Are Sh Se PAGE TWELVE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1917. iti PPL TO HORSE LOVERS >=" S225 coorr The rumor of a race track being | built in Detroit this season is again being revived. It is said that sev- eral wealthy sportsmen are inter- ested in the project, and are aiming to interest Judge Murphy. There was a remarkable upheavel of form in premier soccer circles in Scotland on Saturday. Of the nine league games played, five scores of 1 fo 0 were returned, and these where least expected, Motherwell, who are far down the league table, came very close to tripping up the mighty Cel- tic at Parkhead, and it was a feather in their chaplets that the Fir Park brigade ran the champions to one goal. The. efforts of Hamilton Academicals to throw Greenock Mor- ton at Burnbank was none the less meritorious. . The only goal of the fame went to Morton, who had to show a full hand before they could claim victory, Hibernians made a big attempt to get further away from the "wooden spoon," d succeeded in putting a big dent ih the halo of the Love Laners, and incidentally winning their third game of this sea- son. Raith Rovers, the bottom dogs, also surprised themselves, but more 80 Third Lanark, by securing the points at Cathin Park by the odd goal. This was Raith Rovers' second win of the season, and Third Lanark never expected that the Fifers could | trivmph in the West. Liverpool by defeating Preston North End broke the tie in the lead- It is not all a picnic for the clubs introducing the mutuels. The Syd- ney Referee says: "Between build- ings and machines, the installation of the talisator at Randwick will probably cost the Australian Jockey Club mearly £40,000.7 | i | | Recent selling race activities at New Orleans resulted in the transfer of Squeeler to B. J. Brannon for $1,550. The Duke to W. Birnie for $1,100, and Pontefract to C. O. Reed for $900. Capt. Press bought Hub- bub for $2,000 at private sale. Sam Louis ran up'No Manager $600, but did not get him. -- ". Bookmaker Al. Koenigsberg has been denied the privileges of the Tia Juana track for the present, 28 Treadgold Sporting Goods Co. 88 Princess St., Kingston, Ont. QUEEN'S GOALKEEPER Showed Great Form - in Toronto-- Purvis an Elusive Skater. The Toronto Star says--The Queen's team is picked from the medicg#'school, and every man is, in training for overseas service, "'Ranks with the Strongest' HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE At Juarez Bobolink was advanced from $200 to $500, after winning the second race, by K. Spence and sold. Certain Point was bid up from $200 to $430 by R. 8S. Plunkett and was retained by Owner Spence. ° et Back of a Milo { . | MILO Cigars. You will enjoy every one. | SADDLE AND Suiky | Made in Kingston. CANADIANS ASKED To PROVIDE Bottom Dogs Show Renewed! se = Upon Flag Aspirants. Manufacturer, Kingston. | | Backed by credentials which. bear | . 1 . { the imprimatur of his Grace the This Year. Why Not Start Right. : / tague Fowler, Bart.,, and other men E 11-in. for 1; ail. deeply interested in the work of | We Sell McCORMACK RECORDS, $ re for the man¥ hundreds of | tle front, Mr. R, H. Rees has come Have you seen the new Crown Life Policies : N i yi e en rt What Have You Been Paying? wounded animals in France and in | approved by the Canadian Government Depa: Flanders. Mr. Rees represents offi- | x ur Id. sell A an liberal "provisions. 7 i ed Horses, organized by the Roya gold medals by the bat fulges in the wor 125 at| Society or the Prevention of Cruelty in.; . 0 or 12-in. 85¢ for 10:18. an : Ron of whom oure hin "Raho OROWN LIFE INSURANCE 00., TORONTO King George and her Majesty Queen Agents wanted in unre ated dist 'the equipment of the splendidly or- ganized Army Veterinary Corps was all the sick and wounded horses at the front, and the co-operation of ish War Office and accepted. This! gave birth to the fund, which has veterinary hospitals, with = "wards" and "beds," whieh ensure treatment | I n th e Worl d of Spo rt | . 4 Start the New Year right by smoking J | HOSPITAL FOR WAR EQUINES Life and Spring Surprises G. A. McGOWAN, Save Money zw Lit - With War Office Authority is Ask- | ing for $60,000. ---- { Duke of Portland, K Sir Mon- ; of high standing in England, and 4 * 12-in. for $1.25 Ty double sides. | thousands of sick horses at the bat- " : : ito Canada to seek help fer. the . . ment of Insurance? 'They contain surprisingly Columbia R s, the finest in the world. Given cially the Fund for Sick and Wound- Tnsng' to 'Animals, London, the principal Let send yeu some fresh Insurance facts Try a few--you will be satisfied. | Mary. Soon after the war broke out found inadequate to efficiently succor the R.S.P.C.A. was offered the Brit- already provided at the front four for 4,000 horses at the same time. The de- IAA | RRC. DINING ROOM FURNITURE All Styles and Finishes. Oak, Mahg., F umed. Jardiniere Stands, Special Designs. Robt. J. Reid, Phone 571. Wood's The Great PEnplish Remed Tones sud li the A aervous Rystem, new Blooa in old Veins, Oures Nervous pve Latpiterion Ry Fai One will please, six will cure, Bold vy af iled in plain pkg. on t vei Ve fied free. THE O.0NY, (Fev Steam Vulcanizing WE DO ALL KINDS OF TIRE AND TUBE VULCANIZING First class work ane rea- sonable' ~ F. J. Pearson & Co. Cor Queen and Bagot Sts. elsewhere. FN INE CO. Leading Undertaker. | Call In and get our prices before going | In addition to these hospitals are { quarters for the men, 40 motor an | horse ambulances, corn crushers, | motor lorries for fodder, ete. The { first appeal made by the society was | answered by over $500,000, but even { this large sum has proved unequal to the task, and Canadians are now being appealed to to provide suffie- i fent funds to erect a hospital for the treatment of Canadian horses, Since the war started 924,255 horses and muleg have been shipped from the American Continent to the war area, where there are now millions, of animals within the five-mile fire zone, | eniefly because motor traction is im- possible there. The Canadian Veter- | inary Hospital is estimated to 'cost | $60,000, and will care for horses at the one time, When Mr. Rees, who is at present in Toronto, landed on this side he immediately invoked the aid of the branch of the R.8.P.C.A in New | York, which is the oldest branch of { the society on the American Contin- (ent, and the members quickly re- | sponded by forming an American auxiliary of the fund at 50 Madison Avenue, New York City, where Mr. Rees has meanwhile made his official | headquarters, Lovers of animals throughout the United States, irre- | spective of international © boundary | lines, have flocked to the ald of the { society, in the belief that charity | and mercy should be universal in a! { case of this kind. | games gre getting along Aiming at Different Targets, The National Hockey Association | famously this season with only one referee. 1.000 ership for the Lancashire champion- ship and jumped two points ahead of Burnley, who #11 to Manchester Npited at Old Trafford. Everton clined * to another rung on the league ladder by trouncing Black- burn Rovers 5 to 1 at Etwood Park, Ja while Bolton Wanderers had to swal- low the most unpalatable dose of any {fi club during 'the afternoon, Stoke forcing upon the Burnden Park team a seven-goal defeat Tough on the Owners, The latest burden to fall upon the shoulders of the poor magnites is a $ raise in the hotel rates around the circuit. Major league presidents are in receipt of letters from several hogtelries at which their teams put up during the playing season. Ad- vising gn the rates will be hoosted from 5B $1 per day per man, As the club carries an average of twenty-five men while on the road during the championship season this addition to the cost of travelling will amount to quite a sum during thé course of a year. A dollar a day increase in the cost of hotel accom- modation means $25 a day to the club, or an advance in the expenses of about $2,000 in a year. Thus do things conspire to annoy the once plutocratic but mow shy and shrink- ing club owner. ------e ie A Bullet-Riddled Athlete. With several German bullet wounds on his body and legs, "Bob Phyllis, former amateur lightweight cham- Pion and a member of the St. Charles Athletic Club, is back in Toronto. Be- fore the war he was considered one of to $430 by K. Spence and retained by W. A. Griffin, into the Texas Legislature i galizes racing in cities of 50,000 for days in the fall. racing will be permitted seven days, spring and fall. Juarez victory Friday, but was re- taifted. from $300 to $605 by J. E. Hines, but singer. filly- Browne-Henschall to race in conflict "Curly" business March 4th, but stories from other scurrying for capital for the enterprise, and the most extravagant and impossible promises in that con- nection, Canadian at the University that "Joe" Wright would be unable to coach the Red and Blue crews$ this Season vanished this afternoon when Mineral Jim was bid up from $200 The racing bill to be introduced creates State Racing Commission and le- fteen days in the spring and fifteen In smaller towns Bigtodg was bid up from $5600 to 730 by J. M. Shilling after his Josefina Zarate was bid up was protected by Hays & Kes- There were two bids for the one of $525 by R. H. Goode. has it that the] track at Havana, with that of be ready for A Juarez report Brown will indicate a great new sources WRIGHT TO BE COACH Oarsman Has Called a Turnout for Drill Any belief among undergraduates of Pennsylvania g¢{ restrictions imposed mand for doctors is one of the great needs of the army, and these boys are going through as quickly as possible in order to get to the front. In the meantime they are keeping in good physical condition by playing hockey and deserve every encouragement from the public. They showed a sur- prising good team against the River- sides and earned the applause of the fans for their plucky efforts against the champions. Like every other senior O.H.A. team this year, they also introduced a remarkably clever goalkeeper in Harold Lees. He made all shots look easy and the determin- ed attack of the Riversides was refi- dered harmiess by his amazing work. Purvis at centre also displayed fine form. He is a very elusive skater, The great weakness of the Queen's forwards wae in being shunted into the corner after they got up to the defence, but they will overcome that by practice. National Commission Ruling. The National Baseball Commission has held that the only tests that should be applied in the engagement of a minor league ball player upon his willingness to play for (a salary within the prescribed limit of the club desiring his services should be his eligibility to contract. AX other ¥ league legis- lation are held arbi®hary rights sub- versive of the national [agreement rights of thegplayer, and therefore are null and void, In announcing the ruling the com- mission says:--'"The National Asso- ciation's officials and members will be held to strichactount by the com- mission {f this ruling is not respected Head Office, R: Insurance Bldg. MONTREAL PERCY J. QUINN, Manager, ars Bran erento W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. PARADIS GARAGE \ FOOT OF BROCK STREET $1.00, Small, TSe, Efficient Service guaranteed. Give us a call, 'E. PARADIS, Prop. TREE, SYSTEM LOCAL BRANCH TIME TABLE In effect Oct. 20th, 1916." Trains will leave and arrive at City Depot, foot of Johnson sireet. GOING WiEsT eo. Clty Mail .. L20 a.m. 3 Express . .. Local . .. .. Intern'l Lad, ail | os 1 Local . Mail . . a.m. Express . .. 35 am, am, 20 1D They could really be operated with- of the best amateur lightweighs in) the Canadian rowing mentor appear- Loeal . Kingston's Electric Store 20% OFF TABLE LAMPS THIS WEEK ONLY House wiring our specialty. - H.W.Newman Electric Co." Phone 441 % 79 Princess St. Blakemore Studio Commercial Photography. Enlarging and Copying, Home Portraiture Kingston's Largest Photo Stadio. All work guaranteed. 180 Wellington Street. Over Royal Bank Chambers JEFF IS VERY FOND OF HAWAIIAN DANC { out any official in charge, as pro- fessional hockey is the only known game in which there is no penalty for infraction of its rules. Replac- ing a wearied player by a fresh one is a reward for foul play, not a pen- alty. This condition exists because the rules are drawn by promoters whose purpose is not the encourage- ment of a sport, but the presentation of a spectacle. And it supplies a basic reason why amateur sport can never be properly served by pro- fessional direction. The aims are radically different, and marksmen aiming at different targets are not likely to hit the same one. Connie Mack Has Signed Bodie) Ping Bodie will 'be back in the' American League next season. Con- nie Mack has signed him. Mack is confident that he can get a .300 average out of Bodie by using Some of the famous Mack salve and diplomacy. Ping's previous failure in the majors is attributed to bad manag t. a Ping played in 206 games on the coast last year and had an average of 303. He secured more hits than any Sther player in the golden west re- glon. It turns out that only two of Tia el Juana's crop of bookmakers, Joseph Blume and Henry Hanf, emigrated Canada. . "Danny" Maher Left £5,933. The late "Danny" Maher, the fam- ous jockey, who won the Derby three times and died recently in England, left property of the value of £5,933. The estate was left to his wife abso- lutely, Messenger Boy, which four-mile Kentucky Stakes for Gene Lutz a ago, a won the Endurance few years terday and immediately began active preparations to drill Since last autumn there had been Some questions over whether Wright would be at Pennsylvania this winter and spring, because ie is in the Can- ed in the athletic association head- Quarters and issued a call for crew Hall tomorrow. Coach Wright in Philadelphia yes- the oarsmen. candidates to report in Weightman ! and enforced." Ex-Walking Champion Dead. Fred Keiser, a former walking champion of America, and a member of the Olympic team that' visited Stockholm in 1912, is dead at New York. Keiser had been in active competi- tion until shortly before he became dian Post Office service, and it was feared he would not succeed in ob- taining leave of absence. Coach Wright made himself popu- leans, SNA AA RA A = MADE I'N CANADA is In mild training at New Or- to New Orleans. 2 Jon ERS. lar with the majority of the oars- men a year ago, although he changed all styles of training and was not as successful as was looked for in his work. Wright is one of the best of the oarsmen in Canada and for years captained and coached the famous Argonaut crews of Toronto, iaking several trips to Henley with them. Awarded Military Medal, In a letter to a friend in town, dated Somewhere in France, Decem- ber 18th, Pte. Guy Smith, the well- known home player of the Cornwall lacrosse team, who will be remem- bered by lovers of lacrosse in Mont- real, Ottawa, and Toronto, describes the recent fighting on the Somme, epee A stubborn fountain pen has in- terrupted many a man's flow of idle thoughts, ~ i ill, and was a competitor in the seven- mile title race last fal. His principal success was in 1913, when he won'the 7-mile national championship carry- ing the colors of the New York A.C. His time was 55 9 1-5, Duke in Honorary President. The announcement is made that His Grace the Duke of Devonshire, Governor-General of Canada, has ac- cepted the honorary presidency of the Connaught Park Jockey Club, Ot- tawa, in succession to H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught. ° The former Governor-General was honorary pre- sident since the inception of the elub in 1913. Hockey in New York, The first of a series of hocke matches between college teams w start here Wednesday with Princefon and Dartmouth at the St. Nicholas rink, The games will be coun a championship affair. Ya Harvard are scheduled to play later. » . . 6 Mail .. .. .. 1220p 2. Intern'l Lad. $ Local ee 48 p.m, pm. Nos. 1, 6, 7, 13. 14, 16, 18, 19 run daily. Other trains dally except Sunday. Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit Chicago, Bay City, Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St. John, Halifax, Boston and New York. For Pullman Accommodation, Tio- kets, and all other Information, apply to J. P. HANLEW, AGENT. Cor. Johnson and Oniarie Streets, 1. AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAM. SHIP LINES, [A CANADIAN Swmvicp LONDON to HALIFAX HALIFAX to LONDON (Calling Falmouth to land passengers) For particulars of sailings 2 rates apply te Loeal Agents or to Reb. ert Reford Co, Limited, General Agents, 50 King St. East, Torosts. ot said that Missouri is to be ask to pass a racing law which will tax race tracks $1,000 a day, to Eo to the good roads fund of the State. Fifty per cent. of the net profits are also to be turned into the 2pm, pm, 0008 Vn 0 "oo 21 -- Cre Tans Fe > ES ---- pr