Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Feb 1917, p. 7

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wi i itl ved Fund 1 iil i ; FOR 3 Alfred Street water heating . Johnson St.- location 3 now very lose to Spring building We have them are PUPPOSeS, Lriee nt YOUNG PEOPLE «5.000000 $6, 1.300382 HE BANK or TORONTO George B. McKay, eo i OL away for si Manager. SALE -Solid brick dwelling, 11 rooms, hot $4600 "0 "Double frame, 7 rooms each, good . $4000 want for sorts ahont that fot you all 1 Hot in a parts of the city art THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 56 Br ock St. rr You Wher. es We hav 3 4 | 4 Phone i i Phones: Office 68; Res. 874 1; ra AA AAP PP ll PP NAS At Can Count On It . we take care of your storage bat- tery there's no doubt of quality service, e established ourselves as experts. Will you come in and be convinced? 1. LESSES, 10914 24-126 Clarence St. Free inspection of any battery at any time GRIFFINS : Thursday, Friday, Sa Clara Kimball Young turday -- Monster Bil in the Foolish Virgin Robert Connesy and Mabel Traenelle, in The Martyrdom of Philip Strong. . The Shielding Shadow. 1 Kve 26e; Doors op en HAL aud GAG cortain 2.15 and 708 - This: is the Weather That you will find it necessary to guar against coughs, colds, la grippe and lung troubles, We are always well supplied with the most reliable redemies that me dical scienco can produce. Ouir advice will be cheerfully given at all times with regard to the pre- par: ition best suited for your ailment. Hioag's Drug Store Branch Post "Offices Y.M.CA, hn Kingston, Ont, People's Fresh Cut Sy 9) Florist Hyacinth, Narcissus, Ete, owers Funeral Designs and Wedding Bouquets to Order Opp. ~~ ---- PAA Friendship's ! --~------ We havé cholcé cooking: ap- ples by the barrel; also choice vegetables, We deliver promptly. 210 Division St. Phone 535 e ANTED ! One Hundred Pair of Spring Chickens - Four to five pounds each, 22¢, 24¢, 25¢ per pound if properly fatted and dressed. One Hundred Pair of "Fat Live Hens : Five to six pounds each, A 20¢ to pound. rl poultry paid for at pare ket value. The above quantities) have to be secured) by Thursday, re. 'of prices. Ww OVER HALF THE PEO- PLE WEARING GLASSES TO-DAY HAVE MOUNTS THAT DO NOT FIT PER- FECTLY. A VISIT TO OUR OPTICAL PARLORS. WILL SHOW YOU WHAT "HIGH CLASS" FITTING REALLY MEANS. WE EXAMINE @AOUR | EYES, GRIND AND MOUNT | YOUR' GLASSES IN OU | OWN LABORATORY OUR CHARGES ARE MOD- ERATE. R. J: RODGER, Jewéter and apticm 132 Princess St. Where the clock is on the walk, F. J JOHNSON The Leading Florist and Cut Flowers our flied rr Phone 239. 115 Be A man seldotn marries a girl oil] account of her family, but he some times remains a bachelor on account; * thereof. : of Floral Designs, Wedding Bouquets, | 1g THE DAILY gi WHIG, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1017. Tr TT THCDENTS OF THE DAY GRAND van. DAJL Re Vaudeville an LOCAL "NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Five Reel Juhe C Happenings In the City and Vielnity ~ What the Merchants Offer v the Readers of the Whig, > Miracl eof Love f Parham, w 8 in s And Othe and Capt. J onto to-day Wolfe Island e He Di Donne] Jz tel 1 i v plano turner, 21 "The Mischief Maker" CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "Easy Street" Cott "Tues. Peerless Mme. . Petrova in '"Extravagance." BILLIE BURKE, in oPERk! g HOUSE ys Continuous Performance Feature Film aprice, in r Photoplayy Wed. CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES| First fusertion, ic a word. Each con- escutive insertion thereafter, halt. cent 8 word. Minimum charge for one. Insertion, 50¢; six $1; one month, n. King ¢ ave orders at McAul- SEL WANTEIL = ey's Book " sy " HELP ) BR SF omiia. wai san Gloria's Romance tis ase Ray THE Wate News, Comedy. nnd Other | WAITRESS, APPLY FRONTENAC Sant ve Yeals o ¢eninteni- Photoplays. Hutel. ary « arge of eonspi "tole ------re - aid col 6a smd ut Prices Always the Same. | piviva moow Gime vr over. a- mon« Matinee 10¢c Evening 10e; iota} - ® Mr A 1 Mrs. Jamés Crawford. t 'oy Sent Reserved, Se Extra | GENERAL SERV ANT, REFERENCES ton treet and Mr. and Mrs, - mie: $ x App) & lac St Geor rie Nicol, Cataraqui, left to-day for Calif expect to he » of Love Nin ses Is Russell, Delta und Grace B ati, Stratford, Queen's, « ed to W island Evening 8.13 on Saturday | had a visit with quo Hill! Offers | Ir. and Mrs. Henderson. The Musical Miracle of Workmen ground for b dining room Love, What is it? preparing the the kitchen and to the new Tr dusph Age. Comedy of the ition arts ding. whic being ti 3 assets $61,187,215. In addition to Asp > bud ne, » Sieh nae tam GING UP Father * be tw agd Simeoe which" the policyholders have for ed into wards of the 1.080 bed mili- + Aetive boy for mailing depart- : amd Cor N wih Bagots Pinder! security the unlimited lability of tary "hosuital % ment. Apply at once, Whig Of- Kindly ret to « ab stand, 190, or! eity property, insured at lowest The Miracle of Love. Watch for it % fice, <> ns J possible rates. Before renewing Rov. Father Corrigan. returning > -» oid or, giving new business Ket ev I irri th ; > ne sk chost hil rates from Strange t King to live was banqueted hdd deb db bbb ddl bb | grow N SABLE Agents. 'Phone 335. . ts of Columbus at] GENERAL SERVANT, WITH KNOW- Saturday -nlght. between Colling. ==--== Frockville i i of cooking, no washing. Ap y TO LET Bree of 1X Thousand Laughs and Then Some to Mrs. Me i - dresses we re i More, a PRIVATE BOARD AND 'ROOMS. AP. The higges \ ng in years. The A BOY WG OR 17 OLD AS a . Ivy 114] sireet Mir le of Love : PRETTY, CLEVER, GIRLS ' er for delive H. Hdrk PERSONAL -- ren irac'a of Love, SINGING. DANCING ness, Corner of nd Wel OFFICES IN CLARENCE CHAM. Fhe Orange Grand Lodge of On- SING nb : gto 5 bers. Apply 10'A Br "Cunningham, tario East® will meet in Belleville on = un terete er 79 Clarence street. Narel 1st 3 i i 3 ed, 1] he Prices: Mat, We: children 0c. | opp \DY, RELL \nLE MAN TO WORK ------ " S------------ varcn cl1st, ant aT 3e Evening, 2 , The, $1.00, ar; must be a FURNISHE [1 ROOMS, ALSO ROOMS Black Order meets there on Marcel Friday, 2 vig Samer « i th usekeepin 196 Prin- 20th he Ee et t man Ap Wh ess, by «n Barrie En Division, FI NN AA A AN, Et NN NN tN tt * : 3 ---------------------------------------------------------- ---- % ees STORAGE FOR FUBNITURE, CLEAN dry, airy rcoms; your own lock and i * HANDCRAFT. key. Frost's Clty St -- Queen str t. - Phopa 526; Thurs. LIBERALS" RALLY ! Captain Donald C. Thompson's famous 7,000 Foot Film A BOY ro Lo LIGHT WORK IN GRO- + 5 addy ork and good way Ander B 8 AN XPE np NC "=D jt L ANH » Ri Whig offi : : ONE IN OR TWO BOYS TO WORK ve ine r good FERRE ' 23¢: three lusertious, _PAGE SEVEN A i FURNITURE FINISHING FOUND P. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH er. all or drop a card. 23 John ps street A BUSINESS CHANCES. INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INVEST ane cent until vou read Successful Ofc Finance and learn how fortunes are made and lost by Investors. Free (rial subscription. ful Finance, 608 8. Chicago. FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- Success Dearborn Bt, SESS FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN ment Soelety; _ president, TISED PRERE AND INVEST. incorporated 1863; Colonel H. R. ith, SM:.G.; vice-president, W. F. Nic. ie KC Money lssued on city and tarm properties, municipal and country debentures; Mortgages pur- chased; Investment bonds for sale; deposits received and "in terest allowed R. C. Cartwright, manager $7 Clarence St. Kingston. [*IVERPOOL. LONDON AND GLO {+f Fire Insurance Company. Avaliani \ Good, smart girls, 14 years of age and upwards, can se- cure employment at the Cotton Mills, Cataraqui street. Good wages paid to beginners. Apply at office Dominion Textile Co., Cataraqui street. , Fri., Sat. HOD NDE Rr 3 » JENNIE SHAW ls a aE el Hes from King- k eS ay anti ¥, good bulidings t: open from 2 to b ighing complet fednesday and Fair, Kingston Friday WANTED GENERAL INGTON STREET, Laturney, i 1 . . { Buying and Selling | I am now buying all kinds of second- | | hand furniture, clothes and tools. Also | | nove for sale m stock of Irom i Sidebonrds, Washstands, Clothing, | Dishes, Ete, { A SHAPIRO 35 PRINCESS STREET. r a two -- light and hot wa- | Tee iE session 1st March | ARCHITEOY TWO OR THREE ROOMS wiTH BATH, | r if required. Apply to C | rat t Jee Pp ingston, Brock street dar S | WM. NEWLANDS n& SON, AnCHI. Box 214 . Wh ig Office Ss | tects, eic. Offices, 265 Bugut aL SH . MENTAL | 'hone 6 IALL HOUSE 4 OR 5 ROOMS, A meeting of Liberals. |.___ Phone 60s. LL Jrors IR 2 Roama rere p= : April 1s University | A+ E. KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDS, will be held at their club | rowkis & sx, ncuiroelers, wun. JY: Gas: fey Brincers wiroet, Fioue rooms, 338 King St., on! {__ Brock and Wellington streets. BOOMS. WITH HOARD, TWO GL. | emt rier FOR saun pen dese Sune, cenual pf 2 garner Princess and Bagot streets, Wy Box 213 Whig Office "hone 626. » THESE EfFE /E ADVTS. COST pr ree > > FN little. One i three times 50c; | SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANON,| DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, REN. rl a | Continual Show Daily. ___one week, for cash or in part payment of new | fists £38 a En ee tin From 1.30 p.m, to 11 pam. : FoR JOKES, IU: y pias M amitea, 1 N tte] ind: Phone b "N | Admission; Chitdren 15¢; Adults 23¢ Kr m--m-- i re Ha # ® *No Reserve, = street. EXPERIENC ED Fan WANTS LEGAL. H ------------ rr ar------ Re em ese fe fre stoma it on Tune acre farm w 3 V nin ! v ARM OF 160 ACRES, FOUR MILES | x without stock and implements, | A. ~B, CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER { oom Kingston. Apply Geu, Gibe for e or five years, Address and solicitor. Law office, 79 Clear. x 5 a » | ' son, RR. No. 1, Cataraqgui, Ont, Hox Whig Office | ance street. Kingston " | bt 3 ¢ . | -- Ee LY Feb 16th BONNER S DOUBLE DWELLING, 41. AND 43 DIV. NOW IS T ME TO HAVE YOUR BOARD AND ROOMS 5 epruary t FINEST ision street, 6 rooms and W.C. Ip bicyele repaired, cleaned and stor- a | FANCY each; wo rented Apply 41 Divis- ed for winter: All orders prompt- | FIRST CLASS HOARD AND ROOMS) AH . "11! SKEDE lon stre ly attended to. Phone 1032, or call} every convenlence:) central loca Important matters will | SEEDED SENTING VIC ar at Geo, Muller, 373 King St. { tion.' Apply 243 Brock street. . . | i selections, your own cholce, § 0, : be up for discussion, and | RAISINS 10 casi kn 31.0) Dur week 'C: W . . shes nds 'rin streel a large attendance is re-! are packed in --lAududy, 11d. 2 Guay TWO BRICK HOUS quested. RED street; modern; near Union St. car line. &wners desirous of selling Dr. A. W. Richardson, Pres CARTONS. at once. Apply McLeod's Drug . A.W, 4 y . Store. Leman A. Guild, Secretary. a x RA Gh ir re errr i Insist on the RED SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, 43% Carton. ~ Brock street, eleven rooms; in .* first class condition, and all mod-| | ern improvements Possession eS May 1st. Apply 147 Division St. € R\ BRICK STORE AND STOREHOUSE, IN . ® sm country village, store 2- . \ . . > For Sale Shae ation, ops, all fim For clean, light work; highest wages while a » - - - an estate, quick, G. A. Bateman, FUNERA BY Se Cl, De learning. Those wishing steady employ- uU RAL NOTICE By i ender CEDAR PARK INN, CHARLESTY - ment, apply at bn bake, Ontario; fully equippe ne "wp y do . 3 of finest Summer resor r The Ancle nt & Jota . Joie No. 3, Canada: Bing. boating, i Fike "" oo. One the best factories in B 3 be ry eg, Westen Ontario, known as py ga Sue The tr ve Lodge nd The de Lignber 4 -- -- ig Lodge hae ange Limiler & Sian rs Cuoick stock oF Wm ATERS. NA KINGSTON HOSIERY, LIMITED. uneral Worsh : wl ges, and all kinds of new and ss - | "W. 1 Bro J it, to be held To f ond j Pind furniture, vb ate Bile | King Street 3 est. 5 rom thadral, Friday - open to buy everything n the § morning at To a.m above MHnes. J. Thompson, 33s! 5 By order of the W. M ' Princess street. Phone 1400. RRR IT RR sass AL WyO atheart, | DAIRY FARM FOR SALE, CONSIST- v § ~ Sect. | cation ing of 300 acres, being the north & - "CARD OF THA ae on half of Lot 13 in 10th Con. of Stor. A --. & OF HANKS a accepted. Te . rington and Lot 13 in 11th Con. o 3 id For price and; : Ww rh she opened on March 1. Sac . i 'Mr. William Cockade and daughter For full particulars apply to terms Isaac "Holder or i | wish to extend th heart fels HRS } . -- Georke H » Box 56, Battersea, . 7 oh 15 ¥xtend their! Rearttelr i nt. | WANTED---PUNCHERS, FITTERS-UP, : nt sid berey ge # ar : J : ain of Mrs. Sock 'and LARGE STOCK OF IRON BEDS, COU- RIVETERS AND CAULKERS. - beat] iful floral oer. ches, stoves, men's clothing: also x . new upholstered chai military ?. harness, shoes, leather straps; Na- A ------ Go am vis ee W Mig. Co. Limited "onal Cash Register. We buy all For Sheet Iron Work. Kinds of mew and second hand fur- od AUCTION SALE th ° Miture W Shapiro. 43 Princes] Apply, J. Farrar, Supt. ~ Chatham, ntarfo. | street Phone 1237 oes i ¥ | Of three horses, on Ma Sq : She t 7 ri ware, | __ 4 ; J) CANADIAN LOCOMOTIVE CO., LTD. : | Sa a a.m. er -------------------- * § | Sbdd dd bbb bbb bb bb etd on a Ontario Owner -- William Cochrane. A Deliclous Dessert + * Kingst i - Auctioneer ~-- Wm. Murray. 'Ss Tw . wo Automobiles and one # 4 Roadster, all in first-class con- # {# dition. Electric lights and + v + starters; almost new. Prices ¢ '4% right; good reasons for selling. % 4 Apply J. H. Davis, Saxon Dis- & # tributor, Davis Dry Dock Com- #| 3 3 pany. RANT DOING A GOOD PAY. sh | ¥2200, CEMENT HBLOOK HOUSE, . 8 Sueciuiiging St Front Remodeting Slunty ane of all rooms, all improvements except ESTIMATES ® ii EXPERIENCE 272 University Ave. To have your ca overtaraiedt + and | placed in readiness for spring. We ny md oO oe | auto and all its ORDON'S a 1 6G. .A ll charging outits haw Just heen is i ee ou Cor. Bay and Nontreal Buvimin. 67 Cidronte Simmer © | | I Se ey | guaranteed satisfaction. i Phone 88. PATENTS. Hi BOYD'S GARAGE. | 57 is ime » Smee tovaety | BARO0E_& sous, Foc | | understands the ins and outs of love | eeiy Otice imer. Master! 129 Broek St. . Phone 201 she is usually too ol to care uel oF Patent Laws x Cars For Hire, about it. tection" free. b --~ Jones BL Mont- 0: nwa, Sow = me rue SUTAWDEITiES "15¢ Per Tin HOUSES IN. ALL PANTS. OF ae] | me [lous Coting Hoot Compost furnace, deep Jot. 5, new, tio. #1200, Dot large Jot, -- BRICK, SEMI-DET veurn,| improvements, central loca- UBLE FRAME Hare rents 9% on investment. | BRICK "VENEER, NEARLY new, all latest mprovements:. hot! water heating, hardwood Boers and | barn; good stable, Em Fire Insurance Representing the following old line companies: Aetna. Hartford London ~ Videlity Phenix Conneeticut, Good Dwelling and Household Furniture risks 48 low as $6.00 per thousand. Three year term. city; at good investments, Insur.! GROCERY real Branched: round stoves sad heaters at TURK'S, Phone 705 i; If every. man could have his own / way how quickly others would gel out of it

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