From the 1st of December Till 1st of February--Many Do- - nationg, for Queen's Hospital -- Outside Societies Z\ Make Numero us Donations. Mrs. McGill. 1 pair Deacon, 1 pai tl Battersea Red ( socks, 16 shes! 26 Dillow « dressings, JZ b in lows, 40 handcerchic (frol C. Clarke); MiMdréd Lucey, Luey, 8 wash cloth M Lyman, 1 record : Mrs. Nesbitt, 1 pair sock Bellhouse, 2 pair socks; Mrs, er, 1 pair socks Mrs. W. G. Anderson's clas street Sunday school, 800 ey ings. Glemburnie Red Cros nighthhirts, 8 pyjama : 5 many-tailed bandages "6 towels; Mrs. J. W. Bean, 2 pillows; Sunbury Rad Be Service vice. we are giving mencing our thirteenth " "going some. Open Sundays. i, Queen The confidence the doctors have in our ability to properly dispenue their prescriptions quite justifies the careful ser- From early morning to mid- night we are "on the job," and take thy utmost care to give our customers the service which has so helped to build up our business. "We are now com- which we hope will surpass last year, and that means we'll be At Best's The Popular Drug Store, Phone 59. Branch 2018 ry K KINGSTON RED CROSS SOCETY "ACKNOWLEDGES CONTRIBUTIONS: Duarnford pair socks Soldiers' bandages, bags Peterboro nightshirts, Walkerton Na face cl 8 nightshirts, 59 towels, 6 , 50 sheets, 17 pads, 1: 710 mouthwipes, packages eye pkgs. sponges, ! packages sponges, fots, 3 pads and old liner Wilton Red George Stree many-tailed bandages, 19 small pillows and cases, 16 dozen pillow cases, 125 towels, chiefs, 9 hot water bottle covers. Chureh, pair socks, 17 shirts, dozen pads, 13 extra lards pads (don- ations to Queen's Hospital) Christ Church, Cataraqui pyjamas, 7 pair sotks Cooke's Young People's Society--9 AAA AAA ALAA AAA AA ¢ pillow Ha th Red Cross, 29 Haprowsm th Red Cross--38 army (Continued from Page 1.) 2 shirts, 13 mightshirts, 8 pyjamas, 1], .. the Mexican Government sud- convalescent suit, 24 pair socks. denly reversed its attitude and an- , 12 Donations to Queen's Hospital, Spencerville W omen's Institute--| 0 need that it had no intention of | xd 2 Fele--Twelve [8 suits pyjamas, 24 hospital shirts,}ouiting off the British supply of | 13 : 27. pair socks S naval fuel oil. as had plainly been : a institute Perth Road--12 nightshirts indieated in Gén. Carranza's pro- : A ps p raets St. Luke's Guild--15 caps, 29 pads, posal to make peace in Europe by 8 a fiafn ; 2 pair socks. : cutting off exports of food and D. C. | 7 suits woollen unde . +. Allen's Class, Queen Street! munitions from neutrals. aphone fron Ii Gordon, 2 nzham 241 cotton wool Sociaty, Wexford--- bandages, 24 washeloths, 3 hot bottle covers, 9 property hags, lippers. Walkerton Chapter i.0.D.E packages compresses, 5,600 wipes, St. Andrew's church, Windsor pac Nal pads, washcloths, , 20 bandages, pkgs compresses, 20 packages Cross--24 comfort Method Work Done by Societies. Cloyne Red > Cross--2 shirts, 5 5 abdominal bandages. 1L.LO.D.BE.--14 ® nightshirt, 10 ns > 125, 84 tria. pandag many-tai Church, pyjamas, 21 nightshirts, 64 handker- -3 suits Phone 90. AT DA BRITISH COLUMBIA RED Salmon Steaks VIES BED ROOM FURNITURE & CARPETS We are showing this spring the largest and best assorted stock of bedroom carpets and furniture ever offered in Kingston. All At Very Moderate Prices. For some time we have been carrying a very large reserve stock of rugs, linoleums, carpets and furniture. + This stock, bought, some of it fwo or. three years ago, will enable us to meet the demands of our customers at a very mode est advance and in some cases at very old prives, Now is the time to select your spring furnishings. T. F. HARRISON COMPANY FRESH SEA HERRINGS .. .. ._ 10¢ Ib FRESH MANITOBA WHITE FISH 16¢ Ib Daves' Co. Limited, Phone 597 - e---- r pe MEN -- See our Window for $5.00 Values in Goodyear Welt High Grade Boots. ' = JACK JOHNSTON, 70 Brock St. ' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, . 246 triangular bandages, 80 hucka-| dezen -tria. bandages. | back towels, 6 crash towels, 84 Tur-| ) Circle, King's Daughters-- | | kish towels, 40 Fots, 48 Binders, 144 | - Mothers' Meeting-- | slings, 60 hot water bottle covers, 84 | and Mrs. Yates, socks. | handkerchiefs { rge's Mothers' Meeting--66; Campbeliford--33 dozen handker-! socks, 6 nightshirts. chiefs 12 fracture cushions, 6 quilts, | endship's class, First Bap- (Continued on page 11.) tist Ch } 10 pads, > Queen ¢ Levana--=86 dozen band- ages led > A 5 ing Hand Society, Verona--39 abdominal bandages, 24 pneumonia jackets, 25 nightshirts, 415 pyjamas, } 15 pair socks, 1 quilt, 9 bandages. 576 eye dressings. At Columbug, N. M,, it is charged Patriotic League, Sharbot Lake--|that German influences were respon- 20 nightshirts. ' | sible for the Villa raid, with the ob- Sharbot Lake--24 pads. ject of forcing intervention by the Sharbot Lake --18 pair socks, made| Unitad States, which was expected to by Mrs, Meighen, 1; Mrs. Fyle, 2;|draw the atteution of the American Mrs. J. Hoffman, 1; Mrs. W. Allen,| military forces and munitions, and 1; Mrs. Williamson, 1; Mrs. Wilson, | consequently cut down the munitions 1; Mrs. Burnan, 1; Mrs. Gray, 1;]|exports to the Allies. Mrs. Irwin, 1; Mrs. Garrett, 1; Mrs, ho i Se Lee, 1; Mrs. Mill:| German Consulate: Burglarized. Walworth, 2 Juarez, March 2.--The German consulate was robbed last night and a number of important official papers were reporfed to have heen taken : . 2 ~1in | fromsthe files of Consul Max Weber, Mrs, A. EHis, pair; Mrs. Co : a 1 os TO, an Ton who has been in charge of consilar sisi dpa ie et ae: land diplomatic affairs for the Ger- er, 1 pair; Mrs. Swaine, 1 pair; Miss men Government in Northern Mex- Fisher, 2 pair; Mrs. J. C. Connell, 1 ico. pair; Miss O'Brien, 3 pair; Mi : ------e Fowler, 1 pair; Mrs. Lyons, 2 ir; Se 0 México. Mrs. Nesbitt, 1 pr.; Miss Bat 1 on aon: pr.; Miss Hypsop, 1 pr.; Mrs/McGoff, Washington, March 2.--Millions 1 pair; 'Miss Going, Niagar, 11s, 115¢ dollars have been sent to the Car- pair; Miss Conley, 1 pair; Mrs. Crisp, ranza Government of Mexico recent- 1 pair; Mrs. L. Guess, 1 pair; Mrs. F. ly by Germans in the United States, Conway, 2 pair; Mrs. T. C. Wilson, 1}jt was learned on high Government | pair; Miss Nicolson, 1 pair; Mrs. authority to-day. Some of these mil- Muirhead, 1 pair; Miss Connell, © lions were in the form of "personal pair; Miss Buchanan, .1 pair; air loans' to Mexico. Other millions pen, 1; Mrs. Work Done for Society. Socks--Mrs. H. F. Price, 1 pair; Glover, 1 pair; Mrs, Donnelly, 1 pair] went into the purchase of smelter Mrs. J. Johnston, 2 pair; Miss M.| plants wherever available in Car- Bolger, 1 pair (bed); Mrs. Wooley, 2| ranza's republic. 'The money was pair; Miss Walker, 1 pair; Mrs. W.|sent in spite of warning by the | J. Moore, 2 pair; Miss Price, 1 pair. | United States that such "loans" | Cotton-wool pads--Mrs. Wooley,| would not have the support of this| 18 "'|'Government unless all details of the | Nightshirts--iMiss Lola O'Brien, 2 | arrangements between the loaning] Pneumonia jackets--Mrs. Dunn, parties and Carranza met with the | 7; Miss Cartwright, 3. approval of Washington. | -- Contributions Jan. 1st--Feb, 1st, t] Donations to Queen's Hospital. . Councils | Women's Patriotic League, Wind- own P | sor, 73 pads. $ | Hospital helpers, Windsor, 285 . surgical pads. Loughhoro pads. Sandwich, 160 pads, 20 dozen| ,; » p.m. .All members present. compressors, 20 dozen gauze .dress- Bills paid: $2, H. W. Guess, open- ings and 21 pads. ing Kingston road; $3.60, Fred Pet- -» Hospital helpers, Walkerville, 685 Sydenhani, Feb. 26.--Council 2 Sir Thomas Picton Chapter 1.0.D ers » : . 2 '| ers, opening Portland boundary; E. Picton--114 sheets, 144 pillow- $69.77, account due Portland Town- | slips, 168 towels, 6 scarfs, 1 pair hos- ship for 1916; $25, grant to Syden- pital socks, 5 pair wristlets, 63 py- ham Public Library. On motion, Jamas, 218 triangle bandages, 24 MeRory-Lawrence, collectors time manytailed bandages, 30 surgical extended. By-law appointing W. J. pads, 39 hospital shirts, 10 dressing | caldwell assessor received . third gowns, 106 hospital shoes, 50 stump reading, Council received Railway dressings, 24 wipes, 42 washable! commissions award of $5,000 due Sponges, 30 abdominal bandages. the township by the withdrawal of . alkerton Chapter 1.0.D.E.--(a) the train service to Kingston, it be- 4 dozen compresses, 6 dozen large ing the amount of the bonus grante. pads, 25 dozen small pads. (b) 38 the Bay of Quinte Railway to enter dozen compresses, 12 large pads, the township. The total expense of 200. wipes, 11 Stal} pads, Po obtaining the award was $64. By va (Chapter 1.0.D.E.-- resolution' of the Council, Dr. Ed-| Quilts, 8 nightshirts, 2 pair pyjamas, wands, M.P., was tendered a vote ot | 'Wilton Branch Red Cross--1 py- thanks for services in obtaining the jamas, 17 towels, 4 sheets, 6 shirts, 6 above award. On motion, McRory- nightshirts. Lawrence, the treasurer was. in- Torofito branch Queen Alumnae-- t ay $2,600 on the Good 2 dozen and 7 sheets, 4 dozen and|Structed to pay $2,500, 8 tilt ' Road's debt, On motion, Walker- a Ea Patriotic League Sinith, the ieasurer Was justructed h il 5 f IT Comfort vay . to pay Willlam Lochart's note © v1 y's note of Rentrey Collegiate Red Cross-- 3-200 also C. N. Davey's note of On motion, Walker-Smith, .the SAYS OT WATER following township officers named in . By-law .94A, were appointed: Pound keepers--Wm, McAuley, Albert EACH DAY KEEPS Koen, Walter Harker, Robert Snider, | John Lindsay, M. W. Spafford, W. H. Raymond, John Moreland, Allen THE DOCTOR AWAY Collins, Alfred Page, Harvey Buck, Seymore Freebern, Ernest Amey, J. -- W. Henry, Tobias Young, W. H. Drink Glass of Hot Water Before| smith, Mostyn Lee, James Foxton, Breakfast to Wash Out the J. J. O'Reilly. Poisons. Fence Viewers--Fred Grant, John Life is not merely to live, but to| Moreland, Adam Amey, George Free- live well, eat well, digest well, work | man, J. J, O'Reilly, Wm. McAuley, well, sleep well, look well. What a| Wm. Rutledge, Ira Orser, Joshua glorious condition to attain, and yet| Smith, Herbert McRory, Wm, Koen, how very easy it is if one wilt only| Harny Vanluven, Harry Shales, adopt the morning inside bath. Road overseers--Div. No. 1, Thos. Folks who are accustomed to feel] Wolsey; No. 2, W. B, Nichol; 3, Dan full and heavy when they arise, | Ryan; 4, George Cranston; 5, James splitting headache, stuffy from a cold, | Boyle; 6, H. W. Guess; 7, R. J. Lind- foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stom-|say; 8, Edward Wood; 9, M. W. ach, can, instead, feel as fresh as a|Spafford; 10, Oliver Marks; 11, | daisy by opening the sliices of the|George Hogan; 12, R. G. Stogreses; system each morning and flushing|13, Wilmur Campbell; 14, Wm. Rit-|{ out the whole of the internal poison-|chie; 15, Wm. 'Ennis; 16, John ous stagnant matter. 'Banks; 17, Harvey Amey; 18, John | Everyone, whether ailing, sick or|Jobnston; 19, Elwood Silver; 20, |} well, should, each morning, before| Thos, Hagerman; 21, Archie Whal- | breakfast, drink a glass of real hot|ey; 22, Wm. Wilson; 23, S. J. Deyo; '}i water, with a teaspoonful of lime-| 24. Alfred Page; 25, John J. O'Reilly, |} stone phosphate in it to wash from Sheep valuators----Richard Joyce, [}i the stomach, liver, kidneys and bow-| W. J. Corkill, John Lindsay, Alfred |} els the previous day's indigestible | Page, Wm. Brawley. | waste, sour bile and poisonous tox- " { ins; thus cleansing, sweetening and WOLFE ISLAND NEWS, | purifying the entire alimentary canal * S-- stomach. The action of hot water While Sleighing is Good. | and limestone phosphate on an empty| Wolfe Island, Feb. 28.--Robert I 11 stomach is wonderfully invigorat- | Horne, confined to his home through ing. . It cleans out all the sour fer-|iliness, is steadily improving. Mrs. mentations, gases, waste and acidity | Hiramy Marlow, dangerously ill, is | and gives one a splendid appetite steadily improving. John Loughlin} for breakfast. 'While you are en-)has purchased a building 'on Garden Joying your breakfast the water and |Island, and is busy tearing it down. il | phosphate is quietly extracting a|A number" of farmers on the south large volume of water from the blood |side of the island are busy hauling and getting 'ready for a thorough|their hay to Cape Vincent fos ship-|Hl flushing of all the inside organs. ment to New York. H. Leakey isi} The millions of people who are bo- | hauling lumber to erect an up-to- Hi thered with constipation, bilious|date house. Bert. MeDermitt, -who IH epells, stomach trouble, rheumatism; | has been dangerously ill with typhoid {Ji others who have sallow siias, blood | pneumonia, is steadily improving. disorders and .ickly complexions are|John O'Shea is busy hauling wood |} urged to get s. quarter pound of|from Cape Vincent for his cheese fac- |} limestone phospuate from the drug]tory. stare which will ost very little, but| Miss Kate Lyons, Watertown, N.Y., is sufficient to make anyone a pro- sad MARCH 2, 1017. _ "PAGE THREE Probs: Saturday, fair and cold. before putting more food into the|Farmers Busy Hauling Supplies Hl "We wish to emphasize some particulatly special values for early Spring wear. ¢ . . NewYork 'Suits Over 150 swagger new sport and tailored suits in all the fashionable shades. A great variety of stunning styles to choose from, mod- erately priced throughout. : SUITS FROM $15.00 TO $25.00 SUITS FROM $27.50 TO $52.50 New Mill A host of charming novelties with Inery many exclusive patterns will enjoy their first showing Saturday -- the showing is most complete and we promise many de- lights that cannot be seen elsewhere in rc Frum $225 1050 Crm = Special Guaranteed Satin A beautiful imported make with an absolute two season guaran- tee. This is;a quality that we are most enthusiastic about as we are able to offer if at the same price as has been selling at for the last two years. - To be had in colors, mist grey, pearl, putty, green, pur- ple, old gold, creme, white and black. He cheapest guaranteed coat satin in the trade! Full 36 inches wide. Priced at $1.50 and $1.75. New Suitings Here you have the choice of the great- est, best selected stock of quality suitings between Toronto and Montreal. Moder- ately priced throughout. 'GABERDINE SUITINGS A fine imported English make in frost- grey, French blue, China blue, nut brown, bisque and navy(* Full 52 inches wide. Priced at $2.00 and $2.50. + CHEVIOT SUITING In colors tan, brown, Copenhagen, taupe, navy, Russian green, purple and . smoke grey. 52 inches wide at $1.50, $2 and $2.50 = SERGE SUITING In colors French blue, Copenhagen, Dove grey, nut brown, Rus- sjan green and navy. 54 inches wide, Priced at $1.50 and $2.00. BROADCLOTHS gi In navy, purple, Nigger brown, nut brown, myrtle, olive, slate, and stone green. Priced at $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.50. NAVY BLUE SERGE ye -- ae TTR In the best Bradford dyes; all imported makes, 38 to 60 inches wide. Priced at 60c, 75¢, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $3.00, $4.00 and $4.50. : We also have a full range of above cloths in black.