Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Feb 1917, p. 1

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LAST EDITION ---- 3 s Will Be Severed | YEAR 84 -NO, GSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3. 1917. "LOOK TO WaS To Determine Issue Which May Own Life or Death--Nothing " a TURKISH NATIONALISTS GETTING IN TOUCH} . : -- : With the Entente Powers in Nay ISSUED i ¥ : 5 a i ' x Bh Tel y WN | Paris, Feb. 2.--Djavid Hey, for- r-------- . > re r ¢ . 5 | mer Turkish Minister of Finance, has V v i : 4 ; arrived at Geneva, according to the The Government Will Proveat Women nd Re - ; : 2 TRY 9 ish Ministry commissioned to get in : Children Going 0 England. Mean Their : touch witli the Entente Powers. ---- Lig sign the tirade proclaiming the open-| ing of hostilities. Xe : Order to Pull Out From ~ | | Matin, as a delegate ffom the Turk- Djavid Bey . was selected, the Matin says, because he 'was the only AN INFLUX OF CANADIANS Has Yet Ottoman Minister who refused to Gone Forward From Unite States to Germany. (Special to ¥ with 'more than pignant interest th neutrals, notably Holland, look to Washington to determine the issue which may mean their own life or death. London, Feb: 2.---~In the presence of what may be the supreme crisis ' in the war word is awaited to-day from America by the neutrals of Europe the Whig.) an by the belligerents. The smaller Messages to-day from Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague indicate | the fear that the Netherlands is doomed to be crushed between German | and and undersea forces. Actual bl ockade, correspondents declare, means | starvation. The present supplies of foodstuffs in Holland may- last al month or two months, according to varying estimates. of troops on the'German-Duteh fronti + The London Times correspondent in Holland declared to-day: "While the Dutch, predominately cautious, their rights their eyes are turned anxiously toward the United States, the greatest neutral, to see whether she tater . Stand by the President. " {Special to New York, Feb. Hughes' words were echoed, with va United States. x "The time," said Hughes, "has of. It is a solemn hour, We are a President Wilson, on whom this great responsibility rests. of no pation can fix the limit of American rights. This is not the time to embarrass in any degree by private utterances those who have our sincere loyal co-operation." Wilson Has Not Yet Spoken. Washinglon Esh, 3. The deta "irwand 0 Gorany ver was made tive to the present German-American UPON GOVERNMENT _And the Purchase of .Camp Borden May Be Looked . (@pecial to ne ig) Ottawa, Feb. 2.--~The select stand- ing committees gf the House of Com- mons gathered this morning and re- elected their chairman for the ses- sion, No work has yet been mapped out for the Public Accounts Commit- tee, whose duty it is to éxamine into expenditures, After gdjournment, when the prime minister returns from England, further pressure will undoubtedly be brought upon the {Special to the Whig.) * Toronto, Feb, 2.--Word was 4 # received to-day that Lieut. ¥ "Bob" Dibble, the undefeated + 2.~8tand by the President, was the" keynote of Charles ©. Hughes' comment on the > oe 1 government along these dines. 1t is The concentration | er is the cause of constant speculation. feel a disposition to stand or fall by will abandon her little sisters to their! the Whig.) i {international crisis to-day. Mr. riations, by othér leading men of the come to show what America 'is made Il Americans, standing loyally behind The exigency the Whig.) to-day by the State Department rela- crisis. . likely that investigation may be ask- ed in connection with Camp Borden purchase, . -------- 'United States Cabinet Meets, (Spee to the Whig.) Weslo! Feb. 3 The Cabinet meets this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. President Wilson has been in con- ference all this morning with Secret- ary Lansing, Colonel House, and Senator Stone, Chairman of the Foreign relations' committee, The meeting is expected to last some hurried action. Won't Publish Warships' Location. Washington, Feb. 2.--The Navy Department this afternoon shut down the 1id on the matter of the lo- cation of warships heretofore pub- lished dally. There is much activity in all the navy yards, -------------- The Ottawa Evening Journal and Ottawa Evening Citizen announce that on and after February 5th the ese papers will be two instead of one cent, as retofore. Probably 100,000 men) will be add- ed to the French army gs a result of the re-examipation of 50,000 men exempted for various reasons. hh Frey 2 ppd of our aerial tliat. "nothing. hassgoned hours. #1t is believed there will be no}. Some ofthe charming "maids of Englang" in their dressin grand New Year concert for the enterta ces! ter, England. THE WORLD'S NEWS "iN BRIEF FORM. Tidings From AH Over Told In a Pithy and Pointed Way. . Mayor Mitchell, of New York, has declared in favor of "daylight Swv- ng." The Washerwomen's Union, of Yonkers, N.¥., demand $2 per days in future, instead of '$1.60. Galt Y, M. C. A..fs now free from gession for the relief of shareholders of the dead Farmers Bank. The County Council of Oxford de; cided unanimously to grant to the Patriotic Fund $6,000 a month. Hon. A. E. Kemp, Minister of Militia, states that a French-Cana- dian regiment has not been author- ized in Quebec. There is still a possibility, it is said, that Hadfields, Limited, may be able to arrange with the British Gov- ernment to fill their contract 'for shells with the United States Gov- ernment. ee man = 'STEAMERS SUNK. "All Well" as Steamer Neared the Barred Zone. : {Poecial To The Whig) New York, Feb. 2~--The American lined Philadelphia, bound for Liver- pool, with many Americans aboard, is nearing the barred zone of waters' about England to-Gay. Capt. Candy reported 'all well." > Three Men Lost, London, Feb. 2,--Three men were lost witen the British steamer Ravin- bourne was sunk to-day. The Nor- weglan steamer Heukla was also sunk. Later--The following additional sinkings were announced: British steamer Ewonjte, Spanish steamer Algorta, Belgian steam trawler Mar celle, The last named vessel was sunk by guwfire from a submarine. Recalled the Craft. : Rotterdam, Feb. 2.---The Holland- American lamer New Amsterdam. which safled = from 'Rotterdam on Thursday for New York, was -recall= ed to port by the Govérnment. bp et Wilson has always , break must be avoided up to the The present: situation aps the last ditch. But of- certain Wilson would his Suséex mote "break with Ger was to sever rela- Germany violated her tice '| erence to A nment of Canadian an | . : : el {for brilliant work in' raiding enemy! soldiers and others. Another Turkish politician, Noury Bey, is at St. Moritz and is said to have declared openly that the parti- gans of Talaat Bey, one of the Trium- WOULD AGGRAVATE FOOD SITU. ATION IN ENGUAND. In Recent Months Thousands of Wo- virate in ¢harge of Constantinople, are natibnalists before anything else and do not intend to pull the chest- nuts out of the fire for Germany. -- War Tidings. men and Children Have Gone Over | ~-No New Regulations as to Pass. ports to Men. Feb, v Ottawa, 2.--~The Canadian | Government is going to shut down on _ Rio Janeiro hears another TUIOT| ine jsgue of passports to women and that a German raider has been sunk. The Norwegian steamer Portia, 1,- 187 toms, is officially announced sunk. General Carson has been placed in charge of the mobilization of the Canadian troops when peace Comes. Four (Canadian battalions are mentioned in theadquarters' report | trenches. room before they gave a other wounded soldiers In . BRITAIN WAITS WILSON ACTION it fs Ho Desi to Dials or 10 vn debt, having raised $85,346 in the ; fevent campaign for funds. FEARS "WILSON MAY LEAN ton, held fu tire Town Hall, the board Tirerewirbe no-tegieteton a FERNY HE LEATHor memmpetmougswore greatly delish! DECIDEDLY IN THE DIRECTION OF GERMANY [os the effect that the executors of the In Order to Obtain Peaco--Germany Ignores International Law in Re- gard to the Submarine Blockade. London, Feb. 2,-- What will Wil son do?" is the question re-echoing throughout" Britain. 3 Everywhere Americans were be- sought for their best guesses on what action the American chief executive would take in response to what was considered here as Germany's final act of ruthlessness at sea. Recently Britishers have been learning that American public opi- nion is not accurately interpreted by | the attitude . and editorials of the | New York press---copious 'extracts from Which -are 'reprinted. here on every occasion. There is, therefore, in view of this mew British attitude, the . keenest interest in American press opinions from the middle west. If these are found to be similar in tone to the 'New 'York umewspapers, Britons feel: sure President Wilson will be induced to take drastic ac- tion, Otherwise they think he hay temporize. No Desire to Dictate. The British press---although never fore virulent ih {ts denunciation against Germany than to-day--is ex- ercising. the greatest restraint in ref- ea's possible course. The general attitude seemed to-day to be "It's America's affair---we must 4 not. assume to dictate or even sug- gest what America should dv." The Evening. - News, . one of the swspapurs owned, by Lo North eliffe; editorially suggests its belief that President Wilson will not only continue his efforts to obtal ce, ; "german note" ins pom SOL Gives No Right of Search, It is pointed out here that déclar- | ation of blockade r fined formalities this THE SOCETY GETS $10.00 CHILDREN'S AID BOARD OF NAP-| ANEE TO BE HELPED. A Shelter May be Opened--A Young Man Arrested for a Serious Crime Offender Against Ontario Tem- perance Act, ! (Special to the Whig.) Napanee, Feb, 1.----At the regular monthly meeting of the Children's Ald Society of Lennox and Adding- ed and encouraged by an announce- ment uad by T. B. German, solicitor for the Reuben Schemerhorn estate, estates were going to deposit or in- {yest $10,000, the interest of which would be paid to the society to help carry on the work in which they are engaged. A good deal of discussion arose with reference to a shelter, but it was finally decided to lay the matter over until later. | James Boyd, a well-known local character, was taken to the House of {Industry by Chief Barrett yesterday. The ladies of Grace Church gave a very interesting programme entitled, "The New Minister's Wife, In the {school room, the proceeds in aid of the funds of the Ladies' Aid. e Arthur Pennell, aged nineteen, was arrested by Chief Barrett on a 'charge of forging and uttering 2a {bank cheque for $160. He appeared {before Magistrate Rankin and was remanded for eight days. Judgment was given to-day in the police court in the case of L. Brooks, charged with receiviof an order for intoxicating liquwer, con- trary to the Ontario Temperance Act. He was found guilty and fined $50 and costs.. On a charge of assault preferred by W. Alcombrack, F, Mac- Cabe was found guilty and allowed to go on suspended sentence on payment | iof the costs of the court. A citizen who having some ditfer- ence with his wife proceeded to in- atil his views by way of his fists and blackened her eyes and considerably {bruised her face and head, and fin- {aly wound up dby pulling her fing the house by her hair. He will ha a chance to explain his conduct be- fore the magistrate in a few Jays. The funeral of thedaje Mrs. Jane haw took place this afternoon. A service was held at her late resid- ence' on Mill street, Interment at Riverview Cemetery. Deceased was ninety-three years of age. ---------- Accepts Call to Winnipeg. Ottawa, Feb, 2.--Captain the Rev. of led a call to Young Methodist church Winnipeg, Ihe largest congregation of the den tion in the Manitoba city. Mr, Thompson is a Queen's graduate. GAS EXPLOSION KILLED, MANY PEOPLE An Eighteen-flat Tenement in Ghetto District, Chicago, Was Wrecked. (Spécial to the Whig.) ' Chicago, Feb. 2 Five persons are known dead, and th lice estimate that at least thirty others Jost their lives in the gas explosion that the congested Ghetto district of the wrecked e.ghteen flat tenements in west side early to-day. Two thou- sand persons, half naked and bare- footed, were driven from their homes into the stréets with the temperature away below zero when the buildings for several squares were rocked by the concussion. THE STEAMER DUNDTE SUNK BY GERMANS A Well-known Lake Carrier Has Been Reported . Lost. A former well-known lake carrier which plied between Kingston and Fort William for many years has been sunk by the Germans, The vessel to meet disaster is the steamer Dundee, tioned in a report which states that nine ships were sunk on Thursday, including six fishing boats. Several sailors were lost, the Germans sink- ing the vessels without warning. The Dundee was taken overseas two years ago. She wag a steel ves, sel of 2,200 tons, 'and was bullt In 1907. WOUNDED AND MISSING NOW REPORTED DEAD "pte. @. Preston, of Nelson Street, Has Paid the Su~ preme Sacrifice. After betag reported wotinded and missing since October 3rd, official news has been received by Pte. and Mrs. Preston, 16 Nelson street, of the death of their son, Pte. G. Preston; aged nineteen years, : Deceased went overseas with the 59th Battalion and was transferred toithe 18th Battalion in France. He has a brother seventeen years old, who fs also fighting with the 18th Battalion. He went overseas with the 59th Battalion too, » a---------------- N. B. PREMIER RESIGNS. Hon. James A. Murray Asked to Form Government, Fredericton, N. B., Feb. 2.-The Hon. George J. Clarke, has resigned as Premier of New Brunswick, on ae- count of ill health. Hon. James A. Murray, Minister of Agriculture, has been asked to form a new Cabinet. The Hon. Mr. Clarke it is under- stodd, will succeed the Hon. Josiah Wood as Governor of New Bruns- wick, the latter's term expiring in March. a - Man Must Obey Wife. Cincinnati, Feb. 2.----For one year Alfred Ainsworth rust Obey his wife's commands of serve a suspend- three months in the ition he must at Her name is men-| | children going from Canada to Great Britain. This policy does not follow as a result of the latest German cam- paign, but rather has been under con- | sideration for some time. From time to time memoraiitla has i been issued discouraging the emigra- tion to Great Britain of relatives of Difficulties of | securing transports home after the | war have been mentioned, while | emphasis has been placed on the fact that the Mother Country already has enough to feed. In recent months thousands have gone over, and the applications for passports continue undiminished. Any food blockade would simply be aggravated by a comn- tinued influx of Canadians. : _ Regulations, therefore, are about to be issued whereby passports will be refused .women and children un- less exceedingly good reasons are given. As regafds passports to men, there are no new regulations, ' THE GERMAN RAIDERS BEATEN IN A FIGHT A British Cruiser Engaged a Foe Auxiliary Oruiser and Submarine. rt Voge Buenos Aires, Feb. 2.--~The British cruiser Amethest has arrived at Pernambuco, damaged. after a fight with a German submarine and an auxiliary cruiser, according to de- spatches from that. Brasilian city yesterday. The encounter, it was said, oceur- red on January 20th north of Pern- ambuco. According to thie reports received the Amethist sald the Germans with drew from the fight and escaped. ---------------------- CREEL PEPER ORE P IRIE WILL TELL TO-DAY. (Special to the Whig.) Washington, Feb, 2,--Pre- # sident Wilson will make known & # the attitude of the United States # # in the present ofsis this after- ® # noon, (Bernstorfl outwardly ex- # # pects the severance of diploma- + + tic relations. + * * Shhh SH4040 S000 ------ Aor PR -------- Dy MEMORANDUM Band at Palace Wink tonight Hockey, Queen's vs. Aura Lee, 8.15 pan. . Bea top of page I, right hand corner for probabilities. ¥.WL.C.A, collection of waste paper is umsvoldably postponed until Satur- day, #eb. 10th. Wateh for it then. - BORN, REVELL--AL Bath, to Mr, and Mrs, Ellen Hall * + > *» + al Jan. 28th, 1917, arex Revell, (nee + #titiborn, MARRIED CODK-RIPLEY ln Kidgsion ls fet. R on Hursday, Fe 1917, by Rev. J D. EN Margaret B. Ripley, of Portland, Ont., to Herbert H. Cook, of this city. ie SHARS-MASSTB-4t the home of the bride, St. Lawrence Avenue, on Thursdsy evening, ¥Feb. ist, by Rev. Ueorke Ww. Holen Massey, 48 r i John Massey, and wel Garrett Scars, of the Perth 3 MeFARLANE-dn Kingston, on Febru« ary ist, 1917, John Geddes Me« Fariane, 8 Funerah from iis enon Street, oft at 10.30 o'clock ta tery, Service at 10 0 usintanees Falends and a Are | fully vied to attend.

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