Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Nov 1926, p. 11

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.,. # Monday, November 15,1926. Sn THE DAILY BRITIS Cnt The Whig's Classified P bd ap age: H WHIG a 'Public Forum a » Yeh nda « er e+ Sig d Trie Market Place Th Bol - LASSIFIKD AD WBN rr are restricted to aly proper JUassification, and 1 regular Dally Whig style of 3 CLASSI LGD KATES: Ales Dally rete por Line or consecH insesiions: a Minimum CRArg®, gent rate bo igs Chace Cosh asy Genres eer . vHasew p opsiresseass Ii be received bY paid at The Bric nis Ses within § dass trom he ars. date of JRsertion, cesn ra will be allowed Ads. ord ime, Charged ads. wi telephone and if 4 cial rate f A reques' ois Publisners reagrve the right to or reject all Classified adverusiog Tolaphons 343; ask for & want ad, on rd ~__ Classified Display WwW. KENT MACNEE "Writing All Kinds of Insurance. Brock and Wellington Sts, Phone 2051 Se -------------------- 3 refrigerators. 4 Perfection oil cookers Alsc cheap congoleum- rugs. | Turk's Store PHONE 708. EET "IT'S ALL OFF MARRIAGES. ARMITAGE -HAMILTON--In Kingston Yon Nov. 15th, 1928, Clara lsabelle, | daughter of Mrs. W liam Hamilton, | Kingston," to Harold PF Armitage, | BSc, sun of Mr. and Mrs E Armi-} tage. Deseronto : pn ASN DEATHS. ABERNETHY Suddenly, in Kin i on Nov, 13th, 1326, Alfred i Abernethy { Funeral from hie late residence, Lower Albert Street. on morning. at 10 o'clock to Cataraqul} Cemetery. CONNOLLY-~--At Redsd's Bay. Walfe 1s-; tand, on Nov. 13th, 1826, James J. Connolly, aged 76 years. Funeral took placy from his late reat- dence, Monday morning at § o'clock to Sacred Heart church. where & solemn requiem MASS Was sung for the happy repose of his soul Interment at Wolfe Island. CARROLL~~In Kingston General Hos- rital, Monday, November 15th, 1936, Viltiam Carroll, in his Séth year. Funeral at the Union church, Verona, Wednesday, Nov, 17th, at 2 o'clock. Interment at Verona cemetery Friends and acquaintances respectfully invited to attend. HOGAN---In the Kingston General Hos- ital, op November 14th, 1936, Jeorge W. Hogan, aged T4 years. Funeral will take place from his late residence, $02 Mohtreal Street, 'on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock to Cataraqui Cemetery. Friends and acquaintances respectfully invited to attend MeMARTIN In Chicago, lle, on Nov. 12th, 1926, Frank McMartin, in his $3th year, Interment at Cataraqui Cemetery, frog bth - C. N. R. station, Noy. 1 JAMES REID The Old Firm of U ndertakers 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET 'Phone 147 for Ambulance ran ----~-- ston, ames 152° Tuesday * Lost and Found STOLE Will the two ladies who took the Silk Handkerchiefs from a down. town store en Thursiay, please Te- turn them or the equivalent, $15, or face a police gourt case 7 i { A PAIR OF GLOVES -- Found in St Luke's church. Owner can have shine by applying at the church in the even- ing. A LENS OF PAIR OF GLASSES «= Found In British Whi wner may nave same at Whig Office. CHAIR CUSHION-Found on Macdonald Street. OWner may have same at 38d Frontenao Street. COLLAR CASE~Found on Ontario St , Owner apply at 128 Nelson Street EVERSHARP PENCIL--Found between Broek and Johnson Streets. Owner a Albert 8 FOUNTAIN PEN... Found, at St Owner may have ssine at 435 Street. FOUNTAIN PEN--Found on Earl' Bt, between Albert and Frontenac Streets. Owner may have same at 353 Earl Bt KEY FOUND-On Bagot street, Princesa Street Owner may same at 108 Lower Bagot Bireet. ulm. Alfred near' have KEY POUND-On Union street, near Alfred. Owner 'phone 1 i LEATHER GAUNTLET--Pigskin, found on Clarence Street. Owner may have same at Whig Office. LADY'S WRIST WATCH allow Gold, black ribbon band, lost possibly at Sadium Saturday. Finder please tele ROBERT J. REID The Ul 'Phone B77. 230 Princess Street P. KEYES FUNERAL HOME: 49 COLBORNE STREET AMBULANCE 'PHONE 1889, JOHN COSNELIUS Undertaker and Embalmer Parlors: 274 Princess Stren Ambulance Phone 568 H. J. KNI UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER PARLUONS--Sydenbam, Yarker. \ srons, and Battersea. Ambulance 'phone 35. P. H. ROBERTS, Undertaker and Embaimer, AMBULANCE, Phone 0. Sydenham, Ont. CUT FLOWERS WRDDING BOUQUETS ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS KIRKPATRICK'S ART AND FLOWER STORE 'Phones 4562 and 1218-J. -- A KINDLY TRIBUTE. To the Memory of the Late Alfred Abernethy. CC . (Toronto Globe) . While Queen's and University of Toronto. fought it out at Richardson Stadium on Saturday afternoon tragedy descended swiftly and merci fessly. to bring grief to the fans in Kingston and at Queen's University because Alfred Abernethy loyal fol- lower of the Tricolor, a man belov- od by the students of Queen's dur- {Ing the last generation, gave his J N_#d. 21 Dominion Bullding. Torouto. phone 3238-m. Reward. NUMBER OF TICKETS -- Queen's Varsity rugby game, Old Arts' buliding, Queen's | Owner apply to Caretikeopwa! NEW YALE-~Lock key. found. on corner of Arch and Union streets." OWher may have same at §5 Arch street. SMALL PARCEL Containing dry goods, found on King Street, between Earl and Gore Streets. Owner may have same at Whig Office. - SUM OF MONEY~ Found, on Welling- ton Street. Owner may have same at 163 Htuart street or at Bell Telephone. WHITE GOLD WRIST WATCH-- Lost on Princess Street or Montreal. Finder please return to Thomas Street and recelve reward. For the found in niversity Help Wanted Male Help Wanted MAKE MONEY AT HOME-You cn earn $1.00 to $3.90 an hour in your spare time writing showeards. No cen- | vassing or soliciting; we instruct you and supply you with work. . Write to- day. The Menhenitt Company, Limits OUT OUR WAY. OAM SHIFT comin' wat 2T\00A Wt %. i103 Help Wanted AGENTS--Get in a proffjable, all-year| commission business Of your own. Every property owner is & customer or prospect Nine hundred varieties | of hardy Red Tag Nursery products. | Cash every week Complete equip-| ment and. instructions free. Write | Dominion Nurseries, Montreal i RELIABLE SALFS AGENTS Wanted now for every unrepresented district;| largest and complete stock, six hundred | acres. Nursery established forty years. Our agency is valuable. W rite | + Femals Help Wanted == now and secure territory. Felham| Nursery. Co., Toronto. { 4 Tp | nat ee a SER Positions' Wanted COOK GENERAL--References required; po washing. Apply in evening at 21} Sydenham "Street. CAPABLE WOMAN -- Or girl for gen-| eral housework; small family; good) Fakes. Apply to Box §-13, Whig Of-| ce. eneral office work, desires position. Box W-15, Whig Office. "WORKING HOUSEKEEPER -- For baclielor living alone. Must be good ook. Apply with references fo Box V.i5, Whig (ies {lite in the wild excitement, At a | tense moment in the thrilling | struggle Mr. Abernethy passéd to his { reward, and those of his aequaint- | i * | ances who learned of the tragic oc- | M's all off between Adolphe Men- fou, dapper movie star, and his wite Kathryn. At least, they're in the Los Angeles courts, suing each other for divorce. This shows Mrs. Men- jou as she looked the day the hear- ings opened. , > #WEEK/OF ACTIVITIES ~ AT THE LOCAL Y.M.C.A. Wind - Yourself = Campaign " Will Get Underway This Week. ---- This is 10 be a very busy week at the local Y.M.C.A. with the "Fini yourself campaign' in progress. The campaign starts to-night, with a large banquet at which the boys wil ttend and will fill out their sell ysis blanks, On Friday night a quet will be held at which the boys will receive vocational guid: ance according to thé requirements shown on their analysis sheets. The Channel Swim is to be held to-night, at which the boys will fn. crease their distance on the Englith ; nel. The competition. between Blue and the Red teams has be- come very keen. ; i A" meeting of the Board of Di held Wednesday mr, r. an. or. bine was elected President. Will Comnory vice-president, and Stawart Moore, secretary-ireasurer, iy boys will meet every Saturday morning and after meeting will a gymnasium and a rd The boys will plan thelr own things { currence were stunned when the merciless "Hand of Death" took this | fine sportsman away. For years the {late Mr. Abernethy lived near Rick- | ardson Stadium and Queen's Univer- | gity. His two daughters and his two sons were students and athletes at | Queen's, and one of his sons took { part in the Old Boys game at King- | ston. on Thanksgiving Day. Mr. { Abernethy's home was always open ! to the "boys and Tirls of the Tri- color brigade." His untimely demise will cause re¢grel wherever he was known, and the sympathy of those who knew and Abernethy and bis family will extended to those who are left mourn the passing of one of best friends sportsmen ever had. ---- the tion, in a resolution relating to the mioimum spead of motor vehigles in the state, has proposed a msimum speed of twenty<five miles an hour on open highways. The most dangerous time for auto: mobile accidents in the metropolitan district of New York is from 5 to 6 p.m. and the most deadly is between 4 and 5 pam. Saturday is the fatal day on which most accidents and fatalities oceur. Mrs W. D. Hudson and Mrs. R. J. Eliott, sisters, and possessing grand- ohildren, recently finished an auto- mobile trip from Seattle, Wash. to Atlantic City, N.J., and back, alone and unaided, even fixing their own Thives along the way. «Travelling Rolls" at Gibson's. all! admired Mr. | be | to | The Pennsylvanta Motor Federa- | A frock of chartreuse-colored chif- fon, the skirt embroidered and discreetly beaded. Sandwich, once the chief naval port and harbor of England. recent BRINGING UP FATHER ly observed its 700th anniversary. - | Box U nM general housework; small fu ; references required. Apply to] 16 Allee Street or "phone 2558-w., i STENOGRAPHBER--W ith experience in! == | EXPERIENCED WORKING KEEPER---Wants a posit) 25th. First class 'Phone Miss In PRIVATE TUITION Pitman Shorthand , Whig Office our own French. home| italian. YOUNG MAN-"Owning a good truck, esires & position with a firm where e may obtain steady employment. Ap-| | ply Arthur Calver, Bath, Ont. Box 14.} |__ Real Estate For Rent DESIRABLE BRICK BUNGALOW--272 Nelson soreet, 6 rooms, fireplace, ver- | andah, electric light and as, rent moderate Possession immediately. | 'Ph@he 1880-J. Apply to J. KE. Wilder 229 Nelson Street Houses i i | | SEVEN ROOMED--Cement Block House | ; All improvements, on Sixth Newly decorated. 33500 per Apply H. F. Norman, 6) Fat- o month. rick Stre TO RENT--Brick house, good location, water, electric light and gas, hot air heaung, moving out of town. Rent reasonable. "Phone 3089. 8 ROOMED HOUSE --- Corner Colborne and Sydenham. SIX roomed house, ib Rideau Street, all improvements. Five roomed house, 48 Concession Street Apply at 186 Queen Street or 'phone ar-w Houses sm ] nti enna | FURNISHED i wr rooms, | : on bath | room fat, electricity an | ing Apply 475 Princess | ONE LARGE KITCHEN---AnNnd one kit- chen bedroom, furnished , Hghts, use of bathroom and 'p couple preferred. Appi) genni Bhs 87 Bagot Se. To keep ber husband from goings out on "joy ridés," Mrs. Lena Senese burned his car. She was later ar-] rested on a arson charge, but released by Magistrate Harry A. Gordon, of {the Harlein court, in the beljef tha [the destruction of the car was bene- {ficial to the family. 'While New York is one of the few remaining states in which there is no gapolioe tax, the New York State Automobile Association és ju favor of a g38 tax, provided the motor velicle regietration fees now imposed by state law be reduced materially. Today the ari of reproducing valu- able antiques has reached such de- velopment that the world's greatest OH VOU'RE ALL RIGHT ALEC | HE WONT Know NOURE. TH' LAST OF TH comwny' Wt HELL "Hine YOU'RE. H' FIRST OF TH NIGHT GO AHEAD ALEC! \F NOU WAIT MUCH LONGER YOU'LL BE Rwanwy OUT ATS emt ALEC DONT SAN-GO0D MORNING "10 HIM, HE'LL Wow You'Re LATE! SAr{~ GOOD EVENING ~AN' HELL "MINK HOU'RE ONE A LITLE EARLY! HEROES ARE MADE -- NOT BORN -- FWE MINUTES LATE. Real Estate For Rent. ETE per -- FARM, 50 ACRESMore or lees, town. | ship of Storrington. 3 miles south of Battersea, with or without stock and implements. For parudculars apply te} Melville Ritchie on premises. 185 ACRES -- Good land, % mile from Sydenham. Lots of wood, good build. ings, well watered. Apply on prem» ises. James Soott, Sydenham. ay i yi a. Real Estate For Sale Business Places 13 experts have begn fooled occasion- ally. Butcher Business For sale in City of Bt Catharines. Price right. Must be sold in 10 days. GRO. MACSWEEN, 43 Geneva St, St. Catharines, Ont P.S.~--Terms if necessary. ) Houses 14 r $1,400 Bungalow; 4 rooms; improve- ments; terms. $6,700--Hrick, 7 rooms, modern, south, Two Farme--near city, would exchange Insurance. Money to loan. Houses to let T. UCONNOR . 351 Princess Street. "Phone 1189-J. , FRAME-T rooms, 3 piece bath and elettric light, stable and garage. Newly decorated. A bargain for time- iy le. Apply Geo. Bateman, lil Stre city. Wanted To Buy DRESSED TURKEYS WANTED---From Noy. 15th to Nov. 20th. 'Phone or write for prices. J. F, Cramer, 3! Brock Street. 585-F ar 1217-F ArtiGles For Sale. Miscellancous 15 ANDIRONS Fenders, fire screens-- everything for fireplaces. Partridge Wire and Iron Works, plating in sil- ver, nickel, ete, King Si. 'Fhone 350. BRICK Stock, pressed. Ru Rustiq wire cut, building tile and Srain tie iA Neal, 624 Johnson St. "Phone 3041 ' ENSILAGE CORN CUTTER -- (Massey Harris), for horse or engine power, set single narness Apply 418 Victoria St PERSIAN LAMB CAPE--Large, Black Hudson Seal trimmed; also large black amy muff . Almost new. Apply Box 281, Gananoque, Ont. ---------- re -------------------------- POMERANMAN. .--. . Thoroughbred, six weeks old, for $10.00. Apply 2 Miller's Lane PIANOS TO RENT--<We will rent you a Plano for six dollars per month for a period of six months, At the expira- tion of the six months we will allow ai monies paid as rental to apply on the purchase price of the piano. 4. W. Lindsay, lad, 121 Princess St VESSEL BEING DISMANTLED--Masts, booms, bolier, winches and pumps, also ropes, gear, hull, 3 spirit compasses, etc. Apply 213 Sydenham Street. WICKER BABY CARRIAGE Apply 13 Markiand Streen or 'phone 2571-w. Negotiations are on foot for the purchaser of Bunker Hill, in Eng- land, for the purpose of preserving it permanently as a Hill of Remem- OF TH NGMT BovS | ANTHRACITE COAL--3tove, Chestnut Collingwood Street. | DRY HARDWOOD $4.00 brance to British and American sol- diers who died during the World War. --_-- --- dain, i CUNNINGHAM & SMITH « Barristers and Solitons, " Clarence ot 9 LQ ¢ i Sine Bata Cunnningham, Ki Barristers and Solicitors Q1b ¥ AND REVELLEBarristers and Street, L Revel = 06 5 Barrister and sornel of Ring Money 3 Bau SHEA-~-Ambrose, B.A. Soljeitor. Law Office, and Brock, over I. to loan. 'Phone 1 W. BH. HERRIN N--Barrister, tor and Noi es Sy Pune 161 Welling+ " ton Street. ° 2b48-w. | REYNOLDS, J. C~~Barrister and Soliohs tot, $1 Boek Sat Jlortzages are n an rm a 'Phone 3509. Jeopaitn $16.00 "iLiED A NO EXTRAS A. 8. KINGSBURY, 200 Princess Sireel. 'Phone IE FIRST CLASN MAIN WORK MADE 3g Sain ~--Ladies Transtor- mations, bobbed curls, switches, sham- poise. singelng, curling, Ladies' and hildren's Aalr cutting. Mra Cuss alngham, Bay Sireet, Kingston Telephone 298s FRENCH MARCEL WAVING | Water Waving, Round Md Bol | Curling, Hair Bobbing and Trimmi ! Facial and Sealp Treatment | stiention given to hair Dyeing. | Switser, 387 Queen Street. For | polntment * i Ha | AUCTIONEERS Expert service, mode. rate charges We can sell anythi re. Any time. 'Phone 801. Auction Rooms, Market Alles "we TRwllhamns 3 WYNEA w= | ERNIE D. SLITLR--Ingurance Broker, {| all branches of Insurance in oN companies of highest nw ncial at . =| ing. 381 King Street Bast. 'Phones 3his-w, Res 1131 FIRE--eAutomuobile and Casuaity lnsuts ance. BE. M. Crumley, 420 Earl Strest, 'Phone 1183-M er w---- J. B. COOKB--Life, Fire, Accident and Sickness, in reliable companies, diss triot manager Imperial Life Insuranoe. 'Phones. Office §03-w. Red, 1751-m. SRE = FURNITURE- Antigu furniture sokl and bought er, 607 Princess street, sses Antique Shop. : = atin AruGios For Sale. i MM. Cram- successors to hers) 16a. | INSURANOE-~Only the most reliable | Gnas STE See 1 G. PAUL Specialist for new or re-| Strange establiab n 3 paired, Side Cr thing, Slip Covers, Be. | Clarence Street, opposite Post Offices. ETS pu dan upbolstering and decking, winds = ning boards, waterproof truck tarpaus| A. ANDERSON--FPainter and De ator. == se Auto Tops and Cushions shield &nd body glass put in whi'e you |. Decorators wait, linoleum and edging for rum- Jns and awhings made Lv order. $¥3| Shop and residence 'phune 1968. Of« Princess Street. 'hone JE40-F, fice 353 King Street. [a | GET YOUR -PAINTING--ARA Repetiag 18 done now Prices reasonable. | paper for smie. Horton, 148 Collings wood Street Phone 3984-J. SIGN PAINTING--J. 5 Robluson, reds 115 bagot Bireet ®a Fuel ang Feed and pea coal. Toe nul snd stove atl $16.26 from car, delivered. Car of pea | coal arrived. OUI the oars $11.50. Or. ders taken. Apply C. W. Neville, i188 Telephone 2363-m. | load. Dry | FRUNTENAC softwood slabs, $3.00 Hard coke, stove! MENT SOCIETY ~~ lnvorpora Hard pea coke, $7.08] 1881 President, A. Cariwre ton, ¥ 'Phone 2449-w. W,| vice-president J. M. Farrell Money C. Bruton, $90 Wellington Street. loan on city and farm proferties; In vestineii. Bundg bought and wold, d8- posits received and interest paid 3 minimum monthly 'balance WR. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clarence st. - -- es LOAN AND INV | LUMBER---Rough hingles and lath, wood fooring, all Besawing and planing Bon, corper Brock Streets. Phone 88% GO TO TALBOTS, Concession strest/ for used lumber at $26 per thousand. new lumber and, shingles, lowesl price possible; hard! and mixed wood, soft and mixed slabs | Phone for prices. Phone 3784J. PARKER'S WOODYARD -- 660 Johnson | Street, 'phone 1438-J. For good wood | try Parker's. Best dry hardwood $3.78 por lodd; mixed hardwood, $3.50; siabe | 2.7% iiamo-- | BOYD'S STORAGE WAREHOUS SWAIN'S WOOD YARD ¥ne only] futulture orf any melcasadise wood-yard operating jheir own bush. Prout bulding. 'Phone 2516-w and save middleman profit. Mixed and soft slabs always on | hand i and dressed, also! satin fAnish hard. kinds, stovewood J. Peters & and Toronto WANTED TO BORROW -- $3000 mortage on $5,000 property in city, % interest, Apply box T-14 W five me me Storage STORAGK--For furniture, clean, alr rooms and spaces, yvur own aud key Frost's on Blorag 306 Quest SL 'Fhoupe S36. Mes or 1vdi-d. Ebay Five Foote 1000 or LT4 a." a PE MisceTIARLOUS 6 LUMBER YARD! Of "on look eo, 09s "Ww. | ASHES--=Cioaned out of osliarg and B i 3 3 ACU ag Or, W. H. NORMAN-- Wishes to announce | Yards ciean Jub done 4 by the opening of a new Coal and Wood! #4 Kissell Birovt. Phone 2288. Yard, 200 Montreal Streel. MKesson- abies prites. Hardwood per load, | 3.75; nardwood slabs, per load, $3.59. pe -- oved from yard snd ckis lars, general carting: atm Cian Lik by fixed Wood, per load, $3.00; Softwood wood for sale mstimateg v Slabs, 32 Delivered. Phone 1549-f| Huckley Transfer, 143 York IN Sapa do ws ot by EERIE LS | "Phone 281 and Wanted To Duy mene ASHES--Rem 2516-M. 3 RADIO SERVICE '== All the popular nr makes of loudspeaker are found. &§ Cvanada Kadi Mores Phone 1395. POULTRY We are now to buy all classes of live or dre d pouitry Highest cash prices paid and prompt s returns. Write or 'phone for prices to The Frontensce Produce Co. lad, 331) Welilngton Street, Kingston, Ont. Tele-| phone 3130 Experi Piano Tuning, Player-Piane Adjusting. Phone 1844 C. W. LINDSAY, LINTED | UP BOLE TERN Gena nd general repairs ing. Leave viders St ur drop & W. Harrod, 104 Clergy Street 1600 J. i i -- Ta 'hone a ORUGLESS PRACTITIONER o. W. Marcelis, corner of Barrie and Prin. | cess firests. Chiropractic adjusts | ments, slectric treatments and hands | assafe. X-ray Service Consulta-| tion free. Hours 9-13 a. 1-6 pum. | Evenings > appointment. ioe tele phone 822-J. esidence 'phon s ! LUCY--=Gep. F. snd Jeunle tro. jractom, Reglétered Nurse, 101 Bag treet. 'Phone #61-w. Hour, »- 1-6, 8-71.00. Consultation free SKIN BLEMISHES -- Hair, Moles | Warts, Birthmarks Skin Cancers | Scars, Pits, sic, removed permanenis| iy, Satisfactory Glasses fitted and furnished after others Rave falied.- Automoniies pe a™ef Re Auto Accessories we NGSTON AUTO TOP AND BODY OO, s of Auto, Buggy, best T hione. Lommercial, Californias Tops and » Touts Sone 946. Ki --Makel Cow bolstering. 331 King: atdeel Auto Wrecking Co. ton bord Truck. Ales ail Sinds of scons Hand cured without operation. #4! Antemeblie Farts for sil makes . Eimer J. Lake | *"go Hand Tires, all sises w= Throai, Skin. [| price 8400 to 90.00. : one iw. House lth, ROSEN & POI1 1 ITT paone 34T5-w. 140 RIDEAU ST. i ot | a i "You Gre missing the best cppertuni. ties if you miss reading the Whig Clas. sified Page WHERE'S THE RECS TENA PERMANENT WAVING °

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