, 15¢. | { | . | Thursday evening, did not represent the Fren¢h-Canadians, as suggested | in the report on the Iri Home Rule | resolution passed. He simply made. | ing, at Bethel in the evening and in | ~ two Sunday Schools during the after- | noon, Prof. J. M. Lanos, who attended | ; the Kr of Columbus lecture em | Book Store, Stories, Saucy, Smart Set, Green Book, All Story Weekly, Argosy, McClures, Family Journal, Mo- ber), Judge, Puck, Ainslee' eT oving Picture World, , Short Stories, Snappy mily Physician's Num- s, Young's, Vogue. e closing daily via New time to send Easter lete Gibson Art Line rooms. Large Clear Dials. Reliable Timepieces Our prices are attractive, 4 ' Smith Bros. Jewelers Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Furs Highest Cash Prices paid for all kinds of raw furs. W.F.Gourdier 80 Brock Street Phone 700. Smm------ From Our Extensive List Of THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE a few humorous remarks, and spoke] of the happy relations between the! Irish and French in pas | - : i AE Lieut. Vernon Beevor Killed. 2 daa - Second Lieut. Vernon Beevor,| ! BUILDERS' SUPPLIES wwey Essex Regiment, is reported killed! in action He was educated in the| CLOSING OF MALS HARD COAL Collegiate Institute, Kingston, and British mail closes frregyiatly. . AL Queen's University. His parents re- Information posted at P.O, Lobby side in England. Deceased went | from time to time. SCREENINGS | overseas last year. We have for sale a few cars of hard United States, dally 11.30 a.m. and 11.30 pm. going east, i i Grand Trunk, 11.30 a.m. and 11.30 p.m. Grand Trunk, Toronto and nk, Toronto & screenings for steam- "The Hat Store" Sy cluding, Wentere, om. : gs a ore Grand Trunk and all west mg purposes. of City, 2.30 pm. and 11.30 p.m. . C.P .. 10.15 am. and 5.00 p.m. pe ERX Fis i and gly oi They are much cheaper than soft coal slack. L ny A | Armenian Relief Fund. | G. E. Hague, treasurer of the Ar- | menian Relief Fund, acknowledges {the following subscriptions: 25--/The Bishop of Ontario, Fran- leis King. | $20--Ven. Archdeacon Dobbs, F. Kirkpatrick. $15---Mrs. Francis King. $10--Mrs. Robertson. { $5---H, Jennings, W. B. Dalton & i8ons, C. E. Taylor, R. H. Toye, H. C. S ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont. Phones: Office 66, Factory 1415 "ewes Lumber, Coal and Wood -- 8 Nickle, James Spence, J. P. Hanley, . {Rev. A. Brown, Mrs. A. M. Macdon- Just Received a Fresh i nell, Mrs. T. Donnelly. : | © $4--Rev. Barry Pierce. Lot Of | | $3--Mras. C. 8S. Prouse. i i $2-<L. A. Guid, H. W. Newmaa, Can Beets, Can Catsup, Can Beans, | WN. 7 | Miss Melntyre, George Masoud, A. Sawyer, BlisEE- Muckleston, H. 8. Folger. egetables for Seup, | Can Apples (1% gal. size), Can Cher-| ries (pitted), Can Pears, Can Peaches | $1--Charles Welch, Mrs. N. Wil- {Can Plums, Can Raspberries, Can | imot, Mrs. James Lawlor, A. Shaw, Strawberries, Can Pineapple. | i Mrs. John. Watts, D. P. Branigan, | 'Robert J. Lawlor, A Friend, Miss A We are showing a wonderful variety of moderately pric hats. Our motto, "Mode millinery at moderate prices-- no two hats alike," is well lived up to in this exceptional dis- play. Trimmed Hats, $3 to $10. George Mills & Co. 126 and 128 Princess St. i May Ross, Miss J. E. Comer, Miss B. J: Comer, Mrs. H. Birtles. E. H. BAKER Cor. Charles and Montreal Sts, New War Bonds. | Thomas Mills, broker, 79 Clarence istreet, is authorized by the Finamef Department, Ottawh, to receive an- plications and will handle matter generally for purchasers. { 1} | 1 i To Prepare Hospital Plans, - | At a meeting of the special com- | mittee appointed by the board of gov- | ernors of the Kingston General Hos- | pital and Queen's Medical Faculty, it | was decided to instruct Stevens &) Lee, Toronto, specialists in hospital | architecture, to make suggestions as; 10 changes %ad additions to the buildings of the hospital, in connec tion with the expangio scheme ren- dered feasible by the spendid offer of | Chancellor Douglas of Queen's, made through Dr, J. C. Connell, . Willam Hughes returned to the «city from Millbrook on Friday and {stated to the Whig that the Farmers' } Association of that place was selling | guaranteed. fresh eggs at 30c a doz- Jo butter at 35¢ a Ib., and potatoes ! { at $3.50 a bag. ; Rev, Father Kelly, Smith's Falls, has been confined to his bed all week thréatened with grippe. : 3 Values | We offer a semi-detached rough cast | dwelling, with 6 rooms, cellar, wood- i shed and garden, for $1200. ! with possession April 1st. ; Or a new double house with improve. ments, for $2550. Rents $318 per year. i THINK IT OVER ! Don't forget that we do a large busi- ness in Fire Insurance. Best companies represented. EW. Mullin & Son Fire Insurance Money to Loan Cor. Johnson and Division Sts. Phones 539 and 1456. CLEANLINESS The Noman who scrubbed the coal bin before the coal was put in car- ried cleanliness a little too far. Our coal is as clean as coal can possibly be-- free from dust, slate or other foreign matter. If you haven't laid in your winter... Supply yet, come in and see us--to- ay. & CO. Foot of West St. BOOTH 133 Purina Scratch Feed and Purina Chowder Makes Hens Lay. "Fer Sale By D. Couper, Phone 76 Coast Sealed Oysters.

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