oo ro --__ LATEST MILITARY TINGS THE KIND oF MEN THE ARTILLERY TO AT TEXD COUSES Lieut, William 1. Elliot, Given Military Cross--The Re- | cruiting Returns for First Two! Weeks of February. The Toronto Giobe says: Instruc- tiong have been [ssued from Ottawa as to the kind of .men that should take the course of training for an officer at thé Royal School of Artil- lery at Kingston. A great number of the men attending this school have béen those drawn from militia artil- lery units, and who have had no mili- tary experience, It has been found thai these men, when taking a course along with men chosen from C. E. Fe artillery units, hold back the classes and do not make as good candidates as the others. Consequently it is deemed advisable by Ottawa that militia -offigers should not be encour- aged to atfend the 'courses, but rather should be encouraged to join the ranks, of a C. E, FP. uhit, attend the hoo] and take their commission, and go overseas as privates with their qualifications in their pockets, It is pointed out that promotion is more rapid at the front; while even if a militia officer does qualify here, he has great difficulty in getting an} letin service the appointment, In the official account of the rea- son for his being granted a military cross the following is reported: Lieut. William falph Elliot, Infant- ry, assumed command and handled courage and ability; he reorganized of. 109th, | , THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, , 1917. en who carried out the position. Yo! Jdeut eS imu alion at Barriefield tinder Lieut SUmMIne camp. His brother Capt. David Elliot was of the same unit. There were 835 this district during the last The 257th took away 294 | in { weeks new men and won the Hughes Cup. | The Kingston units secured recruits as follows: 72nd Battery, 23; 73rd, 16; 74th, 11; 75th, 15; 5th D.A.C., 2; MQ UH, 17; QF.A, 13; 2nd Draft, 6: CASC 9; BABYS OWN TABLETS Wm, Artlett, Ancaster, Ont., "I have used Baby's Own Mrs. writes: -- girl and baby boy. I have found teething period and always them in the house." The Tablets aid teething babies because they re- 2 the stomach and bowels, thus preverting constipation, diarrhoea] and convulsions. They promote healthful sleep and keep baby well and happy. They are sold by medi-| cine dealers or by mail at 25 box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine | Co, Brockville; Ont. A PAN Ar syndy" Bulletins at The Red Cross, ince the Kingston daily papers] have discontinued their Sunday bul-| Red Cross drug store has made arrangements | whereby they can give the public a regular Sunday bulletin. These are| Posted each Sunday about 11.30 a m, and 5.30 p.m., and that the public aPpreciaty them is shown by tue] a)company in attack with marked [ crowds which stop and peruse them! Ottawa Hears Compalints of during their Sunday strolls GAS! GAS! INDIGESTION, SOURNESS, SICK STOMACH -- PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN Here's Relief! In Five Minutes Your Upset Stomach Feels * Fine, If you feel bloated after eating and you believe it is the food which fills you; if what you eat lies like a lump of lead on your stomach; if there is diffichlity in breathing after eating, eructations of sour, undigest- ed food and acid, heartburn, brash or a belching of gas, you need Papeé's Diapepsin to stop food fermentation and indigestion. It neutralizes excessive acid, stom- ach poison, absorbs that misery-mak- ing gas and stops fermentation which sours your entire meal and causes Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Bilious- ness, Constipation, Griping, etd. Your real and only trouble you eat does not digest, ferments and sours, most any unhealthy condition. A case of Pape's Diapepsin will cost fifty cents at any - pharmacy here, and will convince any stomach but quickly sufferer in five minutes that Fermen-! tation and Sour Stomach iy causing the misery of Indigestion. ° No matter if you call your trouble Catarrh of the Stomach, Nervousness or Gastritis, or by any other name always remember that relief is wait- ing at any drug store the moment you | décide to begin its use, Pape's Diapepsin will regulate any out-of-order stomach within five min-! utes, and digest promptly, without! any fuss or discomfort, all of any kind of food you eat. Doctor Tells How To Strengthen Eyesight 50 per cent. In One ' rived in Kingston in 1837 from Eng- Week's Time In Many Instances iana, after a nine weeks' voyage on A Free Par Serint m You Can Have Filled and Use at Home. Philagelphia, x Do you wear Klasses? Are you a vietiin of eye strain or other eye weaknesses? f so, you will be glad to know that according to Dr. Lewis there ig real hope for you. Many whose eyes were falling say they have had their eyes restored throug the principle of this wonderful free prescription. One man says, after try- ng It: "I was almost blind; could not see to read at all. Now I can read ev- erything without any glasses and my eyes do not water any more. At night they would pain d@rea®fully; now they feel fine all the time. It was like a mirac le to me." who used 1t SSR us "The atmosphere Sesmed hazy with or without g but af- ter using this preseription for Afteen days everything seems clear. 1 can even read fine print without glasses" It is believed that thousands who wear glasses can now discard them in a rea. sonable time and multitudes more will be able to strengthen their eyes so as to be spared the trouble and expense of ever getting glasses. Eye troubles of many Jescriptions may wonder fully benefitted by lowing the sim- REMOVAL SALE Having to vacate my \y present location April 1st I am offering my entire stock of Monuments at greatly reduced prices. ple rules. Here is the prescription: Go to any active drug store and get a bot- tle of Bon-Opto tablets, Dfop one Bon. Opto tablet in a fourth of a glass of water and allow to dissolve. ith this liquid bathe the eyes two to four times daily. You should notice your -eyes clear up perceptibly right from the start and Inflammation will quickly disap- pear... If your eyes are bothering yuu even a little, take steps to save them now before it is too late. Many hope- lesly blirkd might have been saved if they had cared for their eves In time. Note: Another promiment Physician to whom the snbhove = was sub. ,"Bou-Opto is a very re. Its constituent in- knawun to eminent mitted, said: markable remedy. mn eyesight per s time In many in. stances or refund the money. It esa he obtained from any geod druggist and Is one of the very few preparations 1 feel should he kept on hand for regu. lar use in Bimosi cvery family." sold In Kingston by Geo. W. Mal and other druggists. JAS. E. MULLEN, Cor. Princess and Clergy Sts. Phone 1417 NOTHING LIKE A GOOD HOT WATER BOTTLE For the sick room. All prives from 85¢ to $3.00. Everything seduced, bus NOW, save your money. Sample Brass Beds, all reduced. Special valaes in Tron Beds, at ease UI red seo.' $7.50; 3150: Way Sasiem We store your pur- Mattresses. 83 Chiffonieres, Springs, Felt Oak, Mahi B. E. Maple, at special prices, R. J. REID, Loading Undertaker, 2 ¢ -onsolidad} =z 1liot was an officer of the | J.. J. H. ¥ee during fast] two OF GREAT HELP the Tablets far three years for my little | them of the greatest#help during the keep | a | is that which | producing al-| }!a single trace of dandruff or falling | be light, Aufty and wavy, and have an i ---- REGARDING BRINGING | OVER ICE FRAM CAPE VINCENT recruits signed up| Although Government Had Very Rea- many hairs we sonable Offer From Stage Man to do the Work--As Result Business . Meg Continue to Suffer. In {the delay and inconvenienc | by the fact that no mail is brought | to the city from Cape Vincent by | i state, no action has been taken, and | recently the Government had an offer | from a stage man to bring the mail | over to the city for the sum of $100 | for the remainder of the season, ! | able sum. The steamship | carrying the mail was paid the sum | | of $150 a month, "I is a shame to think that the people of Kingston have to suffer in this way," said a merchant to the |W hig on Friday, 'Everything has to | go via Ogdensburg and there is great delay in getting our mail from New cents a | | York points, as was pointed out in| lo | the Whig some time ago. | "Take the case of a person in Cape | Vincent mailing a letter to a party living on Wolfe Island, just two | miles away. This letter has to go all the way to Ogdensburg to get to its| | destination, so you see the people on | | Wolfe Island suffer as well' {WHEN ON LEAVE IN U. 8. | OFFICERS MUST REPORT Men Masquerading as British Officers. The Militia Department sent word to Kingston that complaints have heen received of people masquerad- ing in the United States as British i | | officers, and issued these instruc- | tions: "Any officer proceeding to or through New York, for any purpose, is 40 report himself on arrival to the British naval attache at that place. "No officer is to proceed to the United States of America on leave in | uniform, . "Every officer proceeding to the United . States of America, 'either on leave or on duty, is to call upon the British consul on arrival at his des- '| tination and. establishihis indentity. The Late Mrs. Robert Boyes. | Napanee Beaver, In the sudden death of Mrs. Robt Boyes on Feb. 8th one of Napanee's oldest and most hly respected | citizens was called way. Deceased, | who had been ill but a very few days, | was in her eighty-first year, and had | been a resident of Napanee for fifty- {five years. Her father and mother, | William and Hannah Richards, ar- av sailing vessel. At that time the family consisted of seven children, Mrs. Boyes being one year old. After the fanrily came to this country they were blessed with six more children, making thirteen in all--seven girls and six boys---one dying in infancy and twelve growing to manhood and womanhood. Two sisters and one brother are still living, Mrs, Belfour, in her ninetieth year; James Rich- ards, Belleville, in his eighty-eighth year; and Mrs. Fox, Stockdale, in her seventy-fifth year. Deceased leaves six children to mourn her demise, J. L. Boyes, Napanee: A. R. Boves, Pasadena, Cal.; W. E. Boyes, La- chine, Que.; C. H. Boyes, Kingston; Mrs, James Wilson and W, G, Boyes, Napanee, The funeral service was held at her late residence on Sunday, and although the house is a large one, it was completely filled 'with re- lagjves and friends paying their last respects to one whom they dearly loved: British Red Cross Fund. Previously acknowledged $2,431.79 . 8. Van Koughnet, St. Paul, Mich. (formerly of Perth Road) .. x Junior Epworth League, dies Street Methodist Church 10.00 1.12 Total... ... DANDRUFF GOES! HAIR GETS THICK, WAVY, BEAUTIFUL ur Hair! Double Its Beauty a Few Moments. Try This! Save Hair Stops Coming Out and } Every Particle of Dandruff D appears. : - Try, as you will, after an applica- tion of Danderine, you can not find hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most, will be af- ter a Yow week's use, when you see new hair; fine and downy at first-- yes--but really new hair--growing all over the scalp. A little Danderine immediately | doubles the beauty of your hair.' No difference how dull, faded, Jrittie and and scraggy, just moisten a Danderine and carefully oth through your hair, taking one appearance of abundilce, an incom- STIL NO ACTION. TAKEN, MAIL | spite of the storm of protest; ! from business men and citizens about i es caused Whig has been informed that just | which is regarded as a very reason- | ccmpany | $2 A 93 Hfaken the place of cream and sugar. | ug think that yeast. is useful ZOOLOGICAL CONTEST. the Event. « The novel zgological contest, re eently adverised throughout Canada , Limited, as to how on a square inch of Ly John Hallar bear's skin, is now over, i It is quite remarkable on looking over the prize winners, to see the widéspread interest this contest re- ceived throughout Canada., e The estimates varied from "no hair' up to "several millions," but! the actual number which was on a| square inch of bear skin, carefully | checked, was 10,5643. { The followipg cash prizes have all been mailed out to the various win- ners: -- | $50--Estimate 1A, Davis. jr., box 24, 'eme, Alta. Estimate, 10,483, Mrs. Mat- arth, Binscarth, Man, BW 8 Sear > 10,385, Frank C. | Kuschick, Buckingham, Que. $15--Estimate, 10,721, Mrs. Geo, T. Welsh, Onoway, Alta. $10-- Estimate, 10,777, Mrs. J. Frank Roach, Sussex, N.B. | $10--Estimate, 10,804, Rabb, Rossington, Alta, $10---Estimate, 10 1, ampbell, Auburnt@¥, Sask. { $10 stimafe, 10,241, Mrs, Chas. iI. Duncan, 214 Dominion street, Moncton, N.B $10--Est! Mrs. Jas. wate, 10,870, Miss Kate A. Jacky, St. Agatha, Ont,, R.I. Besides the above there lawarded ten prizes of $5 each, 183 each, five of $1 each. won the latter R.M.D. No. 3, were: J. N. Smith, Madoc; Mrs. William Bovd, Charleston, Ont.; and Miss Lillian F. Savery, Port Hope, Ont IN THE HALLS OF QUEEN'S. The Dramatic Club Two Beds in No, The annual Universtty Dramatie on Thursday afternoon with the vice- president, Miss Hilda Laird, in the chair. Reports was making itself felt as a potent| factor in university activities new president, G. E. Wood, stalled and outlined some of plans in view, Reference was made | Has Endowed 7 Hospital. the meeting, in No. pital (Queen's) number of the members of the club serving with this unit as well as with the w~arious other Queen's detach- ment overseas, The regular meetiny of Arts was held on Thursday afternoon, at which an interesting programme was given. Jor LEGS AMPUTATED. wr Sdn. Ernest Carr's Father Lives at Moscow, Corp. Ernest Carr, the" most seri- ously wounded at the Toronto Spa- dina Hospital, has had both legs am- putated above the Kkhee. This was necessary because at 'the second bai- tle of Ypres, in 1916, both*legs were practically blown off by a high "ex- plosive shell. In the first battle of Ypres, 1915, he received a rifle bul- let wound in the head. He went to the front when he was twenty years old, Hig father lives in Moscow, and his' grandmother, Mrs. Samuel' Carr, at 12 Belmont street, Toronto. C . tng ---- How Germans Live. bread, butter, meat, fruits, potatoes, | fats, sugar, milk, cream, and "eggs. Meat is allowed five times a week; butter or fats twice a week; eggs one | to each person per - week; bread vegetables and fish are to be had | every day, The bread cards have little tabs 'on them each calling for twenty<five grams of "kriegsbrot" (war bread) Each tab is good tof | a slicé of bread or two tabs for al roll. Meat cards are good for a slice | and a half, or 75 grams, of meat. | On Tuesdays and Fridays there is no! meat to be had, but on these days butter is allotted, Fats for frying can be had on Mondays and Thurs- days, Thin-skimmed millk and small particles of saccharine have | | ery family is given a card, stating the quantity of food allotted to it, ac- cording to its sizes A Relic of Other Days. South Wales Daily News. There is an interesting story ecir- culating in Unlonist circles. A prominént Unionist noted in the past for his rabid hostility to the Pritie| Minister has, during the last d been a diligent collector of En that was disparaging or abusive of Mr. Lloyd George, whether in cari- cature, cartoon or print, His col- lection, which is said to be singular- ly comprehensive, has in these later days become something of an en- cumberance, One of the Unionist leaders has ested to the em- barrassed collector that he should sell the collection for the benefit of the war funds, or, alternatively, that he should present it to Mr, Lloyd George . New Uses for Yeast. ular Science Monthly. ecause it is so essemtjal in the | making of bread and beer most of for ho of else. But the Berlin Insti- tute of Fermentative Industries calls i! attention to the fact that waluable flavoring extracts and tonics can be large perceentage of muscle-buliding mutter. Its remaining constituent, a mass of cellulose, can be used to 10,600, Mrs. Jas. Mary J.| were | ten of | ten of $2 each and twenty-| Among those who! meeting of Queen's | Club was held | showed that the club to thé pleasure afforded to the mem- | bers by being able to endow two beds, | the money for which 'was granted at 7 General Hos-| There are a large "18 | the easiest jobs, No mowing machines, self- |= '| with the | lawyers adhére," { known barrister, ** never to tell more in question, -- sir, how do you know the from it and a relatively} There Was Widespread Intbrest pee : { | | i | memo nm mod uy | Campbell's {FURSALE » Bargains galore in fine furs, setts and single pieces, in '| Natural Wolf, Black Wolf, was in! | Alaska Sable, the! Red Fox, Grey Fox, Black Fox, Manchurian Wolf, J Civet Cat, | Persian Lamb, '§ Northern Sable, '# American Oppossum Etc. Law furs are adv ancihg, and next season's 'prices are likely to be high, so why not tgke ad- vantage of our present low prices. ee Campbell Bros., | Kingston's Oldest Fur Store. Working as Laborers and Mechanics | to Support the Home, There were very few men, merely a| few old ones to whom were given Women mowed the grain, £ | binders or combined harvesters for there not even horses to bring the! "fhe barns. Every heavy | crop int golden sheaf was carried home on | the shoulders of women or children. "1 have met a young wife ystill in her teens, whose nuaband hehe in the inferno at Verdun, the chatelaine | of a beautiful chateau and bedrer of a name famous in the history of France, working in the fields at the side of her servant girl harvesting the grain of her broad acres. In the chief town of Morbihan I have seen women mechanics of all kinds from blacksmiths to bricklayers. 1 wateh- ed one of these latter carrying on her well poised head a load of mor- tar, watched her building a wall and of an expert, using her trowel wi inimitable grace." Most 'Suspicious, It is a rule to whieh most good observed a well than one knows. There was an ineci- dent in_a Western town wherein a awyer carried the ruje to the ex- treme. Counsel for one side objected to a. person, whose name was on the court's register for some purpose or other, on the ground that 'he was dead. ' The counsel on the other side declined to accept the assurance, and compelled conclusive testimony on the point, "Wherein counsel for the other side arose and gave corroborative +evidence as to the disease of the man an's dead?" demandCd Shpesing CATARRH LEADS TO CONSUMPTION as serofula or 'be relieved, but it eannot be loeal treatment, It Eauses | | | rs tthe WOMEN OF BRITTANY Jumps -{ stmpicion!' - PAGE NINE of Small Sizes in Children's Rubbers These rubbers are small fitting but good quality. Sizes 3 to 7} only, and regular 60c¢, but carried from last winter and must be clear- ed out at once. Only about 100 pairs, at 'Home-Made Candy Sakell's Telephone 640 A A PPA A | Also Oil Cloths and Lin- oleums and Carpet Squares. AT William Menkel, 'writing in thé | . cnan never forget my visit o American Review of Reviews onl, farm in Brittany rup Hy women, Living Congitions in Germany,' | says a Danish woma I arrived | says:---One must have ecards for| there in the midst AF ab time. | Phone 147 Fresh Made Every Day. Next Grand Opera House A A stn (> OUR BIG G) James Reid The Leading Undertaker A SPLENDID WAY TO REDUCE ONE'S WEIGHT ~. There is; perhaps, no-one thing that shows the passing of our youth so much as the horrible tendency of some of us to put on too much weight after we have reached the age of 256 or 30. However young our face may appear, our figures "give 'us away. The cause Et this over-stoutness 1s that our stomachs convert the food we eat into fat because there is not enough oxygen in the blood to produce a pro- per combustion to destroy the fatty tissue. To reduce your weight go to a good druggist and get oll of orilepe In capsule form, and take one a each meal It is sold only in original led packages. Oil of orilene taken at meal-iimes gives vou all the benefit »f the food you cat, and at the 'same time dissolves the fatty tissue from any art of the body where there is ex- cessive fat n this way macy have reduced thelr welght at the rate of phdut 4 1b « "ay, and no flabbiness is any druggist can aupply you or a Inrga ize -hox will be sept on receipt or $1.00 registered' letter or money ¢ der. The goodls will be sent in pla wrapper. Address DD. J. Little Co., Box 1210, Montreal, Can THER NwE Finn REMEDY. xX PIO No.1. Sukh APION THER RAPION ¥ ity utd os DBY LEAHISGEHEWIRTY PRICE IN ENGLAXD, 2 p address enve.ope, age & symptoms ior FRE vice on a vaitahy itity in your ¢ Se. No'follew up' cireviars, i LECLERC Med. Co. HIAVERSTOCK KD N. WLOX TuN, SEE THAT TRADE MARKED WORD "THERAPIOX' iS ON BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED To ALL GENUINE PACYETS counsel, "Well," was. the reply, "I don't know it's very difficult 4 prove." "As 1 suspected, You don't know whether he's dead or not." + ¥No. But'l do know thjs--they buried him about a moath ago on ran nr - rhe Miracle of Love. Watch for it. "Dr. Paul Hubscher, secretary of the Swiss legition, is in 'the German residence at 'Washington. ~The Swiss attache will be in Jetaonal eharge of the Germany. embitay. ¢ { This Bottle is Guar- SPECIAL TO-DAY MOLASSES WALNUT CHEWING TAFFEE AT THOMPSON'S GROCERY 1 Hot Water Bottle Special anteed for one year. Special price 89c. Prouse's Drug Store . Phone 82. Opposite Bt. Andrew's Church British Columbia soldiers at front give a majority sgainst prohi- bidon. 4 { the Feb'y Furniture Sale A HUGE SUCCESS Children's Drop Side Cots. Brass and Iron Beds. Springs and Mattresses ' and Pillows. A