day, January 31. Last call. ngston's BROCK STREET A little out of the way but it will pay you to walk. STH FIELD COMPANY CANADIAN ENGINEERS HAS ENVIABLE LIST a M-------------- Twenty. Three Members Haye Been Honored for Work on the Batt Major A. MacPhail is now Lieut.- Col. O. C. 1st Canadian Division En- gineers; dwarded the D.B.0. and Shontignad in despatches by Gen. ig. Capt. L. Malcolm is now Major, O. C.: 6th F.C.C.E., C.E.F.; mentioned in despatches by Gen. Haig. Lieut. W. E: Manhard is now Major, O.C. 8th F.CCE, C.EF.; awarded D.8.0. and mentioned in de- spatches by Gen. Haig. Lieut. E. M. Baker is Lieut. 6th F.C.C.E, CEF.; awarded the Mili- tary Cross and Croix de Guerre; wounded and retired. Lieut. P. Earnshaw is now Capt, Acting O.C. 1st Divigional Signal Corps: awarded the Military Cross. Sergt. D. M! Jennett is now Lieut. ist F.CC.E., C.E./F.; awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal; twice wounded. Corp. B. H. Birkett is now Lieut. ist F.C.C.E., C.EF.; awarded the Military Cross. Sergt. D. F. Wewar is how Lieut. th F.C.C.E, CEF; awarded ' the Military Cross. : Corp. R. L. Dunsmore is now Lieut. 9th F.C.C.E., C.E.F.; awarded the Military Cross. Corp. C. B. Bate is now Lieut. 2nd #.0.C.E., C.E.F.; awarded the D.C.M. Corp. C. B Ferris is now Lieut. 2nd F.C.CE., CEF. awarded the D.C.M. Sergt. N. 8. Baker is Capt. with Gen. Townsend's forces on the Tig- ris; mentioned in despatches; died of wounds. v Sergt. J. P. Harvey Is now Lieut. ard F.C.C.E., C.E.FS awarded Mili- tary Cross. Corp. H. 8, Marlatt is corp. with 1st F.C.C.E., C.E.F.; awarded D. C. M.; died of 'wounds. Sapper C. 8. Craig is now Can | C.F.A.; awarded Military Cross. & Sapper W. H. Battershy is now Iieut. Machine Guns; awarded the Military Cross. A Sapper L. U. Meikle is now Lieut. C.F.A.; awarded Military Cross. Sapper, L; E. Young is now Lieut. 1st Battalion, C.E.F.; awarded Mil- 1 | Medal. tary Cross. Sergt. H. B. Free is Sergt. 1st re C.E., C.E.F.; awarded D.C.M.; to be lieutenant in the Royal Flying Corps. Corp. R. H. Bolton is nbw Sergt. st! F.C.C.B.; awarded the Military Capt. W. P. Wilgar is now Major, 0. C. 10th F.C.C.E, CE.F. Lieut. L. W. Gill is now Major 11th Brigade, C.F.A., C.E.F. Lieut. D. S. Ellis is now Capt. 6th F.CCE, CEF REGISTER OF RINKS. Ladies Tankard Competition Opened on Tuesday at Curling Rink. The Ontario Curling Association Ladies' Tankard competition opened at the curling rink on Tuesday before a large number of spectators.. The register of rinks is as follows: Toronto, Rink No. 1.--Miss M. Brunton, Miss Bickford, Miss M. Thompson, Mrs, R. F. Segsworth, skip. Toronto, Rink No. 2.--Misg Isa- belle McWilliams, Miss E. M. Mohr, Min M. Boyd, Mrs. Morgan Jellett, D. Toronto Granite, Rink No. 1.-- Mrs. C. M. Mills, Mrs. W. Cork, Mrs. John Shaw, Mrs, Charles Bulley, skip. A Toronte Granite, Rink No. 2.-- Mrs. Austin Suckling, Miss 8, Boom- er, Mrs, Victor McWilliams, Mrs. E. B. Nettelfield, skip. Kingston, Rink No. 1.--Mrs. R. C. Cartwright, Mrs. W. H. Macnee, Miss Lettice Tandy, Miss Betts, skip. Kingston Rink, No. 2.--Mrs. Ash- by, Mrs. W. R. Givens, Mrs. R. 8S. Waldron, Miss Gordon, skip, DRIVER UNDER ARREST, Accused of Theft of Groceries From a Local Store. At noon on Tuesday Constable Samuel Arniel placed under arrest Frederick Peters, aged 37 and mar- ried, on a charge of theft of groceries from the store of J. R. Henderson, where he was employed as a driver. It is alleged he had goods in his pos- session when caught. 3 Coming to Grifiin's. America's sweetheart, Mary Plek- ford, in "Less Than the Dust," Thyrs- , Friday and Saturday, Feb. 1st, 2nd and 3rd. ------------------ Successful Dance Held, ~The Junior Chapter of the Daugh- ters of the Empire held a successful at the Elmhurst Canvalescent ome on Monday evening to raise to furnish the new recreation Part of the R.C. E. 8. Reynolds, son of Judge Rey- nolds, Brockville, = serving for two years as a sapper wit Queen's En- gineers, has gone to ndon to re- ceive a commission, For the past two years he has been actively en- gaged in the trenches and.other Wo! of the engineering branch of the - vice. Officers of the 253rd Queen's Uni- versity Highlanders are recelving Argyll and Sutherland Highland plaid for dress uniform. Sunday morning conducted divine service at Fort Hepry for the mem- pers of the 14th Regiment Guard. This is the first divine service con- ducted for the men of thé guar since oving to Fort Henry. quarters. Canon | FitzGerald gave splendi sermon on "The Cause of the War and the. Responsibility of Those in Khaki." : , Pte. Harry Saunders, of the lith Regiment Guard, is critically 111 in the Ongwanda Milithry Hospital, suf- ening from pneumonia. families suffering One of the street, in which two houses were wiped out, was Ptep Frank Guirey, of the 14th Regiment Guard. The mem- bers of the Guard and the fort staff ares howing their sympathy in a 'George Henry Clow, better known as "Harry," the second eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. David Clow, Brockville, has enlisted with the 72nd Battery, Kingston. "Harry" is only sixty-two inches in height and just past his eighteenth birthday. The Lindsay Post says of the new 0.)C. of the 252nd Battalion: Ms jor "Rod" Porter's many friends fil congratulate him on his ap- ointment. He entered the ranks of the 45th Battalion at an early age, and by dint of close application to matters military his advance was rapid. His ability as an officer was recognized after war was declared, when he was appointed on important recruiting work in this section as well as in other parts of the pro- vince. Latterly he was attached to the divisional headquarters, Kings- ton, Where he was assigned import ant work, and. where he was looked upon as an efficient officer, whose work has produced splendid results, He is immensely popular in his home town, and as successor to Lieut -Col. Glass, O0.C. 252nd Battalion (who has asked to be relieved) can be depend- ed upon to work with zeal and en- thusiasm in order to recruit the bat- talion up to strength. Capt. Thackaray, chapldin of the artillery units, was at headquarters on Tuesday before leaving for Ot- tawa on recruiting duty. Lieut.<Col. P. S Benoit, Royal Can- adian Engineers, has been transfer, red from Halifax to Kingston to take over the duties as officer command- ing the Royal Canadian Engineers, which was held formerly by Lieut.- Col, C. J. Burritt, now on the head- quarters staff at Ottawa. Capt F. Palmer has been acting CR.C.E. since Col. Burritt left. Col. Benoit has a splendid experience as a mili- tary engineer, and should be a valu- able man to the district, Sergt.-Major Taylor, who has been on the engineér staff here for the last six years, has been transferred to Winnipeg and will leave on Friday to take over his new duties, It is deeply regretted in military circles trict should have been changed to the west, but the causes for the transfer bring nothing but credit to the popular foreman of works. Lieut.-Col. F M Bell, deputy diree- tor general of medical services, headquarters staff, Ottawa, was at headquarters on Tuesday in confer- ence with officers there It is reported that Warden C. G. McKnight, of the Frontenac County Couneil, has secured a commission in service, LOOK LIKE WINNERS. Depot Battery Boys Ahead in Inter : mediate 0. H. A. The Depot Batteries team, which has practically cinched the cham- plonship of the Kingston Intermedi- tirely of Ottawa boys. They now lead the race with three loss, and have only one more game to play, 'which they also expect to fh. They will play off with the Péterboro sextet, They suffered their only loss at the hands of the Belleville aggregation on the lattet's ice by the score of 8 to 7. 6 The Depot Batteries squad Is the [ only soldier team in this part of the country to make any kind of a show- ing Tn. 2 0. H. A. seriés, All the 'Rev, Canon W. F. FitzGerald on' through the recent fire on Patrick tangible way. 48} b ----- jof its scenes laid in China and its] that such a valuable man to the dis-| the Forestry Battalion for overseas Last night's bill drew forth favor- gable comment from the merry multi-| tude: ut the Grand. Lionel® Barry-| more red in a five-reel feature, | "The Brand "of Cowardice." This pictufe portrays in an exciting man- per the experiences and adventures of a young soldier and beautiful girl fn the zone of trouble on the Mexican border. Biflie Burke,' America's leading serial film star, was seen in the fAfth chapter of "'Gloria's Ro- mance. This instalment is mysteri- ous, deliciously thrilling, baffling and most fascinating. Other films were | "Onda of the Orient," a three-reel ! feature. "The Plumhér's Waterloo," +a comedy, and the Pathe News. The Gregories presented a pleasing sing- ing 'and bird imitation whistling specialty that was well received. Pro-! gramme repeated to-night. ] i y \ "Aladdin-And His Wonderful Lamp". | Kingston is to have its first Eng- lish pantomine on Wednesday Jan. | 31th, matinee and night at the | Grand Opera House when the well-| known author-manager F. Stuart] Whyte presents his elaborate pro- | duction of "Aladdin--and His Won- | derful Lamp." { "Aladdin is a classic among pan-| tomimes. founded upon the stories in | the famous Arabian Nights, it takes | precedence Over those of less pre-| tentioug origin, such as nursery | rhymes and old proverbs, With all | 1 | i i characters Chinese, the costumes and | settings admit 'of lavish investure | and a predominance of picturesque | color schemes, There are two hon-| est hearts in China, the possessors of them being Aladdin and the Prin-| cess So-Shi, whose course of true! love runs as smoothly as a nineteen | thirteen Ford on a provincial high«| way. The pantomime is in five acts, | or scenes, and will be presented here | by a company of thirty-five distin-| wished artists, not to forget the per-| "fect beauty chorus, } At the Strand. i Do you like a mystery picture? | fDo you enjoy a picture thai holds | you in suspense until the very end----- la tale so full of mystery that you| never notice the passing moments? | iSuch a story is "Somewhere in| France," the new Triangle play, co-| starring Louise Glaum and Howard | Hickufan, by. the late Richard Hard-| jing Davis,. now showing at the { Strand, "Somewhere 'in France" is a thrilling war drama of 'mystery and | | secret service intrigue, and it is sure to fascinate you. Then there's Fred Mace in "Bath Tub Perils, a mile of Keystone fun and frolic. Other good jiels and polite vaudeville, with | Frank Nash, banjoist, complete an | up-to-date programme. { { Coming to Griffin's. { In her new play, "Less Than the] Dust,' Mary Pickford has the role of | a little castaway of English birth! {who has been reared among natives! of the lowest "caste of India. The! scenes are all laid in India and Eng-| jand and are remarkably faithful] pictures of both lands in scenic sets 'of great beauty and wonderous ef-| fect. One of the scenes 'shows a} street with its shops and bazaars and all of the color and ever changing views of An eastern thoroughfare. 'Another shows the British garrison. Then there is a great stone temple; and the pool of the sacred waters | | while another effective picture is| made of a storm in the desert, and | there is a battle between natives and, B troops. The story is full of} dal hatic force, and Miss Pickford's| part is a blending of the delightful comedy, winsomeness and innocence] that give her partrayals such an ap-| pealing, girlish charm. Through an of the changing scenes there is a' human love story of which the little | castaway and a dashing young officer are the central figures. Be a OLD-TIME REMEDY Hood's Sarsapari been and still is the o's ine because lof its reliable character and its woi ate section of the Ontario Hockey | #8 servi Association, is made up almost en-| feetly wins ahd one (8s well as of has been tested for al : Get Hood's,'and get it any drug We have just completed stock tak- ing and will have to clear stocks to make room for new goods to arrive in February. So we start Thursday with a special sale of. 55 + Fancy Waists The balance of makes where there is just one of a kind left over. All those at $3.00 will be sold at $1.00 All those at $3.50 will be sold at $1 00 All those at $4.00 will be sold at $1 25 All those at $4.50 will be sold at $1 25 All those at $5.00 will be sold at $1.50 All those from $6.00 to $8.00 " : will be sold at $2.00 JUST ONE OF A KIND In white silks, black gills, in ninons, 1 ace Waists, in fancy silks, a few crepe ge Shanes in the lot; sizes 32, 34, 36, 35 DIFFERENT STYLES These will be placed on sale Thurs- day morning at 10 o'clock. 9 The French Model Corset at $150 This is one of the best corsets sold today at its price. It is made in several styles, nice soft coutil, embroidery trimmed. Four good strong hose sup- porters; medium bust and hip; perfect fitting, correct styles. Sizes 20 to 30. duted ohn Laidlaw & Son Fam, aith rvice. and Se | We Ro ath Shs fr | Will Give Servic