Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Jan 1917, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT Sale Overcoat coating offering that will write the name of our store into the memory of every man who takes ad- y vantage of our in- / ducements. There are wonder- ful bargains here; come expecting ex- traordinary = values for your money; we have a complete range for men and boys; we have all the "inew and correct mod- els. The coats are the best we have shown this season. 20% discount for balance of this month. ° Buy your next winter overcoat now and save a nice sum of money. All Sales for Cash. Ey Sr : == Livingston's, | 75-79 Brock Street. A Little Out of the Way, But It Will Pay You To Walk. | ! Queen's University Highlanders are Hi S. Ww. Gillard, Cobalt; il liver his ll! Scotland." li returns to Toronto to-morrow to en- ll! terian church will give a programme §iand social at the military "Y" on Bll Thursday evening. i vice. Bf! overseas as a dental officer. THE DAILY Y BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1917. MILITARY CIRELES | The 230th Battalion at Brockville, has been warned fo make ready for overseas duty. A Kingstonian has received a field card from Lieut.<Col. M. K. Adams, who commanded the 155th Battalion of Belleville while in training at Bar-| riefeld camp. The popular colonel! has now reached France and the; card shows that be is well, The following' recruits of the on recruiting at their homes: J. G. Love, North Augusta; W, J. Sinkins, | A. J. Gillard, A. T. Saunders and R.! | R. Caron, E. i Hl C. Tarashei, Ottawa; W. M. Duncan, L Peterboro, J. Lynch and D. F, McTavish have been appointed sergeants ,provision- ally, in the Queen's University High- landers, The following probationers have reported to the Infantry School: R. ,R. Macdonald, 253rd; G. E. Mec- Cutcheon, 253rd; J, E. Moss, 253rd; W. L. Walsh, 240th; C. H. White, 240th; W. Jones, 240th; E. Travis, 240th; R. G. Cooke, 240th; BE. W. Moran, 8.8. Company; F. 8S. Wallace, 253rd; J. J. Mellor, 235th; J. L. Evoy, S.8.B. 1 Last evening a large number of sol- diers assembled at the military Y. M. C. A. hall to hear A. R. Andrew de- interesting lecture on "Scenes Along the West Coast of The lecturk was beauti- | fully illustrated with excellent slides. li During the past week Mr. Andrew has fi done very impressive work amongst the soldiers at the military "Y" and gage in special work at the exhibition camp. The ladies of Chalmers' Presby- R. J. Gosney and Charles F. Gir- one, Ottawa, have enlisted in the }| Dental Corps here for overseas ser- Dr. McCarthy, Toronto, ho was overseas as a dental sergeant and re- turned to qualify, has been granted a commission in the C.A.D.C. and will %gain go overseas. Dr. Harriman, Peterboro, will go A. Riddell has been ap- 72nd Battery Lieut. pointed to the (Queen's). I Trumpeters J. E. Rogers and A. fi! Davidson, 72nd Battery, have been §}| cranted certificates of military quali- | lication. Brig.-Gen. J. L. Biggar, director- general of supplies and transport, was in the city on Tuesday. 3 2 # AT EXCEPTIONAL PRICE ADVAN- TAGES Table Cloths and Napkins Greatly Below Present Market Prices _ Beautiful pattern table cloths, all pure linen from the best Irish' manufactures. Srripes. spots, floral and other' new de- dex 2 yards at $2.75, $3. 00, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 2 verde x 21 ren iol $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 and $6.00." 2 yards x 3 ards at 34.00, $4.50, $5.00, 36.00 and § 2a, | N apkins to match, 3.00, $30 $400, $4.50, ud 5000. ' = Ar INDUSTRIAL, FAIR HAVING Major J. M. Wilson, A.D.D.S., hay z| been notified that the University of Toronto is holding a special freshman course, commencing February 5th, to train recruits for the. Dental Corps, More returned soldiers will arrive in the city about Monday next, accord- ing to word received at headquarters. DIRECTORS: DISAPPOINTED SURPLUS oF ¢ ONLY $200.94 Es Suggestion Was Made to Discontinue Show--Report of Auditors Presented at Annual Meeting Wed nesday Afternoon, At the annual meeting of the Kingston Industrial Fair Exhibit =| held In the police court room in E| the Police Court roon on Wednesday afternoon, and at which the presi-| Gen. Hi dent, John A. Wilmet, presided, it reported that the directors had a surplus of $209.94. The report . of the auditors, pre- | dented by W. J. Cooke and Charles F. Adair contained the following Detoiots: --To balance on hard vs, Egat annual report; /$345.02; ative grant, $234; municipal t, $400; membership fees, $116; donations, $245; membership in advance for 1917, including sums retained t of , ' 2 on u paid, $2 97.75; total, --Cash for Simpson, Cataragul, I Secretary-treasurer--R. J. Bris- bell, Kingston. | THEATRICAL NEWS Ir At the Gra Grand. To-night will be the last chance to IN see Francis X. Bushman and Beverly I Bayne in "Diplomatic Service," also Billie Burke in the third chapter of "Gloria's Romance." , A remarkable showing of superior photoplays and refined vaudevillg~nas been secured for the last three days of this week. Bertha Kalich, the celebrated _emo-| tional actress, will appear in "Love; - and Hate," an appealing, plausible,' : powerful drama-of high society life in New York: A two-reel Universal feature, a comgdy, and ~ the Pathe | News will also be shown. A first- class variéty bill has heen arranged. | Lucille Clayton, an unusual singing and dancing comedienne, will enter- tain. Also Detzel and Carrol, who' will offer a musical act which comes highly recommended. This pro- gramme will be presented for to- morrow, Friday and Saturday. "Daddy Long Legs." "Daddy Long-Legs," the extraor- dinarily successful play that comes to the Grand Opera House on Mon- day, Jan, 22nd, matinee and night tells the 'charming story of a young! girl's romance. Its scenes are laid in New England and in New York City.- In the original book form the story was told in a series of letters written by the grateful heroine of the roman= tic comedy to the mysterious bene- fdctor who gives her the big chance in life for which she had yearned. ! In the comedy, naturally, there is visualized the story suggested in the | letters, This story is built around a pretty girl, ss At the Strand. Capacity business was the order of things at this play-house last evening. The Ontario Hospital pictures at Orpingté®, Kent, England, with the Ontario medical staff at work were well received. Many prominent Kingstonians were recognized and roundly applauded by the large au- dience present. Among those notice- able on the screen were Drs. Ryan, Kennedy and Kane, this citv: Nurs- ing Sisters Mills, Black, Kennedy, McKenna, Lunmen, Murray and many other graduates of Rockwood Hospi- tal. Dorothy Gish was seen at her best in the latest TMangle play, "Atta Boy's Last Race." a gripping racing story with a real horse race. "Black Eyes and Blue," a two-part Keystone comedy, is a sidesplitter. Other good reels were also shown. On the vaudeville end. of the bill, Eddie Vine, in a high-class singing act, made a decided hit. This pro- gramme will be shown for t\e last time to-night. Canada in Khaki. Kingston is to be favored on Thursday, Friday and Saturday at the Strand Theatre with a presentation of a marvelous mili- tary spectacle, entitled "Canada in Khaki," whic exhibits in moving pictures 6.000 feet of film taken in Barriefield camp and in Kingston, and showing Kingston soldiers in | | their interesting work of training for overseas service. You know the men; they ¢;'e your soms, your brothers, your husbands, your friends, and their work reveals that no part jof Canada is capable of furnishing' a better class of soldier. No bloody battle scenes, but training life. full of sunshine and a spirit of real life. The cadets of the Royal Military College, Queen's Field Ambulance, Queen's Engineers, building wireless stations and pontoons. Queen's High- |} land Battalion. the Field Artillery of the Dry Dock barracks, the Roval Ca- nadian Horse Artillery, the headquar- ters staff, the Special Service Com- pany, the Signallers, munition work- ers; in fact every unit in the city. Great recruiting scenes on Princess street. An evening of entertainment with our own soldiers. Made in|jm Kingston, of Kingstonians, and under |g the direction of a Kingstonian. Brig.- |® emming and staff and Mayor Hughes will open the exhibit to-mor- 'row evening. The exhibit will run every afternoon and evening, with a special matinee for the school chil- dren on Saturday morning. At Griffin's, Sessue Hayakawa, the noted Japan-| ese actor, who will be seen at thel| Griffin Theatre on Thursday, Friday |} and Saturday, supported by Myrtle | Stedman, in the Jesse L. Lasky pro- | duction of "The Soul of Kura-San," || '| has developed into quite an after din- | | ner speaker, and is now continually | sought after by different organiza-|i to addiess them on Japanese | a Ha ------ JOHN LAIDLAW & sO ER ---- White Cottons You will find here all the usual makes of white cotton, and many others that may only be had here, and prices are now lower than they will be later on, as we cannot pos- sibly repeat any make shown at today's prices. Horrockses, fine white longcloth, two makes. Horrockses nainsooks . . 15c to 35c. Horrockses Madapolams, ate 15¢ to 35¢ Horrockses Nightgown Cottons Horrockses Bridal Cloths. These famous English Cot- tons may new be bought here. White Family Cotton, 36 wide . . 10c yard White Underwear Cotton; special . . 124¢ White Trousseau Cottons, special . . . 15¢ "Lily" Nainsook Cottons, very fine . . . . . 18¢ Madapolam white atta, Sy Tate . 20c Spanish Longclom, white cottons . . 25¢ Sheetings Three of the best makes of white English cotton sheet- ings now on sale in all the wanted widths. THESE WILL BE HEMMED FREE if bought this week, and on comparison you will find our prices the lowest forthe better makes. White Cashmere Stockings For Babies, for Children, for Young Girls; for Women. These are now in stock, in all wanted sizes. 1 | | | e Bechive Wools In 3, 4,5 ply. These famous wools wash greatest satisfaction. perfectly and give the "

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