Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 4 Apr 2019, p. 42

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in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, A pr il 4, 20 19 | 42 Make a Smart Investment I'm known for making smart investments that's why I chose Pollard for my home. SCOTT McGILLIVRAY HGTV HOST & REAL ESTATE EXPERT Choose Pollard Windows & Doors. Pollard offers products of exceptional value with the largest selection of design options. Expert advice, professional installation, and 70 years of Canadian manufacturing - that's why Scott chose Pollard for his own home. Ca l l 1 . 8 0 0 . 5 8 5 . 5 5 6 1 P O L L A R D W I N D O W S . C O M C E L E B R A T I N G 7 0 Y E A R s www.concretetrimmings.com CONCRETE FREE ESTIMATES 905-844-5518 1-888-944-5518 uality At Its Best! Call Fernando www 1-888-944-5518 • DRIVEWAYS • FRENCH CURBS • PATIOS • STEPS • WALKWAYS • GARAGE FLOORS ExposEd aggrEgatE (pebble) Licensed by the Ministry of the environMent 905.802.0158 | www.Kensingtonlawns.com905.802.0158 Licensed by the Ministr 905.802.0158 | www.Kensingtonlawns.com905.802.0158 email: Kensingtonlawns@gmail.com Kensington LawnsKensington Lawns Naturally - for a thick, green and healthy lawn! soiL test BY goVeRnMent aCCReDiteD LaB testing is tHe onLY waY to DeteRMine wHat YoUR Lawn neeDs saFe oRganiC gRanULaR FeRtiLiZeR anD PRoCeDURes weeD PULLing & Fiesta weeD ContRoL & HoRtiCULtURaL VinegaR iF ReQUiReD we aPPLY neMatoDes twiCe to ContRoL gRUBs 3 UniQUe anD eXCLUsiVe aLL season Lawn CaRe PLans FRoM $300 aLso aeRation, oVeR seeDing anD enRiCHeD toP soiL LiCenseD BY tHe MinistRY oF tHe enViRonMent anD CitY oF oaKViLLe enjoY YoUR tiMe, saVe YoUR MoneY anD Let Us Do it FoR YoU tHis sPRing sUMMeR anD FaLL! ✔ each visit we control monitor and document weeds, insect and diseases ✔ Repair of any reasonable damage and control weeds ✔ no cheap high nitrogen man made fertilizer ✔we take our time to do a good job No One Else Give You All This! Overhead Door Co. of Hamilton-Burlington™ 5450 Harvester Road, Burlington Overhead Door (Hamilton-Burlington) Ltd. 905.333.1772 info@overheaddoorburlington.ca overheaddoorburlington.ca Thermacore® For premium construction and maximum thermal efficiency, a Thermacore® insulated steel door is the ideal choice. This series of doors feature our sandwich construction of steel-polyurethane-steel as well as between-section seals with thermal breaks to reduce air infiltration. With several panel designs to choose from, these doors offer design flexibility, durability and thermal efficiency that will help keep your home comfortable in cold or hot climates. Insulated Steel Garage DoorsProud to be servicing the Gta for 33 years. The kitchen is the heart and focal point of any home. But if yours is looking a little tired, a few simple renovations can change the feel of the entire space. Whether you've just moved in, have been meaning to update for years or are experienc- ing life changes, remember that a kitchen uplift doesn't have to come with a huge price tag.  These  small-scale  projects could be the change your kitchen needs:  Brighten it up Adding LED lights below your cabinets will  brighten  your backsplash and  counter and provide a warm glow. Place your favourite containers below to act as focal points - those copper canisters that are hiding under the is- land and the marble coasters you couldn't re- sist can now all be on display. Swap the old with the new The backsplash is the � rst thing you see, so replacing it can be enough to give the space a whole new look. Try a unique shape or colour to change things up,  like  turquoise  or pat- terned tiles, hexagon-shaped tiles or even a full slab of stainless steel. Rework what you have People often think new cabinets are neces- sary for a kitchen reno, but a lot can be done with  what you've got. Repainting the cabinets and switching out the knobs to chic new han- dles will do wonders for a makeover. Don't hide away Try adding some open shelving in an unused spot, such as above the sink or window, or next to the cabinets. Display your most beautiful dishes and add some decorative pieces to give the space a modern, airy feel. Add new materials into the mix Changing the island to a butcher-block coun- ter adds warmth and practicality. Taking on a renovation can often feel over- whelming. But if you talk to your contractor about budgeting and  spreading  out pay- ments  through services like  The  Home Depot Project Loan, it can be easier than you think. The service allows you to � nance any home projects, big or small and is available at locations across Canada. (NC) Five renovations to make your kitchen look like new

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