in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, A pr il 4, 20 19 | 38 ON NOW AT THE BRICK! SAVING YOU MORE For more details go instore or online Rainor shine,bring the family for a reallygoodtime! A DIVISION OF In Partnershipwith MILTONSPORTSCENTRE 605 Santa Maria Blvd., Milton YOU'RE INVITED! Sat.April6, 2019 from10AM to3PM AFUN FILLEDDAY FAMILY SHOW FREE Lootbags (first 500visitors) &Parking EXHIBITORS-For informationor tobookyourspaceor inserts, contact: Karenat289-293-0706 Kathleenat289-293-0707 witheverythingfor families Education •Attractions •Camps •Marketplace Learnhow to recycle car andbooster seats Bouncy Castle & Popcorn courtesyof LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Entertainer ScottDietrich Pockets The Clown Face Painting by: Student presentation from: OnsiteSponsor: APPLEBY COLLEGE LETTERS OF INTENT Six Appleby College Grade 12 student athletes recently signed National Letters of Intent. Clockwise from front centre, Ibrahim Ayorinde is going to Princeton U. for track and field; field hockey player Kaitlyn Tomas will play for the Rider University Broncs in New Jersey; and four more will play varsity ice hockey - Lauren Steele with Mount Allison U. in New Brunswick, Gabrielle Duffy with Miami U., Catherine Trevors with Dartmouth and Kira Memet at Western U. Tracey Pearce-Dawson photo COMMUNITY