ALLAN, WOLFE ISLAND, . Jan, 27.--~The weather for the past week has been very cold and stormy, but ig miler pow. The people in this vicinity have been drawing hay to Kingston and getting in a supply of coal. While going to town last Saturday "Dick" Halladay froze his nose. An enjoyable time was spent at the homes of A. Hender- son on Thursday night, Mrs, "Jack" O'Brien Friday night, and Richard Berry's Satugday night. Dan¢ing and ecard playing were indulged in. Frederick Greenizan and brother are viting at A. Henderson's, Frederick Hende and wife, W. Turcotte and W. O'Brien at Mrs. O'Brien's. The mall carrier did well to get right through once last week. They are driving to Gananoque now from the foot of the Island. Mrs, George Woodman and family spent Friday evening at Mrs. H. Halladay"s, WOLFE ISLAND, Jan. 29.~-While Samuel Laggart was coming home on Saturday after- noon one of his horses broke through the ice, but was quickly pulled out, none the worse of his dip. Mrs. Wil- lam Keys has returned home after a brief visit with relatives in New York state. Victor Dawson has gone Watertown, N. Y. Mrs. Richard Min has returned home from Cape Vincent, where she went to visit her | daughter, Mrs. Morrison. Born unto | Mr. and Mrs. Thomas White a son. | Although we live within three miles from Kingston we are two days be- hind time with the daily newspapers on the rural route. Martin Kane and wife have returned home from Watertown after. a brief visit with relatives. Oscar Henderson, Kings- ton, is visiting relatives here. Romain Mosier has returned home after spending the summer in the north- west. Allie Davis, who has been in the trenches in, France for over a year, sent a letter to his parents re- cently, stating that he has not re- ceived a scratch since he left. O. Olson, Kingst spent Sunday on the Island. CLARENDON. an. 27.--1sane Kietham, who was seriously ill, is now improving, Miss Bdna Kirkham bas returned from Kingston on account of her father's illness, John Glenn to-day received a tar of Il ur and feed from Win- ' nipeg. Mrs, Arthur White made a trip to Sharbot Lake on Wednesday. Miss Nicholson and Miss Irene Mur ray, were in Sharbot Lake on Satur- day. Mrs, William Sly and little son have returned from Snow Road after a visit with friends. George Wilson has a ear of oats in from the west. Mis Sara Kirkham, Mississippi, called on Clarendon friendi recently. George Dustin, who was danger- ousty Hllin Kingston general Hospi- tal, Is improving. Private A. Boles, Kingston, is spending a few days with his family here, Mr Donnelly, C.P.R, traveling auditors, spent s ' Oatarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There i& only one Way to cure catarrh- al deafness, and thet is > a constitu medy, Catarrhai deafness is an inflamed condition of the ning of the Eustachian Tube When is inflamed you have a rumbling sound, Sr imperten hearing, and when it is ent y © , Deafness is the resuit. Unless the inflamation can be reduced and' this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be royed forever. Many cises of deaf- ~ "THOSE Are CRU by catarrh, which is an ed condition of the mucous sur- tarrh Cure ets through he mucous surfaces of f em. ar give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Gatacrhal Deafness that cannot be cured #Hall's Catarrh Cure. Ciroulars free. All Drugglsts 75e. ¥. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O. . | evening. 'day in Clarendon. this week. - Gilbert | Rancter, IKngston, was a recent vist. tor with hig parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Rancier, Crutch Lake. The quilting bee' at Mrs, Winchester's was well attended, Duncan Ferguson has been a few days In verth, -------- Leeds ROCKPORT. Jan. 22~Charles Huck of New York City has: returned home to spend the balance of the winter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Huck. Mr, and Mré, Clarence Root spent Sunday with relatives at Lans- downe. Kenneth Ohisamore amd sis- ter, May, of Selton,. spent Sunday at Alexander Chisamore's. Mrs. BEd- ward Plunkett" ig on the sick list. Miss Lizzie Huck, Rochester, N.Y., Is the guest of her parents, "Mr. and Mrs. F. Huek, Mrs, 8. B. Dixon and Miss Lena Brimley are the guests of Mrs. D. Root, Grenadier Island. Al- lan White is sawing wood with his new machine, fo WASHBURN'S CORNERS, Jan. 26.--<Alton Shaw, who took the short course in agriculture at Guelph, spent a while in Ottawa at the winter fair on his way home. Died, at the Industrial Howe, Athens, "an. 18th, Miss Harriet Beid, aged 80 years. Mrs. 'Nelson Lapointe is spending a few days at Athens the guest of Mrs. M. Rappel. An aged and respected. resident at Athens passed away ad. his home on the Charleston Road, on Jan. 18th, in the person of Albert Wiltsie in his 89th year. A party was held last night at the home -of Vance Foley. Milton Hudson, of the Canadian west, is the guest of his brother, John Hudson, Wesley Preston left recent- ly to take a course at Kingston Dairy School. 'Miss Mabel Schofield, of To* ronto, formerly of Athens, is attend- ing the millinery openings in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Asseitine and son, of Alberta, are visiting friends at Athens. Lennox and Addington | Task is Being Taken Up Systemati- cally in Dominion. To enlist 5° *,000 Canadian boys between the ages of 13 and 19 years in class groups which will provide for symmetrical development on intel- jectual, religious, and social lines, and to enroll leaders or mentors for those groups, is the object of a na- tional movement now going on in the Dominion. The Canadian National Advisory Committee for co-operation in boys' work, which was organized on July 10, 1914, bas charge of the work. That committee has acted along two lines. In the first place, it has or- | ganized a conference of leadership for each of the niné provinees of Canada. Five of those gatherings have already taken place, and the other four will be held- at Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, and Vancouver, be- fore December 10. In the second place, it appointed a ¢ ission to draft a plan for carrying on the work among boys and for, securing and training efficient leaders. That com- mission's report was presented re- cently. It reached the decision that to supplement the work of the Sunday schools and secular schools, no new organization was required. The churches, Young Men's Christian As- sociation, and Sunday School Asso- ciation, it held, provided all the ne- cessary machinery. It felt that as men had been found willing to serve their king and country and take training to fit them for that service, so men would be found to undertake the task of winning and holding the rising generation of Canadian boys for those ideas of liberty and moral. ity for which Canadian soldiers were now fighting. The commission pro- posed that inf each church congrega- tion a superintendent of boys' work be appointed and gather around him a committee of at least four other men, one capable of directing the de- velopment'of the physical standard among the boys, another to develop the intellectual standard, a third-the religious standard, and the fourth the service and missionary or social standard. In their work (hese, superinten- dents of boys' work and their col- leagues would have to assist them the 'Canadian Standard Efficiency Tests," prepared by the national council of the Young Men's Christian Association in 1912 as a course of training for older boys, adopted by the Canadian National Advisory Com- mittee for Co-operation in Boys' Work. These efficiency tests provide for the "'charting' of the boys, for their progressive instruction ' in subjects under the four headings--of rewards for advancements and for the devel- BETHEL. Jan. 25.--~The neighbors and friends of the late James Robinson were very much surprised to learn of his very sudden death, as he was about as usual Saturday morning when stricken down. Thé funeral was held at St. Luke's, Camden East, and service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Spencer on Monday. Mr. Robin. son leaves a wife and - grown-up family of sons and daughters, four of whom are living in the west and who were unable to attend the fun- eral. Miss Gordon, teacher, spent Friday night at her home in Nap- anee. A reception was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Uens in honor of their son, Archibald and his bride, formerly Miss Lottie 'Gil- christ, Guelph. Mr. Card is sawing wood for some of the farmers. Quite a number from around here attended the Red Cross oyster supper and con- cert at Colebrooke on Wednesday Mr. and Mra. John Jayne and son George spent Sunday with friends at Napanee. Denwood Den- nison visited over Sunday at Nap- anee. The net profits of the Toronto Gen- eral Trusts Corporation for the year ended Dec. 31st last were $321. 382.88, to which must be added a balance of $77,674.12 carried for- 'ward from the previous year, giving a total of $399,057 available for dis- tribution. t of the boy into a leader or mentor: of a group of his fellows. They take into account the "gang" spirit, as it bas been called, among boys, and the instinct for hero-wor- ship, and, moreover, throw upon the members of the class organization the responsibility for its management and for the conduct of its meeting under the supervision of the leader. The commission also proposes an organisation for each locality or com- munity in which the various church- es, the Sunday School Association, and the Young Men's Christian As- sociation should be represented. This co-operative committee would' or- ganize the community's summer ath- letics, promote summer camp confer- ences of leaders and older boys, and provide training classes for leaders. Provincial and national organiza- tions, the commission al recom- mended, If proposed that a cam- paign for enlisting and registering workers and prospective workers be inaugurated, that leaders "in boys' work be sought among the students in high schools ang colleges, and that a plan for.a federation of boys' Sun- day | school classes and clubs be out- ined. ' Indian Football, Like lacrosse, the great Canadian national game, the Indian played his game of football upon the flat sands. The ball was made of leather, sewn with a thong and filled with moss, says a writer in Boys' Life. The goals were a mile and more apart. The players ordinarily were braves of the same tribe, but upon special occa- sions the game would be waged be- tween selected players of different tribes, ome tribe being arrayed against another. In these tribal , Says a ONTARIO 18 GENEROUS. Splendid Wark Done in Conndetion With Military Hospitals. x One of the most outstanding tri- butes fo the efficiency of the work being done by the' Province of On- tario in the present war is the ap- preciation shown of the hospital or- ganization and the use made of it by the military authorities. This was first seen in the erection and equip- ment of the Ontarfo Military Hospi- tal at Orpington, Kent, England, with accommodation for 1,040 pa: tients. So satisfactory has this hos- pital proven that It is now used as a model for similar institutions, and the Government has been requested to add to its capacity. v It will be remembered Orpington Hospi was one of many gifts made by Province during 1914 and 1915 to assist in the com- duct of the war. It cost about §450,- 000, and is maintained by the Prov- ince through the Canadian Govern- ment at an annual charge dt $150,- 000. The proposal now comes to Premier Hearst [rom the Acting High Commissioner for Canada in London to enlarge substantially the hospital so that 2,014 patients can 'be treated. The moment the request came the Premier consulted his col leagues, who agreed to the enlarge- ment, plans and estimates are now being prepared and the work will 'be hastened to completion. The second hospital to be provided by Ontario is at Cobourg. This is for the treatment of soldiers suffer- ing from mental diseases from shock or other causes. The Cobourg Hos- pital has been equipped and is main- tained by the Province under an ar- rangement with the vominion Hospi- tals Commission. The staff, which is specially trained for the work, has been drawn from Other provincial in- stitutions, and the equipment repre- sents the latest word in apparatus de- signed for mental treatment, The third hospital to be ysed is the new instutition at Whitby, which will shortly be opened as a convales- cent home for returned soldiers. In its appointments and facilities Whit- by is specially adapted for this wonk. Here it is proposed to carry on the re-education of those men who re- quire training to equip them for civil life again. Certainly there is no nobler use to which the Whitby hos- pital can be put than the nursing and training of these men; who have sacrificed so willingly not for free- dom alone but for Canada. The people of Ontario can manifest a justifiable pride in what they have a¢complished. From the moment war was declared, not only in the gift of 250,000 bags of flour and 506 machine guns and the hospital work mentioned herein, but in domestic affairs, the promotion of economy and thrift, in helping recruiting, and in leading the campaign for the Brit- ish Red Cross Society, the Province has measured up to its great respon- sibilities, that the Humor From the Trenches, Brimful with wit and humor is the Camp Magazine, published at the Canadian Bas: Depot at Rouelles, France. Copies of this magazine have recently come across to friends of the boys at the front, News items sometimes get into this publication, by accident, as it were, but its general contents are worthy of a place in Punch. This is how the Rouelles camp re- porter describes the visit of Sir George and Lady Perley to the Cana- dian lines, "Yes, they hove come, Sir George and Lady Perley. About one hundred of the boys with a long {ope were waiting down the hill for the motor, The car is stopped, the rope attached, and headed by the pipers and drums, the triumphal march begins. They went all around the camp, spending some two hours, and when good-bye was sald we wished them 'God speed and come again." Open letters are a feature of the publication. + *Arry 'Awkins addresses the fol- lowing open letter to Lord Derby: "I takes my pen in 'and and 'open this reaches you, as it leaves me in the pink. I writes just to let you know as 'ow your recruiting ser- geant 'ave beer after me, but as I ain't no good walking I can't join the infantry, while noise makes my 'ead ache and I don't know nothing about 'arses, so cavalry and artillery are out of the question, and as I ain't no writer in the Princeton -Alumni Weekly, the players came to ' the sands arrayed in war bonnets, war paint, and full savage regalia. As the time drew near for the game to begin bows, quivers, shields and bonnets were discarded, and the Indian, lithe and athletic, stood forth eager and Before commencing play the kick-off or a punt? ng = by the multitude be aught a scrimmage, bowever reporters of three cen- us that sometimes sev- tor, the Medical Corps ain't _no go, and as my brother in the A, 8. C. says 'is job is rotten, I don't want to join that, but I am very fond of boat- ing, 'aving been to Margate twice. I may join the Royal navy when the weather gets warm. Will you tell your recruiting sergeants this so as they will let off a worrying me." The battalion orders issued by Lieut.-Col. U. Tinhat, commanding the 24th Canadian Underground Ar- tillery, make interesting reading. Standing orders are quoted to the effect that "any man found on the march with more than one pack will be severely dealt with." ; Part two of the orders announce that Bombardier Blank File was sen- Ltenced to six months C.B. for refus- {ing to parade for pay when ordered to do so, while "Gunner Smartman was sentenced by a F.G.C.M. to three days physical jerks for neglecting to whitewash the Last Post. Progressive New Brunswick. rray, Minister of Brinswick, 1s us vario L OF NEW MINING | MERGER TO BE $3,000,000 Amalgamation of Vipond and North Thompson Is An~ | nounced. Toronto, Jan. 28.--That the de-| tails of the amalgamation of the} North Thompson and tie Vipond will} soon be set forth in an official state! ment is predicted by Hamilton B. Wills in his weekly market letter. | The new company, he says, will be known as the Vipond-North Thomp- son Gold Mines, and the authorized | 3,000,000, of which | hares will be issued. | be ex| HE Richardson. capital will be § all but 750,000 = Shares in the Vipond will changed share for share in the new| company, and what'is left over of} ,000 shares allotted to this | pany has decided will be used to wipe out {ithe par value of § the bonded debt. T. Eaton & Co. Extension. Toronto, Jan. 29.11 is stated that | annual T. Eaton & Co. are going to open up a large branch store ate St. John's, | from the previous They have purchased | a large property in St John's Bast, | cember end plans are now being prepared | bringing the for the building of a large structure. | £39,485,000, nnd i record of £38.712,000, made in 1912. Comercial Notes. | The -Henderson The Canadian Westinghouse Com- | pany, £ST'D 1873 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE « TORONTO FARMERS Advances to farmers are made a special feature by this Bank. .: KINGSTON o BRANCH, { treal, according to meeting, Brandram Montreal, { during the year, a dec 'Vear. amounted to to issue shares to, started 1,250,000 at par | sto Ks. a statemen netted which _ Mont-| 1915. tat the J, $445,000] £3,290,000, | total for 1916 up to} pany against The American hm [ | | | | n { 1 } Tl ji -- I ----------] 140 I GOME cigarettes taste fine when. they're just lighted--but by the time they're smoked halfway through; they begin to lose their goodness. They go flat. NOT SO WITH MURADS One of the very greatest thingstabout a MURAD is that its "LIFE" and FRESHNESS 'last down to the very end. As one enthusiastic MURAD smoker said : "A MURAD is perfection when you light it, and it gets better as you smoke it." Every MURAD smoker knows how true this is. ~§gid in packages of ten, and in boxes of 50 and 100 dividends on its common reports net profits of $223.- {to shareholders of record Feb. 1st. 576 for 1916, against $175,688 in | National Brewerles, Ltd. ~~ P. Morgan & Co. anmounce a wew British collateral loan of $250,- Hine of $6.000! 000,000, paying 5.3% sper 'cent, the | offering to. be made next 'week on a Transvaal gold production in De-| basis to return about 6.per cent Locoraotive- Com- in the six months ended Dec. the previous! 31st last earned over 11 per cent. on | the common stock. The surplus after Com-| charges was $3,630,834, an increase recently | of $803,094.