Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Jan 1917, p. 6

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TT o-- PAGESIX THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1917, FIRMLY BELIEVES ' LOVERS oF ADVENTURE. | I 'his Advertisement DESTINY Birthday I 1 . Your Add [ome aes home he 3 may induce you to try the first packet of : * i ews From Rumanian Nation Meets Re-|} "om For gon, e romantic story of Lieutenant- : -- tig With Forsitude nd.l You January 10¢h. 4 Colonel J. F. Elkington, of the Royal cism. trol, Dut are ete, 1 4 Jelt-con Warwickshire Regiment, whose re- : s - ; GAVE A FINE ADDRESS, London, Jan. 10.--Thé Jassy,| reasonable tempers at times. Tues.] turn to his former rank in the army oh Rumania, correspondent of the Times day and Saturday should be good| was the résuit o* his galiantry while 3 3 nd 3 { Dr. Halladay Is Home From the| cables under date of Jaluary 7tn:|days for you to begin any important serving in the ranks bf the French ananoque Front, "To-day the festival of the Orthodox undertaking. You are inclined to be Foreign Legion, has naturally re- Elgin, Jan. 9.--Mrs. Asher Morgan | Christmas was celebrated here un-| delicate and should take care of your aroused interest in that famous Is reported as doing micely since her det Hischmatances = Sites and thay tleulazly sour Tangs, Whit corps. : The old Jen that the Legion . . Don 5 g : privation, w 2 eak. ve out of} is a regiment o wrong-doers is ex- : g on he kin of Bre hock. "Fulvio hme 16 he outet eur, bt 1h) Sous a kh on nme os ma] Hoteles of won dors 5k but we rely absolutely on the inimitable flavour Children's Am gore Humane and | League secured Dr. Roland Halladay | Rumanian nation met the stroke of tise deep breathing exercises. oa] L: ved from pure love of adven-| and quality to make youa t . Children's Ald Society was held in|to Eive a lecture on his twelve | #dversity with fortitude and stoicism. are rather optiniistic and inclined tof ture, for it is a regiment that is We will even offer to gi this first trial free it the lecture room of Grace church on! mofiths on the firing line in the Town | AB encouraging and touching feature| look on the bright side of things. You always on service. . give Monday, and drew out a fair attend- (Hall last week. Dr. Halladay is the|Of the present situation is the tone|are of a Sociable nature and natural-| By far the greater part of the men| you will dropus a postal to Toronto. Bua ance. A conference of the element-| first of our boys to return, and ft fg|©f OPUmisSm which pervades he ly crave company. You are always serving in the Foreign Legion are Al- ary teachers of Grace Sunday school | needless to say there was a good| "hole community, which is fnsp itl. | Hence pest under these conditions. sstians and Lorraing who consider was held on Monday evening at the [turnout in spite of unfavorable wea- | With complete confidence of the ulti-| Hence, you should not live in the| themselves Frenchmen, home of Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Mabee, | ther. mate triumph of the Allies and the| country, which is not suited to your| they have been born under German and was well attended. Mrs. Frank South Crosby's council was re.|Fealization of the national unity for temperament. You are fond of in- rule. It is for this they have en- Battams received word this week | elected by acclamation for 1917. | Which the greatest sacrifices have tellectual pursuits and studies, but|iisted. An Frenchmen who enlist that her husband, who recently left| William Grey is reeve, and Messrs. | Deen cheerfully shdured. The Minis 4 bave to produce their papers, and here to accept a situation in Oshawa, |J. Hudson, F. Smith, M. J. Freeman | terial jms on eared Saye: bh a this is often the reason that one was seriously ill with pneumonia, [and H. Ripley are councillors. The Star of Bethle en, » ghd Nous, apr I ah finds men on the strength who call She left at once for his bedside. funeral service of the late Hiram @il-| and Jeam age anhounee hankin nor tl ae abiiieen. You havef themselves Belgians or Italians, when William Melntyre, confined to his] bert was conducted in the Methodist | the or f o a ew Ia a ed grea, na ural hb ities and Jowers, they were bord and reared in the All my time examining eyes and fit ng frames and glasses to home for the past Week, has so far Shurch Sunday morning by Rev. Mr. nr ry pr a bloodshed, | you pe her a aud Repuslle. UY Competent aithorltie them. Your eyes should have the attention of eye specialists vi t a 10 resume kis . * : d Ompetent autho S quiring glasses. pert rey aa18 ho able The regular Miss Gladys Sexton has returned | but gives the same Sterna) hope do bing you into prominence. You that the Legion is the finest fighting when toy 8 For ot eye sight see monthly session of the Winona Mis-| to resume studies at Queen's, having | the Rumanian people, w eh oe A ate great determination. force the world has ever seen. It is J J STEWART D Optician and sion Circle of Grace church was held | Spent the holiday season with rela. |Sacrificed all for the sacre . eal, amous person born this day:| he "Old Guard" of to-day, and its o Je » Opt. A In their lecture hall last evening. | tives. W. Chipman, Ottawa, had a|notwithstanding Sisasiee, r in res Marshal Ney, the famous French prestige in the Fiench army is won- Cor. Wellington & Clarence Sts. Opp. Post Office Phone 699 Tea was served from 6 to 7 p.m,, and | handsome monument erected on his | tion maintains a firm De sel . S| general. derful. Its men are regarded by hel. was followed by a short programme| lot In the cemetery last week. Misg| destiny and the victory 4a! Lr 9 on OE fees average poliu with the same awe and and business meeting. Theré was a| Mildred Coon has returned from |over tyranny and barbarism. r*| GERMAN PRESS VIEWS wonderment that a child bestows on f MOIR solve to continue the war is unani- a tall Guardsman in his busby and TT = 's | Kingston. Miss Love, North Augusta, Yery good attendance. The pastor's " & mously expressed. No details of the OF WILSON NOTE full regimentals. In this it is of in- E ; Bible class of Grace church held a| bas severed her connections with the social evening In the lecture room |rural telephone office here. Charles|German peace proposals are known calculable benefit to the army of rm } of that church last evening, and a|Alford, Abbey, Sask., was renewing | here, but the reply il hs Allies "Comedy With England to] France, It Is recruited from men of $ er very enjoyable time was spent by a|acquaintances in the village. Nurse | meets ith Surdial Lopto pra the Save Latter From Subma- | all ages, and the man who gives his = 1anNno ar al goodly number. THe regular meet-| Nelson, Ottawa, was the guest of | ministerial press declares db i " age as 18 is sure to be younger than |S 0 ° ing of the Willing Circle of King's| friends during the holiday season.| German overtures are prompted by Fines," Paper Says. he says; the man who says he is from ii ing the inevitable ; ) Daughters was held in the parlor of | Dr. Roland Halladay and family spent | the hope of escap 35 to 40 is bound to be older. In|= . Oa aren last evening, rh wag) the holiday week with his parents, consequence of their approaching de-| Paris, Jan. 10.--Newspapers re-| gngland it is held that a man over |= Two Bargains in Slightly Used Pianos well attended. [sti and Mrs. Philip Halladay. E.| feat. dont Weal® appreciations the age of 45 is a doubtful man to 1--NORDHRIMER, I Harold Ralph, Calgary, Alta., was| Stillwell was a guest at the parson- e N's note published at} song on foreign service, and yet |== ad] IM] upright piano, style B Doric mahogany » VIENNA'S FOOD ARCE the end of December last by great there are thousands of men in ~ : finish, condition absolutely as good as new. in town yesterday, the guest of his, 88. Miss McCamm, Westport, has ndit 5 aunt, Mrs. Oscar W. Sheets. Migs] secured a school in this vicinity. AND BARBERS ARE FEW The Poste. wrote M198, n Germany. service of ine Lesion >ho are Ovet = ' Original P, ce, ¥ 4 ; age--fighting, marching, an h Our Price, $335. h Lilli Lean, wh nuptial | -------- Ru : J lay Mclean, dr as : States demand territorial integrity of| standing hardship better than young- rice pre-marital reception at the home of YAriety Shower at Harrowsmith, Papal Nuncio Writes That Life belligerents, it is in order to Wrest{er men in other armies, : ' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chales Mc-| Harrowsmith, Jan. 6.--On Tues- p is No Round of Belgium from us. If President Wil- In his enthralling book on the Leg- {= 2-- WEBER, upright piano, handsome mahogany case, very Lean, First steet, last evening, when| day evening last a pleasant event Pi son wished seriously and impartially lon, Frederic Martyn tells of an ex- Sweet tone. Action and case have been thoroughly took place at the home of the bride's easure. for peace he would understand that Bishop, a professor 'who was fond gone over and put into first class condition by our a large number of her friends avail- he 'col t ed themselves of the opportunity of| parefits, Mr. and Mrs. William 8. Rome, Jan. 40.-- The Stampa Turin mes 100 late, since on the of war," a German nobleman, a bar- experts wishing her God-speed on the jour-| Reed, when the many friends of Mr. A ¥ | cist 1 : ney of Hite. i ? and Mrs. Gordon Silver assembled | Published a letter in its issue of yes-| done everything in ram erred wi iymatial, all of Price $235. The inaugural session of the new| and gave them a shower of many | térday, said to have been written by| which was humanly possible," men in the Legion he Wid~hot Tieet y town council was held iu the council] beautiful and useful presents. Mrs, |the Papal Nuncio in Vienna, {n which Tacglische Rundschau wrote: more than half a dozen in the whole Call and See These Bargains in Our Warerooms and Our Other chamber on Monday in accordance] Silver will be much missed from |the Writer declares that life in the We must not at any price allow course of his service. All of them Bargains in Pianos and Organs, ith t , , ty| among her friend nd from the City of Vienna has become all but| ourselves to be fettered by the Unit- . Men he Ptatuts. The oe Hep uty Mothoass church at ae as she | Intolerable, ed States in our conduct of war, and bod the Brith ay re ha tame and took oath of office before Town| was a faithful ana willing worker. dozen eggs, and these said to be , time the regimental rolls of that Clerk McCammon. The latter then| The people enjoyed themselves dur-|nofe too fresh, cost nineteen shill- time said there were 51 Englishmen called upon the mayor to take his| ing the early evening with games and |ingS in the Austrian capital, while the neutrals, and especially the and 28 Americans serving then. Seat at the head of the table, where| then a delicious lunch Wag served, gf- [Supply of food on the most modest| United States, who has given fnnum-| "oppo Ton battalions known as the ho gave his Inaugual address. The ter which « toast was given to the |scale necessary to support the five erable proofs of partiality against us, "Zephyrs." These are the penal bat- mayor and Councillors Sine and Cow-| bride by William Botting and to the [servants in the residence of the Should participate in a peace con- talions, and are as a" rule sent to An were named as a committee for groom by Nelson Boyce, to which Mr. | nunsio represents the daily expendi- n serve in Algeria, or at any rate in stike the standing committees for| Silver ably responded. Other pleas- tire of four pounds. The Rhine and Westphalian Ga- some ooionh} station here lite is this year. The first named on each|ing addresses (were glven by Mr.| The nuncio himself, despite his 70|2ette wrote: 15] 09t a bed of roses. There is a story, committee is the chairman: Finanee,| Stover, B, Shea and John A. Cowdy. |vears of age, has been reduced to American Peace is England's '00, of a French officer of the re. Wilson, Keyes and Sine; Roads and | Two very suitable solos were render- (shaving himself. Barbers are few, Seat bare victors and the Unit-{ 1h army who enlisted in the Bridges, Ellis, Cowan, Karr; Print- ed by Harvey Snider and Mrs. H.|and their charges for their services| ® es, by threatening us with «gion. One day on parade he was 5 ing and Police, Keyes, Smith, Lloyd; | Shea + are so high that only the extremely] ¥2r seeks 'to wrest from us our ioticed by his genéral and recog- Property and Park, Karr, Lioyd . fruits of victory. Our only reply 1 » ' ' wealthy are able to engage a man to ized. The general asked him his Stith; Makot ind Poor Retlet, % shave them must be refusal without circumlocu- me and he gave his alias. This oyd, Cowan, Ellis; Fire and Light, ot an Illegal Act. --------t LT . - he general knew was not his real inth, Keves and Sine; Court of Re- Madoc, Jan. 10.--A point of con. SHIPMENTS OF CHEESE. The XKoelniche = Volka Zeitung lame, and he pressed him for the Vision, Sine, Karr, Cowan, Wilson| siderable interest wes decided in a in anole: CF resident Wilson S ote | ruth' and got it. He had been an and Ellis. case under the Ontario Temperance | Half Million in Money Received by P. a comedy arranged w BE" | \Mcer under this particular general, The lollowing officials Ser aly Act at Madoe. Loomis Reeves went Farmers fn Vicinity, ou Tye the latter oa Sur sub Ad the latter knew that if was np A te = rb Be I oT rsiayie a | William Pratt, salary $220; Audit- brought to his own home. He was has heen a pen cay Yontres of Derm ay Hom, jie oop le ot She fm sergeant on the a Tad on and » at nite €s have t n- > i Fs Were | FB Gt, ar SF rot ie Sa) Cte fn Lo ny Send ti tin Ste 20% DISCOUNT ; » W. A , m ed r ro n act {|} . . Hpgers, George Dempster and J. Casement and Gillen, who. after| 41} has eclipsed that of ail formes Berymoney. Todas Dae | eallantry, ah an wet There are special cut prices on cutlery, ; u s « BS: 20Vd; thearing the evidence and ar ument, : rh fr | : High School Trustee, T. D. O'con| Lorine 1 as tho package Had moi] aetured and ihe price recsived for periahabie Tears 0 crown with im-| , Te Josion hav asen a great deat fl} fancy brags and plated wares, toilet nor. Deen broken it was simply in transit immense amount of cheese been| ole laurels. 'ult and trying kind, and at one time || papers, odds and ends of kitchen wares, from a place where liquor could be hg Dah, Satan loves hypocrites because | lawfully kept, namely one dwelling Sade 0 i2ia_sestion lust Year; bt TRIBUTE 18 PAID A rhe i -- be iil and some stoves. they serve him best and require no{ house to another, and dismissed the : . . ' best grade. Last year the first ship- TO RUSSIA'S EFFORT] heir strength on the casualty list. {JH : wages. charge. ot of ion Johe the frat shi 18 n Wonder oon areatty_lut. |i Extraordinary advancing of prices by 10th nt Die last was loaded on the| In Rumanis's Behalf--Ozar's| strange that thers fs ta Stimosmho ll the manufacturers of all ardware and ; 16th of December. It is estimated Jf romance connected with it, for it || . . bar &P ractical (hat there were 'about 2.304.330 Troops Make Mackensen ad given men. back that hme ros (Ill Metals, makes a discount sale this year of 5 F unds of cheese ship n t wd given men bac ng Hl . H D Rp Makin time. * Placing the average Dries -- is_more precious than life--self- double benefit to the housewife, ; 4 ome Ir eS gq paid for the cheese for the whole London, Jan, 10. respect. In @ present war it is Hi It will repay you well to anticipath your wants, come : Season at 18% cents per pound,}-Vibute to the g keeping up its traditions; it is doing [lll and have a look at what we have to offer, there is sure to be ron. Lf Which is rather low, it would{ Put forth in Rumania's Jiore, it is surpassing itself, and the Hl] something you require and on which you can save good money amount to the astonishing figure of| ing: A ; German troops who meet the men of 1} by buying now. $426,299.20 worth of cheese ship-| 'Her attempt to hold the the Legion in open field are likely || - bed from the town of Perth last sea- | Hnes has failed, as the atte to find this true, 1 Special Sale Prices for Cash Only Prepared Specitlly for This Newspaper Son. Nearly half a million dollars| save Bucharest failed; Th Sistributed to the furiels within 2 delared the Germans for Excel With Old Weapons, Ib : radius of eight or ten m of Per @ them . . 118 LIMITED By Pictorial Review 3 for their cheese alone. their successes. The ul all of the Suns 51 dein ar 1 McKELVEY & SON, , : the recent defensive | 71 Brock St., Kingston. Russia, for the bulk of the Rumanian Sie tians_left lo Isnt wit oni A Successful Afternoon Model . TIOTH GETS RECRUITS. | army hus been withdrarin Benin a ! IE a satin being used for the foundation : Re- --_-- = -- and gray cloth for . hoped to do stand 3 Russian ] a ie - ; at ETT I Trenton, Jan. 10.--Trenton Opera| emy's advance. d Ma The . why Russians would |= o " Hn haan . {House was packed to the doors at a| Mackensen has th PL rips Thy Ae kind is that recruiting meeting in the interest of | his disposal, and they all inherit the skill with the the 235th Overseas Battalion. - The sword, the battle-axe, the spear, and speakers included Lieut.~Col. Kidd, both thei now the knife, that has = been banded D.8.0., returned after eighteen enemy's | f down threugh many generations of months at the front; Lieut.«Col. 8. B. ancestors who were adept with these Seégbell, Capt. BE. H. McLedn and i ¢ weapons, This us why a Rus- { Sergt. J. J. Jiuoliar. x Sesrils re- by Sian BAYOnSt thaige ud a a Shing : GLOV + sponded to the appeal speakers, ! dreaded, and. Cossack and ey ar ops attested Sergt: ! ) itself, Jare able to work such havoc with | = VEST SRMEN : It : . Mellor, who was a 'Methodist minister before enlisting in the 235th as a private, has rendered such valuable : : tw 2 | FINE SHIRTS and PYJAMAS $1.00 TO $5.00 LOUNGING RO! ely. [- BAntities murs. | $4.50 TO $12.00 gine Jloun IAR| A New London, Avene pt |S SWEATERS FOR MEN JER a 1 ng $1.00 TO $10.00 Ne. | JANUARY DISCOUNT SALE Begins the first business day of the month continues to the last. Tinware, enam- HOUSE COATS

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