Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Feb 1917, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1917, I I {opENTS OF THE DAY. k ' Hive siatt Aron has returned rired { ¢ added $0 .bal- re he attend led | N est Bran ! been chosen | a member of the council of the Or £73,000.000 tario Bar Association $ 6,507,000 -- { HH. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King street. Leave ordegs at McAul-| ey's Book Store BANK or TORONTC George B. McKay, Manager. (EERE EOC OOO | FOR ¢ Alfred Street -Solid bric water heating . . . Johnson St. Double fra Jocation . -.. . ... We NOW very Sprin building We them br close to have are purposes, 56 Brock St. A Al Pl PP A PPP SALE k Qielling, 11 rooms, hot $4600 me, "7 rooms' each, good | . $4000 7's 'How about that lot you want for v all parts of the city at all sorts of THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phones: Office 68; Res, 874 a an You Can Count On It Wher: we take care of your storage bat- . tery there's We have est no doubt of quality service, ablished ourselves as experts. Will you come in and be convinced? Phone 109 I. LESSES, 4 124-126 Clarence St. Free inspection of any battery at any time "WE ARE OFFERING |, GUARANTEED Hot Water Bottles special Sale Prices During This | Week. ~ i At | his sale will include everything in| RUBBER the family requires. Our upper window contains the display. | Hoag's Drug Store, Branch Office. Opp. Y. MOA, Kingston, Ont. A A NIN AN People' $ Watts, Florist Fresh Cut Flowers Hyacinth, Narcissus, Ete. Panera! Designs and Wedding Rouquets to Order, Post 1 High Class Eye Glass ( Friendship's | A ANNAN NNN We have choice cooking ap- ples by the barrel; also choice vegetables, < % ¢ deliver promptly. | A rn - | 210 Division St. Phone 545 || a ee F.J. JOHNSON The Leading Florist Floen!l Designs, Wedding Bouquets and Cut Flowers specialty. Orders filled promptly, ¥ ohe 2% 230. 115 Broek, SUanbes 15¢ Per Tin GORDON'S GROCERY Cor. Bay and Montreal Phone 88. A Great Snap ! Tomorrow -- Tuesday One Day Only 1,000 lbs. Choice Smok- ~~ ed Hams 4 to 8 Ibs. Each | At 25¢ per Ib. - Whole Ham Not Sliced HALF THE PEO- PEE WEARING GLASSES TO-DAY HAVE MOUNTS THAT DO NOT FIT PER- FECTLY. A VISIT TO OUR OPTICAL PARLORS WILL SHOW YOU WHAT "HIGH CLASS" FITTING REALLY MEANS. WH EXAMINE YOUR EYES, GRIND AND MOUNT YOUR GLASSES IN OUR OWN LABORATORY AND OUR CHARGES ARE MOD- ERATE. OVER R. J. RODGER, Jeweler and Optician, 132 Princess Street. - Where the clock is on the walk. Steam Vulcanizing WE DO ALL KINDS OF Tri MENS Call In er get our prices before going sisewhere. First clngs work ama rea. sonable prices. F. J. Pearson & Co. Cor Queen and Bagot Sts. on i, "~ 4: Sngcintiaing store ESTIMATES a2 IS EX TENCE Address v \ 'niversity Ave, A Genuine Fire Bug, lieved to have accounted for much damage blamed on forest fires, has |been located. It is a bug, and its discoverer is Entomologist Johnson, of the southern section of the {| Stefansson exploration party, whiclk returned last fall from the . Arctic after three years in that frigid region. LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS O GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City Readers Whig. of the 71 Queen's Ug ra on Sunday versity, H. J. Simpson, Cataraqui, has for- warded $10 to the Board of Belgian Relief Fund J. O. Beaudry, of the reportorial 3 f the Ottawa Journal-Press, vis 1 hJ& parents here on Sunday. | Congdgious cases reported Medial Health Officer ' last | were one each of measles, diptheria and chickenpox Mr and = Mrs | Kingston, have taken idence in Gananoque |a_ commercial traveller The Portsmouth Philosopher, af- ter reading the Whig bulletin on Monday morning, remarked 'that the jritish and the New Brunswick Lib- erals must have had some kind of an understanding for "they both made their successful drives on the came day, FINED FIFTY DOLLARS FOR FORTUNE TELLING Magistrate Will Consider Re= duction of the Amount--In=- terested Ones in Court. to Douglas Pound, up their resi- Mr. Pound Brockville, J. Hewitt lice of Feb. 28 Mra "Mary was arraigned before Po- Magistrate Deacon on a charge fortune telling, before a large Jaamber of invited *'guests," includ- | ing many of the fair The defendant was represented by W.A. Lewis, who entered a plea of | guilty to the charge. He told of the prisoner's good character, and ar- gued that those who went to her home tg have their fortunes told, did 80 in capirit of fun, and considered | that no* deception or fraud had been | practiced | Mrs. Hewitt stated that she had been telling fortunes only from Sep- | tember last. The magistrate told her {she was liable to one year's imprison- iment, but that he would let her down {with a fine of $50 without any costs. Mr. Lewis pleaded for a reduction in the amount of the fine, and the magistrate said he would consider a reduction and make the result of his .deliber ations known ngxt Thursday sex. German Pa pers Squeal. Berlin! via Sayville, Feb. 26 | ""Re-establishment of privateering {against neutrals' was one &f the de- nunciatory terms with which Berlin ! newspapers of Saturday greeted the new British - Order-in-Council which requires neutral ships to call at En tente ports if bound to or from ports {of countries adjacent to Germany or {her allies. Ottawa, Feb. 26 --A new enemy {of the timber wealth of Canada, be- Liberal RALLY A meeting of the Liberals of Victoria Ward, Rideau Ward Frontenac Ward, Portsmouth Village, will be held at the Club Rooms, King Street, "on FRIDAY EVENING February 23rd, for the purpose of electing chairmen for the different sub-divisions, All workers and their friends are urg- ed to be present. Pr. A. W. Richardson, President, CARD OF THANKS Mt. and Mrs. J. S. Yoeman. wish to thank their friends and neighbors for thelr kindness during the recent loss? of their hame by fire. Notice to to the Public I wish to notify the public that 1 will not be responsible for any debts incurred by my wife, Ellen Short. HARRY SHORT, 4 10 John St. Feb, 26th, 1917. css . FOR SALE 41916 Ford ro car; oy second-hand Ford trucks jome 1913 Stude- baker; ome 1016 Studebaker. All in first-class condition and must be sold. Boyd's Garage 20 Bre +. Phone 201 oy : Hire. and Vicinity! ~What the Merchants Offer to the | the | week | 18} GRAN - Opera House : 7.30 p.m. DAILY A mer tin Polite Vaudeville | Five Heel Feature Film THEDA BARA, in "THE VIXEN." BILLIE BURKE, in "Gloria's Romance." | And Other Photoplays. COMING--Thursdny aud 'rigny, A Five Reel Feature Film Gladys Coburn, in "The Battle of Life." | Prices Always the Same. | Matinee 10c Evening 10e; Any Seat Heserved, Se Extra Wednesday, Feb, 28 Matinee at 2.80; Evening 8.15. Augustus Pitou presents Fiske The Young Irish Actor Singer in the charming romantic comedy "His Heart's Desire" By Auna Nichols and Adelaide Matthews, Hear O'Hara Sing "Mollie Mine," "Hearts Désire," "That's How the Fairies Came to Ireland," "Be Sure and Kiss the Blarney Stone." Prices: Matinee 23¢, 33¢, 50¢, 75¢, 1d 25¢. Evening 25¢, 30¢, 75¢, $1.00. SEATS NOW ON SALE. A AA rN GRIFFIN'S ! Mon., Tues., and Wed. Oliver Moroscp Presents Lenore Ulrich, in "The Road To Love Crimson Stain Mystery Frank Daniels Comedy VAUDEVILLE Coming: "The Fall of a Nation" STRAND THEATRE Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. VAUDEVILLE Feature Photoplay LILLIAN GISH, in "The Children Pay." Keystone Comedy and Other Good Reels Mntinee 10¢; Evenings 10¢, 15¢, Seats Reserved. Phone 195, mi, ~ Prices: 15¢, A Delicious Dessert oo Sc and Packages or Sale at all Grocers WICK, HENDRY & CO. 'Distributors. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Im- plements, Tues., Feb. 27th, 1917, on lot 12, 7th Con. of Kingston. 16 cows, nearly all grade Holsteins, 21 sheep, oughbred Oxfords, 4 thor horses, good in 81] harness: implements, mostly nearly wew. Everything must EO; the owner his sold his farm, te A, Bateman, J. W, Clarke, Owner 2 J meer. PROBATIONERS WANTED For the White Plains Training School for Nurses. One year High School for entrance. Af- filiated with the New York Hospital, Now York City. Ap* ply to White Plains Hospital, White Plains, N.Y, USA. A. B. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER and solicitor, Law office, 79 Clar- ence street, Ki . DENTAL Ac BE. KNAPP, BA, LDA, "DDS, Sifter, 258 Princess street, Phone DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot stree! Phone 626. -- A Es 8S SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- D O'Hara his | The Pathe 'News Com- | edy & Other Photoplays. | 1 f EST secutive insertion thereafter, haif- FOUND } FROYTEY gc JOAN An SyvEnn cent un word. Minimum charge for HORSE BLANKE ON GLEN- i side nt Colonel H. R. Smith, one insertion, 20¢; three Insertions, bur: Loa Owner may have i vice-preswlent, W. F. Nic- She; xix $1; one month, $2. by pr ga H. Dar- { Money issued on city ER. . Latimer | propenties, municipal and = ive ' y debentures; mortgages pur HELP WANTED v LADY'S HAND BAG CONTAINS { investment bonds for Ing purse, si sum of money 1 deposits received and in. | A GENE RAL SERVANT, APPLY 2M and chair terest allowed R. C. Cartwright, { King St * same by call- manager, 87 Clarence St, Kingston streel | -- la HO SEMAID. APPLY IN EVENING | LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLORE { Mrs, How! ard R. Félger, 1 Emily i Fire Insurance Compar Available | rect s { assets $61,187,215. In addition to | sire FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- which the policyholders have for | GENERAL SERVANT, MUST BE GOOD . . a security the iHmited Hability of plain cook. Apply Mrs, Conroy TISED FREE city propert insured at lowest 305 Alfred his Anyone find ing anything and gy iving re ae CAPABLE GENERAL SERVANT, NO Vung to re the owner may rates from Strange & Strange washing or ironing; references re- do se b £ the facts to Age Phone 323 : { quire). Apply Mrs. A. R. B. Wil- The Bric The adver- mmm a = : Hamsan, 240 King St sement will 1 in this san, 2 - Ii} column free : TO LET FIMMEDIATELY, A YOUNG GIRL ron 4 oh - ony . Joes net in- { | r ous rk; references requ cattle, horses, i on FORT > CH T a Ay 'in' the evening to Mra ll ete These. if Jou: may be ad: ||| COMFORTABLY FURNISHED FRONT sowie, 320 Parl street Ne Hows for in the "Lost" column Brock street. MALE AND FEMALE Son OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. travel; a3 eller : pre ---- ---- ---- bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham, penses advance ive g 78 Clarence street in first letter. Apply Box 223, Whig LOST » | arence stre { Office : rw - {| STORAGE FOR FURNITL RE, OLEAN, SE BN sT ) | 4 omy POUT OW ock an BOOKKEEPER, MALE OR FEMALE: ar dor ARn BANK AND | ory: diy Toms; City Sun dook re One whe {inasrsianfs e a - to Whig Office and! Queen street Phone 526; res, 989. dry 'and can run type- Ap | ply with references, B care | FARM OF 130 ACRES TO RENT ON Whig Office A 20 BILL wy KEN UNIVERSITY | shares; Haple ments >and stock ; 3 ve.@and Red Cros Drug to miles from ngston, near Barrie. \ COUPLE OF MEN, ONE FOR LOOK- on Broth street Tider an] i In rar Darts, ing after steam boilers at night return to hig OMee and receive I ises. and the other for general work reward | around plant Apply 'Dominion | FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITH. | Textile Co., Cataraguj street siGNET RING, Nr ALS, "FE out board RoomsSsteam-heated; |, - a ya | all conveniences; near Locomotive : WARRIDD MAN FOR FARM, W ITH | Works and Shipvarnd. Apply 32 | small or no family; good miker and Kindy | Ontarko stredt "> Phone 1903 boat man; highest wages and good and recaive rew | house; might also empl Wife {TO LET OR ON SHARES, GOOD UNDER Apply i tA L ADIR S' BLACK I EATHER SHOP. ! drained farm, five miles from King- at © 18 ng bag with silver trim mings, onl ston; well watered, good buildings ar reet! and stock, fall ploughing complet- nder! ed Apply R. H. Falr, Kingston wil at! Station ' Ww Vhig Office :) Good, smart girls, 14 years == Ee i ON WELLINGTON STREET, om LE Sa -------- §¥ People's Forum SAE < TTS CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES #irst Insertion, 1¢ a word. Each con- iis FINANCIAL OFFIOR SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, 91 FRON. ntenac. street. 10 rooms, hot water 3 heating, deep tat; possession--May 1st, Apply Wm. J. Arnlel, cor Earl and Alfred streets, or 93 Frontenac street. BRICK STORE AND STOREHOUSE, IN smart county village; store 2- storey and large cellar; all first class condition, $1,000 to wind up an estate, quick. 67 Clarence street, G. A. Bateman, Kingston, MOTOR CYCLE, 1 POWER~ 1 Plus, twir Car, ¢ tric light peedometer; in No. % condition. Snap for qulck buyer Good reason for selling Apply to 04 Queen street, HEATERS, RAN. CHOIR STOOK OF ges, and all kindg of new and sec ond hand fumniture. We are also opén to buy ~evemytRing in the above "lines. + hempson, 337 Princess street. Phone 1600 CHOICE LIST OF HOUSES FOR THE purchaser who wants a home or uw good paying investment Prices $1000 up. West End Real Estate and Insurance Agency, 147 Colling- wood South. Phone 743, DAIRY FARM FOR ing wf 300 acres, SALE, CONSIST- being the north half of Lot 12 in 10th Con. of Stor- rington, and Lot 12 in 11th Con. For Isaac Box &8, of price and Holder or Battersea, said vownehip. terms apply ta George HoMer, Ont: LARGE STOCK OF TRON BEDS, (OU- ches, stoves, men's clothing; akeo new upholstered chairs: military harness, shoes, feather straps! Na- tional Cash Register. We buy all kinds of new and second hand fur- niture. 8. Shapiro, 45, Princess street. Phone 1237. ' Girls of S55 and PVRS, San. So WANTED GENERAI rin Sith Het ane DOC. wae cure employment at the Cotton --r -------- 2 Possession lst March Mills, Cataraqui street. Good LARGE DARBY CARRIAGE IN Goo! ) a yy Paired. Apply to C, wages paid to beginners, Apply condition r two or three months, | - at office Dominion Textile Co., 'Apply Box Whig Office In oN y » B EW HOUSE, NELSON & 2 Cataraqui street. SECONDHAND UPRIGHT MM ANOS, Miw'k St. cont a TRENT. XOAR for cash or In pant pa) t of new | water heating, electrie lights, N- -------------------------------------- Pianos and Victrolas W. Lind- | hardwood floors, open plumbing. ES ---- - ---------- say, Limited, 121 Princess street i Possession immediately. Rent $25 FOR SALE 10 RENT COTTAGE CONTAINING 4 Dera: 1 RK. Carrell, 3¢ Hoek or 5 Faoms, thin 15 minutes walg | THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. (OST ot céritre of city. Rent reasonable ttle Once, 26¢, three times 50c; rite, givin & particulars Box 223 PERSON! one 'week, $1.00 Whig Office ERSONAL FOR JOKES, PUZZLES AND NOVE LT YOUNG COUPLE DESIRE TWO FUR- a \ : foys see Frank 0 30 nished rooms for light hi usekegy- HUR. MOLES, WARTS: MIRTHWARKS Clarence street ing. vicinity 1 piv reity Ave, a r fishes removed permanently, with- nO mond hs, State terms to Box Sit Soar: 3 sans. experie FARM OF 100 ACRES, FOUR MILES 26, Whig Fane Sw Sxpelence. Dr. from Kingston. Apply Geo. Gib- } p Le, wy + NOse, son, R. R. No. 1, Cataraqui, Ont NOW IS THE AVE YOUR Throat and Skin Specialist, 25% bleyele repair and stor- RE Bre DOUBLE DWELLING, 41 AND 13 DIV- sd for winter AH orddrs prompt - k islon stre 6 rooms and W.C. vy attended to Phone 1 or call BUSINESS OC VOES each; well rented. Apply 41 Divis-[ * at Geo. Muller King - HANCE bon street ---- . = INVESTORS WARNING DONT INVEST . ee ute TLE SHER one cent. until you read Successful GENUINE VIUTROLA AND LYE y Finance, and learn how fortunes selections, your own chole 28.50, 3 2% to 3% hp. Motor: glternat » and lost by investors $10 cash and 3, 00 per we CW. ld Ing current; int he In first- i 1 1bsentption Br Coat Lindsay, 1d. 121 Prine street. | o clasy condition, Address King- + nance, 608 8. Dearborn SL a -------------------------------------------- + ston Paper Box Co. a 10 lly 5 ; WO BRICK HOUSES ON VIC TORIA +> *» N pat street; modern; near Unfon St, oa PEPE SPB dod dob bb bb aii LEG Fine Owners desirous of selling a= ~ at once; Apply McLeod's Drug PATENTS ARCHITECT Store, > WM. NEWLANDS & SON ARCHI. BABCOCK & 8, Pate " rh , os. 958 THREE COLTS, RANGING ONE YEAR, | marks, designe. oath. fispLs Pate ieots., Git. Offices, 268 Bagot St. two and three $ear® respectively.| erly Patent Office Examiner, Master one GUS for immediate sale; price reasop-|of Patent Laws Book '| ro able ; tk Svaen. + "Patent Pro- | POWEF SON IR. = ble, 7 i to H. A. Buck, Syden teetioys free. $9 St. James St. Maont- r ER = il RoHITECTS, aR. ly real. Branches: Ottawa, Washington. Brock and Wellington streets. SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, 438 Ry Brock street, eleven rooms; in first class condithon, and all mod: ern improvements. Possession May lst. Apply 147 Divigion St. Wanted For cles, light work; highest wages while learning. ment, Those wishin steady employ- apply at 7 KINGSTON HOSIERY, LIMITED. King S treet West 3 CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE CO., LTD. WANTED--PUNCHERS, F ITTERS.UP, RIVETERS AND CAULKERS,. : For Sheet Iron Work. ~ Apply, J: Kingston Farrar, Supt. PEEP NO bbe i. A RESTAURANT DOING A GOOD PAY. ing business. ¥ CEMENT BLOCK < HOUSE, & rooms, all Tov emen: except furnace, deep lot. { BLE FRAME USE, a rents 9% on UE, : J Dn oman DD tatan Fhone 345. FOR SA BARN FoR RENT.' Saply 3 be hued for Sera a or sae = FURNITURE " Re Urop « card. 2% Jorn st a. Two Beauties in MAHOGANY new, all % Seve A hot 2 round round pedestal table; rior water heating. handwood floors and sofn; sise a number of ar barn; good atalile, stoves snd heaters, at USES IN ALL "PARTS THRE ' Hy ey: a" good PenT Insur- TURK S, Phone 705 Bateman 61 Clarence. Street. Al a ; = as low Jas. Fire Insurance Representing the Jaliowig old line J and some companies: London Assurance Corporation, Fidelity-Phenix. Connecticut. Good Dwelling and Household Furniture risks as $6.00 per thousand. Three year term Armed Swift & Ce. Limited Every office bolder has his trials-- ve their convictions, -- a = == -- Se. -- Sn = -- -- --_-- --_-- -- a --_-- ---- -- = ---- Se -- -- i ae Lie Se we

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