"Out of the High Rent District." Commer' Ladies Exclusive mir Last Call! Only three days left to take advantage of J the bargains at : Qur January Sale , Which closes Saturday night. Every article in the ing out prices. We must make room. : SEE THE WINDOW. 260 Princess St. Higher up street, store reduced to clear- THE MAN WHO HAS STOPPED CHANGING HAS STOPPED THINKING. 5 7 SR and the man who does 'not think is drifting--always towards the rocks. ' Modérri methods of business, backed with modern methokds of ~publicity makes for business success. = / REGARDING THE WORKINGS OF CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY. Members---Reply of the Executive. Charging 'that there was wide- spread dissatisfaction among many of -the friends and supporters of the Children's Aid Society over the re- cent action taken in voting out the old members of the executive, Bishop Bidwell and a number of, citizens gent a petition to the present execu- tive, asking that a general meeting be called in order thai the 'present workings of the Society might be explained and the petitioners given an opportunity of expressing their opinion in the matter. The petition was dealt with by the executive at a special meeting held in the City Ceuncil: Chamber "on" Tuesday afternoon, when a letter was written, which will be forward. ed to Bishop Bidwell, The meeting was called to deal with this special matter by the president, Dr. A. w Richardson, to whom the petition was addressed, and which read as follows: ---- - Petition Presented. "Therq js a widespread. dissatis- faction among many of the friends and supporters of the-Children's Ald Society as to the manner in which the former hoard of management, consisting of citizens, who for years past, had been giving their time and attention to the'affairs of the society, and who possessed the confidence of those interested in the conduct of jts affairs, were voted out of office at the last annual meeting by an en- rolmént on that occasion of a large number of new members, who hith- ertohad had no connection with, and apparéntly displa no interest in the work done the society. In order; therefore, that the aforesaid friends and supporters of th + 807 elety; who are perfectly . satisfied with rand approve of the Hugs on which the work has been done hith- erto, may besin ormed as to what changes' if any, are to be made in {his methods and working of the so- ¢ibty, under its present management, and may be given an opportunity of expressing their opinion thereon, we beg to request you will éall a general meeting of the friends and support- egs of the Children's Ald Society for the purpose above stated with as little delay as possible." The petition was signed by Bishop Bidwell, David G. Laidlaw, R. '| ren's Aid Uglow, W. L. Goodwin, D. Ross, D. M. Gordon, H. T. J. Coleman, G. X- " Chown, H.. T. Wallace, Joseph Wil- William Morgan, John Watson, E. F. Scott, W. C. Baker, J. F. Mac- donald, W. T. MacClement, Lois Saunders, A. 8. Ferguson, H. Michell, W. D. Taylor, William Sage, L. D. Fallis, W. BE. Macpherson, W. E. Mc- Neill, BE. R. McLean, L. P. Chambers, G. B. Reed, John Dawson, Francis King, A. B. Cunningham and Thom- son, | as™Mills. Dr. Richardson explained to the WSghhers that he had received the petition from Mayor Hughes just at the close of the last meeting of the executive. When the letter had been handed to him he was of the opinion that it was of a personal character, but on opening it found that it con- tained somephing of interest to all the members. For this reason he had called a special meeting. After the reading of the petition the members, en motion of John day, instructed the City Clerk to for- ward the following communication to Bishop Bidwell, by a unanimous vote: Reply to Petitioners, "Rey. Edward J. Bidwell: Dear 8ir,--Mayor Hughes handed a peti- tion to thé president of the Child- Society from a number of citizens, Your name and signature as Bishop of -Kingston appearing first, it was presumed that you were ihe #uthor and sponsor for 'the oth-}gir ers. This is our reason for address- int this acknowledgment to you. "At a special meeting. called for thd purpose of considering the peti- tion, the secretary was fustructed to forward you the following resolu- tion. "The petition consists of a state ment and two requests, as follows: (1.). A statement of dissatisfaction on the part of yourself and fellow petitioners, at'the action taken at the annual meeting of the Children's Ald Society, held Nov.s 7th, 1916, which a few of the petitioners at- band workings of the society, "one year, F.|B.E.F." | McEwen, seconded by James Halli- tended. a statement any, are to (2.) Requests: (a) That as to what changes, if be made in the meilods under its present management. (b) That 1, as president, 'call a general meet- ing of the Children's Ald Society' to hear and 'be given an opportunity of expressing their opinions' on the im- aginary charges, "Regarding 1, the statement ot tat: It is inevitable In all democra- tic bodies that difference of opinion will occur, but it is genegally . ac- cepted that when opinions have been expressed, the will of the majority rules. At the annual meeting of th Children's Ald Society, regular called for the election of -offi- cers for 1917, D. A. Givens, the eity taifi citizens, who were desirous of becoming members, and was inform. ed by the prestdent, that they were satisfactory to the Society, then in session. W. R. Givens moved, se- conded by C. J. names he proceeded to read, consti- tute the officers and executive of the society for the year 1916-17; and they were declared 'by the présiding is but natural, and not to be denied, -I'that some citizens, who like, yours self, though not present at the meet- ing, differed from the majority present in the choice of officials, and mdy be expected to continue to dif- fer, but tia officers being elected will continue to discharge the duties they have performed until the end of their term, when the citizens and qualified members will be given an opportunity to express their opinions regarding the faithfulness or other- wise with which those duties have been discharged. 3 "Reports: (a) 'Changes, if any.' The executive is working under the Children's Ald Protective Act of the province of Ontario, and you, sir, and your petitioners as well as the gen! eral public, may rest assured that its affairs will be administered strictly in accordance with the said act. "(b) Public meeting: The exe- cutive having been elected by the So- ciety, to administer its affairs for is unaware of any dissatis- faction on the part of those electing them, regarding their conduct of the Society's business, and the request of the petitioners for this executive to call a public meeting, is in the opinion of the executive rather ex- traordinary and quite uncalled for." Ex-mayor Richardson was in the chair, and the other members pres- ent were J. W. Bradshaw, James Halliday, John F. McEwen, Ww. Gra ham, Frederick Welch, J. Hunter, City Auditor Muir, City Clerk Sands,' and Inspector Jack. pen PUBLISHED AT THE FRONT--- THE CHRISTMAS NUMBER: It Contains Many Things of Interest, Including Quite a Number of Poems--Some of the Contents, The "N.Y.D.," a journal publish- ed at the front, as often as possible, was last published on December 22nd and a copy has reached the Whig through the courtesy of Capt. A. D. McConnell, quartermaster of the First Field Ambulance Corps; and formerly of. the Whig staff, The journal is published "by kind per- mission of Col. A. E. Ross, C.M.G., A.DMS, 1st Canadian Division, It incorporates the Iodine Chronicle, the Splint Recprd and the Now and Then, which were formerly the papers of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Field Ambulance Corps, respectively. The articles in this issue are of the usual interesting kind of the N.X.D. standard, and prove splendid read- ing. Many of them deal with per- sonal hits on members of the corps. One of the items should be of local interest. It reads: Sergt.-Major to No. 33 xyp--"Why didn't you shave this morning?" Private--'F shaved 'last night, Sergt.-Major-- 'That. won't do, haven't you heard of the Daylight {Shaving) Bi?" "One of several poems is well worth reproducing aside from its attraction to newspapermen, it is entitled, "Quite So," and reads: Some editorg have roll-top desks and "cushy" easy chairs, And filing cabinets galore, within their snug-like lairs, With things all réady to thelr hand, they 'push a little button, If facts they ever want to know, such as the price of mutton. But we just have to make the best of whatsoe'er is our billet, * A dugout, stable, barn, maybe, chock full of rye or millet Whilst noting facts (and other things) we generally use One pencil costing tuppence, ang one notebook>-15 sous. Yet all the same we really think, without the slightest doubt, The writing chap in that armchair (who knows what he's about) Would gladly swop his roli-top desk i and throw his chair away. If he had chances to "write up" the things we sed Each day, i -------- > . : Fed ford, in "Less Than the Dust, 'day, Friday and Saturday, 2nd and 3rd : solicitor, proposed the names of cer- H Our stock is well assorted with all kinds of Overshoes, Moccasins, Also warm footwear raham, «that the |p} officer to have been duly elected. It| Sheepskin. Boots, AT FAIR PRICES. good footwear for win- and women. Felt Boots, for children. - Take Advantage Of Campbell's Annual Fur Sale Men's Choice Quality Fur- lined coats, otter collars, Cana» dian rat linings, $75, reduced to $59. ' Ladies' Muskrat Coats, 42 inches long, fine satin linings, exceptional value at $50; re- duced to $39. All our Manufactured Furs proportionately reduced. Campbell Bros, Kingston's Oldest Fur Store. Special Sale HYGEIAN (Brand) YELLOW PEACHES (In Heavy Syrup) We have no hesitation in_recom- mending to our best customers this | brand of peaches. Sale Price $1.60 per doz. Every tin opens in excellent shape. Quality and flavor are remarkably fine. me mia (See Window Display ) Henderson'sGrocery 59-61 Prock St. Phone 279 EDWARDS NOW PRAISES MAN HE REPUDIATED Frontenac's Orange Member Bows Down Before Sevigny, the Quebec Nationalist. The Ottawa parliamentary corres | pondent of the Toronto Globe says in 'his report of Monday: Dr, J. W. Edwards of Frontenac is delighted with the result of the Dorchester bye- election. He told Parliament so on Monday afternoon, The sturdy On- tario' Orangeman ne Entented" with the fiery Qu Nationalist, actually smothering Hon. Albert Se~ vigny with compliments and con- Home-Made Candy Fresh Made Every Day. Sakell's Telephone 640 Next Grand Opera House ------ cided to put on our ginning 1 hu A chance to | purchases at our risk, at Phone 147. * ¢ ursday morning, furnish from a cottage to a man" sion; for the present, or future use, as we store your ' OUR BIG FEBRUARY SALE QF After numerous requests we have at last de- ig. Annual Furniture Sale, be- February 1st; THE BUSY STORE WITH THE LARGE STOCK | " aad AT oa James Reid' The Leading Undertaker Kingston's Largest Photo 180 Wellington Street. i Blakemore Studio Commercia} Photography. Enlarging and Copying, Home Portraiture Studio. All work guaranteed. Over Royal Bank Chambers | a v- kh Officers Civil and Military Tallor hey Regulation Whipcord Caps. Leggings and Spurs. John Twedde Uniforms b ' Made to Measure or Ready to Wear. Sam Browne Belts 131 Princess St. GRAY HAIR BECOMES DARK AND BEAUTIFUL s Old. Favorite Try Grandmother" Recipe of Sage Tea and Salphur. Almost everyone Knows that Sage natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streak- ed or y. Years ago the only way (Tan and Sulphur, properly compound- brings back the gratulations, Mr. Sevigny has not taken his seat has i yp his blushes were saved the white Hght of publicity inthe Com- to get this mixture was to make it at -yet--Qe wal ; for the official return to. the! peliet due; Which 18 Muay and. 1199 mons, iP Dr. Bdwards his no horror of the |large bottle of this Nationalist-Conservative alliance. He belongs to the "anything to defeat Laurier" pirty. He rejoiced that the & = elle. | Dr: Hall's ough or | kg 7