- PAGES 9-14: he Daily British Whig se . . - - - ---------- KINGSTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY MARCH 14, 1917 3 SECOND SECTION I 5 i = + ! & y > . -<-¢ , an' "occupational survey" which will] in 1916. The reduction has occurred | {REVOLUTION IN PRICES " show just where, when and in what! almost wholly ih the last three years, | ) fm BAR EE ! rumbers. workmen are needed or; during the 'war, the fall between | FOR OUTPUT OF FARM . ¥ = Bi li can be dispensed with, i913 and 1914 being only about 3,-| il . i i Both the resignation and the « 000, while in London there was ac- | | Argument Between Soil Tiller! li I 3 81 i d the oe- ally a rise of 200 . ) I ttawa. 1mpses ll cupational survey are taken to mean tua iy onthe the aire te eat : i and Buggy Dealer Is FOR KIDNEYS I fl that the Canadian army needn't look tion. jumped to 300.000 ad in the | { lluminating. 3 PAIN IN SMALL OF BACK P * = PEN» ANSE a i Tor any more mej from that guar- vear just passed it incressed Hore : ra --_ mia : ! ler, Resisnation And oceupational: 4). 46 060 ; Smem---- | Port Hope, March 13.--The fol- an 0, tine. ve lara 3 3 ' Survare are fon the sauder: und as) "These remarkable facts show that ite .- ent 10 W mn lowing story is currently reported of Gin Pills is sulident 1 Julieve the Bistane 3 8 acturels a oe Hever wis 3% soni er Despit Agreem Allow ison { & transaction that just took place be- distr pains Ss Ottawa, March 14.---Apparently from October 1917, not with the con- | Boma, nct for the soldiers at the tiede never ao great a Seduction : | tween a 'dealer in buggies and other Here is such a case coming from the Borden Government's idea is | Sent of the British Parliament, hut by | f7cnf. 'Rumor has it that the gov. SPread over ge 2 population In never to spend one dcllar on war where two dollars well, as much as it should, In case of doubt throw another million to the birds--such is the policy. Only now the wasteful metheds cf! recruiting are transpiring: Accord- ing to the evidence of the Deputy Adjutant General, Colonel Charles MacInnis---who has no particular wish to hurt the Borden Government because he is one of its appointees the Canadian army was leaded up with fifty thousand unfits who were kept on the pay roll for wu yédar or more and were then dropped as in- capable, Some of them were kept on even longer than that, But tak- ing their average duration on the pay roll at a year fifty thousand un- fits run into a tremendous lot of money, It has been estimated that to re- craft, equip, train and pay a soldier for one year costs one thousand dol- larg. It is therefore a simple prob: Ig in multiplication to figure out how mach fifty thousand unfits cost. Fifty million dollars-- about one- ninth of the money we have borrow- ed for the war. Eleven per cent, waste, The Finance Minister is con- tinually preaching thrift and econ- omy. 'Save your money and give it to me," One wonders what Sir Thomas. hag to say in reference top his eleven per cent. leakage which goes on right under his nose, Despite Mr. Flavelle's assurances that this country is drunk with pros- | the will, do ol Everything costs about twice i i the 38 3 frase means of its majority in the Com-| ernment contemplates a partial ap.' the same space of time, tensible existence the Borden Gov. this toa, diminished, When, ernment could go on forever, simply by sentencing itself for life to Ot- | tawa.~ " | No doubt registration costs money, but what are a few hundred thousand | dollars to a government that is to go to the war at the end of e.gh!- een months if the war is net over by that which it very likely will be If this rumor is true it is ancther cédse of the Borden Government going through the motions ~pulling om grand gestures of loyalty which look withédieult es. the army. This enormous cannot, tail to affect the state of the i ; _» | ine but mean nothing streets. On the other 'hand, the spending a million dollars a day? | !ie but 3 Be withdrawal of men by enlistment has | The registraticn may help the profit-| If the Borden Government were'ip the industrial ceitres geen coun- eers by indicating reserve sources of lin real earnest about recruiting it terbalanced by the influx of muni- | labor, but, so far, it has been nol would recall the masquerade colonels' tion workers. In these towns the war change would rather tend to in- crease drunkennass. In point of fast it did so for.a time in several of them, This cme fact goes to prove that whatever influence enlistment ON TO BERLIN -- VIA BAGDAD - BERLIN RAILWAY : had, it cannot account for more than a part of the reduction. Female i drunkenness has fallen as wall as male far-ton-heavily to be explained away by any hypothesis but that few- er women have been drunk on the streets, The reduction is consider- ably less than the men, as it would naturally be, but is very large. Moreover, nearly all of it took place in 1915 and 1916. Between 1914 and 1915 'he number of female con- re S----------. There is mons and Sepate, , Thus does the! Plyication of the Militia Act which evidence that the diminution of pub- {governmeny lift itself by its own |Wlll raise a Home Guard of fifry| lic drunkenness is not offset by an bootstraps. On this theory of ex-| thousand men, who will be availabla iDcrease of private drunkenness, 'for how- ever, to stop to determine the causes | cf the reduction, we are confronted The first and fore- most is the withdrawal cof men for | change | Handle Mexican Situation. | Ri [Guns AND AMMUNITION RUSH. ED FROM HAMBURG. | { Some of the Facts Established Show- | ing How. W. J. Bryan Was Hood- | wiiked by the Crafty Huns. | Washington, March 13.--The in- {side story has leaked out of the | methods employed by Germany to land ammunition | when Mexico amd while every other civiliz- Wilson's programme by declining to assist the dictafor to maintain him-| self in power. | Representatives of the German! Government have denied repeatedly that Germany sent arms to Mexico at that- period They have sought to give the impression ,that any arms which entéred Mexico and were charged against Germany were act- ually sent from the United States or some other country. Théy have sought to keep alive the impression that Germany maintained an inform- al pact made by all nations to allow President Wilson to handle the situ- | | "My father bought a buggy exaetly like that for $60 twenty supply Victoriana Huerta with arms | of gasoline, $17 worth of lubricating | the United; oiL" | States was seeking to drive him from | the present value of 300 bushels of | climbed back into his motor ed country was supporting President! with the words. vehicles and a farmer, The latter | wanted to purchase a buggy and 2 ays | when told the price was $90, said: 'I received your FoR of Gin Pills and wo say that I was suffering from a intende pain = in the small of for some yyears. ago. The dealer re- days. After I taken the membered the sale also, and sample, the pain was gone. " said: "Y fath : " Sanford Weeks, sald: "Your father turmed in 300 All druggists sell Gin Pills st , bushels of corn to pay for it. 1 50c. a box, or 6 boxes for $2.50. { will do better for you than I did for Sample free if you wirte to it r i , a NATIONAL DRUG & OHEMIOAL your father. You bring in your 300 | LIMITED | bushels of corn and I will let you | AAA AA tA ans McLaughlin's Garage | pick out of this list one $90 buggy, | | one $75 wagon, one $20 suit of | clothes, Dug $20 dress, one $5 baby : | dress, one drib, one $3 box of cigars, . | $10 worth of sugar, $10 wonth of yore he sppurtuulty; - | coffee, $10 worth of tea, $100 worth You will want it it sols over before it in the spring' We have had factory experience and can guarantee our work. Let us look after your battery; we will save you money. R. J. Fursey, Prop. Garage Phone 1609; Res. 981. New Stand, 84-38 Princess Street. Opposite Wormwith's Plano Works, The total figured up $365 as (corn, It is stated that the (farmer car, "I guess I haven't any kick coming on thie high cost of living. Send out the $90 buggy." 7,000,000 CIGARETTES Ordered For France--Engircle Earth | ( Bight Times, | Durham, N.C., March 14.--A con- tract calling on the delivery of 7,- 000,000 cigarettes has been placed with the. British-American Tabacco Company by the French Government. The information was contained in a letter written to a Durham, N.C, Says glass of hot water with tobaggo manufacturer and the trust- hosth before breakf: worthy authority termed it the big- a, HAVE ROSY CHEEKS AND FEEL FRESH AS A DAISY--TRY THIS! perity; nobody believes that the 2 average citizen is suffering from too ov much money. It is not the salaried 3 man's wife, nor the workingman's' Y wife that'is spending her money on . er fancy shoes, short skirts, sealskin Y sacques and passionate hats, She i { has enough to do paying the good 4 * man's good money out for the neces- farieg of life which are controlled by Mr, Flavelle and his food baron friends. No matter what Mr. Fla- velle says the country is not lousy with money, though a favored fe may be afflicted that way. ' Danada realizes that now is the time for thrift. There will be hard . times after the war and 'most Can- adian families are putting by some- thing 'against a rainy day. But the Borden Government does not act on its own advice. It still insists on spending two dollars where one dol- rar 'Wolla do, simply because the ' spending is good and their friends need she money, Sometimes the money that flows in from a forty per "cent, tariff plus the borrowings at kes them feel so home und va Yates toi) ways Places--shows us Director Bennett to blow ig another million or two. In two roles. At Saskatoon he is Camp Borgen was that kind of ex- telling the people "that registration | help to recruiting, except indirectly. Lists of names, we are informed, are sent to 'the various recruiting centres with the suggestion that these might be good men to see. This is a rather oblique and timid, not to say sneaking, way of using a registration that was professedly un- dertaken to build up the army. Director Bennett evidently believes in not allowing the right side of his six-hundred-words-a~minute face know what the left side of his face is winking at. The same merning newspaper--but in © two different German ation. The State Department consistently | 8oVernment. has declined to make any statement covering the facts in the case. dupli¢ity. They The}single track, the Seven billion would | official cablégrams tell the story of embrace 211,297 miles and encircle in show be-, the earth nearly eight times. yond the shade of a doubt that Ger- cigarette is two and five-eights inches many's agents in Mexico have main- long. gest order ever placed with a foreign Washes out poisons ------ Coupling the cigarettes together on | To. see the tinge of healthy bloom | your face, to see your skin get One | clearer and clearer, to wake up with- out a headache, backache, coated tongue or a nasty breath, in fact, to feel your best, day in and day out, just try inside bathing every morning for one week. periment, doesn't mean conscniption and that Anot little trick is to announce | the prairies will do their duty if he pines) ae spent on one 'hey produce crops rather than re- thing and then spend it on another, cruits, while at the same time he is land, cut the. staff of the Overseas Such was the National Registration Wailing lists to Toronts and Shed Pay and Records Office in half, give movement which many people military districts which are comp {all the non-combatant positions in thought was intended to lead to from the very ar 3] the army here and oyerseas to re- national service of a military char-; Which are not to serye as a basis of turned heroes, purge its padded list acter . Instead, so far as we can |CODscription, It is 'believed here of 434,000 of all the shirkers, and judge from the vague utterances of hat Director Bennett speaks by the . . who now infest the south of Eng-| victions dropped, but between 1915 and 1916 they fell nearly 14,000. The great change which took place between these two years was after the general application of restrictions by the liquor control board. They were first applied in August, 1915, Before breakfast each day, drink a glass of real hot water with a tea- spoonful of limestone phosphate in it as a harmless means of washing from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bow- els the frevious day's indigestible waste, sour bile and toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary canal before putting more food into the stomach. { |The action of hot water and lime- stone. phosphate on an empty stom- ach is wonderfully invigorating. It cleans out all the sour fermentations, Bases and acidity and gives one a eplendid appetite for breakfast. A quarter pound of limestone phos- phate will cost very little at the drug \ | store but is sufficient to demonstrate that just as soap and hot water cleanses, sweetens and freshens the skin, so hot water and limestone phosphate act on the blood and in- ternal organs. Those who are sub- ject to constipation, bilious attacks, acid stomach, rheumatic twinges, al- 80 those whose skin is sallow and complexion pallid, are assured that one week of inside bathing will have RUSSIA rector jers. it was POOk when he tells the West not to Dusen © amuels a Suiers. 3 not | fear conscription, but that a particularly spirited one at that, | reason why he should seek at the The cards still dribble in and the S&me time to get credit for a warm to March feeling toward conscription 31st, with fair promise tha; it will hotbeds of loyalty in the East. time has been extended be extended again and perhaps again | is no in the On the theory that actions speak 'theft turn in and help, the men who are really trying to do things. With the money it saves by these ' re- trenchiments the Borden Government could afford to provide each battal- ion with machine guns instead of asking private charity to supply them. It could also buy field Kkit- after that, if the government geeds louder than words, shrewd observers to pass the time, Extending @ here argue that resignation was time is one of the things the Borden meant primarily to assist the profit Government does. It even talks of eers, seeing that Director Bennett extending its term another year hag followed up his first move with chens, tents and other gear which | are now left to the enterprise of the! ental officers. : . | hiat the government need to provide from Ottawa, besides the | n ry expenses of recruiting, is| spirit and leadership--also a little} ear ess. Recruiting in some of the most loyal centres--Toronto, for example--has come to be such a joke that even the recruits are not to be taken in by itd A prominent mili- tary man stated the other day that it cost $10 each to get out and get recruits and $15 in the man's pocket to nail him down. One suspects that it cost even more Man that when one sees a great theatre hired for the night, half a dozen professional singers employed, and perhaps =a High Court Judge to act as-chair- ' man--all to land ome recruit who may be rejected for fallen arches when it comes to the show-down. The Great War Veterans' Associa- tion, spending thousands of dollars in advertising, seems to be having great difficulty in raising two hun- dred and fifty men: in thirty days. Toronto is almost listless about it-- ftot because Toronto is less loyal than A Daily Ration - of Grape-Nuts made of combined whole wheat and malted barley, furnishes the mineral ele ments so vitally neces nearly always d stomach--and not, as most folks be- lieve, from a lack of digestive juices. and some improvement followed in | the setond half of that year, but 11916 was the full year of resfric- (tions. The difference of female | drunkenness between it and the pre- | vious year is, we believe, a fair meas- | ure of the effect." TO BOOST THE FAIR Board of Trade Commitgees Will Take up the Matter Shortly. Following out the scheme outlined at the conference held in the Board of Trade rooms, on Saturday after- noon, the wholesale and retail section of the Board of Trade, will be called together to take up the question of soliciting funds from merchants and citizens to help the Kingston Indus- trial Fair this year, THIS WILL INTEREST STOMACH SUFFERERS Says Indigestion Comes Frém An Ex. cess of Hydrochloric +A well-known authority states that stomach trouble and indigestion is to acidity--acid them both looking and feeling better in every way. : + | PARADIS GARAGE erican fleet was preparing. to block her entrance to Vera Crus. ED. had been completed. of Germany to build ENEMY DREAM OF EMPIRE SMASH- This map shows the Berlin-Baghdad Railway, projected by German Engin. cers before the war, and parts of which It was thé hope up an Empire round about a reflway stretching from FOOT OF BROOK STREET Phones: Office 533. House 811. We the "Genman" ocean to the Persian Snratah: Gulf, cutting the world in two parts and at menacing Imperial Britain fn vital In- Sigitns o dia. It was to be the greatest mili- Cars for Hive tary empire the workl has ever known Washing Cure. self-contained, and" largely independ- r ; end of Bal Lower The dramatic cap- > ture of the "Baghdad end of the Empire Eel is of great significance. chun 2 all muaranters tained remarkable facilities playing "both sides of the street" in Mexican politics. They show that while Germany has now proposed to Carranza that he knife the United States, the same Germany two and a half years ago supplied Huerta with guns and bul- lets with which to kill American and Carranza troops alike, thereby at- tempting to keep out of power the very government with which the Kaiser is now seeking an alliance. nn ie Hoodwinked Secretary Bryan. - The documents establish the fol- lowing facts: - lett That the steamship Savoia out of Hamburg secretly transhipped her 80 to the Ypiranga when the Ger- man owners discovered that the Am- for | -- INTERESTED IN VISIONS Vatican Asks For More Details of "Joan of Arc IL." Rome, via Paris, March 14.--The Vatican is taking a great interest in the reported visions of Mlle. Per- chaud and the command she is sup- posed to have received instructing her to lead the French armies to vic- tory. A report already has been re- ceived from the clergy in Paris and further details are being asked of the arch-bishopric there, Mile. Perchaud, 20 years of age, daughter of a farmer of the Depart- ment of Lavendee, has stirred the imagination of the French by her de- claration, like Joan of Are, that she had visions and heard voices com- manding her to guide the armies of France to victory. At present Mile. Perchaud is living in a Paris board- sary in food for putting the "punch" into energetic bodies and brains. of yore, but because Toronto begins to suspect that Ottawa is "kidding The greatest filip re- He states that an excess of hydro- chloric acid in the stomach retards digestion and starts food fermenta- tion, then our meals sour like gar- bage in a can, forming acrid fluids and gases which inflate the stomach like a top balloon. We then get that ed, ran up the Imperial German en- sign which established her status as an Admiralty vessel and therefore not subject to interference when she entered Vera Cruz harbor under Am- erican guns and then sneaked off to - That the Ypiranga, when discover- ing house cohducted by nuns. Napanee, March 13.--The death occurred at the home of Late Mrs. Snider, Napanee. her son, heavy, lumpy feeling in the chest, Puerto Mexico on the plea of getting refugees. Meanwhile arrangements Chester Snider, Napanee, on Thurs day evening Feb. 22nd. Mrs. John "There's @ Reason" No change in price, quality, or size of package. . = |and take a we eructate sour food, belch gas, or have heartburn, flatulence, water- brash or nausea. 1 He tells us to lay aside all diges- tive aids and instead, get from any pharmacy four ounces of Jad Salts had been made with Huerta by a B. German agent who was allowed to pass through whereby the cargo was delivered to Federal troops at Puerto Mexico. man Consul at Havana a Secretary Bryan by| James Meeks at Belleville; Edward promising that no munitions would | &t be landed in Mexico while the Kron- prinzessin Cecilia and the Bavaria were secretly preparing to sail from Hamburg to Pi the American lines, That the Hamburg-American Line Mexico, where | €ig! ripe old age being in her eighty-first year, odist. She was much loved by all who knew her. Surviving are fer husband and seven children; Chester of Napanee; Gladwin at Yarker; Mrs. Ernesttown; Mrs, Will Manitoba and Jacob of Kingston ; alse sixteen grand children and Snider. Deceased had lived to a In religion she was a Meth- Napanee; Mrs, Thomas Revell of Cassell of ht great-grand children. The they landed bid. 5 ammupsnition Jad Salts is inexpensive and is|@Gen. Funston's lines. f i used by thousands of people [sent to Mexico except from Germany which were shipped overland to the Huerta troops, who were then facing That the Beate ah Department, through its agents in parts of the world, found that no shipments were where Ambassador Gerard's detec funeral service was conducted by Rev. Mr, Demille and the remains weré taken to Riverside vault. 'Ex-Mayor Nelson Longham, Belle ville, died on Sunday, aged eighty- five years, He was a mason, Meth- orist and Oddfellow. A widow, two tives trailed them from port to port. sons and three daughters survive.