PAGE TWO | EXCLUSIVE CUSTOM MADE FURS | = n cont JOHN McKAY Limited, 149-157 Brocle St. Bi mmm . |The Baby | {Grand Cabinet Phonograph (82 inches high) 'S| Beautifully finished in dark mahogany. Special sound box gives tome equal to any $100 machina Will take any make oi Disd¢ "Record. Price $35.00. ' COME IN AND HEAR IT. 1). R. C. Dobbs & Co. 41 Clarence Stroet. SOWARDS Keeps Coal and i a . Coal Keeps SOWARDS de Just Received a Fresh Lot of Can Beet, Can Catsup, Can Beans, Can Summer Vegetables for Soup, Can Apples (34 gal. size), Can Cher- ries (pitted), Can Pears, Can Peaches Can Plams, Can Can 1 strawberries, Can Pineapple. E. H. BAKER Cor. Charles and Montreal Sts. Phone 1268, cup ATTEND f Suis MAMMOTH REBUILDING SALE} - MONEY. R. McFaul Kingston, Carpst. Warehomse SECURE YOUR I HOME Early and avoid * the spring rush, Here are' a few from our detached * Broth Stu 1 rooms .... Clergy St,, 6 rooms . ... $3050 DEATH OF CANON GROUT, PASSED AWAY WEDNESDAY AF. TER TWO WEEK'S ILLNESS. Clerical Secretary of Diocese of On- tario for Past Fifteen Years--Also Held Charges in Eastern Ontario. appes ped to be so ) nt th gh {f ar at tack, aw o'clock Wedne Deceased i Year He was born a gnd was the gest Rey. George Grout, x of by. He ag 4 4vgrady ate of To *. [Sweet Cider ... ...5 ,.. 40c gal THE DAILY. BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1017, AT GRIFFIN'S THREE DAYS Clara Kimbail Young, in ish Virgin,' to Be Seeen Herve. That ds of wt I grat ( tion to b Friday a / The = preven to be mon Law In Young girl wil this "The F ool ¥ |KWGSTON MEETS DEFEAT AT HANDS OF BARRI IN CURIS ING SEMI-FINALS. The Score Vas 42 to 33--arrie and Hamiltor Meet" in Finals, For the GCA, Distriet Cap. A of good honor e Toront competition v Club, the decond ut round D outlast Year's v \ Service's Rhymes of leather binding, '© :5 You Last Chance Tonight To secure Valentines for sending through the mails to reach their des- tination tomorrow { St. You will find the choicest selection of Valentines, Beribboned Books, "ramed Cupids, etc., at this store. Fragments From France fis number has averaged over 100 per day. The College Book Store OPEN UNTIL 9.30 P.M. V: lentine's Day). 3 in a Red Cross Man, printed on India Paper] will be one of the most popular gift books. , No.3. Our sale for the last five days ro on Price 35c. College, to, and was that hay $ } morning,» won from ir ste ' ig 1860 by i Bi which the story 1 ; iid Hamidton Vies. had one shot the after whie eld me Whetuer for a well-woven pl t of the game with W oo, The Eastern "Ontario, in for sustained interest ~ excellency on-Barrie v v ' OPEN NIGHTS : o Sve Si I é 200i on n-Barrie game 71 16 . 1 Gower ydenhan 3 of acting or for super rotograph on 0-162 Princess Street. & Telephone 9 9. { Place, 'and I yn, In 1 1901 it would be difficult to find an ¢ GC . y * . {pointed clerical secretary to this splendid photodrama. 0) 24 i 13 : ns = 3 " » Rif 3 itrar of the Diocese of Ontario, ------ wo be « 'ameron J. M. Elliot iti a hele til he me of ag K: . A 1d n ,- jposition he held up t it ne tim of Appointed to He aduarters Staff. TK p) 18 (SKip) 15 ee = - ---- - a | nis death. He § a canon of St R. H. Waddell, 0 eft Total, Total 33 i | George's Ca a the 5% nl : tos ity 1 Barrie a. X ts 5 3 asssscsssnssane nas The late Cane ved te Majority for Ba , 9\ shots, s iby four so Pp I a og orl 1 $ | tendant of ¥. 0 i f : Boat $00 al Curling Results. X < h y {the Civil Service; Ottawa; Rev. Geo o . Fal Nm ' EC. Gilder- ih . 2 | H. P. ut, rector of Catskill, New het fe BPs aman ang Re EA B . A 1 York; Trevor H. Grout, Arnprior; Jleeve 1h hx 38 yin . Tr M Janre . Grout, manager of imningham 3 Ww «.H le and M. C at Oakvill (Reid 12; G. Lemmon and L. x « ' Bank o irontag at Oakville Mis b » Gerout, of Grimsby, is a ter > ased was a member of the Ma : ) » Order and chaplain of the Anp-| t 3 St. John's Lodge, on C. Steeth For Special Work, } » late Canon G } 4 AI : : ) of sterling qualiti ers ed L Sieeth - Designing or 1 by all the chure! : dioce | W. J. A. Hooper | ! odeli He also had a wide circle of fiends) i 12 ABKIp) 5 \ : f Rem eling ; outside the diocese, and an- | ey K 1 ' I | ecepsakes altered to modern nouncement of his death was receiv- Al IN - THE 'TRADE ? | : bl ful ticl : i» ed by all with sincére regret. | A | | Wearahle, uselu] articles, 1) i sart. a ar ready t ( { " Kind of heart, and: ever ready tol = Tan 35 | Ring and 'Brooch Mounting |p Eive a helping haud to every good A Vv. b ¢ hin) 16 1 ' | Small, old model watches / cause, Canou Grout e :ared hims i . SKIp ' ' { ist watche: to ie on w tends th Bd HH elf The Late Humphrey Goodearle, -- | §| made into useful wrist watches. : of his acquaintance. Although well] The death occurred on Monday| D. A. Givens to Elliott 3 i wp in years, he enjoyed good health ight of Humphrey James Good: WwW, McCartney W. G. Anderson « » generally, and could be found at his| €arle, aged sixty years He was| J Gibson W. B. MacKay | 4 work in the synod office every day jor here, jhe on y the Bate, Hum J Williams J. A. McRae He was always prasent at meetings | Pir ioodearfe e lve 90 (Skip) 17 (Skip) 8 pi | of the Synod and the executive, and | William street, and had been ill for Gan . Jewelers and Opticians. > in his death the diocese suffers allwo months, He is survived by three . Sto Mary's Defeats Gananoque. | 4| Issuers of Martage Licenses. |? great loss. | children, May and Harold, Kingston, . at feated | | > | tary 2 5 : St. Mary's hockey team defeatec { » ---- and Lieut. Roy. overseas. He leave nanoaue by 3 to ¢ in a ne play | i» | "WAR AS IT REALL LY IS» | two sisters, Agnes agl Jessie, Kings | Gani The aya jp on IY | n { ton, and J. Alired, Toronto, and Rob-|* a on Tuesday evening ry . y s : ert, Minneapolis Deceased was a : TT mm 3 Shows Verdun Campaign and Mid- Bons RApo ana og Ig INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Air Battle. [St. James' church, He was a quiet . es OF Gam » Esso All the efforts of the Germans to |unoffensive man devoted to home| «cal Notes and Iteias Of Genera I batter Verdun to pieces have result-land trustworthy in all things. Interest. Si i ed in nothing more than the de- | ------ Frank McCue, Rochester, N.Y., was . J struction of the town, its great forts | The Late W. Glancey. n the city on Wednes i re i » ae MN g * 1 Pati > 'heer 3? We he I H 8 It remaining intact. Capt. Donald A | William J. Glancey, only son of Cheer up, the weath in Say \ Thompson in his seven reeler, "W ar the late Mr. and Mrs. Alexander | Wil be still milder and cc ts on the ae sim |S ad { Glancey otic]. away _ajter two E 1 IE it i 4 4 1 am 1€1 weeks' illness in the Hotel Dieu at war vereit 1s in. ihe 3 : 1 1 great Allied offensive. Over .500! oon on Tae sday ; he ee was | ranging" for Al. H. Wilsor Low, Medium or High Bust, Trimmed with th startling scenes of modern warfaré | porn in the < ceased Yas Grand on Feb. 22nd in ¥ n the city, and had resided ' 08e 3 as od » . | are included in this series, which will} { here, with the exception of six years Rose." < Lace. 4 h € supports, 5 cl Ps, 4 m els Highest cash prices | al , } fy a Ke n ¢ [ied : 3 "J AES . - - i he shown at the Strand on Thursday nt in Pittsburg, Pa. Four sisters| Miss Agnes Stanton, Barriefield in any size, 19t0 30. Toseeis to buy. id for all kinds of | Friday and Saturday. A spectacular | survive. The funeral is being con-|Who has spent the month with her 8 ha pa i mid-air Lattle between a British and | qucted from the home of his sister, | sister, Mrs. 8. Saunders, city, has re raw furs. fh German aviator, the world's biggest| Mrs. Francis A. Forsythe, 67 Lower|turned home. - ii guns in action, a bayonet charge in) Bagot street, to St. Mary's cathedral The coun'y patriotic fund com Hi which hundreds of Gearing ans surrend- | and to St. Mary's cemetery. mittee paid out $1,162 for relief dur 8 i er, as well as the truth about actual] --- eet ing February. The county is paying Ea . , | conditions at the front line, are to be! POLICE WERE CALLED, into the fund $2,000 a month - Ii viewed in these remarkable films, | ---- The mild weather is certainly ap it taken by order of General Joffre. | When Women Had Lively Row Over |preciaded by the citizens, especially our 8 1 Cos ae Frozen Water Pipes. hare Whe hive been trying io keep ¢ a bet afin i : SC ons, : 3 the home fires burning in spite ol e : 0 coat {---A frozen water pipe led to a lively |. i ; \ i 80 The following county subscript 8 | . 7 | scarcity of coal. roc ee iti are reported : aid of the "British | Tow between two women residing on The weather is moderating and B ke Str 1 i Red Cross Society and the Order of | Elm Straet on Tuesday afternoon, with it the coal situation will be re- Phone 700. i St. John: Stormes school, $1: Union | and the police were called t . settle| jjoyed, People should be calm for ' if school near Bailey Davs, $1.50: Mar-10e fracas, althongh 3 {anol thought there is enough coal in the city for crete tin's school, $4.10; Ladies' Aid of} that a police eourt will follow. One present needs, providing moderation ' sa ae Hartington, $10; Hartington school, | 91 ihe apni js vaid io have suffered | is exercised in deniands and in firing $34; Petworth schoo], $22; Verona | ® Plack eye as a result of the row| The coal dealers, cannot fill orders WwW school, $24.50; Slack school, $11; }and it is alleged that a poker figured for next summer; they can help the THE AL AYS BUSY STORE. Murvale school, $20; Township of|4uite prominently in the affair. J citizens to work through the winter) ; Portland, $100. All the rest of the| It appears it was necessary for one! Tyere is no need to worry ovet the odie . : schools when called on had taken up | Woman to go into her neighbor's! year to come, iy : S-- collections and sent-away the money | house to see aboii a Water pipe con- sma I= raised, | nection when it became frozen, and |gphe Quinine That Does Not Affect pees BUILDERS SUPPLIES @wey | -- . i it was then that the row started. A The Head LOSING OF MAILS : v vas se J ati ; . CLOSING OF ' Coming, The Miracle of Love. i sll Was. st ms to Hie police Station Because of. its tonic and laxative : J | onstables . Ernes vlark andj effect, Laxative Bromo Quinine ¢an British mal ar { Earl Jenkin acted as the peacemak-)pe taken by anyone without causing Informatie SAWDUST SPECTACLE FRAMES Correctly Fitted to The Face Are As Essential As Pro- perly Fitted Lenses Are to the Eyes, lense should be mounted the centre should be y opposite the pupfl of In any other posi- will capse strain and have a tenden to produce i double sight. The brhige or wose plece should fit so well that wobhMng will be impos. sible and it should bear equ. ally at all points, The right way easy &s the wrong We fit the frames as well fs the lenses. JS Asseltne DOS thon dt fs just--as THE B OPTICAL 2 -Golden Lion Gs FancyClover 13¢ Ib, 1 the soldiers Yisiting her daughter, Mrs. Kelly, 181 Johason street. on Tuesday night, {Miracle of Lov ers, a Postmen "Love-Laden." Kingston postmen: were '""love-lad- en" on their rounds on Wednesday, and the reason for this was that it was St. Valentine's Day. The letter carriers had a reminder of. the Christ- mas rush, for the practice of sending Vailentines has been carried on very extensively. A large batch of Valen- tines left the city on Tuesday night for outside points. ------------------ Great Clearing Sale. Prevost, Brock street, 'has made a great reduction in price of ready- made clothing ahd gém's. furnish- ings; also the order work depart- ment, to make room for spring and summer goods, There is a good as- sortment to choose from at extreme- ly low prices. Nurses' Alumnae Sending Socks. The Nurses' Alumnae Association of the Kingston General Hospital to- day made a further contribution to overseas. Its officers heard from Lieut.-Col. C. E, Long, who is here on a visit, that his Am munition Column in France is suffer- ing from lack of socks so they made a, purchase, and the bundle will be forwarded at once. spe e-- "Charged With Assault. George Athan», a local Greek, was arrested on Wednesday afternocn by Constable Earl Jenkin. He is charg- ed with assaulting another Greek, George Demeson, The case will be heard in Police Court on Thursday, . For Sale Now, McCall's spring patterns. MeCall's March magazine, 5c. McCab's spring quarterly, 20c.: *. At Carrigan's, nervousness or ringing in the head. There is only one "Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S signature -on box. 25¢. "Kingston's Famous Fur Store". China Lynx Setts from $8.50 to $28.50 At the Big Annual Clearing Sale. § gre or of the season's most pop= furs is China Lynx (fine Siberian Dog). It has a splen- did appearance, resembling black fox, wears exceptionally well and is very moderate in | price. Elegant setts consisting of stole and muff, of newest designs, at 88.50, $10, $14.30 $19.50, $24.50 and $28.50. All sales for cash. Mrs. James Caldwell, Port Hope, is Kingston had another snow flurry] ng in years. The George, Mills & Co. Makers of Fine Furs. The biggest thi e ing-the cutter-to-slue on the floe from tin Unijed Ste : p.m. Grand Tr po Grand Ti west, State p.m MILFORD LADY INJURED | When Her Cutter, Slued on the lee and Upset, Milford, Feb. 13.--On Saturday | last when Mrs. Marian A. Starr was coming home from Picton she had | the misfortune to break a trace, caus- ice The cutter, being a covered one, the wind caught the top, causing it to upset. Mrs. Starr was thrown against | the iron frame injuriig her shoulder and fracturing her collar bone. The horse made not attempt jo run away, so her two small children escaped unhurt. | Amherst Island Red Cross Meetings. n Hall, Stella. . Tugwell, Stella. I S. Neilson, Edwin McDonald, fh 4 aa . Reg. Instant, Stelld. Percy Howard, Emer- 7--Mrs. J. C. Dixon, Stelia. 10--Tewn Hall, Stella. 13--Mrs. Fred. Howard, Emer- ald. " " Mrs. R. D. Mcbonald, president. Mrs. 8S. K. Tugwell, seeretary, Tablet to Memory, of Col. Duff. A tablet erected by his family and | dedicated to the memory of the late | Lieut. "Col. H. R. Duff has been plac- (id in St. Andrew's church. Tue cere- i mony of dedication was very infor- {mal, with Rev. J. W. Stephen, | pastor, officiating. The late Col (Duff was an elder of St. Andrew's {ehureh, and died at Cairo, Egypt, on February Sth, 1915, while with No, (8 Stationary Hospital (Queen's), he Stella® able here on eart COL Sure cure for Coughs Colds La Grippe. 25¢ Box. Dr. Chown's Drug Store. 185 Princess St. Phone 343 Everything for the sick and sick-room, For Ice Filling; for cleaning floors, and various \ other -pur- poses. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woadworking Factory, Lumber, Yards. Bay and Wellfhgton Streets, Kingston, Ont. Phones: Office 66; Factory 1413 hoe Lumber, Conl and Wood *eed Cr A APP CLEANLINESS The woman who scrubbed the coal bin before the coal was put in car- ried cleanliness a little too far. Rural Progress. "Didn't you feel resentful when that man beat you in a horse trade?" "No," replied Farmer Corntossel. "Hosses ain't my speciality no more, I'll bet he couldn't of got the best 0' me in an automobile trade." Washington Star. Our coal i= as clean as coal can possibly be---fresgfrom dust, slate or other foreign matter. messes ffm For Fifteen Days Only, _ We will take subscriptions up to If you haven't laid fn yout winter supply yet, come in and see us---tg- the 1st of March for MeCall's mage- day. . . zine, mailed to your home at the old price, 75¢ year, after that date the BOOTH & CG. Price will be $1.00 year, 'Phone 133 Foot of West St. Corrigan' 8. - Mrs. Ferguson, esed_sixireieht Purina Scratch Feed and years, died on Wednesday nrorning at the General Hospital. The remains; Purina Chowder Makes Hens Lay. were taken to Sydenham for burial For Sale By Don't think that by being miser- you will be any, happier in heaven --if you happen to} got there, i The average man is able to look in| a milliner's show window _ without seeing something 'he would be willfng to go without. Luke Thibodeau died at Moncton +» D. Couper 241-3 Princess Street. 'NAB. in his 104th year i ita man finds marriage a fallors | be can put it%il in his wife's name.