DEFEATED QUEEN'S OHA. iIN- TERMEDIATES BY 7 TO 3, Artillery Team Champions of This [Hii District Group--Result of the Fad- ||} jes' Curling Points' Competition Wednesday Afternoon. The Depot Batteries MENT CAMP FOR SIX DAYS, -- Pte. Prank WH. Pillar and Three Chums Nabbed Just as They Keached Frontier--They Expected to be Home For Christmas, How four young soldiers, members TALION WRITES MAJOR STROUD. Says He Has Close Shave From Being a "Land Owner" in France--No Sndw-There, Was Greeted by Large Audiences on Wednesday Afternoon and Even ing--The Offering is New and Was Much Enjoyed. : The production of the English pan- Winter Footwear Major W. Alan stroud. command- . ing "C" Squadron' Cabadign Mount defeated 1 of the third Canadian Infantry Bat- talion, who went overseas from To- ronte, almost made their escaps from ny, Is the interesting story which has just been received in, the city. 5 One of the chaps, Pie. Frank Har- old Pillar, isa nephew of Mrs. T. A. Davidson, Pembroke street, and Wil- liam Pillar, also of this city. ful Lamp," ences, being a ent inment, House on Wednesday aftern night to jarge audiences me the. hearty enthusiasm wag greeted. The prod what of » novelty to ation of musical tomine, "Aladdin and His Wonder- at the Grand Opera and well th which it fon is some- ian audi- well eh combin- comedy, and variety It wade a decided od Rifles, Hamilton, has just receiv- ed a letter from Tpr, Frederick H. Peck, 'a local man who went over: seas with a draft from the regiment. The letter reads' in part as follows: "Just a few lings to let you know that I am not a 'landowner' in France yet, but have been close to it a few times and. managed to pull through all right, I was out in No Man's Land oi listening post one 3. The victory was an easy one, as she soldiers seem to be improving with every game. InMNvidually and us a team, they complelely ontclass- ad the Queen's line-up. right wing proved a success for the suidlers. the intermediate O.H.A. for the dis- Queen's in an intermediate OH.A. 1 match on Wednesday 'nigh by 7 toil Ingram ati} The battalion are championf in tl "Our stgck is wéll assorted with all kinds of good footwear for win- ter weather. Warm lined footwear for men and women. Felt Boots, Also warm Overshoes, Moccasins, Sheepskin Boots, wool lined. footwear for children. hit ip Kingston and the management AT F AIR P RICES. § | is trying to make arrangements for a : : . th return engagement. i pas : i The story is somewhat varied from H . _-- : 3 the version of the well-known tale of } : | Aladdin, bringing in a theme accept- H r - / : 5; able at the present time. Beautiful | 2 9 \ | girls with excellent voices form a Dennison [Hl . | gorgeously gowned chorus, tuneful Hi y | melodies that cling to the memory, | : > original 'okes from clever come- : dians, and variety acts that are care- > . fully manipulated add to the enter- ' ¥: i : tainment, * : PF. Stuart Whyte has selected a number of clever comedians such as Billy Oswald, J. V. Barrett-Leonard, wright and Walther, and Harry Hoy- land," and singers such as Mare, Stone, Miss Beatrice Carmen, and Miss Zara Clinton for his production and each of the principal parts taken by these is especially well-done. Al tbgether the production is most cre- ditable and affords a splendid even- ing"s entertainment, = FUNEBAL OF GREER MERCHANT Service Was Conducted by Rev. Cecil Whalley in St. George's. The funeral of the late' Apostolos Piagialnos, the well-known Greek, who had a fruit store at 348 Princess street called "Fruitland," was held on Thursday morning. The deceas- and by the looks of things we very ed died on Tuesday in the Hotel Dieu | nearly all think Fritz is ofi the last after an illness of a few days. The] lap. nearest approach to the Greek Cath- "Have given up our residences in olie religion was felt by his friends thé dugouts for h while and am with to be the Church of England, and | a French family. faving a fine Rev. A. C. F. Whalley conducted the | time trying to undemstand and be services. The funeral was held from understand. Corbett's undertaking parlors to St. "Had a letter from Lieut, Osmond George's Cathedral, after which the while I was in action, and was glad remains were taken to Cataraqul and indeed to hear from him, Another placed in the vault. This is the first| letter told me he was in France with death of a Oreek in Kingston. the C.C.C. We have had no Snow . bce pier here yet, although the' weather is REAL FEBRUARY WEATHER, The boys, who range about elgh- ] 8 : trict, and should show up well in their next game. The line-up was: Batteries. Queen's, Lagoe night and got tangled up in our barb- ed wire and Fritz's snipers took a few pot shots at me. They were either blind or cross-éyed because they were all missess. Believe me it is some ticklish sepsation to hear bullets whizz. past your ear In the dark. : : "We had quite an exciting fime of it in action this trip. Alex Gardner and Gordon Lesie were both wound- ed by shrapnel and are in 'Blighty' (England), and their wounds are not serious. They are two of the Ottawa firemen who came across with the same draftas'l did, My brother-in- law was wounded: a week' ago /Sun- day. He was out in front with a} wiring party and was hit by a chance gun bullet. He Is in England. His name-is 'Bill' Townsend. Five more of good old Kingston's boys are with the Sth Battalion. They are George Forsythe, Gallagher, Crumley, Bor- deaux. Tiey arrived our last day in actign; so have not been' initiated yet. 'We are sure glad to see some more Kingston faces. The officers gave us a rare old spread at Christ- mas, but we would just as soon have had it in dear old Canada along with the old folks at home. 'At any rate we expect to be home by next Christ- mas, as the war ean't go on forever Goal. " Detence. Tubman Spence .... . Henderson {ji Burneth McCuaig Taft . Hanley Ingram ..% coe te er os Smith G. VanHorne, réferee. Hockey Attendance. The publie attendance at hockey games this year has been up to the average In spite of war conditions. The lcca! teams have no! as a rule been playing spectacular hockey, and enthusiasm is not at anything like a high pitch. The best attended game, judging by appearances, was ihat be- tween Queen's and Riyersides. Home-Made --- Candy Fresh Made Every Sakell's Grand Opera House Telephone 640 Take Advantage Of Campbell's Day. Annual Fur Sale Men's Choice Quality Fur- lined 'coats, otter collars, Cana- dian rat linings, $75, reduced to $350, Ladies' Points Competition, The lady curlers' poinis competi tion held Wednesday afternoon :e- sulted: Mrs. R. Segswoi'h, Toronto, 26: Mrs. A. Suckling, Toronio, Gran- ites, 23; Mrs. "W. R. Givens, Kings- ton, 20; Miss E. Mohr, Toronto, 18; Mrs. Jellett, Toronto, 8: Mrs. J. Shaw, Toronto Granites, 15; Mrs. Thompson, Toronto Granites 15, Miss Petts, Kingston' 1; 'Mr. Nettlefield, Toronto Granites, 13; Mrs. Bickford, Toronts, 13: Miss Boyd, Toronto, 8; Mrs. Cartwright Kingsion, 5. The trophy for this event was pre- sented Hy Mrs. Segsworth, who nead- ed the list. She handed the prize over to the next highest seorev. -- _Other Curling Results, The results of the Curling games on Wednesday were: et ---------- SOME VALUABLE VIOLINS Whig Trophy Competition (tled un- til last end): J. McDonald L. C. Langdon W. Frizzell BE. O. Sliter H. Angrove * Next PTE PRANK H. PILLAR, I ---------- ETNA Seay years of age, wens overseas with a nto battalion. They were former ! of the Queen's Own R four succeeded In ma their eséape from. the intern. ment camp, and were absent six days, when they were rounded up én the frontier, : "IL expected to be home for Christ- _ mas sure," said Pte. Pillar in a fet- ter to his es, "but four of us Ladies' Muskrat Coats, 42 inches long, fine satin linings, excoptional- value at $30; re- duced to $39. very chilly. All our Manufactured Furs proportionately reduced. \ ty I 0 h. Club February was ushered in with retty rought weather., During ednesday might the wind blew a regular hurricane and snow com- menced to fall, and during the most part of Thursday the weather gas | quite blustery. £ "This is real February weather," remarked an old citizen to the Whig. "If we get.another . month of good cold weather and then a general breakup it will certainly bé fine." This bas been a great winter for ARE TO BE FOUND IN THE HOMES OF KINGSTONIANS, 'and taken back to the as far asthe After numerous requests we have at last de- ; cided to put on our Big Annual Furniture Sale, be- Camphell Bros, | ginnirig Thursday morning, February Ist. A chance to furnish from a cottage to a man- -- i Singles: rs ' i Kingston's Oldest sion; for the pmesent, or future use, as we store your | purchases at our risk, at : G. Hanson Reference is Made to a Few of the Dr. Waugh {skip Dalton (skip) > 1 " Fine Specimens Which Have Been Examined--High Pricks Paid for These Instruments. It is not generally known or ap- preclated that in Kingston some very valuable violins are owned. To be in H.W, DY W. L Goodwin, 9. A 3 Newman, 13; the other two boys In the party. Fur Store. ---------------------- Seat Sale For Racey's Lecture, The sale of seats for "The War in The young soldiers were taken somers at the battle of ne. running 1 sleighing. The sleighs have been steadily since December and there has been real good ing at that. Ranpm------ s Remains For Ottawa, ~ possession of a genuine old instru- ment, the Master work of a celebra- ted maker of the 15th, 6th, or 17th century, is like owning a first-class farm or some valuable real estate. Many fathers and mothers will not Cartoon," a pictorial and historical discourse by A. G. Racey, the fam- ous Canadian Cartoonist, will open at the Grand Opera House on Monday, February 7th, and it is expected that EW FRENCH REMEDY. ON No. 1. cured | Th DISCHARGES. No. 2. cures 'THE BUSY STORE WITH THE LARGE STOCK AT. RAPI | RAPIO os | RAPION VITAL WEAKNESS { ' - » TpinaenpuTs TEE ELAR | Saini row aL one OF Cost | : : The Leading Und&Raker GOVT, . Curt Find Dandruff || 2 Every bit of dandruff Snappers) after one or two applications of Dan- | derine rubbed well into the scalp with the finger tips. Get a 26-cent bottle of Danderino at any drug store and save your hair. After a few applica- tions you can't find a particle of dan- druff or any falling hair, and the scalp will never itch. AAA Au LA IN THE AMOUNT OF LIQUOR BROUGHT INTO THE CITY. Soldier', _ The remains of the late Pte. D. who was at the front with 'Battalion and who passed _awaggn Tuesday at the Mowat Mem- tal, were. sent to Ottdwa on for burial. The de- ceased was m returned soldier and a funeral will likely be held for him at the Capital when the re- mains arti His wife resides at it will be greeted 'with the same enthusiasm which<has been accord- ed it in Montreal, Halifax, Boston and Toronto, and other Canadian cities, Mr, Racey has won international fame by his strikingly brilliant pic- torial commentaries on the events of the great war, and is a witty and ef- fective lecturer. He has a knack of treating a most serious subject hum- orously, without losing its serious- ness, 3 . hesitate to pay from $250 to $800 for a plano for Mary, but when it comes to buying a violin for Janey or Jackie, they think that a cheap (Made in Germany) fiddle will have to. do, and then they wonder why Janey and Jackie have become dis- gusted with their lot, and do not ap- pear to have the talent at first sus- pected, | ; However, in Kingston, there are some who think differently and ap- preciate art for arts' sake, and who, when buying, buy wisely. We might mention some historical instruments and their present owners. A very fine spécimen in possession of Miss Mignon Telgmann, a Nicolas Lupot of Paris, date 1802, once the property of Richard 'Stoelger, of the {Mozart Symphony Club; a beautiful toned Brescia, A Gaspard da Solo, made in the 16th Century is the pro- perty of Miss Norma Telgmann. An exceptionally fine 1669 Cremona a Francisco Ruggeri, once the property of the famous teachew, Hans Sitt, is in the home of Miss Goldie Bartels. A fine old Tyrolin violin, Miss Jean Douglas; a very fine old' Jacobus Stainer owned by Lieut. A. Light, 'Bandmaster R.C.H.A. Band; an genatl dated Cremona, 1690, and a ni (large ze), of the 16th » anny. now making the pricel Century, O, F. Telgmann; a very fine " kh, nreel, The market is DOW | old Carlo Bergonzl, of Cremona, reported casier, date 1716, was bought by an Eng- lish gentleman for $1,500.00 some years ago, is * now in the hands of Master Phelan - ~ Richardson, son of Mr.' Richardeom of 'the R. C.H.A.. The total value of the above named master works of violin art of She Cremona school is at least $35,- smn Blakemore Studio Commercial Photography, Enlarging and Copying, - Home Portraiture ® n's Largest Photo Studio. All work guaranteed. 180 Wellington Street. Over Royal Bank Chambers " ; ve. 151 Arlington Avenue, Ottawa, ; rn A Popular New' Bread, Particular housewives are'asking Home Made A. & A. bread. 162 , Bagot street. A------------ . Had to Go to Jail. James Smith, the young tar, who 'wag gat in for being drunk while on his way from, Montreal to Toronto, and who was fined $10 and costs or one month in jail, had to go to jail, as he was unable to pay the fine. He said that he was on his way to Toronto, where he inteded to st for overseas service. Price of Flour Drops. Flour took a drop of forty cents a barrel this week, wholesale, the largest ron since the wheat market first started on its steady rise. This is the first change in price since early - Rev. G. 8. Clendinnen conducted the funeral service over the remains of ihe late Mrs Lawrence Curran, who passed away on Tuesday at her Jaté home, 17 Corrigan street. The remains were taken by James Reid & Co. to Sydenham for*burial. "Jock" Aiken, who was pverseas with the R.C.H.A., took over his new duties as customs inspector for Wolfe Island on Thursday morning. - Mrs. J. C. Sherk, St. Thomas, has gone to Montreal to be with her daughter, Mrs, A. J. McBride; who is very ll. Miss Irving, Collegiate Institute staff, has contributed $5 towards the work being done by the Somme Club. Baled hay in large quantities is being taken to Cape Vimcent, N. Y. from Wolfe Island. There were only three sleighs én the market on Thursday morning. A ZS WOMEN'S AILMENTS Come From The Heart and Nerves Young girls budding into' woman- hood, who suffer with pains and Redan, and whose Tues - pale watery. Iburn's $54 Bloc: Nerve Pills build them up. Women, between the ages of 40 and 50, who are nervous, subject to hot flushes, feeling of pins and need- jes, smothering feeling, shortness of breath, palpitation of the heart, etc. are tided over this trying: time of their lite by the use of this remedy. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills havea erful effect on a woman's aches van- mm em NOTHING LIKE A GOOD : > HOT WATER BOTTLE For the sick room. All prices from 85¢ to AT SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Cor. Princess and Montreal Streets. Telephone 41, Dr. Halls Cough balsam ANDCOLDS 25caBottle, st Tipplers Are Not Getting » Lot of "Wet Goods" Shipped Into the City at the Present Time--Per- haps Money is Too Scarce For Such a Lixury. The Whig has it on good authority that within the past few weeks there has been a great falling off in the amount 'of 'Mquor which "is being shipped into the city. ' What the reason is Ar the falling off is mot kn , but it has happen- ed so at any raty. Perhaps money is so scarce thil the tipplers' cannot raise the price, but no matter for wiiat reason, there is not the amount of "wet goods" coming into the city ascompared with some weeks ago. This will be mest pleasing to the "drys." . At various times since Sept. 16th, 'when the bars were closed, the. rush of orders has been very heavy. It is stated that considerable liguor has been arriving in the eity for points around the coungryside, : N : "SUIT & OVERCOAT | SALE January clean-up sale nears ai close.. Come quick, and take advans | tage of the many bargains, i Our $20 suits are selling for $135, ! $15 suits for $11; Overcoats, were $20, now $15; Others were $13 and | $18, now $10. . Also Sweater coats, sox, milits, caps, gloves, boots and shoes, etc, at prices. - ISAAC ZACKS 271 Princess street. Flynn-Whelan Wedding. . "HEAD STUFFED FROM Inspirhtion and Cherniavskys. -- CATARRH OR A COLD Words cannot express the appre- -- ciation of the Cherniavskys work: "1 On Feb. 8th, Leo, Jan. and '| Cherpiavsky will make their second that words fail when they endeavor to paint 'the music of these artists. riginality and