News From NEWS FROM THE DISTRICT ~ John 8. Moit has purchased the Moles block in Arnprior, Stanley Bone, Port Hope, retd¥ning from a dance on Friday, had both feet badly frozen. He is in hospital. Migs Gertrude Ringslebd Ren- Bay. The accused was liberated on il. To be drowned in British Colum- bia, to be buried én. Victoria County, to be still alive in. Idaho, is the strange fale which is being told about the sireets of Lindsay concerning Harry Kelly, son of Mra. A. D. Mal jon, formerly of Lindsay, but now of Toronto. BIE ; -------------- Weleagio p to Capt, Hodge. mpbeliford, Jan, 31--Capt. H. 'E. Hodge, who went overseas with the first Canadian Expeditionary Force and who wag awarded the Military Cross, received a most en- "frew. has aecepicd a position as teacher of the Pine Grove school. J. A. Sanderson-has been appoint od commissioner of road work by the s and Grenville Council. The Pembroke Electric Light Co. have started work on the enlarge- ment of their plant at Black River. The -Prince Edward County Stock Judging team won fifth place In the contest at the Ottawa Winter Fair. Thomas Appleby, Pembroke, died on Tuesday trom cancer of the stom- ach, devotedly nursed by his daugh- ter. He was aged sixty years. Edythe Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Johnston, and Richard - Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart, Brockville, were married on Tuesday. The 106th anniversary of the First Presbyterian Church Sabbath school, Broekville (the oldest organized Seb- bath school in America) will be cele~ brated on Friday. On Jan. 18th there passed away in Natural Bridge, N.Y., Mrs. Urbane Earl, formerly of Watertown, N.Y, Mrs, Earl was the youngest daughter of the late Samuel Dulmage, of Au- gusta, Pte. John Maracle, who left Belles ville with a recent Belleville battal- fon, has been killed in action on Jan- wary 12th in France, He was forty- two years of age and has a young gon. Prior to enlisting he lived on the Tyendinaga Reserve, 'Dr. George Ackland, veterinary, Newboro, was committed for trial at Brockville on & charge of perjury, . Hill, Seeley's th ie reception upon his return to his home here. The band and a large number of citizens turned out. Capt. Hodge, who is a well-known officer of the 40th Northumberland Reg! t, first did splendid service with the historic 2nd Battalion in the first great battle of Ypres and sub- sequent engagements, He was later transferred to the command of the machine gun section of thé 12th Bri- gade in the 4th Division, " Renfrewite Wins Honors. Renfrew, Jan; 31---In the issue of the London Times of Dec, 7th, 19186; the name of Capt. G. B. Burwell, R.AMC., appears in the Hst of "Special Mentions." 'Captain Bup- well 1s a son of Mr, and Mrs, W. H. Burwell, town, and went to the Bal- kans in November, 1915. At present he is medical officer to a battalon. Takes Father's Place. Millbrook, Jan, 31.--William Mann, Oakwood, was recently dis. charged from the service and he re- turned from England, but his son, Frank Mann, has enlisted with the 262nd Victoria Battalion, thus tak- dng his father's place. Mr. Mann has three sons [n the services. Teacher Loses Suit, Campbellford, Jan. 31.---Judge Roger dismissed the case of T. C. Smith against the Campbellford Board of Education in which he sued for four months' salary on the ground that proper notice was not given him to resign. + PLAIN TALKS ON MINING BYMMARK 'HARRIS. THE EARNING POWER OF MONEY. There is no dis uting the fact that the European War is di- rectly responsible for a wave of prosperily in the United States "and Canada that has steadily grown in foree for over eighteen months, until it has embraced ifidustries. practically all of the important Thousands of-artisans, small shopkeepers, manufacturers and business. .men, who only a make both ends meet, are now earning such large foodstuffs, they find they have a in spite of the high prices for respectable surplus at the end few yedrs ago found it hard to profits that, 'of each month. Bank Saposits have been doubled and the Savings Banks throughout t Whrougho and silver and hi This shows clearly that the prosperity e country have their vaults loaded to overflowing grade securities, is not confined to any particular locality, ot to any favored élass.-but that it hag engulfed the rich poor wi These are certainly prosperity is abnormal, i every man and ty" to prosperous eannot be lasting, woman who is directly henefited by this make hay while the sun shines. indiscriminate fancy. times for many, but as the sol say it behooves "War o standard of value in this country is the "Dollar" and every school boy knows that while the standard Nag remained stationary, the cost of necessities, as well as luxuries, bas slow- Is but y advanced, until the dollar _ about half what it formerly did, a : take the man who had $100 invested him 3 per cenl. $3.00 as inleres 8 bushels of wheat. | will bly ey comme '8 or 4 per cenl. a few years ago, il , let us As an exam 1 pays he rad in government. a nd of each year * the same investment, his $3.00 ws that there must 3 {The "some : . Jar, for whereas it way of old purchases only Joady. At the which at the To-day, if he still holds but 134 bushels, which ing wrong somewhere. the earning power of the dol- _ should be 6 to 8 po ont, fda : a 0 Rinaneiers out the wi are recognizing this fac and this is roves by the number of gilt edge securities tha this scale advanced to a A Ss and Who ing Tor safe : bo po a ased on a basis, where pur --1f the war continues another point where 7 or 8 per cent. is the ed standard on the almighty man or woman who is reap they return anywhere from dollar. : all 8 scapital in some bal ty that may never come hy better. 8 I. FJL.oL the bank and place it in gilt ¢ frie should give you n income year r A as an absolutely safe} 7 RT HE finance, go and a es | 1 Gannon | yedr of two 1 éxpeet to seeflon DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1017. (¥Fiom Our Own Correspordent) = ~ Jan. 31.--A largely attended lare- well assembly was held in Turners' assembly hall on Monday evening under the auspices of the ladies of St. John's church in honor of Miss Clara Brennan, who is leaving short- ly to enter St Vincent de Paul Hos pital, Brockvilf€, to train for a nurse. Miss Brennan is one of Gananoque's popular singers, and will be mueh missed by a large circle of friends. The young people of Gracé-d¢hurch Y PS. held a sleigh drive on Mon- day evening. Word was received here by rela- tives early this week of the death of John Mallory, for a numper of years past located in Brockville, The cause of death being given aw cancer of the stomach. Deceased resided here for many years. He was a son of the late- M. Mallory, Stone street. He was twice married, his first wife being a daughter of the late William Wheeler, of this town, by whom he leaves a grown-up fam- ily: Henry, of this town; Hubert and Norman, the former with the 156th Leeds and Grenville Battalion, the latter with the 80th Battalion at the front. Another son, Pte. Charles Mallory, was reported as killed in action on Nov. 15th. He is also sur- vived by one daughter, married to a soldier, who is doing his bit over- seas, and by his aged mother, located in thisgown; one sister, Mrs. Hutche- son, of this town, and by four bro- thers, Jacob, Thomas and William, all of this town; also Levi, located in Montreal. The remains were brought here and the funeral took place yes- terday - afternoon to Gananoque vault, At the Gananoque East parSonage yesterday morning Miss Florence Griffin, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. W, M. Griffin, Gananoque Lake, and Claude Bevins, of St. Catharines, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bevins, King street, were upited in marriage by Rev, W. W, Wéese, pastor of Gananoque East Cireuit. Mr. and Mrs. Bevins will locate in St. Catharines. The. annual tea party and concert of the Mission Band of Grace churgh was held last evening. The efforts of the children were given very fair patronage by the older element of the congregation. Another well-attefided and enjoy- able "euchre" was held last evening in the A.O.H. hall under the man- agement of the ladies of St. John's church. Pte. Percy Bland, who wintered here with "A" Company 659th Bat- talion a year ago, and who was trans- ferred to the 26th Battalion, Is re- ported as wohnded in action. Dr. J. J. Davis was in Kingston yes- terday afternoon on professional ser- vice. Robert LaSha, Kingston, spending the past few days with relatives in town, returned to the-city Monday afternoon, S Letters To The Editor | Tax Exemption and the Y. W. C. A. Kingston, Jan. 30.--(To the Edi- tor): Permit me to ask the glder- men who, last wight, opposed, the passing of an act by the Ontirlo Legislature granting the Y. W. C. A. exemption from general taxation: (1) Why they have placed them- gelves on récord as following their predecessors of 1916, the first coun- cil 'in the city of Kingston to demand payment of taxes, which sinco the in- ception of the institution have eyer been remitted? A , (2) Why another institution on Johnson street with the same raison d'etre, viz., the fullest development of young women, spiritually, mental ly, physically, is 'granted exemption, while it Is proposed to "instruct the City Solicitor to register as soon as possible the objection of the council to the passing of an act which would exempt" a Protestant jnstita- tion? i * (3) Why they propose to allow the eity of Kingston to bear the odium of being the only city in the Domin- i whose + civic government has shown itsélf hostile tp the passage of an act already granted other as- socintions? ' Yours truly, $e some' of the prosperily BERTHA CARR-HARRIS. For Fall\and Winter. Prevost, Brock street, has a great ri¢ment of readymade clothing in and overcoats, and a splendid of gent's. furnishings. Ea RPL 1 gi ad stock before New Here. New Manger will be the 3.4 "and with-|new manager of the Bell Televhone ENT Exchange in succession to BH. W. buy: | SOLDIERS USE CHEESE. ' { Righ Price cof Dairy Products is . Explained. i Reasons for the high cost of daisy | products were explained by © J. A.| Ruddick, dairy and cold storage com- | missioner, at a meeting of the Ottawa | Retail Grocers' Association held re- | patty in that city. He, said prices of butter and cheese were not fixed by local conditions. Butter and milk sold in Ottawa at a price settled by what cheese sold for in Great Britain. Cheese was higher now than it ever was before, If butter were to be sold relatively to what cheese is being s0ld for it would be 47 cents per pound at the factory and 52 cents re- tall. Butter, taking into considéra- | tion the price of cheese, was cheap, | sald Mr. Ruddick. The old country! market was the deciding factor in the prices of dairy products. Great Britain imported more 'dairy pro- ducts than.any other country in the world, Figures were given to illus- trate, In the last eight months of 1914 imports of butter to Great Britain from Canada amounted to 318,000, 000 pounds; in the same period for, 1915 there was a reduction; in 1916 ewen less, only 162,000,00 pounds. The reason of Great Britain's heavy dairy imports from Canada was due to the fact that Denmark, Sweden, and Holland, sourges of supply, were exporting to Germany and Russia could not get her's out. Australia was short. Francg, though, was still exporting as much butter to Great Britain as she ever did. The im- ports of cheese had increased," Mr. Ruddick said, because it was in great demand for the soldiers. The huge quantity 'consumed was the reason for the high prices. "We have increased our shipments of butter enormously since war be- gan," sald Mr. Ruddick. "From May to October, 1914, we exported 450, 000 pounds; in the same period of this year, the quantity is 9,352,000 pounds. Our surplus makes no dif- ference in the price. If we made 10, 000,000 more pounds of butter jt would be more to export." Cheese exports from Canada had increased greatly. From May to Oc. tober, 1914, 101,000,000 pounds went out of the country, in the same period 1916139,000,000 pounds, an increase of 38,000,000 pounds. The increase for the whole year would be large in proportion. These condi- tions, Mr. Ruddick said, contradicted the prediction of a leading exporfer in Montreal that in four years Can- ada's cheese export business would be gone. The estimated cheese exporta- tion this year was 185,000,000 pounds, The value of'the exports were far ahead of previous records. Mr. Ruddick said the total value of dairy produce of Canada this year would be $200,000,000. He alluded to the small consumption of cheese in Canada. Here the per capita con- sumption was 2% pounds per an- num; in Great Britain it was 13% pounds. The reason was because the best cheese was exported. Canada had to be content with the next best brand, Ontario Has First Place, A despatch from Ottawa states that three hundred men have heen secured throughouf Canada for the Royal Navy since recruiting for the senior service began a few weeks ago. Figures obtained at the To- ronto headquarters of the Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer :Reserve show that half of that number have been secured in Ontario and a fourth of them from the city of Toronto it- self, Up to date one hundred and fifty-two men have been attested for service in the navy at the recruiting office on Bay street, Toronto, under the new scheme. One hundred and twenty-three of them have been sent forward to Halifax to join their ships, and twenty-five are now on leave OI absence before proceeding to the port of embarkation. Only seven of' the men examiped and sworn in hére have failed to pass the final examination at Halifax, and the total number of rejections in Toronto number but eighty-four, though one hundred and fifty-two recruits were obtained. Seven recruiting - stations have established throughout the Do- mifion, at Halifax, Quebec, Mont- real, ronto, Winnipeg, Calgary, and Esquimalt, B.C. Aemilius Jar- vis directs operations for Ontario. was appointed to fofward British naval reservists to their ships on the outbreak of war, enlisted three hun- dred and eighty men for the Niobe and Rainbow, and secured one hun- dred and thirty of the three hundred and seventy men accepted from Can- ada for the Royal Naval Motor Boat Patrol, - . *_ Aetor Composes March, ames K. Hackeft, the actor, who has-a summer home on the St. Law- lands, was present at the banquet tendered Sir Robert Borden, Premier of Canada, at the Canadian Club, New York, and contributed to the en- tertainment a new march of his own entitled "La Belle Can- to | around GOT CHANCE TO MAKE G00D FMPLOYER SPOKE ON BEHALF OF DRIVER GUILTY OF THEFT. Previous Good Record, Coupled With Plea of Employer, Got Frederick Peters Off on Suspended Sentence in Police Court. It pays to have a good record and to have some person to speak a good word for you whén"you ate in trouble. Frederick Peters found this to be the ease when he appeared in the police court on Wednesday morning accus- ed of theft. He has been employed as a driver for James R. Henderson, grocer, and on 'Tuesday he was caught in the act of taking away a quantity of goods. Constable Samuel Arniel made the arrest, and when the charge was read by the magistrate Peters pleaded gulity, The stolen goods consisted of a package of wash- ing soda, a quantity of celery, salt and other articles, 3 James R. Henderson, the complain ant in the case, was present, but he did not desire to press the' charge He asked that the accused be given p chance to make good. ""T'his 1s a serious matter," said the magistrate to Peters, "but I find that you have no previous record in this court, and=in view of the fact that your employer has spoken well of you in the past, I am going to allow you to go on suspénded entence. This means that if you behdve your- self in the future, you will not be brought before me again on thix charge, but ¥f you do you will be ar- raigned on this old charge, 1 trust that yon will be able to live this down, and that you will think of your wife and family and try to redeem yourself, so that you will not be punishing your wife and children by putting a cloud over their name." ---------------- (Continued from Page 1.) It was a tempered vindication of himself and a tempered attack on his former colleagues of the Borden gov- ernment which Sir Sam Hughes made" The expected fireworks fail- od to materialize, and to this extent the craning galleries were disap- pointed. From the political stand- point, however, the members of the House, who read between the lines, realized the deeper significance un- derlying Sir Sam's two-hour speech which followed, Sir Sam read him- self back into the Tory party, but de- clared, impliedly at least, that it must have more vigorous leadership. The only member of the government he really attacked was Sir Thomas White, Ag soon as Sir Sam Kad finished Sir Thomas took up the cudgels. He declared that he had never intrigued against Sir Sam, but had always giv- en him loyal support. Then he pro- ceeded, somewhat to the amazement of the House, to read a long series of letters which he had addressed to the Prime Minister during 1914, 1916 and 1916, protesting against irregu- larities in expenditure, unnecessary purchases, and lack of proper safe- guards. Sir Thomas set himself uj ds the champion of economy and eff1- ciency ii the Cabinet, talked much about "leadership," and pleaded foi united and harmonious action, Sh Robert Borden was left in the back ground throughout the day. Sir Thomas said that in January 19165, he had written to the premie: urging economy in the militia de partment. He had suggested ap pointment of an overseas purchasing commission under Sir George Perley in October, 1916, he had written the premier intimating he would resig: unless an overseas minister of militlc were appointed. Hon, Dr. Pugsley, who concludes the debate, pointed the moral of Si Sam's failure to refer specifically tc the real reason for his exit from th government, of the added charges 0 his letter of May 13, 1815, and o Sir Thomas White's reading of his own protests to Sir Robert Borden 'The Address in reply to the Speecl from the Throne was passed. GREAT BRITAIN TO NT WOMEN VOTE Committee on Electoral Re- form Will Recommend Ex tension of Franchise. London, Jan. 31.----After years of struggling; as an aftermath of riot ings; hunger strikes; attempts at ar son, committ8d against the homes o! prominent men of affairs; severa' "horse-whippings," and other acts o' violence the dream of Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst and her "amazonic' near future. 2 jt was reported by the committee ot electoral reform, after a long confer ence, that that body would recom: mend an extensive measure which will include the granting of suffrage to the women of Great Britain. It was marked by those who recall the stormy . scenes which centred the militant leaders of {bh women's party that the announce ment brought but little signs of in terést upon the. of even those who have most active is of "the cause." * and the reply of Sir Thomas White, } daughter may come true within the | In Tuesday's session of Parliament} Rich Yet Delicaté-- Clean and Full of Aroma. is blended from selected hill-grown famed for their fine flavoury teas, qualities. Imitated : a yet never equalled. Csise Was Settled. Bellevile, Jan, $1.---The 'case of Mrs. Effie Kyle, Trenton, charged with interfering with a ward of the Children's Ald Society was disposed of before Magistrate Masson. Mrs. Kyle ig was alleged, got her daugh-; ter from the sheller and she was subsequently married to a soldier, The girl was about seventeen years of age, The result of the case was that the mother was convicted, but was allowed to go on 8 suspended sentence any paying all costs, which amounted to a considerable sum. Charles Nelson, a Dane, sixty-nine years of age, who came to Canada over thirty years ago, is dead. was a resdent of Point Anne and a farmer and fisherman. He was an Angiican in religion and leaves a widow, The death occurred in Pittsburg,! Pa., on Jan. 21st, of a former well- known resident of Brockville in Mrs. Sarah Lawrence Fennell wife of Rev. S. Meade. On Saturday, the fiftieth anniver- wiry of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Richardson, Belleville, was ob- served at their home. William Allison has tenderéd -his refignation as general secretary of the Belleville Y.M.C.A. ' Mr. Allison has enlisted in the overseas service, The Renfrew fair of 1916 made a arofit of $2,000, ' He! | THOMES COPLEY | Telephone 987 | wanting anything done in the oarpen- tery line. Estimates given on all kinda | of repairs and new work; also hard- wood floors of all kinds. All orders will | recelve prompt attention Shop. | Quean strast JUST RECEIVED | Frosh Stock of Canned Fish Flakes, | Canned Clam Chowder, | Cauped Hawaiian Pineapple. | Canned Asparagus Tips. Pure Clover Honey hn sections, 20¢. The Thompson Grocery 204 Princess Street Phone 387 { | EE Wood's The Great English Remed as Oren She. Fe] | DEVOTE@= All my time examining eyes and fitting frames and them. Your eyes should have the attention of eye glasses. For perfect eye sight see when requiring Cor. Wellington & Clarence Sts. glasses tor specialists Opp. Post ce J. J. STEWART, Opt.D. OP Gromer. fivintzman & En. Limited Sole representative for this district: . W. Lindsay Limited, Princess St. tans AARNE ROAR II REAR RRA v [HEEL Boys' Suits, sizes 30 to 34. Sale price $2.95 ewe Men's Freize Overcoats, sizes 36 to 44, . Sale Men's Fine Shirts, size 14 to 17. All Men's ¢ Cost Price. am ares Sale "saps less than prone dtc