THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1917. ------------------ - ------ Tr I -- - = T---- ---- uring New Styles for Spring Sketched from Fashion's Note Book ra . " - Ro r ' ~ > y 7140-71485 7147 7141-71447 PAGE ELEVEN 2.2 / J 71af -- . 7142-7086 zo! By Maude Hall greatly diversified, without any sacri- jcrepes, silk jerseys and shantungs. the ideas of Paris, which tend toward in very heavy blue silk, there being] lines on white grounds and these are GUIDE OF PATTERNS. Now that spring styles have passed | fice of simplicity in line and in trim- [Large plaids are also prominent, us- simplicity. The lack of skilled work- much blue in the shading . of thelalready inspiring unusual decorative 4 the "first model" stage of develop- |ming. If there is one feature of the ually in white and a color. These are [ers in Paris has forced the simple {amethyst serge. The coat has con-|schemes. One spring tailor-made in The fashions shown on this page ment the danger of investing the | Modes about which the designers are [smart for trimmings as well as cos-[tailleur into prominence, yet these [siderable flare in the skirt section,|blue and white check is trimmed |are Pictorial Review designs. Num- dress allowance for spring in an "ex: not in aceord, it is the silhouette. For |tumes. A striking effect is gained by |unpretentious effects open the way [the upper portion outlining the fig-| with pockets, revers, collar and cuffs| bers and sizes are as follows: periment" need not be feared. There |bairel and the natural figure line. In |tufne of light tan jersey for, it must |df design that would mot otherwise be |above normal. Two narrow bias|is also used for the buttons which gears. Price, 20 cents. spring there are two silhouettes--the | using plaid shantung on a sports cos- |for richness of material and novelty lure and the waistline being slightly { of white broadcloth, and broadeloth| Jacket No; 7140. Sizes, 14 to 20 is no objection to the tentative fash- [the former the fulness is introduced Ibe remembered; nething is too strik-|possible. folds of self material hold in the ful-| figure prominently in the ornamenta- Skirt No. 7145. Sizes, 14-to 20 fons which make their appearance [halfway betwen' the waistline and |ing for sports wear. There is a deep| Machine stitching is one of the |ness at the sides, being cleverly work-| tion of the design. years. Price, 20 cents. several weeks In advance of a season, [he Bem. Modifications ef this idea [border of the shantung on both the [smartest trimmings of the season. It |ed in with the pockets. The most un-| Wonderfully effective use of but-| Coat No. 7147. Sizes, 34 to 46 already noticed are large pockets at [blouse and skirt, while the straight usually is in a color that contrasts usual feature of this suit, how-| tons is being made not only by dress: | inches bust. Price, 25 cents. Yor even the Paris coutariere has to [the side below the hipline. The belt that holds in the jacket is of the | with the shade of the costume which [ever, is the vest, which is of blue| makers, but 'milliners. They are Jacket No. 7141. Sizes, 34 to 46 "try out" the popular laste, but they [straight line silhouette follows the|same trimming. Buttoning over the|it adorns. Take, for instance, a|panme velvet to match the stiteh-| made of pearl, glass, metal, ivory|inches bust. Price, 20 cents. are for the fortunate possessors of a- | DAtural figure lines, with slight sug- |belt are large pockets of jersey. A [model in amethyst serge. The skirt [ing on the coat and skirt. It but-|and every other material conceiv-| Skirt No. 7144. Sizes, 22 to 36 gown-a-day incomes and not for the gestion of curves at the waist. hantung collar is one of the ways of |is of a very simple type and falls in|tons high up to the throat, being | able. One of the outstanding fea-|inches waist. Price, 20 cents. average woman. The latter not only | much depends upon the fabric used | vest of hemstitched chiffon cloth. Re- | the smart tailored suits and dresses|dark blue satin braid hat trimmed | is the delicate shading of deep colors | inci®s bust. Price, 25 cents. Never was there a season when so | finishing the neck, the others being a |a straight line to the hem. Many of [shirred from bustline to collar. A |tures of the buttons for spring use| Costume No. 7114. Sizes, 34 to 44 must buy her materials earefully, but | in the development of a frock as now. vers of jersey trim the front and be- [for spring already have this kind of | with ap amethyst band stitched and | into light tones of the same colors.| Jacket No. 7141, Sizes, 34 tp 46 select her models diseriminately, then | Tailored suits are carfied out in wool {low there is a single large button to|a skirt, while a large proportion of silver, completes the costume. For instance, a deep blue shades off | inches bust. Price, 20 cents, copy them faithfully. velours, gabardines, serges and [effect an adjustment. the separate skirts are of similar| For sports and street wear there|into a light blue, and the same effect| Skirt No. 7086.. Sizes, 24 to 26 A For the benefit of the home dress- | broadeloths, with >poplins requisition-| American tailors have designed { form. It may be gathered at the|are stunning tailored suits of wool] is worked out in gray, burgundy,! inches waist. Price, 20 cents. maker the most alluring of t ¢ spring led for the most 'inexpensive models. {most of their own models for spring, | waistline or laid in plaits. Above the | vélours of light weight. Some fancy| peacock, mustard and all the popu-| Costume No. 7111. Sizes, 34 to 44 Styles are illustrated to-day. hey are The greatest demand, however, is for yé they have aot fatled to émulate ' hem there are three rows of stitching checks are offered in the form of fine | lar colors. inches bust. Price, 25 cents. - a at were laid for twelve, D. D. and Mrs. Elliott and little niece, | well. Only the announcement, of |and Mrs. Robert Johnston, of Olden; | new $1,100 car for 150 barrels o ner Wednesday evening. Covers {home last week from Mountain. Rev. church assembled to bid them re lam and Matilda, at home; John day an automobile agent traded a f riage took place at Brockville ot Wil- of weeks at the. parsonage, taking! owed to them. After an enjoyable! One sister, Mrs. Charles Young, the TY 4 . / 3 Evelyn Bower, have been very ill of | their decision to leave their country | Thomas, of Maberly; James, of Glen | potatoes for future delivery. _ x DELTA. grippe. Mrs. Bower, of Glen Tay,|have brought their friends to the full | Tay. Mrs. Alexander Ferguson pre- : Feb. 22.--On Feb. 20th the mar-|Mrs. Elliott's mother, spent a couple| realization of what the church really | deceased her nine years. She leaves AN EXPERT ON COLDS liam Bell, of this place, and Miss|care of the patients. last of the family. Rev, Currie' Mills att: h : sd i Rose Breace. 'The a as per- Pp Svening haq been pent 1 Jamey aid conducted the burial service. The oY de yaela realize that formed at the bride's home by the WILLOWBANK » an address and a beautiful bronze | Fé™ains were interred on Saturday cold Is a signal of phys eakness. gee Valentine party to their friends last|pastor of the First Baptist church. Feb. 22--Mrs. George Haig is|jerdinere and fumed oak stand from | At Zealand cemetery. To treat a cold with weakening y Week and spent a very pleasant even- after which the bridal couple left for spending the day in the city. Henry| the Ladies' Aid, and Mr Weir with en tee physics, alcoholic syrups.or drugged Leeds ing. Rev. A ane, lowa, is assist-| Montreal. On their return they will Jones, cheesemaker, canvassed. thelan address and leather oak - chair ha oa Nal pills; may smother the cold but they also 1 I sy holistic. services in of Somerton. mae. purchuaed the po {patrons to put him Up-a Stable for | from the congregation. Both will he a ied Hw Vor pe ros | reduce the body powersstill further and ttt bettered Ponce Tavis a Bouin churals. Ri ney TUressg having [118 horse, and he is getting lumber | greatly missed from the church circle the tannery i rotatoes | ite more serious sickness, ----_-- . reached the topnotch price of the POOLE'S RESORT, are finding it very duconvenient ow-| bought the Green House property, C, |'°F it. William Little, Robert Jack-|as Mrs. Weir was a very energetic season yesterday when a deal was| Scott's Emulsion hasalwaysbeenan Feb, 16.--Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jing to the very bad roads. Albert! Moulton and family have moved into | 0M Joseph Clark and Paul Eastwood | worker of the Ladies' Aid, Mission- closed. for .3,000 barrels at $8.40 -a | expert on. colds, because. it peculiarly . filling their ice houses. Thomas ary and Red Cross Societies, while Davis are spending a couple of | Ferguson bas returned home, having | W. J. Chant's house. O. P. Arnold ane; y months in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. |been in Ottawa hospital, where he occupied the pulpit of the Methodist [Little Tell 304 Sui hia side auite Mr. elr very ably filled the Tespon-| po." carat thisedate the price was George Buell, Dyer, are visiting re-| had a cataract removed. Dr. Minnes| church on Sunday last. Mrs. M. God- mn J he mothers of tho Pr sible position as one of the elders of | gg and in 1916 th, latives here. Frank Buell, 'Algoma, | performed the operation, which was|kin is spending a few days in Brock- |°2}ed on the members esby-| the church; After refreshments were were moving | chest. Try Scott's, Refuse Substitutes It was the first time Mr. Kidd bad| their 1, vicinity. Th ual tea meeting | Gray is confined to her bed with | was held in the village hall on Tues- eir homes. Wishing their host and held x Rockport 4 Methodist church | asthma. Word was received last|day evening. Sergt. Lafleche, who a3 poportunity of ane all re hostess evegy sucdess and the great- on the 16th was well attended. After | Week of the death of Stearns Kilborn | went overseas with the 156th, Is ex- Hein oh people, oe TS, o Tt est prosperity and continued good an appetising supper a splendid pro- [in & hospital in Winnipeg. On'Wed-| pected home in a few days. Mrs. J. | Tne AgcAStiE howe after a Visit | health in the days that are to come. gramme was rendered by local tal-[nesday, the 14th inst. Miss Joanna |A. Bell is moving inte "we: pwn prop-|V. er er, ement, ' ent. * Proceeds amounted to $28.50: | Yates and .W. Myers rfar, were|erty. Service is wi.hiran in the |Pittsburg, and her sister, Mrs. W. J. Robert Poole he Sats united in marriage in the R. C.|Baptist church next Sunday evening [G8tes, Whitmount. Some of the banquet at Brofkville recently. church by Rev, Father Hanley. Mrs.|on account of the anniversary ser- ung people attended a concert in 3 ---- ' Luckey, who has been suffering from | vices at Philipsville. race Methodist church, Gananoque, 3 MORTON an attack of pleurisy, is much better. Sr last Friday night, Harry Garrah is Feb, 20. Miss Hazel Wiltse is on \ ; 3 , MOREWOOD. drawing hay from the island to his : held a aeting at-Mapls ~ the sick list. Mrs. A. Davis, Addison, WESTPORT. _ Feb. 22.--On Monday Clifton Car-|farm here. Pery (lark is-helping Shade Boing ADS, home of Hr. : - r. | William Little ". getting his ice ' nt a few days last week with hor| pep Ow the big Iyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Car- : ' ber | members were secured mother; Mrs, A. Willis. . Mrs, Artie | snow rome gi been able - 1yle, passed over to 20 Sout hevond; wood wong for the padi to "has dot much to Roantree has returned to her home at Friday. Th Deceased, who was nty-two Halloriowy after spending a couple | Co'S, here since Fy Ihe Wo-lold, had 'been ill some months, dur.|SOme. Mr. and Mrs, Alexander Wat- rp pantres spent Satusdes Lo; |entitled" "The Runaway Couple," (I1€ which he was & great sufferer. (08 AR amily, Lipton, Sask. wie 2 i : ¥ 2 4 ils : George ; were visiting . {in institute John A. Sunday vith friends at Flan' Ho. | S400rday and Monday nights. It Taso "te FrasbptarisR church, where DATCAY. ave left for their home ¢ in| wil return lo Bassano. Alia. next Se great success. Harold Fre 2 preach Mrs. Ferguson [peek iy oF days last week wi Lansqowns is | returned home on Saturday [Om |G ugemien Sphducied the service at MM. Helen Rees drove down to St (ins. Miss Julla Conboy is Ying | guts, Chantry, spent a~couple of | Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Wal-|,) 5 oC, SA Fo 4 nes [Andrew's Presbyterian church tea sister, Mts. J. Bourk, di Oso, ds last wee! his mother, Mrs. Jute Teft this wesk I EFTSNCOM tu: re. Smith were called to Brockville on menting - p : ---- hon 00 a -- : le rn i ta.90. the | he 156th returned home from Eng. {Baturday toatiend the funeral of she | yas largely attended. She took the son, Jones' Falls, spent Sunday at J. | 18nd on Suurday. - Rov og EB. Foley, [yeGregor spent a couple of days in og was she was re- ri's. Services were conducted | Of St. Michael's ~ Toronto. | 1awa. Mrs. MeQuaig and children, = the Presbyterian church on Sunday | 30d James Foley, Ottawa, returned |cajgary. ave some time at covering, failed. eo] Rev, Mr . of Lapcaster. | home on Monday after attending the the home of Mr. and M. E. Hunt- Seated t . Tan ' dlace and Ross NeddoKp Lans-| funeral of their brother, William lor. Miss Bana MeGregor left last| downe, spent a couple of days his Foley. Mrs. 8S. V. White; am 5 Da fr 5 FEEEES i v calling on friends in. the ville] @as the guest af her parents, nts, Mr. and | has been to teach school. ; A age. : : Mrs. W. J. Wing, Mrs. W. C. Ruth- hag James Reveler, Russell, spent oat © | yen, Kendal, is the gue Whoa in the vicinity. Miss Lillie over sixty | = te | Mrs. 1. Forrester. and spent a couple of weeks ne. ovat wis Feb. 21.--The Khaki Club gave a| H. 'W. Lockwood at dn- iwi . Mrs. C. Yorke ret where them four] barrel for March and April delivery. | enriches the blood, quickly tones up the forces and strengthens both throst and is renewing acquaintances in this perfectly successful. Mrs. Charles|ville. A poultry and dairy meeting |teTian church in this neighborhood. served, their friends departed to ie 3 Yestor- Sot & Bowie, X 4 oy Ou. %n