Ay ' IO NCIDENTS OF THE AY GRAND OPER. HOUSE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1917, \| Said ios PAGE SEVEN SAVE [Loc AL NOTES A AND ITEMS OF At 2.38 "MD il CONTINUOUS = gE Sa INTEREST. sine yial y Performance = = | a In the Cit 1 Vicinit t Ss MONEY ncn? 2 Acts Vaudeville -- 2 E E | Readers of the Whie } Five Reel Feature Pim = = REGULARLY Coming tv-the Fandosifos 5 | Greteheis Hartman,in = E | sary," m ng ey reel RE de hy "The Love Thief » = = bos op : + deposi i Mi Gage, 221 Rideau street, was| _ : . t= = avelIery pay day oy 1 deposit ol othe General Hospital on The Pathe Nene am Ocier Sy E000 Eo Jammer, To, ws eding ay, ane 15 me will ovate To ey = ems Rey mee | Coming Monday. joven. ssveitmve divest Lost | _asen dition to your ir on oi street, Luoave orders at McAuk | \ Bul fe Vandel" Fi ip dria a word. ach nai BROW N HER von. FROUNTEN AC Toa AND oa ae Your Bavings Account and Banking Business are ins I= 2 Souk Siore. soft for curling 7 oh ome. ra hig a "Inmersionn, ot R Fo . on Wednesday eyening. The sched BILLIE BURKE, in mE ar : : municipal : | | Th lof thei = Poy 3 ty " 'LP WANTE LOST, STRAYED OR ps' HO apes PU AX bray , a ius 5, - = ; held. os pe i Gloria's Romance. A NURSEGIRL AT ONCE. APPLY 172 a SR R miTen| i fee fear ana | Mary' s cathedral on Taursday after- faa ICES ALWAYS Lod dg Burrie street. mn from market, March 3nd. Find Kingston ON EC [Mr and Mrs. J. Burnett, Havelock, | Any Seat 10c Recrved, Se Extra HOISERE e BR 4 03 EARL IS hwnig Offi re AND D Grom OF I spent the week-end with Mr, and | Bg AN EXPERIENCED DRIVER, A7| . WANTED GENERAL EE M8 UW ovdman, John street, Saturday March 10 Boawen's in et hos es or mere ee ee RE IY ohs ts s furs e B. McKay, Mana ger. | "con 0% to to the Strand--"The Ro- Y, \ GIRL FOR 1 x TOU SEWORK oY uy oN Af OR hyNea-. pply 45 ergy strec me------------ i | Ady orig iid WEE iy MeL LOTS FOR SALE Trade acknowledges Mthese subscrip- | oh Street Railway Office tions for the Belg Relief Fund: A Beverly St., 99 x 118 $1900 | Albert St., 33 x 100 £800 | Frieva 2 Centre St., 80 x 125 $1200 | Earl St., 48 x 135 \. $800] ailing Jarvis and Sir Montagu . | A lan nave resigned trom the Board ja Lirectors of the Canada Steam fy : ." | shin Lines We have 41% acres of land in the City Limits and 3 Ss I nd ice has i hi lying in the upper part of the city, that we can . Dp endid ice 125 heen larvested sell cheap. thig year, The Kingston compan es | have their stock 2 8 n hand and THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 56 Brock St. Phones: Office 68; Res, 874 ri ins * sYou Can Count On It 'Wher: we take care qf your storage bat- tery there's no doubt of quality service. We have established ourselves as experts. Will you come in and be convinced? Phone 1094 ° I. LESSES, 124-126 Clarence St. Free inspection of any battery at any time WE ARE OFFERING £ ARANTEED Hot Water Bottles Week. RUBBER the family requires. Branch Post Office. Opp. Y.M.C.A, Kingston, Ont. | - Watts, Hs, Fresh Cut Flowers Hyacinth, Narcissus, Ete. Funeral Designs and Wedding Bouquets to Order, AAA A AP Lettuce Always Fresh, at Friendship's ! 210 Division St. one 545. mn ON SALE -- BLUE BERRIES "-- 10¢ Per Tin. Green Gages 2 Tins for 25c¢. J. M. Gordon's Grocery Phone 88. Montreal and Bay. Ar AL NN The Leading Florist At Special Sale Prices During This This sale will: include everything in| Our | upper window contains the display. | Hoag's Drug Store eminence | F.J. JOHNSON | Introducing FS. Crichton DCMTD. ometrist | Doctor Crichton comes to Kingston from Toronto where he has tested hundreds of To- ronto's leading citizens and fit- ted them with glasses. Dictor Crichton takes charge of our optical parlors and in- vites all who from any cause are sufferers from defective vision to consult him. Doctor Crichton is a register- ed optometrist and graduate op- tician of wide experience and is probably one of the best known eye-sight specialists in Canada. Hours of consultati 12, and 1 to 6. Satur 10 p.m. R. J. RODGER, 132 Princess Street. Where the clock is on the walk. NA mo co | | cutting will soon close Inspector Jack, Aid Society, placed boy, wards of the gounty homes on Thursday Mrs. W. C. Lee and Mrs. .N. Kelly, Mallorytown, returned some on Weau- nesday after a visit to the former's niece, Mrs. Leman A. Guild, Division street. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the erans Association served coffeg and sandwiches to the tale sol- diers who returned to the city Thurs- | day afternoon Children's girls and a in good the two society, Vet- | ~ Only at the College Book Store { will you find the complete range of Gibson Art Line 1917 Easter Cards {| and Booklets. Shipment received to- | day. Open nights Ralph Adzit has purchased the | frame bungalow, 42 Quebec street, owned by Thomas Taylor, through McCanii's Real Estate Agency. Mr Taylor will move to London Coming te the Strand The Ro- | : : sary." Seven-reel masterpictufe, | © The Ontario Conservatives tell wo- | men they can vote but not legislate. | The Ontario Liberals tell women, "If { you vote you ought alse to legislate. | We want you as members of the | Legislature." | Newspaper advertising will bring greater returns to a merchant be- cause he can falk to more people at a greater distance, in less time and 'at a more reasonable cost through the newspaper than ih any other way. It is not likely that there will be a meeting of the Board of Education as many of the members have accepted invitations to attend the banquet to- night of the Kingston Industrial Fair Association, Ex-Cuban President Captured, | Havana, March 8.--Announcément was made at the President's palace 'that a message had been received {there stating that Jose Miguel Gomez, {formér president of Cuba, had been lcaptured with his entire staff by i Colonel Collazo, commander of the (Government troops. | Willlam James Robinson, a street |lounger, was sentenced to death in {Old Bailey, London, for the murder {of Alfred Williams, a Canadian sol- |dier, formerly of Toronto. | When # man talks much about him- self he 'has nothing much to talk about. BONNER'S FINEST FANCY SEEDED RAISINS are packed in CARTONS, Insist on the RED Carton, COVERED RINK Grand Fame, I'NTV A Skating CAR Thursday VAL March Sth, 1917, Four valuable prises: First and second ladies: first and .. ROH, Band in Attends Season Tiel not honored for Carnly al mm WE DO ALL KINDS OF TIRE AND TUBE VULCANIZING Call in and get ouy prices before going elsewhere. Fi inas work ama rea- soma prices. F. J. Pearson & Co. Cor Queen and Bagot Sts. agkloral Deslgnn, pus apeciatey . 230 Tis ig N otice ! Prices were never higher. No ship- | handle. Get ue Sue prices before giving | Anderson Bros," Peincess and Division rons We Want All Your Fowl] V ; and Chickens This Wee k, 'Auto Tire fleas & Ex. ment too large or too small for us to Have inst Phone 2081. WR. LEE Specialising Store Fron and Fit. tings. Remodelling Rit of all kinds. ESTIMATES £1 EXPERIENCE. Address 272 University Ave. tk, Steam Montreal St. one of the aalucest steam sectional valcanizers and are prepared to handle all of tire je ube repair work at nable Agency for § Firestone ww. -. McWilliam 20c; Spectators 10¢, Everybody Alona To Skate. - IMPERIAL LIFE SAY, YOUNG MAN ! \ eart By J. Hartley Manners. With a capable company, including MARION DENTLER us ¥ there's nothing half » « life ng love's roung Bargain Mat: J Ole; Evening r, 75¢, $1.00, Sents On Sale, "Oh, One Night Only Girliest Musical Comedy of the Season, 'Little Cafe' The Big Sister of $1.00, 75¢, 50¢, 25c¢. Seats on Sale Batu. Peg 0' My dren 25¢ | Tues. March 13 The Fastest -- The Funniest -- The | "The Pink Lady" and "Oh! Oh! Delphine." Presénted by a splendid | Cast and a Rose Bud Garden of Girlies, at these! irresistable prices: | y of for fan hree. Highest w C Teleg hone 604. IL NOR HARDWARE LE RK Ap warehouse man App Chow & Co, 252 Bagot Street eed deo deodedeededeoddededededeod dodo of * * | % Wanted, a day nnd also a 4 night fireman for a steam plant, >» Apply Superintendent Canndr of & Carringe Company, Brockville, | % Ont. * 4 * Sdddddodbddddobddidobddobdobd di | TWO RE o> : die 1 with Me fr Tpm J Lynch, Albion He J r. Queen and Montreal streets EXPERIENCED ONE 1 capable of tak ! and attending t Kiineston Shipbu Limited ELECTRICIAN, care of motors all wiring, Apph Ming Company [Laps OR INSTRUMEN- talists willing to assist at conce to help R11 Gp of Queen's Highlanders * please Ww { { Bandmaster | | VOCATLINTS Harkness ---------------------------------- Good, smart girls, of age and upwards, can {{ # cure employment at the Cotton |} Mills, Cataraqui street. Good i wages paid to beginners. Apply at office Dominion Textile Co., Cataraqui street. 14 years Se- FOR SALE ADVTS. COST three times 50c, | | THESE BF PEC TIVE little one week, $1.00. GRIFFIN'S! Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Daniel Frohman Presents Edith Taliaferro, in /The Conquest of Canaan The Shielding Shadow The Mutual Weekly Vaudeville. Prices: Mat. 10¢, STRAND THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY AUDEVILLE Feature Photopiny Frank Keenan "The Bride of Hat IFwo-Part Kexstone Comedy and] Oviver Good Photoplays. Matinee 0c: Even Sents Reserved. Coming--""The Ronnry"" Pleture. IDEAL What would you do with it? See "Fate" in The Grip of Evil In Fourteen Chapters; featuring Jackie Saun and Roland Bottomley Coming Wed. and Thur. 10¢; Eve. 13¢. art Master DENTAL A. EC RKNAPP, BY, LDS. DDS, Office, 258 Princess reel. Phone 653 oe ------ somes p-- a a i DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, Horney Princess and Bagot streets. hone 626. 1 DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- tists, 159 Wellington Street, G. C. Dewar, DDS. LDS assistant. FOR SALE Is father 50 years old? Ask him if he could use $5,- 000 cash today. You may be 50 some day. Get an IMPERIAL pow- MENT NOW. Consul J.B. Cooke, Dis. Mer. 3328 King St., Phone 3503; Residence $42. ee te cet cstmemead) A: Delicious Deusert en tte es ee ONE HOLSTEIN COW, NEW MILKER, TWO BRICK HOUSES ON VICTORIA BRIUK HOUSE, aah tp: sopra LARGE STACK STACK OF IRON. BEDS, COU- ches, men WHITE REED BABY CARRIAGE IN Egod condition. Apply 217 Undver- wily Ave, ee and calf. Apply 26 Frontenac St. north, or Phone 1027, street; nodern; Bear Union St. car ne. Owners desirous of sellin at once. Aprly McLeod's Store, ERSITY AVE, 3 rooms. modern Amrovemers. goodl cond' Jon. Basy Apply West End Real Es- Te nearance Agency. Phone harness, eat tional Cash Register. kinds of Jew and second hand fu 2 Shapire. 45 Princess Phone 1 street. Paper Kopeks in Russia. pa ye ofr ol a present rate of exchange | | FOR Joun S, PUZZLES AND NOVELTY tays see Frank W. Cooke, 39 Clarence stréet | PEERESS INCUBATOR, 120 BGG S nearly new; used one season } ply 159 Nelson street FARM OF 1680 ACRES, FOUR MILES i from Kingston Apply Geo. Gib- son, R, R. No.' 1, Cataraqui, Ont. DOUBLE DWELLING, 41 AND 43 DIV- isfon street, § rooms and W.C..in each; well rented. Apply 41 Divis- fon street, NO. 130 VICTORIA 9 rooms elec Apply McLeod's BRICK HOUSE near Johnson, Hght and gas. Drug Store, | | SIX HUNDRED RUSHELS OF OATS in quantities as desired by pur- chaser. A. E. Weller, Kingston Station GENUINE VICTROLA AND TWEL Ye selections, your own choice, $28.5 $10 cash and $1.00 per week, C R: Lindsay, Litd., 121 Princess street. eee - THREE COLPS, RANGING ONE YEAR, two and three years respectively. Kingston Milling Co, oe ------------------------------------------ CADILLAC FIVE-PASSENGER TOUR- ng car; comphite equipment; ex- cellent condition; bargain # a quick buyer Apply Howard 8 Folger, 41 Clarence street, SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, #1 FRON. tenac street, 10 rooms, hot water heating, deep lot; possession May 1st. Apply Wm. J. Arnlel, cor Karl and Alfred streets, or 92 TWO MAIDS, COOK AND HOUSEMAID by | for immediate sale; price reason- able. Apply to H. A. Buck,«Syden- hamy Ont - t ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS BUYS Al ten horsepower two-cvlinder, two cycle Palmer marine eng in god condition an "be seen at TO LET FURNISHED OR ; ly 504 Karl St ROG WS, WANTED TO STORE t 10 E ARCHITECT POWER & "SON, A t Bank and | We FOR SALE OR TO LET PATEN i BABCOUK & SONS, Patents, trade eT ---------- -- - narks. de Ins Estab 1877 Form SALE oR ; erly Patent Office Examiner. Master used for garage or stable | of Patent Laws ook "Patent Altre d strect tection" free 99 St. James St, ) re Ee eal Branches: Ogawa, Washing te PERSON AL PIANO TUNING. HAIR, ois, WARTS BIRT HMARKS | MR. SWAINE IS PREPARED TO DO and 1d skin blem- plano and tuning and ishes ¥ rmanent}v, with- Toi iy - at Mc CUNNINGHAM, AB BARR | and solicitor. Law office, 79 ee -------- i ence gtreet, Kingston INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INVEST z : ~~ vhe cent unl You read Successful Finance, a: how fortunes. FURNITURE FINISHING are mad DY HYVER, | sess sere------------------ Pree fon. Success: | 1%, DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH ful Finance, Dearborn 8t,, or ail or drop a card. 23 Jehan rn en -- street. = A Twenty - Five Women Wanted Atanning Factory. Two departments short: of help Labelling & Canning Departments From $7.50 td $8.50 per week may 'g earned. We are working on a war order and find that in order to manufacture Pork and Beans for the soldiers fighting at the front we must depend on the women to quite an extent to do some of the lighter work, while the men are doing their bit. Apply The Wm. Davies Co., Ltd., Napanee, Ont. Girls Wanted CP NB, mr For clean, light work; highest wages while learning. Those wishing steady employ- ment, apply at A ps in Frontenac street, BRICK STORE AND STOREHOUSE, IN Smart countmy willage: store 2- storey and large cellar; all first class condition, $1,000 to wind up an estate, quick. G. A. Bateman, 87 Clarence street, Kingston. MOTOR CYCLE, 19168 MODEL, POWER. "Plus, twin eylinder, side car, elee- tric lights, speedometer: in No, 1 condition Snap for quick buyer. Good reason for selling. Apply to 54 Queen street. CHOICE STOCK OF HEATERS, RAN. gee, and all kindg of new and sec- ond hand furniture. We are also open to buy everything in the ® re lines: J. Thompson, 337 Princess sireet. Phone 1600. -------------------- WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE shipment, including the famiius Qverland, Perfect and Athlete mo- torbike model bicyales, Will sell on easy terms, $5 down and $1 per week. Geo. Muller, 373 King St, Phone 1032. I Phd AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1--Saxon-8ix T 1--Ford Touring. 1--Saxon-Four Roadster, two- passenger. Second hand, all in good cgndi- tion. « : P Pee eee TF in Sh E bbe beet A RESTAURANT DOING A GOOD PAY. ing business. $2200, CEMENT BLOCK WHOUS rooms, all improvements, i furnace, deep lot. v CHED, BRICK, SEMI-DETAC hew, improvemems, central loca- KINGSTON HOSIERY, LIMITED. King Street West / » WANTED-PUNCHERS, FITTERS-UP, RIVETERS AND CAULKERS. For Sheet Iron Work. Apply, J. Farrar, Supt. CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE CO., LTD. Kingston Ontario a wn Split Pea Coal! $6.00 Per Ton Jas. Swift & Co. : Limited 'BLE - FRAME Us) rents 9% on Investment BRICK ENE, N new, all latest impro ana water heating. hand floors and : good stale. HOUSES I¥ ALL PARTS ER Te ar gonad fovestments. Insur- $1200, large ane kopek nate is worth shout a ance and money QA "ook's | * » Two in in hres v MAH | LAPT I Lr re 2 EE sofa; sive a8 number of fine 3 pam; stoves oad heaters, st THE COOK [NADISINE 0%, ' TORONTS. OW. W. Ofemds TURK S, Phone 705 The trouble with many any spedialie: % to Joan. Bateman, §7 Clgronce Street. Xo in business is that they won' t work,