---- a PAGE TWO a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUBSDAY, MARCH 6, 1917. ; rere | COURT SITTINGS 9 i | - > {OPENED TUESDAY MORBRNING-- | JUSTICE CHUTE PRESIDES. : ' a Heard Was. That of Do- i {First Case r | minion Supply Co., of Kingston, vs. | Robertson Co., Milton, for Nom- i Delivery of Nails. | The spring sittings of the Supreme Court of Ontario opened in the City Council Chamber on Tuesday morn-, fing-at 10 o'clock with Justice Clute {on the bench. | The court was to have opened on EXCLUSIVE CUSTOM MADE FURS | Monday afternoon, but His Lordship {was unable to reach the city in thine we-- lowing to the train being delayed by McKAY Limited {the heavy snow storm. The council JOHN ? {chamber was well filled with speec- 149-157 Brock St. {tators when the court opemed. It | was necessary to hold court here ow- - {ing to the fact that the Courthouse is | now being used as a nurses' home | The grand jury was sworn in as follows: Melzar Avery, Sharbot Lake: R. J. | Bushell, Kingston; J. O. Ellerbeck, | Kingston; Byron Bordon, Kingston; William Garrett, Ozo; Samuel Alex- {ander, Kennebec; ; Togas I. Hogan, Wolfe Island; John E. y, Kings- lton: David McCullough, Kingston: |George Masoud, Kingston; Samuel { Thompson, Barrie; Charles Truscott | | Sydenham; A. E. Weller, Kingston. | Melzar Avery was elected foreman Underwood {of the jury. it | There are two criminal cases' on [| it Hithe docket, the King vs. G. Clarke, Ww. J. New or Rebuilt Rented and Repaired. Corona Portable, Folding, 83 Ibs. Rib- bons and Carbon Papers. Filing Cabinets Office Furniture i The first case taken up was that of {the Dominion Supply Conipany of J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. | Kingston, vs. P. L.. Robertson Manu- A 41 Clarence Street. |for rape, and the King vs. | Wilkes, for rape. | Charles M. Garney, of Toronto, is {present as crown prosecutor, a posi- {tion the late D. A. Givens was slated to have filled. | In addition to the two cases In the lerifhinal calendar, there ara three | civi} cases to be heard. His Lordship addressed the memy | bers of the grand jury after they had been sworn, pointing out that they had two cases to deal with and giving them the usual instructions regard- ing them, after which the jury retir- ed facturing Company, Ltd. of Milton, Ont. The claim is for $25,000 dam- ages for non-delivery of wire nails. J. L. Whiting and J. 'M. Farrell ap- peared on behalf of the plaintiffs, and Just Received a Fresh Messrs. Clarke and Swabey, of To- . ronto, acted as copnsel for the de- Lot Of fendants. This case was taken up but was not Can Beets, Can Catsup, Can Beans, Summer for Soup, concluded when court adjourned. Can Vi Can A (3% gal. size), Can Cher- Het ys Can Pears, Can Peaches Frank V. Samwell, examined by Mr. Whiting, said he was in business Can Raspberries, Can Strawberries, Can Pineapple. with the Dominion Supply Co. of Kingston, dealing in heavy hardware, selling to wholesalers and retailers. He told of his company having ia Nov., 1915, opened negotiations with the Robertson Manufacturing Com- pany for the purchase of 15,000 kegs of nails. The company got a supply of 2,683 kegs and put in a requisition for 7,113 more, but the company had falled to deliver these. It developed during the examina- tion of the witness that his supply of nails had been cut off because he had not stood by "association prices." His Lordship wanted to know what assoclation this was. Mr. Clarke stated that it was an association composed of manu- facturers of wire products who met at intervals to arrange prices. Mrs. Samwell, wife of the previous | | witness, told of hearing a telephone conversation her husband had with the Robertson Manufacturing Com- pany, in which Mr. Samwell stated that he could not sell at the associa- tion prices. Peter L. Robertson, president: of the company, said the understanding was that Mr. Samwell was to sell at i | "association prices." He told of an interview he had with Mr, Samwell when he found the latter was selling below the association prices, where- upon he was given quite a shock, "Why do you say you were shock- vod ?" asked His Lordship. Witness said that it was not busi- ness like to do so. J. C, Stewart, general manager of CAAA APA E. H. BAKER Cor. Charles and Montreal Sts. Phone 1208, SPECTACLE 80 that the centre ghould be y Correctly Fitted to The Face Are As Essential As Pro- perly Fitted Lenses Are te the Eyes. t. should fit so well that wobbling will be impos- sible and it should roa the Robertson Company, said that Mr. Sainwell agreed to sell at asso- ciation prices, and before the con- tract was made never asked to sell at a lower figure. He sald thqt -busi- ness had been very unsatisfactory with his company owing to the fact. that 'Mr. Samwell had been quoting various prices all over the country. Witness strongly denied having had any interview with Mr. Samwell, in| which the latter asked to sell at a! idwer rate. Witness would not have | agreed to sell to Mr. Samuel had the latter not agreed to sell at associa- OF ANY ONE BUT RETURNED] SOLDIERS AND NURSES. i The Veterans' Association Places It-| self on Record--Resolutions of Condolence Passed--Case of Pte. Kelly. i The meeting of the Veterans' As-| sociation held 'on"Monday evening | was largely attended, and fifteen new tion prices. | members were admitted, making] Just recently Mr. Samwell was forty-three in the last 'two weeks. Resolutions of condolence were sued for damages by the Hood; Hag-| gie Company, of Peterboro, for non- delivery of goods, and judgment! was given agaipst him for about $1,000. sent to the family of the late D. A. Givens, honorary solicitor of the as- {sociation and formerly with the 14th] ! Regiment; to Col. L. W. Shannon on} ! the death of his brother Albert, who| WO CITY LEAGUE GAMES was an honorary member and was | | fourteen years with the 14th Regi-! ee | ment; and to the family of the late; Sh ---- Se---- A ET Oe March and April Magazines Now Out Photo Play, Picture Play, Motion Picture Magazine, Motion Pic- ture Classic, Moving Picture World, Motion Picture News, Photo- Play] ournal. Vogue, Good Housekeeping, McCall's, Modern Priscilla, Ladies' Home Journal. Current History, 'Popul Red Book, Ains Smart Set, Smith's, All Story Weekly, Munsey, ar Mechanics. Cartoons, Scribner's, Outing, Popular Science, - lees, Blue Book, American, Hearst's, Maclean's, op Notch, Detec- PLAYED AT*THE COVERED RINK | MONDAY NIGHT. Regiopolis (Defeat the. Collegiates and Win the Junior Championship Service Company. Regiopolig hockey team defeated Collegiateg at 'the Covered Rink en! Monday evening in a fast game, dnd! thereby won the Junior City League' championship. The team is well bal- anced and fast, and after the sea-! son's playing understand the game thoroughly. The score of 3 to 2, winning goal. The round score was 6 to 4. H. Stinson refereed satisfac- torily, The junior champions lined up as; follows: McNeill, goal; Clark and' William, defense; Blakey and Ralph, wings; Brown, rover; McDermott, | ceritre. The losers lined up: Nichol, goal; Campbell and Van Alstyne, defense; Baker and Dolan, wings; Smith, rover. Senior Game a Tie. The Irishmen tied with the Special Service Company team on Monday night and the game will be re-played at a later date. 'The score was two all. The Irishmen are still ahead, having won two, lost one and tied one; the Special Service Company is second, hoving won one, lost one and tied one. The Iroquois team has lost two and won one, ~ Queen's Inter-Faculty Hockey. | Science won the third game in the Queen's Inter-Faculty Hockey series from Medicine on Monday afternoon | in the Covered Rink by a score of 6-3. The game was fast and the ice was in fine condition, The boys from Science managed to slip in the neces- sary number of goals by some hard playing. MacKenzie and Williams accounted for two each and Imbleau and King shot in singles. George Vanhorn handled the game very sat- isfactorily. The line-up: Science--Goal, Guest; defence, Embury and Perry; centre, Wil- liams; rover, Imbleau; right wing, MacKenzie; left wing, Tobias. Medicine--Goal, McEachen; de- fence, Chaplin and Davison; centre, McCualg; rover, Draper; right wing, Featherstone; left wing, Sim- mons. . BELLEVILLE THE WINNERS OF JUNIOR AND SENIOR SERIES OF C.0.C.L. Defeated Brockville Here on Monday Night in Championship Games-- Kingston Club Games Also Played. On Kingston ice on Monday night (until 4 am, Tpesday) games were played that resulted in Belleville win- ning both the junior and senjor ser- jes of the Central Ontario Curling League. During the afternoon and evening other games of the club ser- ies were played. The senior games resulted as follows: = BELLEVILLE. BROCKVILLE. J. McFee W. Riley S. Robertson Dr. Kidd W. N. Belair Dr. Mitchell F. Quick J. Todd (skip) 23 (skip) 11 L. V. Davidson R. Ferguson J. G. Galloway Ww. J. Cole Dr. M. J. Clarke W. F@rguson J. W. Davidson George Cookson : (skip) 1 (skip 13 Junior C.0.C.L. ROOK BELLEVILLE. B VILLE. T. Jacobs R. Throops R. Bacons M. Edgar M. P. Duff C. C. Mclaren 1Dr. M. A. Day 0. Price (skip) 25 (skip) 12 A. R. Symons A. E. Baker A. H. Kerr John Martin P. O. Pitney J. 8. Copeland C. J. Lyons J. B. Lowey' (skip) 18 (skip) 13 . Smythe > A. B. CuaninghamC. Crozier § = (skip) 6 Robert Stevenson, who during his life was a sincere friend of the as- sociation. . The association will take immedi- ate steps in tihe-case of Pte. Kelly, as reported in Monday's Whig. The ~The Irishmen Tie With Special case will be drawn to the attention] of the Board of Pension Commission-| | ers and the Minister of Militia. i Two membership campaign com-| mittees, captained by Sergt.-Major Barrett, W. O., and J. G. Evans, re- spectively, were organized and will work from now until the Lanpge- marck banquet. The matter of wearing Imper ame resulted nm 21 yeterans' ribbons was discussed. The rown scoring the .y minister of Militia 'gave permiss- jon that these could be worn, and this decision will be presented to Sir A. E. Kemp. The association went on record as beicg opposed to the employment of any one but returned soldiers in either military positions if returned soldiers can fill them. One case par- ticularly referred td was that of ap- pointing a matron to the 1,000-bed hospital, when a nurse serving over- seas could have been secured for the position. LADY MISSIONARY SPEAKS. of Work in Indidto the Students of Queen's. Convocation Hall was well filled with students on Monday afternoon top hear Mrs. Lyons, a missionary from India, speak on the work in that country. The lecture was under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A., and those who attended were loud in.their praises of the very interesting account which Mrs. Lyons gave of the work of the for- eign missionaries among the natives in the Far East. Some idea of the difficulties which must be faced by the missionary were presented, and an absorbing narrative of the social life and what has been done for the uplift of the millions of men and wo- men in that far off land was given. ---------- LEAVING HOSPITAL. Mr. Morrissey Grateful for Favors He Received. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Morrissey, of Belleville, will be pleased to learn Mr. Morrissey has almost entirely recovered from the effects of the railroad accident met with at Gananoque some time ago. He and his charming young bride leave the hospital to-day. Speaking to a Whig reporter, Mr. Morrissey, who is a popular G. T. R. trainmen, expressed appreciation of his treat- ment at the hospital. cannot sufficiently extol the kindness shown us by the sisters, nurses and doctors of your Kingston hospital. The devoted attention paid to my in- juries and my happy' cheerful en- vironment made me almost forget 1 had so recently escaped a violent death. Surely in these troublesome times such Christlike charity ex- tended to strangers should be deep- ly appreciated. Mrs. Morrissey and myself, as well as our many friends in Belleville, Chesterville and Brock- ville will ever remember gratefully Kingston and its House of God, the Hotel Dieu Hospital." it A fire occurred Monday afternoon in a house at Collins Bay owned by Anthony M. Rankin and occupied by a soldier's family. It started in a bedroom and did considerable dam- age before extinguished. "The Hat Store." WE ARE RECEIVING Almost every day, fresh, new shipments of hats for men, la- dies and children. Those who like to buy their hats early will find a splendid J. Rigney F. Lamb : 8, Fowler NL. Sleeth (skip) 11 nd 8. Toland Fo 'Toland : Dr. Cartwright--4 | variety of advance He says: "I | Family Journal, McClures, Live, Parisienne, Saucy, Breezy, Young's, tive, Everybody's, Short Stories. : The College Book Store, OPEN NIGHTS 160-162 Princess Street. Telephone 919, | | i i i i { { this store. A SPLENDID SHOWING OF NEW COATS and SUITS READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION. You can save money by doing your shopping at New Spring styles in coats, $5.00 up. New Sérge Suits, $15.00 up. New separate Skirts, $3.50 yp. NEW COATI Covert Cloths, Serges and Plaids. Newman Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE School Clocks We keep ready for delivery clocks suitable for school rooms. Large Clear Dials. Reliable Timepieces Our prices are attractive. Smith Bros., Jewelers Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Continental Furs Highest Cash Prices paid for all kinds of aw furs. G W. F.Gourdier | '80 Brock Street Phone 700. CLOSING OF MAILS British mail closes irregularly. Information posted at P.O? Lobby from time to time. United States, daily 11.39 a.m. and 11.30 p.m. Grand Trunk, going e 11.30 a.m. and 11.30 p.m. Grand Trunk, Toromto and west, including Western ROB ou. ves ares Grand Trunk and all west of City, 2.30 p.m. and 11.30 C.P.R. .. 10.15 a.m, and 5.00 CNR... vein dil ~- -------------------------- CORPL H. THOMPSON Returning From Overseas in Party Expected to Arrive on Thursday. The following convalescents have Kingston about Wednesday: Sergt. J. McLaren, Ptes. Wright, W. Martin, Little Britain, Corpl. H." Thompson, Kingston; C. Lafleche, Delta; H. Hummell, Chesterville; E. Fraser, Pembroke; J. Elson, Odessa; M. Du- beau, Aylmer; L. Clarke, Perth; W. Brown, Havelock; W. Scharf, Pana; A. Telford, Otter Lake; W. St. Laur- ent, O. Guenette, Hull; J. Amon, J. iland, Lindsay; W. Harkness, B. J. Glendennan, . H. Rush, J. Degen. G. Lightheart, 0; gts. A. Newton, J. Scott, Bell Tle, A. Miller, C. Haw- kins, Brockville; I. Brawley, M. Fin- lay, L. Jackson, Sultfugt. Eggins, arrived at Quebec and will leave for! 'Real Estate ' Buying, Selling, and * BUILDERS' SUPPLIES ---- WANTED! LOGS We are in the market to Renting & ng In a downtown location, we have a detached Dwelling for %4,000. © Possession April 1st. On Johnson street, below Division, new brick Dwelling, hot water heating, for $4500. Possession May 1st. EW. Mullin & Son Houses on the Hasy Term plan. 5 Insurance. Cor. Johmson and Division Streets. Phones 539 and 1456. and maple, 12-in. diameter and at small end, 10 ft. to 16 ft. long. Car loads or sleigh loads. * S ANGLIN & CO. Phones: Office 66, Factory 1413 Sees Lumber, Coal And Wood eed 3 CLEANLINESS The woman who scrubbed the coal bin before the coal was put in car- ried cleanliness a little too far. - Our coal is as clean as coal can possibly be--free from dust, slate or other foreign matter. if you haven't laid fn your winter supply yet, come in and see us--to- Y. Agree to Modify Terms. Ottawa, March 6.--The Canadian paper manufacturers have agreed to supply Canadian Howspagers with newsprint at two and a half cents at the mill. This is satisfactory to the Government and the proprietors, and 30 Jendery unnecessary any action by thé Government under the recent or- der-in-council which gives it power to limit or prohibit export, or even to seize and operate the mills. 1 BOOTH & CO. Phone 188 'oof of West St. Y.M.OA Asks For $5,000. The Board of Directors of the Y.M. C.A. met on Monday evening with O. Chown presiding. W. H. Dyde pres- Purina Scratch Feed and ented the budget report Which stated Makes Hens La tha 37725 must be raised this year. y. this sum there will be $2,225 For Bale By brought in through membership fees,| 4 ete., and the remaining $5,000 will ¢ have to come from public subserip- : . tions. Arrangements were made for ° uper | 3 campaign to raise this amount next : ' . 241-83 Princess Sireet % 4 4 od Phone 76 | India's cotton duties are opposed. by interests in' England, ___ efile Coast Sealed Oystérs, sha.) All Branches of RRR RRR i i ER Ra EET