Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jan 1917, p. 7

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HOUSEHOLD BANKING ACCOUNTS inT he Bank of Toronto have been found by many to be a great convenience. The accounts may be opened in the names of husband and wife, and éither may de posit or Interest is paid on these accounts twice & year Assets Tae BANK or TORONTO George B. McKay, Manager. - withdraw money. $66,000,000 You Can Count On It When we take care of your storage bat- tery there's no doubt of quality service. We have established ourSelves as experts. Will you come in and be convinced? 1. LESSES, - Phone 1994 124-126 Clarence St. Free inspection of any battery at any time t Raisins First Car New Raisins Just Arrived. At all Grocers. Insist on SUNKIST Our Annual To Convey Discount Sale To our many friends and customers our most sincere thanks for their generous patronage during the Xmas Season, Wishing you one and all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Hoag's Drug Store "Up Town" Post Office Kingston, Ont, Pan -- A SNAP -- Strawberries 13¢ Per Tin GORDON"S GROCERY Cor. Bay and Montreal Phone 88, Watts, rie: Fresh Cut Flowers atin th. Narcissus, Ete. ral Designs and Why not start the New Year Right and Deal with Us? New Seeded Raisins, Table Raisins, Peels, Etc. Navel THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, JANUARY 15, 1917. NCDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTERES. Happenings In "the OF City and Vicinity ~ What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King street. Leave orders at MoAui- oy's Book Store. Jacob Salisbury, living near Yar- ker, reports having a bear in his woods one day las The snow storm of Saturday night and Sunday morning was the heavi- est of the season. These cold days drivers of horses should not keep them standing on the street longer than is necessary. Misses Loretta Cassidy and Amelia Trudeau, Stoco, are in Kings- ton attending the Notre Dame Con- vent school. Mrs. Reese, Front Road, was taken to the General Hospital on Sunday in James Reid's ambulance, suffering from pneumonia, Mallorytown, Lansdowne and Can- anoque will petition for the retention of the morning G.T.R. train from Belleville to Brockville, Dr. Walter Bayne Geikie, who es- tablished Trinity Medical College, Toronto, is dead. He was an honor- ary graduate of Queen's University. A young man who was fined for drunkenness Monday morning, said he got his liquor at his home, and that the had seat to Hull for the liguor. A chimney blaze at the home of Mrs. Jamieson, No. 8 Garrett street, gave the firemen a run at 2.34 p. Sunday. There was practically no damage. The appeal of the C.NR. Express Company against the liquor decision recently given by Police Magistrate Farrell is to be heard in Toronto on Tuesday. Hear record number 18180, "The Trail to Sunset Valley" and "Laddie in Khaki," by James F. Harrison, at Lindsay: 9, Mrs. Macgillivray, wife of Pref. John Macgillivray, Kingston, will give an address on 'Equal Franchise for Women," in Newburgh, on the 22nd Jan, Mayor Hughes not only preaches the Golden Rule, but he wants every alderman to be in his seat in the City Council Chamber sharp at 8 o'clock this evening. Miss Claudia Mary Boskill, superin- tendent of nurses in Kingston Gene- ral Hospital, is gazetted a supernum- ery nursing sister in the Canadian Army Medical Corps, St.' Andrew's congregation is to tender a reception to their new min- ister, Rev. J. W. Stephen, and his wife after their annual meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev. Alfred Brown says the queg tion of suffrage for women is a live subject for discussion and is pressing hard for solution. The people should get hold of the principles involyed, J. L. Peltret, advance agent for Guy Bates Post in "The Masquerad- er," was in the city to-day making arrangements for the productior here on Thursday, Jan. 25th. ,Quite a number of complaints were made on Monday morning about walks not being cleared of snow. The police were busy notifying citizens to remoe "the beautiful." When old people could get out\on Sunday morning and shovel their walks there is no reason why the rest of the citizens and public institutions should not have done the same. Kingston friends will regret to learn of the death at Charlottétown, Prince Edward Island, of Mrs. Large, mother of Mrs. Robert Fraser, form- erly of West street, and now residing at Long Beach, California. Many of the water hydants have been covered up as a result of the big snow storm. The fire department would like citizens to keep the hy- drants near their property clear. of ROW. 80 as to save time in case of a re The Frontenacs are putting up a very fast team for the game this ening against the batteries. The ins team will line up: Cook, goal; Fla- velle and Nicholson, defence; Raid, 30 centre; Millan, wings. d was working on one of Isaac Allen's houses on Vietoria street, near Earl street. He was to have been home for dinner. and when he did not come his wife went to the Lt 2.30 p.m. & 7.30 p.m. Francis B Beverly Peigaty Jatt 100 Rash The Diplomatic Billie Burke, in "GLORIA'S ROMANCE." . | on GRAND DAILY a FEATURE VAU rd and Sl THE Mys VAUDEVILLE ORRS, in Buriesque Magie Episode Sevea The Crimson Stain FRANK DANIELS COMEDY A At Prices; Matinee 10¢; Evening 10¢ 13¢ A ------ a a ---- COMANG Next Thurs, Fri. and Sat, That Greatest of All Serials . | The Shielding Shado Daniel Frohman Presents Ww J EXTR A SPECIAL Wounded Orkington, Ki Z| STRAND Theatre MONDAY, TUESDAY & NEBNDSDAY ATTRA Somme Heroes at Ontario Military Hospital. ent, England VAUDEVILE Triang! JFhotoplay in S-Parts » "Atta Boy's Last Race" BLACK EYRS AND BLUE, 2.part Key- stone Comedy and Other Good Matinee 10c; Evening 10¢ Reserved Seats Se Extra Reels. Phone 185 Fron COVERED RINK HOCKEY MATCH INTERMEDIATE OH.A, tenncs va. Depot Batte ries Monday, Jan. 15th Game Begins S13 pam. Admission 25¢; Reserved Sonia soe Including Adm Seats Now On "Crossed Fish". Don't Be JUST AS GOOD AS "CROSSED FISH" SARDINES is only another way of Tenders for by the. unde p.m. 18th ing" seen at the Sioa aed 1 reeel ry ications a OHN, MACDONALD, CT Board of Education. AUCTION SALE "Wed, Jan. 17th. . 8 MeADOO, MIDDLE ROAD Ee KE. W. JACKSON, Auctioneer. A HOUSE-MAID, APPLY MISS MAC- donnell, 28 Sydenham. EXPERIENCED DRIVER. Bowen's Bakery, King St. AN EXPERIENCED GENERAL SER- vant. Apply 48 Frontenac street. A MAN FOR NIGHT FIREMAN. AP- ¥ ply Dominion Textile Co. Cataraqui 4 Street, GOOD GENERAL Mrs. Scott, Grounds. WOMAN TO LIVE IN RESIDENCE who will do scrubbing. Apply to the housekeeper Mowat Memorial (Hospital. WOMAN OR GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework; one who sleeps al home preferred. Apply in the even. ing to 1 alton, (103 Lower Union street. GIRLS WRITING PLAIN ROUND nd for addressing, and for ser- vice in work-room. Hght, pleas- ant work with half holiday Satur- day. N. C. Polson & Co. Ontario street, APPL SERVANT, xX University Queen's TETTTTTTTTTTTTee Good smart girls, 14 years of age, and upward, ean secure employment at the Cotton nn, PTT Yee a SB Bd dd ddiobdh dd reeeTe WANTED GENERAL SECOND-HAND VUPRIG PIANOS, for cash or in part ent of new pianos and Victroles. W. Lina- say, Limited, 121 Princess street. NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR bicycle repaired, cleaned and stor- ed for winter. All orders prompt- ly attended to. Phone 1032, or call at Geo. Muller, 373 King St. HANDCRAFT. JENNFE C. SHAW WILL OPEN classes in all kinds of painting, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ATR Og WAR, BAT Rs permanently, with- ce. APPLY Ba the popular Palace Own er may on have same by calling at the o A YEARLING HEIFER STRAY. ed on to the premises of Capt. Edward Smith, Seeley's Bay, on ghe 1ith Concession in the Township of Storrington, about 3 months ago. Owner may have. same by proving property and paying expenses, TISED FREE one finding anything and 20 80 \rehariing the facts $0 The Britiah itish hig. The adver- t i be p-imted in this column free of charge. EE EES LOST. A PEARL BRROOCH BETWEEN ST. James Church and Beverly street. Reward to finder. Apply Box 115. $1.00 REWARD, LIGHT BROWN COL- lie dog, with white front, ans- wers to name of "Duffie"; no col- lar; slightly lame in one leg. Will finder kindly return to Bishop Bidwell, 49 King St. STRAYED > LAST NOVEMBER ONE CALF STRAY. ed on premises of John McKendry, Owner may have Brewer's Mills. and same by proving property paying damages. TO LET BELVIDERE ANNEX, 184 KING ST, bed-rooms and sitting rooms. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, SEP. arate rooms. McCann, 32 Brock reel. OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham, 78 Clarence street. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, gry. J: airy oma lo! our 3 lock and ost's elt Storage, 298 ae street. _Phooa 526; res. 989, 8 THREE ROOMS TO RE RENT, SUITABLE for light housekeeping: north end. 3. A. Bateman, Customs Broker, Money to loan; 67 Clarence street, Kingston. PATENTS SONS, Patents, Estab. 1877. Ottawa, Wi APP, BA, LDS, DDS A. 258 Princess street. Phone BE. KN Office, DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot streets, Phone 626. SPARKS AND DEN- tists, 159 Wellin, G. C Dewar, DDS, 3 Phone 345. BOARD AND ROOMS MS FIRST BOARD AND ROOMS: CLASS every) convenience: tion. Apaly 243 Brock street. SPARKS, in street, DS, ESTORS WARNING DO Shoe until Feed read abot) Fri ELAR FIRST UNDERWOOD MACH. ines for remt. Phone Je, for | for jn. formation, or call at 's upstairs). oe i a ue all kinds of hines. CHAM { rr ESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. CO little, Once, Me: three times oe. one week, $1.0 FoR 2ONn. PUZZLES AND NOVELTY Bh Rk W. Cooke, 39 DOUBLE DWELLING. 41 AND 43 y= cach: wall rented A piy 41 Divie: re ion street. Apply via § i i { FARM OF 100 ACRES IN TOWN iP» Pr burg, inidae road, ae Pp cipally a. one, . Aj t David Stratton, on rad . GENUINE VICTROLA AND TWEL selections, your ao choice, nis Je cash and $1.00 Ly week. ndsay, Ltd. 121 Princess street | |rwo BRICK HOUSES ON VICTORIA | { { { Street; Jhodern; near Union St, car ne. Owners desi vof selling at once. Apply BELT Drug Store. } bY a : A FULLY BEQUIFPFED ICE-CREAM plant for sale or to rent. Ice house combined. Reason for sell- ing ill-health. Apply 473 Princess street. 150 SHARES OF $100 EACH, STOCK of Selby & Youlden, lad. Kinguton Foundry. Principals only, y to Chas. H. Powell, 103 Rakion ey Kingston. VANDEWATER HOUSE, VERONA, first class stand, splendid trade: good stabling: water in house and barn. Apply to Mrs. H. Vande- water, Verona, Ont. SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, a Brock street, eleven rooms first class condition, and all Lo ern improvements. Possession May 1st. Apply 147 Division St. CHOICE STOCK OF HRA RA™ « ges, and all kinds of EN Ma open hand a We are pon te, buy Romeo o Fr] Princess ot DR poultry; A chutch and APPly to R. H. Bell Telephone. Falr, Kingston stat STOCK OF DRESSERS, 00U. ches, stoves men's clothin fur lined coats, also new u chairs; assortment of We buy all kinds of new ond hand ure. Princess street. Phone 1237. "LAKEVIEW," ONE HUNDRED AND fifty acres, four hundred apple trees, thousand cords wood, six hundred sugar trees, cut twenty tons hay, good house and forty foot barn, both painted, hennery, price thirteen hundred dollars. three hundred cash. Catalog postpaid. Chapin Parm 'Agency, Mass, and Farmington, Maine. rest a manager 87 Saranoe Cae WIVERPOOL. SONN0N AND Fire Ii Company. Aval t: eras 181 215. In addition which the poiicyho Stoel ty ihe Salimited i ty Pipest . hy possible tes, re old or_givh new bubinese 8 t "n os, Srom a Strange, . DRISCOLL, JURNITURE EINISE. P er. San or rop a card. 13 Joha stree ie ARCHITECT WM. NEWLANDS & SON, AROCHI- tects, ete. Offices, 258 Bagot St Phone $08. _ ARC MER. Powiit § SAN SNCHITRCT™ sm: Brock and Wellington streets.

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