Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Jan 1917, p. 9

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nt The following from the pen of ©. W. Birron, of the "Boston News Buarean," Is a sarefully prepared di- gest of what Britain has accomplish- ed since August, 1914 It will be remembered that Mr, Barron, who is one of the ablest financial writers in the United States, made, some time since, a special trip to Europe in or- der that he might study these great questions at first hand. The article following, which is well worthy of close reading, was published a few days ago in the columns of the 'Bos ton News Bureau: All the geven wonders of the world fade on history's page compared with the spectacle Great Britain pre- senty to-day, A comm: {al nation of less than §0,000,000 people sud- denly summoned to arms where no arms existed and in less than thirty months she has a bigger army than * history ever before recorded, and a war machine in Europe that for wealth of shell, explosives and war power is the amazement of the Ger- mans, who Mad taken ten times thirty months to prepare for the at- tack, ~, But this is only the beginning of wonders, Without an English aeroplane en- gine that could circle her own Island she has vanquished the boasted Zep- pelins and is mistress of her own skies. With submarines by the hun- dred threatening her coast defences, her food supplieg and her commerce, she has swept all oceans, locked the vaunted German fleet in harbor, con- voyed shipments of gold across the ocean in safety--loads of gold that in former times would have paralyz- ~. ed national financial markets-- made the Buglish Channel her track ocean railway to Europe with no. loss by Zeppelin or submarine; fought in- Africa, at the Canal, at the Dardanelles; grappled with the Turk and the Bulger; changed gen- _ernls and admirals in command; changed France; given to Russia; man- tained the armies and the Govern- ments of Belgium and Serbia and al- together advanced three thousand million dollars, or three times the national debt of the United States, to her war Allies * While the United States has been trying to find out how to build mil- itary rifles in quantities and un fled orders for them representing hundreds of millions of dollars, Eng- Jand has been turning out rifies by the million for herself and her Al. Iles, cannon by the thousand, boots and coats by the million for herself and her Allies, and, wonder of won: ders, she has done all this, is doing it, is yet to do more, dnd has now _hen manufacturing, her trade rela- tions and her overseas commerce un- impaired, Yet she has the trade of the 80 that her en- Nation, Roused 10 War, of Thirty Years. fod the armies of | th '| Was Troubled With | Shortness of Breath. | Dwarfs oe a money bag of trade and a whelp of the seas, Great Britain's ability to put 10 per cent, of her population under arms, to feed and equip her Allies and at the same time to main- tain her credit "and commerce throughout the world was something never dreamed of withih or without her empire before this war. No economist ever counted the wealth in credit, gold reserves and securities power that is now showing forth in the British empire. No student of men and nations ever pic- tured forth the 'war spirit of the British people that could be so roused: in a righteous cause. No student of religion or social order ever gauged the spirit of seM-sacri- fice that is now lighting the path of the nation in war, This is the people's war. It is the war of demoeracy that has built the British empire around the globe. It is not a-war of kings, lords or nobles, It is a war in defence of all the civilization, peace and honor for which England has stood and in which she has made progress for more than a hundred years. The Prussians could measurably measure the wealth of England, count her population and take toll of her guns, big and little, They numbered her. military men, her business men and her idle and leisure classes; and outside of her navy, her wealth and ber trade she was by a Prussian military census as nothing. But nowhere in the world was there anything by which to measure the slumbering soul of It is fighting mad to- day, and ng 'madder every min- ute. The stigmas and insults to credit and honor from Washington only increase the resolve of her peo- ple and their faith in the invinei=' bility of the rigliteous cause. For this they are willing to pledge every- thing in sacrifice for justice upon the: altar of their battle fires. 6 what martyred soul runs back is heritage of noble spirit only.the mstortan of the future may attempt to answer. The purpose of the pre- sent inquiry Is to answer the prob- lem of whence England gets her hu- man power and her metal power. Twenty-five years ago the ma- chinery of England and her metal workers stamped out the coins of many nations and moulded the guns | big and little of many more. She was the ordnance - maker of the world. 'Then Germany became her rival as a metal worker and, getting government bounties, or orders, she was able with her cheaper labor and living to cut under the prices of free tradé England. The ordnance fires of England went out except for navy guns and 'made in Germany' in- vaded the Island and was stamped over the world on everything from cutlery to rifies and cannon, ' But the foundations, in metal workers and the old factories is this entirely disappeargd when the Prussian hosts fired Jvdn Belgium and attempted to roll up the treaties of Europe as scraps of %t was on this almost for- toundstion that Bngland brought forth her wealth of 'war material and is organizing to roll the Prussian back over the Rhine in 1917. > 's reserve in man poOwor that can maintain her commer:ial , her exports and over- seas trade while putting an army r than that of nce in the be carefully studied. on 30 per cent. of what it was consuming before the war. ¥ But England is con- , feeding and fighting to the extent that her physical force is in- =f = When the heart becomes affected, there ensues a feeling of a choking sensation, & shortness of breath, pal- pitation, throbbing, irregular beat- ne smothering sensation, dizziness, ing a of oppression and anxiety. The nerves become unstrung, you dréad to be alone, have a horror of society, start at the least noise and ure generally fatigued. On the first sign of the heart be- coming weakened or the nerves un- strung, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills should be taken. They are just what you require at this time. They regulate and stimulate the heart, and strengthen and restore the whole nerve system, Mrs. C. M. Cormier, Buctouche, N.B., writes: "Since two years ago I was troubled with a shortness of] breath, and sometimes I could hardly breathe. 1 went to see several doc- tors and they said it was from my heart and nerves, but they did not seem to do me any good. One day 1 got one of your B.B.B. Almanacs and read of a case similar to mine. "I bought a 4px of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, and after taking it I noticed such a change that I kept on taking them until 1 had used four more boxes, when 1 was cure Milburw's Heart and Nerve Pills are $0c & box, three boxes tor $1.25, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of ice by The T. Milburn Co, Limited, 'oronto, Ont. -------- A ANN NINN INANE creased by far more than 36 per cent, The whole nation is fighting, men, women and childrefi, There is noth-, ing else thought of, talked of, or worked for, throughout the whole country, All the leisure classes, men and women, are, one way or another, in the war. The women are joining in tite ranks of labor; and all labor is to-day for the country, with everything in production, trade and commerce locked in the war issue, England dig not waken to the war power that comes through cutting out luxuries so soon as Germany, but she is on the road to just as thorough a conservation of all forces, All the nations are in the struggle for econ- omic existence that fighting forces may be Increased. Germany and England Mare rather ashamed of it; Russia and France are proud of it. The shutting up of bar-rooms, the closing of places of amusement, the closing of cafes and the shutting off of lights at nine-thirty, all make for fhereased man power and greater war efficiency. It is not only a financial and a metal, but a social and economical struggle in Europe, such as the world has never dreamed of, and of which the people of the United Statés have almost no coms prehension, Formerly, armies fought battles, and He war was wherever the armies moved, To-dahig hundred million @ Are array battle and or- ganizing to win in war. They are organizing in clothing, food, drink, the discarding of luxuries, increase in the energies and hours of labor, and in the mutual burdens of all forms of taxation, Any excess profit is promptly taxed. In England more than two billib a year, or bne- quarter the costl is being ralsed by taxation, Grains are being ground more coarsely, with the result that in bulk they produce 25 per cent more, a smaller percentage of nutris ment is lost, and, the food being richer in nutrition, consumption per capita is diminished without bread cards or other German regulations. In all fighting countries luxuries are being steadily diminished, Cream, fat, sugar, wines, expensive meats and fruits are being steadily reduced in consumption. Champagne is for- bidden in Russia; it was never at so low a price in France, The whole world is coming into a new civilization, a new manhood and a new womanhood and a new strength tbr both war and peace; and from Washington to San Francisco there appears to be little compre- hension of the issues and the eco- nomde results that must inevitably flow therefrom. FERINAND'S RESIDENCE King of Rumania Goes To Southern : * Berlin, Jan. 81.--According to Russian press reports received by the gency, King Ferdin- has selected the Po- wéak, sinking, all-gone feel-| * = ! v Beiraium New danger zone created shaded Schaldt and danger hamper fectively blockade Germany. BRITAIN TIGHTENS UP THE NORTH EEA. Statute Miles $ 150 by the British Admiraity. The ular portion marked between th had a mouth of he Thames uth ot mined barrier by whic tain the Engl nel from the German raiders. Protected the Engi zone further north has been German raiders and enable the British to more ef- marked the former created, which will : | [I0B CROSSING 1S NOT VERY GOOD AS YET, A Woodchuck Was Recently Near Darlingside--Lights Shadows on Current Events, Darlingside, Jan, 29.--Miss Hazel Tilton has returned from visiting her aunt,'Mrs. C. Buell, at Pople"s Re- sort. As the days lengthen the/cold strengthens. Most -everybody is busily engaged filling ice-houses. Owing to frequent snow falls and high winds the roads are in a very bad condition, ' * A woodchuck was killed a short time ago in this vicinity by John Bis- hop. The animal was making its way through a field towards the barn of Mr. Bishop. As we had very cold weather before this occurrence, and have had very cold weather since, we are at loss to determine what such an unusual occurrence denotes. Usually it would denote very mild weather or an early spring, The river is entirely frozen over, and judging from the extremely cold weather which we have been having, there should be excellent, crossing. This, however, ig not the case, and the crossing is reported safe only for persons on foof,"and not Tor horses and rigs. Killed and By this time there are few farm- ers who are not thinking about what seed they shall, or can, sow next spring. Nor is the thought untimely. Perhaps it is many years since there promised to be such a general scarci- tz of good seed. In all probability there is enough seed to go roynd, but we must face the fact that much of the grain unfit for seed is being sold at good seed prices, so there is no incentive to cause a farmer to hold hig grédn for sale as seed. It is now time that farmer take steps to as- sure himself of the possession of suf- ficient seed of known vitality to meet his needs. -- / The British government has fixed fhe maximum prices that may be Lthat lité was DOMGS AT DARIINGSIDEIA CAUSE OF INDIGESTION People Who Complain of This Trouble Usually Arc Thin Blooded. Thin blooded people usually have stomach trouble. They seldom recog- nize the fact that thin blood is the cause of the trouble, but it is, In fact thin, impure _blood is the most common cause of stomach trouble; it affects the digestion very quickly. The glands that furnish the digestive fluid are diminished in $heir activity; the stomach muscles are weakened, and there is a loss of nerve force, In this state of health nothing will more guickly restore the appetite, the -di- gestion amd normal nutrition than good, rich, red blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills act directly on the blood, making it rich and red, and this en- riched blood streagthens weak nerves, stimulates tired muscles and awakens the normal activity of the glads that supply the digestive fluids. The first sign of improving health is an improved appetite, and soon the effect of these blood-mak- ing pilly is evident throughout the system, u find that what you eat does not distress you, and that you are strong and vigorous instead of frritwble and listless. This is proved by the case of Mrs. J. Harris, Ger- rard St, Toronto, who says: "About three years ago I was seized with a severe attack of indigestion and vomiting. My food seemed to turn sour as soon as 1 ate it, and I would turn so deathly sick that sometimes I would fall on the floor after vomit- ing. I tried a lot of home remedies, but they did not help me, Then 1 went to~a doctor who gave me some powders, but they seemed actually to make. me worse instead of better. This went on for nearly two months and by that time my stomdch was in such a weak state that I could not keep down a drink of water, and I was wasted to a skeleton and felt not worth living. 1 was not married at this time and one Sunday evening on the way to church with my intended husband I was tak-} charged for staple articles of food. That is the only consistent course for a government which undertakes to command labor at a fixed price. Ped- ple must live, and if the family in- come if fixed by action of govern- ment the cost of supporting the fam- ily should also be determined by the same authority, and in proportion to the wage. It is one of the causes of dissatisfaction with the Canadian Na- tional Service scheme that while men are asked to pledge themselves to work during the war for their pres- ent rate of pay, there is no guaran- tee given that the cost of living wil not be allowed to go on increasing until the income is insufficient to meet the ordinary needs of the household. The proposal is so ob- viously unfair as to arouse suspicion, and to larely prevent the success of the scheme. Men cannot be blamed it they refuse to put their families at the mercy of price boosters while tie- ing themselves up In service to pro- Bregrs. = rp | It is said that sixty per cent. of "the automobiles made. in the United States last year were Sold to farmers. Roughly, a million cars, costing eight million dollars, were pur- en with a bad spell on the street. He took me to a drug store, where the clerk fixed up somethidg to take, and my intended got me a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. By the end of the first week I coulds feel some im- provement from the use of the Pills, and 1 gladly continued taking them until every symptom of the trouble was gone, and I was again énjoying she best of health. These Pills are now my standby and 1 tell all my friends what they did for me." You ean get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. from any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil liams' Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont. The Duke of Connaught has been made commander of all volunteer forces in England. RID STOMACH OF "land all the rest of it said: MANY TIMES BEFORE THE AT- TACK IS MADE. Y ' No Detail Overlooked -- Raiders | Blacken Faces--Resemble Burnt Cork Minstrels--Machine Sune | ners Ape Busy at Night. . London, Jan. 31,--The Canadians have again been busy trench-raiding. A lieutenant from: the west, who reached London yesterday, gave graphic details of recent enterprises of this sort. : These raids, he said, are carried out with clock-like precision, and are often relearsed several times beforehand. A certain part of the Mine has been selected, wire entangle; ments have been cut beforehand by working parties, and, in a great] many cases, the raiders possess al snapshot of the trench, taken by! airmen. Before crawling across to the en- efny trench, care is taken to cast off all shiny accoutrements. The faces] and hands of the raiders are black- ened with burnt cork. If the sent- ries are half asleep they are bump- ed up before they can say "Jack Robinson," bombs are thrown in dugouts and a prompt exif™is-madel with a couple of prisoners. . The latter are a very important factor, because the raids are made with a view to obtaining information from the enemy.' At other times both sides have working parties out at night time in No Man's Land, and it very often happens that the/ parties see each other. You would pérhaps think that there would 'be something do- ing right there and then, and that there is no chance for each party {o carrw on their nocturnal work with- out hindering each other, but the working parties are in no hurry to get through, and they get back be- hind the sandbags. "Our machine gunners do a lot of firing at night, working in two's One man looking over the parapet fires the gun ws he sees fit. The other keeps refilling the empty mag- azines. "1 fired as many as fifteen hun- dred shots in one night last week. An enterprising German patrol sur- rounded one of our bombing posts in an isolated part of the line. There were only two bombers holding it, One was faken prisoner and had eight or nine bayonet wounds in him when found. "Our idea is not to start any great push. The enetity will retire-to his own boundaries in due time, "What we must do is to keep them where they are holding all the line they have now and along the lines of communication. If the line became shortened, as it would be if they were pushed back, that would be a great. help to them. "Gradually we will discover what parts of the line they are holding thinly, and then we can make a swoop on that and get booty by niak- ing rands and contsantly harassing them. By giving them no rest we will be doing the best service." C PROHIBITION IN BRITAIN Is Practical, Bishop Perrin Writes in London Chronicle, London, Jan. 31.--Bishop Perrin of Willesden, formerly bishop of British Columbia, writing in the Chronicle on the question of prohi- bition, pronounces it practical and politic, and points to what bas been done in Canada, "Oh, yes, people say," Bishop Perrin writes, "but Canada is so diferent from England. My answer to that is: Have you been there--1 do mot mean bn a trip for a month, but have you lived in Can- ada as 1 have for eighteen years? Prohibition was no easier there than at home, yet today from.Atlantic to the Pacific it has been accepted in every province, with the exception of Super, which is nearly dry, be- cause the people have seen, that the war demanded it. . Every argument there, and far more strongly. The vested interests "It can never be," but it has come to pass. "When history comes to be writ ten, shall it be said that when - ada, with her splendid response 8f EIT) The best sugar for the sugar bowl is Lantic Sugar Its purity and "fine" granulation give it the highly sweeten- ing power. It dis- solves instantly in . your teacup or om yourbreakfast cereal. 2 and 5-Ib Cartons 10 and 20-1b Q "The All-Purpose Sugar" ---- "Just Received a F resh Lot of Can Beet, Can Catsup, (an Beans, Can Summer Vegetables for Soup, Can Apples (1 gal. size), Can Cher- ries (pitted), Can Pears, Can Peaches Can Raspberries, Can Strawberries, Can Pineapple. 'an Plums, E. H. BAKER" Cor. Charles and Mon Phone 12638. DONT 10E YOUR HAIR Touch spots of \ dandruff and NL itching with voy Cuticura ? " Ointment 'and » , follow with hot shampoos of Cuficura / Absolutely // nothing bet- ter. You may try them before you buy them. Sample Each Free by Mail » With 32-p. Skin Book. Address post. Dept. 3M, Boston t U.8. A" throughou the world.' =

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