Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Mar 1917, p. 13

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ATTACK. SUBMARINE BASE, "2mm | ONLY IF CAMPAIGN UNSUCCESS\ FUL, GERMAN CRITIC BELIEVES Thinks Great Britain Will Stake This Last Asset of Power Only When Forced' by Dire Necessity, Berlin, March 17.--Captain Per- slug has a long article in the Tage- blatt, dealing with the situation, and reviewing the English naval argu- ments for and against aggressive ac- et FINANCIAL MATTERS Canadian. Toronto, March 16.--The Liining Corporation of Canada, which eon- trols the Cobalt Townsite, the Cobalt Lake the City of Cobalt mines, is shortly to become an exclusively Canadian concern At the present time its headquarters are in Eng- land; these are shortly to be re- moved to Toronto, While there has been no market in the Dominion for the stock of the Mining Corporation of Canada up to the present, the ex- x THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1917. fas rp 3 Boy Scouts : : At the Front | od I a a a] | ND see there!" exclainred t + the Duke of Connaught, as he suddenly hurried across to. the window, | pulled aside tbe curtain, and pointed {out into the 'street; "there goes one of them, on the job, now." PP Peed 2 > : Ee EE SE ES EE EE SEE 'WAR LOAN "DOMINION OF CANADA Issue of $150,000,000 5% Bonds Maturing 1st March, 1937 tion. He reaches the following con- | Pectation is that, with the altered eh ita he compe a very acti be Duke of Connaught, in his clusion: status of the company, a very active he Duke o : - "It seemg quite improbable that |Dusiness in these shares may be| london home, was speaking to Mr, Payable at par at Ottawa, Halifax, St John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, the desire 8! the aggressives should be acted upon, More likely .the Brit- igh fleet will continue its strategic re- ferve, Not until dire necessity cém- pels her, hot until ng other means are left, will England take t risk of staking thig last asset of her pow- er. Besides, the destruction of our U-boat base is a task which, after the Dardanelles experiences, means almost an impossibility, {It is true that serious mistakes were- made then, as admitted candidly in the re- port the Royal Commission published on March 10th, But even if these serious mistakes were not*repeated in an attack on German war ports, it still remains almost certain that, in view of the great sacrifices of human life and costly material, such an attack will not be successful, That is well known in England. built up : Standard Oil Melon, Chicago, March 16.--XNet profits of $30,043,614, equal to 100.15 per cent. on its $30,000,000 capital stock, Conipany of Indiana for' the ending Dec. 31st, 1916, year Quaker Oats Increases Stock, New York, March 16.--At a special meeting of the stockholders of the Quaker Oats Company, held in Jer- capital stock of the Company from $19,000,000 to $30,000,000 by au- thorizing the issue of $6,000,000 in preferred and $5,000,000 in common stock, making the issue $15,000,000 of each. American Raditor Co, vere earned.by the Standard Oil! sey City, it was voted to increase the! the house. H. G. Hammond, Assistant Commis sioner of the Boy Scouts' Association of Can who recently arrived in England. He had © ay his réspects to the ex-Chief Sccut of the Dominion. Naturally the topic of conversation had been of Boy Scouts, a subject dear to the hearts of both. While they were discussing Mr. Ham- mond's trip the quick eye of the former Governor-General had detect- ed a Boy Scout passing in front of That Boy Scout---it he only knew it--might be proud of the fact that the uncle of the King pulled back the curtains of the window and bent a wholly appreciative eye on the pass- ing representative of an organization thousands of whose elder members are taking part in the war, A FULL HALF-YEAR'S INTERE ISSUE PRICE 96. tion at 96, payable as follows: 10 per cent on application; Tue' MinisTER OF FINANCE offers herewith, on behalf of the Government, the above-names Bonds for Subscrip- Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Victoria, and at the Agency of . the Bank of Montreal, New York City. INTEREST PAYABLE HALF-YEARLY, Ist MARCH, 1st SEPTEMBER. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. ST WILL BE PAID ON 1st SEPTEMBER, 1917. TRAE PROCEERS OF THE LOAN WILL BE USED FOR WAR PURPOSES ONLY. Delivery of serip certifie- tes and of bonds will be made through the chartered banks. The issue will be exempt from taxes -including any - income 'tax--imposed in pursuance of legislation enacted "The cool-headed English will, : . : - : fF thoter oe yea to hh their New York, March 16.--The stock: Mr. Hammond reiated thls inel- 30 4 16th April, 1917; by the Parliament of Canada. minds for other* means to end the holders. of fhe A fgHcan Radiator geut 0 8 ¢ Srieshonge ny a op u 15th May, 1917; The bonds with, coupons will be issued in denominations | ange sy wi dy e voted to increase the com- ater. * Was uwd 26 " --15 TOT > : ( / ; rh : Wi U-boat danger, How long they will mon stock from -$9.000-007 to $22 <b E5th June; 1917. of $100, $500, $1,000. Fully registered bonds without continue this business method and how long the'idea of saving the fleet and carrying ft over to peace time on the balance gheet will predomin- ate in the British mind will depend ¢n the activity of our U-boats Ir succeed in proving that they they 000,000; $4,098,000. 0f new will be issued March 15th to common stoek- | holders as a 50 per cent, stock divi- dend ] Dominion Iron, receipt-of his official perigit before going to France fo see old, members of the Boy Scouts in khaki at th: front. "That is the outstanding fea- ture of my visit," said he Five years ugo, on the cecasion of the Coronation, Mr. Hammond The total allotment of bonds of this issue Loan prospeetus of 22nd November, 1915. to one hundred and fifty million dollars, exclusive of the amount (if any) paid for by the surrender of bonds as-the equivalent of cash under the terms of the War will be limited of the Minister coupons will be issued in denominations of $1,000, $5,000 or any authorized multiple of $5,000. 'The bonds will be paid at maturity at par at the office of Finance Ottawa, or at the office of the Assistant Receiver General and 'Receiver General at Montreal, March 16.~One finan- | (00k to London 140 Boy Scouts, 72 Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, T t cinnot be defeated at sea by the] MC » : i ari id. the ya ha inaf . . 34 x . at Halifax, St. John 1ariottetown, Montreal, oronto, weak, insufficient and mostly passive | ¢ial Interest calculates that Dominion Joning from Daiarle ood Jas Jou 1 he Jnstalments may be paid in fall on pe lh day 2 Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary or Victoria, or at the Agency weak, $ d ASE Steel Co ati tein . oe parts o ie Dominion, i 917 . 7 ins a a sreafter. unde A 3) ye 3 y wins . " methods employed against them, | Steel Corporation, which closes its The boys returned to their homes April, 1917, or on any instalment due date thereafter, un CH of the Bank of Montreal, New York City. then we shall probably see the Eng- lish fleet abandoning ite defensive trategy definitely to adopt the offen- year shortly, will show net earnings of over 91% millions. This estimate compares with $7,004,316 a year ago and $3,571,058 in 1915. Ag the safe and sound, and to-day the big majority of them are in khaki. Mr. Hammond's connection with the Boy ayments are to be made to a chartered credit of the Minister of Finance. discount at the rate of four per cent per annum. All Failure to pay any bank for the The interest on the fully registered bonds will be paid by cheque; which will be remitted by post. Interest | PAGE SEVENTEEN EE Ee r---- i fee, : : usual deductions for sinking fund, | SCOUs' Association dates from 1909, instalment when due will render previous payments liable || on bonds with coupons will be paid on surrender of coupons. \ bond interest, and preferred divi. the year L101 Majer-Geue aL to forfeiture and the allotment to cancellation. Both cheques and coupons, at the option of the holder, '(M Soldier Regains Speech. vsgow Herald Fhe power of speech, which had eft him for ten weeks, has been re stored to Private George Ferguson, Black Watch, whose home is at No. 186 High street Perth, Private Fer- guson, in a dream in a London hos- pital, thought he was once more in the charge in which he lost his speech as a result of shell shock. He saw the Incidents of 'the battle re-en- acted, and dreamy that a big German was towering over him about to run him through with his bayonet. The excitement of the dream was suffic- ient to cause Ferguson to raise him- self in his bed and shout aloud. He knew then that he had recovered speech, and was naturally overjoyed. In conversation with a press repre- sentative who visited the young sol- dends would account for $3,000,000, some $6,500,000 would be left avail- able for the common stock Such a sum would represent 20 per cent. on the common stock To Manufacture in Canada, . Sa ; ; ill be payable free of exchange at any branch in Canada N Subscriptions, accompanied by a deposit of ten per ¥ pa 4% 8 Ny 2 cent of the amount subscribed, must, be forwarded through of any chartered bank, or at the Agency of the Bank [5 . ' . of Montreal, New York City. the medium of a chartered bank. Any branch in Ganada || - : : of any chartered bank will recéive subscriptions and issue Subject to the payment of twenty-five cents for each provisional receipts. . - new bond issued, holders of fully registered bonds without coupons will have the right to convert into bonds of the denomination of $1,000 with coupons, and holders of bonds with coupons will have the right to convert into fully registered bonds of authorized denominations without coupons at any time on application to the Minister of Finance. : on the tourgwhich Scouts famous "The main object of my trip," 2aid Mr. Hammond, in reply to a question on the subject, "is that as so many of our fellows are in Dritain and : France we thought we owed it to » Windsor, March 16.--Dodge Bros., them to send over and give them a automobile manufacturers, of De- kind of 'pat on the back. No doubt, troit, have taken out a Dominion too, they would dlso be pleased to . Charter to open up a branch plant get Messages from home, and another with head office in Windsor. The pleasure will be the vppertunity I shall have of taking personal mes- 2 made the Boy This loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament of Canada, and both principal and interest. will be a charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund. Forms of application may be obtained from any branch in Canada of any chartered bank and at the office of any Assistant Receiver General in Canada. company is incorporated with $100 - 000 capital, The incorporators are sages from the boys to their parents Horace Dodge, John F. Dodge, F. J. in Canada." Mr. Hammond has glready visited Haynes, Arthur Philip and Alfred McMeans. the Canadian camps in Sussex und , Bramsbott, where, respectively, Brig.-Gen. MacDougall Lieut. -Col, Ashton and Brig.-Gen. Meighen have given him every assistance, and have already made arrangements to The books of the loan will be kept at the Department of Finance, Ottawa. Application will be made in due course for the listing of the issue onthe Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges. Subscriptions must be for even hundreds of dollars. The New York State Senate, by a vote of 31 to 13, passed the literacy test bill. Tae measgre is designed to attend the constitution so as 'to In case of partigh allotments the surplus deposit will be applied towards. payment of the amount due on the April instalment. Recognized bond and stock brokers having offices and carrying on business in Canada will be allowed a commis- Scrip certificates, non-negotiable or payable to bearer dier in his home, Private Ferguson r 3 . ' * : ' : equire all persons becoming voters) compile « roster of all ex-Hoy in accordance with the choice. of the applicant for f three-cightl f sr cent lot t d remarked: "I couldn't believe it. 1) oo 1920 . . ' kan sn. : > sion of three-eig| it. 18 Ol one per cent on allotments made just thought I was back at the old | 2 rr on. 2e Able to refd and | Scouts, so tht on Mr. Hammond's registered or bearer bonds, will befissued, after allogment, in respect of applications bearing their stamp, provided, write English, Francisco Villa captured Parral, Chihuahua, Saturday, defeating the Carranza forces there, according te | a report received at Washington. a return to England from France a big rally of ex-Boy Scouts now in khaki will take place at each of the camps, with, it is hoped and expected, Major-General Sir Robert Daden- Powell present. 'We are all very proud of the re- in exchange for the provisional receipts. When the scrip certificates have been paid in full and payment endorsed thereon by the bank receiving the money, they may be exchanged for bonds, when prepared, with coupons attached; payable to bearer or registered "pot, and thé whole affair was as clear as the actual baftle. The nurses and others were as surprised as myself when I shouted." AA mi, however, that no commission will be allowed in espect of the amount of any allotment paid for by the surrender of bonds issued under the War Loan prospectus of 22nd November, 1915, or in vespect of the amount of any allotment paid for by surrender of five per cent debenture THE ~ cord of the Boy Scouts' Association as to principal, or for fully registered bonds, when fl stock maturing 1st October, 1919. No commission will In thé war," said Mr. Hammond, prepared, without coupons, in accordance with the [| be allowed in respect of applications on forms which = | "They have shown up remarkably application: word : : : have not been printed by the King's Printer. - uN -- ; we PWRIL While 'T am, "perhaps, most A : deeply interested in the movement in Ontario," be admitted. "my juris- diction is to represent Canada as a whole at this critical time." , Speaking of his impressions in England, Mr. Hammond considered that one of the finest things being doné is the work---hardly can it be termed work, for rather it is a great 'OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE = TORONTO ---- SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE THIRD CANADIAN AR LOAN will 'be received 'by this Bank free of cost. Fullest inf: tio li i Manges oh ie Doapiupp 84 by SPPlying to the KINGSTON BRANCH,. H.E. Richardson, nnn. Manage 0 ew ar SUBSCRIPTION LISTS WILL CLOSE ON OR BEFORE THE 23rd OF MARCH, 1917. ' DrrarTmENT OF Finance, OTTawa, March 12th, 1917. I --~------ E8T'D 1073 pleasure---carcied out by the many Canadians in London of over military . the front, are spending leave in Lon- don. He was struck by the complete clyblike aspect of all the homes open for the comfort and convenience of these visitors. The cheery patignts and the splen- did management it the Ontario Goy- also did the work carried out at the + THESE SPAT aiEvet, wader the ehiet. Birers for her Armies in the Field--for her Work he F ARM PRODUCTS Spur street, under chief. direction or her ies in the Field--for her Workers in the actory--in , 3 a Hodes and Lady Drums. Munition plant--in the Shipyard--in the Mine. F ARE NEEDED 4 Qe. i THERE'S DANGER IN SIGHT--BUT YOU CAN HELP || Ni RHE Do You KNow__ WHEAT, . that the rapidly rising price of food stuffs OATS, 3 means that the World's reserve supply is BEEF, age who go round looking after the welfare of "the boys' who, released y ===: | BRITAIN-- CALLS TO CANADA-- THE FACTORY - . THE FARM ] eroment Hospital at Orpington, in 2 e : = ; - a Ror bro a She must have Food-- . getting small ? "Do You KNow-- that a world-wide famine can only be Navy is Popular, Seven hundred men have joined the Royal Canadian Naval Volungeer Reserve, according to [figures of en. listment up to the end of the vear Just closed. These are recruits en- listed in Canada for service in the Royal Navy. Although taking their places in the crews of Old Country ships, the men are: paid bye Canada at Canadian rates of pay. Caplain the Hon. Rupert Guinness, who came You CAN help thwart Germany's desperate sub- marine thrust on the high seas. ww You CAN-- do this by helping to make every bit of Safer 0) Than Any. Mortgage. to Canada some months ago for the averted by i ing this ly ? land in Canada produce--the very last oan Papo: of rptiing a olin , pound of food stuf of whic ts capable. {| BUTTER, Exempt a reriiing {ip from coun coun, Do You KNow--_ AND REMEMBER ey RTS. From aay oh a ry urge that a "food *" would be a worse that no man can say that he has fully done i All realy Tesponse to pie apneal Sold. disaster to the and her Allies than his part--who having land--be 'it garden WOOL, ; : - cruits. The Province of Outario reverses in the Field ? patch, or farm, or ranch--{ails to make it 4 FLAX AND Taxes. leads in the contribution of the men produce food to its utmost capacity. - : for this service. The enlistments at . Brn 2 BRITAIN appeats to CANADA throughout Canada have been: Syd+ ney, 18; Coarlottetown, 20: St. John, THE NEAREST PRODUCER OF STAPLE FOODS 35; Halifax, 31; Quebec, 7: Ottawa, 15; Montreal, 53; Toronto, 290; Australia more than four times. Winnipeg, 83; Regina, 39; Edmon. Canada to Britain - - mie Subscriptions Received by 2H matter what difficulties may Jace'us, the supreme duty of every man on the land is to use every thought and every energy in the direction of producing more--and still more." Martin Burrell-- Minister of Agricviture. ton, 47; Vancouver, 100; Esquimalt, -- A Crying Grievance, J K Il A Meutrent politician' of some { arr years ago, in discussin, % . e i "0 ters with Mr. 8S. L. RT aenat the Jamu, duclared 41 a tone of tooo viction: * t : a? w: the (Conservative party in ile town India & Argentina to Britain - 5 -- . The Departmeént invites every one desiring ency, Then, in a voice which betrayed is- ------ information on any subject relative to Farm Signe or injustice he ay Tie 2 . --eeeeeeneed | ad Garden, to write-- jit ., " * - Xo ------ wx f 56 Brock Street, wm not ic vee INFORMATION BUREAU i At Los Angeles, Cal., more than seven hundred persons were forced to the streets scantily clad a fire that destroyed a wing of the Hotel Roselyn on Thursday, None was in- . . Phone8B ar 874 DOMINION DEPARTMENT,OF AGRICULTURE {ny oe AANA

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