Madein En gland every drop, and enjoyed all over the world. One. Quality One Size One Price rocers keep LP. on their bandiest shelf, it sells so freely, . Simple Way To : End Dandruff There fs one sure way that has never failed to remove dandruff at once, and that is to dissolve it, then you deetroy it Autirely. To do this, Just get about four ounces of plain, common liquid arvon from any drug store (this is all you will need), ap- ply it at night when retiring; use en- ough to moisten the scalp and rub it «in gently with the finger tips: By morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications "will com- pletely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have, You will find all digging and itch- ing of the scalp will stop instantly, and your hair will be fluffy, lus- trous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. DR. WARD'S gpeciaity DBEASES of HEN 1s treats else, ven the eh » urope's best ( emt HE DAILY BRIGISHE MARIAM AND MR. GORDON COME TO LUNCH AND (Copyright, 1916, by the McClure | Newspaper Syndicate). Mariam arrived prompfly o'clock; all smiles and dimples tnd pinkness and happiness. Mr. Gordon, who accompanied her, was as calm and sleek and confident as ever. Mariam's greeting, when [ entered the hotel parlor, was as warm as it we had been separated a year, while Mr, Gordon's 'was that of a friend pleased to meet again a woman who interested him. He prressed my hand ever so slightly. but in the depths of his eyes there glowed that intense feeling which so often had frightened me. . "I thought we never were going to see you again, Roxane," cried Mariam with her customary enthus- jasm. "It was just awful, the many mean things which kept you- busy and made it impossible for us to see you, Imagine any one being so busy that they can't have a good time." +1 must have blushed when I re- membered all the excuses 1 had mage to her. Mr, Gordon, I knew, under- stood it all, but Mariam had taken my: very thin pleas as literally true. She had no idea that I was trying to avoid, not: her, but Mr, Gordon. "One who 'moves to a strange city to establish a home finds much to do." It was Mr. Gordon who came to my rescue. His eyes, which were fixed uen my face, read my thoughts, but there was nothing about him which indicated that he saw deeper than the surface. fs "But it is perfectly horrid!" ex- claimed Mariam. '"'Just because one moves is no reason why one should become a-prisoner. Roxane has been at one the third time I have seen her, Yet she lives in a hotel and has servants by the hundreds to do whatevey she wants done. 1 just can't understand it." "There is one consolation, how- ever," put in Mr. Gordon. "That is that when one is busy it is all the greater honor to be allowed to con- sume her time. Mrs. Pembroke's in- vitation is all the more appreciated on that account." "Invitation?" laughed Mariam. "I did not tell you how we received the invitation, did 1, Uncle John? We (invited ourselves." Over my protest she went on: "I asked Roxane to take lunchebn "definitely I changed the invitation BUFFALO'S LEADING SPECIALIST | - THE ¢ LONDON DIRECTORY (Published Annually) | enables traders throughout the world' to tommunicate direct with Englieh | "MANUFACTURERS, & DEALERS | in each class of goods, Besides be- | Ing a. complete commercial guide to London and its suburbs the Direc-| tory contains lists of i with the goods: th I : 8 : they ship, and the Colonial 'and - Forelgn Markets they supply; : | STEAMSHIP LINES ! arranged under the Ports to which ' they sail, and indicating the approxi- , mate sailings; . | PROVINCIAL TRADE NOTICES of Jeading facturers, Merchants, | and tndustol ipa) Drovintial towns ; of the a copy or the current edition will freignt paid, on re- )t of Postal Order for $5. palers seeking agencies can ad- vertise their irade cards fo $5 or lar- rtisements 15. Ltd. | she decided. to once more visit Home i Cured by VENO'S LIGHTNING COUGH CURE. The incomparable efficacy of Veno's Lightning Cough cure has made it the supreme remedy of modern times for lung, chest, and threat troubles « in children or adults. It safe as it ar. You 'tisappointed ointed if you trust 3 30 cents and 60 cents, druggists and stores through: - sure as|ceeded her to the grave about three with us and before she could reply into a suggestion that you and I come hére to the Lorelle." We all laughed"at her frank state- ment. "In any event we are here," re- MARIAM LEARNS MY SECRET || occasion." here more than a month and this is | EC Ty marked Mr. Gordon, "and we are very lad to be There, Personally, I ould like to invite myself ofterer if I thought we would be as gracious- ly received as we have been on this "What a stately statement!" cried Mariam. "Uncle John, I do believe you would have made a good courter in Queen Bess' time. All that you need is a pair of shor: trousers and a wig, apd you would be a second Sir Walter Raleigh." : '"Not Sir Walter," he objected. "I believe he lost his head, didn't he?" "And so may you laughed Mariam, "when 'the. right woman is, met. If Roxane wasn't married 1 believe you would lose it now." I felt my face growing red, but Mr. Gordon's manner was unruffled, as he replied: "Married women cost more heads than the unmarried, Mariam. It seems that their beauty is unspoiled by the rites of the altar, and the mére fact that they are unattainable adds to the lure.- I have heard of men who became desperately in love with paintings, and I will wager that the average married woman is more attainable than a portrait." "Why Uncle John, how foolish yot talk. As though you know anything about love!" . A dull red crept up to Mr. Gordon's eyes. I could not tell whether it was caused by Mariam's flippant and dis- respectful remark or whether it was due to something else which he or I' might explain if we wished. "That is a mistake which the young often make," he replied after a pause. "They think we old men never understand things which con- cern young people. As a matter of fact, old as I am, I was young once and, even though you may not guess it, I had the very same ideas as you have, Very few of us are born old." "What a'solemn conversation this is," Interrupted Mariam. 'Besides 1 am hungry and I know Roxane has ordered a good luncheon for us." She twirled her arm around my waist. "I don't know what is the matter with me to-day, Roxane," she said in a penitent tone. "I am just hor- rid, am I not? First, I am impert- inent to Uncle John, and then I ac- cuse him of always being old. Why, he's the dearest youngest, sweetest old thing in the world, isn't he?" "Of course he is," I agreed. We moved out into the corridor toward the dining room. Mariam, her arm still about my waist, whis- pered to me: 'Please forgive me, Roxane. I know I have been as fool- ish as I could be, but I have just made a discovery which upset me terribly. You know, I think Uncle John is in love with you!" it was a full minute before I could trust myself to reply. | "Low Cost of ~~ Menu for Friday BREAKFAST Stewed Quinces Cold Bolled Cereal Egg Omelet Cream Muffins Fruit Buiter Coffee or Cocon LUNCHEON OR SUPPER Rice a la Creole Japanese Fritters with Warm . Thickened Fruit Syrup Buttermilk, Mlk or Tea DINNER Onion Soup Deviled Fish Creamed Potatoes Stuffed Peppers, with Cabbage oe | J Living"' Menu Rice a la Creole. 3 Materials---One cup rice, 2 cups finely cut onion, 1 cup strained toma- toes, 14 cup finely cut bacon, 1 table- spoon 'salt, 1 teaspoon salt, % tea- spoon Worcestershire sauce, 34 tea- Spoon paprika, 1 tablespoon flour, 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley. Utensils--Saucepan, frypan, mea~ suring cup, teaspoon, tab: 2spoon. Directions--Wash and boil the rice as usual; spread on platter and cover with a sauce made as follows: Put the onion and bacon in and add the flour, which has aa mixed with a little cold water; boil three minutes. Cover over with rice, a sprinkle with the chopped pars- y. TIDINGS FROM TWEED Death of Mrs. J. Benson-~The Fair A Success. Tweed, Oct. 7--On Wednesday morning, 4th inst., at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O"Coin, North Victoria street, occurred the death of Mrs. J. Benson of Rochester, N.Y. About a year-ago Mns, Benson was stricken with a lingering and painful disease, and it was then that and friends, thinking too that the change of climate would prove bene- ficial to her health, but her obstinate illness resisted alike both climatic change and medical treatment. | Though for months it was apparent | to all that life was ebbing away it was not until a couple of hours prior |. to death that she lost hopes of re- covery. Besides her parents' shel leaves two sons; two sisters: and five] brothers, her husband' having pre- years ago. The funeral was d '| weeks confined to his room by ill- ness. 'Many of the teachers have gone to their respective out-of-town homes to spend Thanksgiving Day. Justice O'Brien of Erinsville spent Wednesday ' visiting : Tweed friends prior to leaving for Toronto where he has gone to pursue his studies. A ------ , He is indeed course of nature who will point the finger of derision at misfortune. NA Cting Cough 'Quick Should be Kept Mandy in Every Home--Fasily. red awd '| Mountain Grove on Wednesday, Sep- THE "RURAL SCHOOL ; FAIR HELD AT MOUNTAIN GROVE ON 6TH OF SEPTEMBER. Those Who Won . Prizes--Harold Johnston and Vera McDonald Made the Best Showing in School Fair Week. : The second annual rural school] fair for Olden township was held at tember 6th. The exhibits were fair considering the backward season, and a good deal of interest was shown both by parents and pupils in this work. Dinner was served in the Orange Hall by the Ladies Aid So- ciety of Mountain Grove. ' By one o'clock the exhibits were all placed in the hall and the judges placed the awards. The judges were: Sewing, cooking, flowers, etc., Mrs. J. , Harrowsmith; Essays, penmanship and drawing, M. R. Reid, M.A., Sharbot Lake; poultry and vegetables, W. H. Smith, BSA, Athens, - About 1,30 o'clock the crowd gath- ered in a nearby field, .where an athletic programme was conducted. At four o'clock the hall was opened and after giving everyone an-oppor- tunity to see the exhibits, the names of the prize winners were announced, and the prize money paid. The prize winners were: 5 Potatoes--Irish cobbler--Earl Youmans, John Price, Gerald Cronk, Bertha Goor, Fred Conboy, Martha Lutz. Potatoes--Irish = Cobbler---Arthur Dusharne, Harold Johnston, Earl Mec- Donald. . : Potatoes--Davies Warrior--Car- rie Raymond, James Conboy, Fred Kellar, Arthur Charlton, Hiram Hawley, Everett Price. ; Potatoes--Best kept plot, inspect: ed in summer--Harold Johnson, Ar- thur Chariton, James Johnson, May Fox, Earl McDonald, Elsie Wood, Willet Gowdy, Bruce Barker, Hil- yard Lutz. Potatoes--Empire State grown from 1915 seed----Cecil Kimberley, Fred Conboy, Everett Price, Egerton Barker, John. Price, Mangols--Yellow Leviathan--El- len Burke, Percy Short, David Cham- bers, Cassie Short. Mangols--best kept plot, inspected in summer--Norman Hawley, Ellen Burke, Noel Parker, Hiram Hawley. Oats--Arthur Abbott, Murvil Cox, Everett Price, Wilfrid Burke. Oats--Best kept plot plot, inspect- ed in summer--Murvil Cox, Arthur Sly, Hilyard Lutz, Wilfrid Burke. Oats--grown from 1915 seed sent out by department--John Price. Oats, sheaf, flve inches in diameter oats from home farm, Victor Drew, Everett Price, Willie Gorr, John Price. Barley, Wilfréd Burke. Barley, best kept plot, inspected in summer, 'Wilfred Burke, Arthur Chariton, Colin McPherson. Barley, sheaf, five inches in dia- meter, from home farm, Everett Price, Wilfrid Burke, Sweet corn, en Bantam, Vera McDonald, Fred exander, Gerald Cronk, Earl Yeomans, Leslie Conboy, Wilfrid Price. ~ Sweet cqrn; best kept plot, inspect- ed in: summer, Bryon Hawley, Earl Youmans, Fred Conboy, Vera Me- 'Donald, Robeley Ball, Blanche Col- lins, Garnet Coulter. Dent corn, stalks with ears, James Johnson, Herbert Conboy, Earl Barr, Kenneth Thompson. Dent corn, best kept plot, inspect< ed in summer, James Johnson, Jewel Parker, Douglas Hawley, Stewart Gendron, ' Asters, Giant Comet, Rose Wood, Laura Barr, Evelyn McDonald. Asters, best kept plot, Elste Wood, Rose Wood, Laverne Tomlinson, Letta-Asselstine, Mary Raycroft. Sweet peas, Spencer Mixed, Ellen Burke, Vera McDonald, Fern Wood, Georgiena Abbott, Muriel Saunder- son. Sweet peas, best kept plot, Vera McDonald, Noris Thomlinson, Ellen Burke, Mabel Johnson, Rose Collins. Poultry, Barred Rock, Earl Me- Donald; best cockerel, Earl MeDon- ald, Kathleen Price, Winston Saun- derson; best pullet, Earl McDonald, Ointence Cox, Ceeil Kimberley; three rds Livestock, colt, led by pupil, Ar- thur Sly; calf, led by pupil, Everett Price, Archie Barr. ° Essay, "Our Three Worst Weeds and How to Control Them," Harold Johnston, Gertrude Price, Muriel Saunderson. Essay, "My Plot"+or "My. Chick- éns," Lily Barr, Barl McDquald, Mur- : » vil. Cox. Weeds, best. collection, named-- Harold Johnston, Gertrude Price, Katlileen Price. Weed seeds, collec- tion, bottled aid named--Harold ed and named id Johnston, Kathleen Price, Ma Dolly Bell, va Brown. Plant dis. eases, Johnston. cak Pearl Dawson, Lily Barr. girls under 10--- \llen; Wava Wood. Cookies, girls over 10-- Bessie Allen, Dulcie Drew, Lily Barr., Bread--Marvil Cox, Mu- riel Saunidrson. Rose Wood. Apron, WHIG, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12,1916 ~~" WHO Is Going to Control Sales'of the Carole In Your Territory? \ 5951 COMPLETE Plays All Standard 4 " Records « povation. "The demand is here and must be supplied. We help you with, our big advertising campaign. People are enthused over this musical in- Sales' possibilities are immense. Our arrangements are liberal. You mustact promptly as territory is being rapidly taken up. Write or wire. Carole 59 Yonge Street Limited TORONTO Johnston. Insects, collection, mount-| ida Johnston, |. For Infants and Children, Mothers Know That Lv, Citys City, win ise Xd Am. 33am Mati are 1038 pm 1348 5m. atl. Lidl 1.08 p.m. hn 00 0 . Brockville . 6.48pm. 7.37pm Nos. 1, 6 7, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19 dally, otbar trains daily t Sunday. Direct route to Toronto, Hamilton, Buffalo, Londons, Detrol Ghlcaga, Bay City, naw, ge" real aw uebec, | nn Fn Yor or: Halifax, ton and New bate For Over | Thirty Years From London From Montreal Sept ve oo ASCANTA Cabin and Third Class, MONTREAL TO BRISTOL Fvom LA Yonmouehs Dock) Cabin Passengers Osly. Agent, or The « AUSONIA ... Oct. 12 For information apbly Local Ticket Limited, 50 King Streoat last, Toronto.