Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Oct 1926, p. 5

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Wednesday, October 6, 1926. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG # STOMACH TROUBLES | "RAD ST =| wutnotns Montreal Man Wins Way ------ ARE DUE TO ACIDITY Lp S00 4887 Baveupar, te. | Back to Health | H | d d Fl ma Tells of Figasant Home Treatment | THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7. aden. whor." | Suffered for Months After Severe Attack of La. dl woo oormg | { 9-10--Goodrich Stivertown Orch- rippe Insomnia, ousness Indig { KDKA (809.1) Pittsburgh, | estra. Gri » with Nerv ness, 8 os So-called ot domes Teor --indiges-| 330 p.m --Stockman-Parmer re-| P-- 1 tion and Coughing. Found Relief We have a nice stock of Birch, Maple and pre port. { Complete radio programmes sold! Like thousands of others, Ernest | of "100 mush Reid ln Ine eter | o 1:30--Play by play reports of the | at Cansde Radio Stores. | Betand, proprietor of Beland Barbe: Oak Flooring. mation 0 he and starting acid indiges- | World's Series S-------------------- : Shop, 194 Laurder West, Montreal, | €.15--Dinner concert. . | found jong-sought relié! from intense | : [ Onl the best brands carried. Gas dlatends the Momash ie Sauses 7--Baseball _scpres. Children' 8 RALLY DAY SERVICE sufiring in Tendac: ? y AT STELLA | x Bean sar. "At the end ol MELD SAA IS ald mina _ ¥ TS rr ER ew A WE oo eatin vin SERRE HEE gh hie Grd SEA A Ea [ame i ovo HE wns ~~ S.ANGLIN CG. TNITED™ tl ™ n a : f { 3 Totby or prevent the sourness snd | |Ohildren Took a Prominent | event jo Sompletoly heciel amp Is - * COAL, LUMBER AND WOODWORK, To stop i Pittsburgh Wonder Box. RIO oy neutralize the stomach acids and lever 'get weil. Por weeks I coll 5 BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTA 4 the stomach swset aud fies from. 8---Concert. ' Partina Very Interesting "Ind Festion, a teks or four tab- 8,30--Halt Hours with Famous Proghisme. not sledp. ' lots: of Bisurat pig hould be . : J Private Branch Exchange 'Pheie 1671 taken in tte water oat ri or | Composers. 2 : | "Pains in my lungs, shortness of -- i J . whenever gas, Bourness, pain or acidity | 9---Concert, Seale, Oct. . "Radly day" was | breath, choking sensations and 1 in SOL Tht auickiy ayeetans the sich 45 Baseball scores. cheerved in Trinity Usited Church, [nasgias, wracking cough. made Nfs bala and is harmless and inexpensive 10 11.20---Pittsburgh Post concert {Stella on Sanday morsing, Octff 3rd, [almost unbearable, Finally I was ' : B= B EEE == * Bisurstea Ma ona, for or tap. from the Flotilia Club. |by the ehidren taking pert in the persuaded by @ man who 'was bene- dl : NOW IS THE TIME I im 1s SEIT as Keeps Tos ; {church «services of wemship. The |fted by Tanlac Go try it out. Wend . : d drug store and ite daily wee keevs | WEAR (492) New York, N.Y. | primary department wes well repre-| "I was able to get up and move| Tanibc ls for eals by atl good | To have your Fall Shoes made. do Ita work without the sid of artifi-| 11 am.°'1.15 p.m.--Viola Walker, sented fn short religious recta' ions about the house after taking two druggists--more than 40 millon |} 9 eal digestanta soprano; talk, Farrell's Orchestra. from Hefem amd Gene MeMastor |bouties of Tanlac, and by the time bottles have been sold. Let this fi JOHNSTON = SHOE STORE i 4-7.30 .p m.--Instrumental Trio: | Billy Pevereom, Orant Fison and | {I bad finshed the seventh bottle I marvelous tomic, made according +d | Hf 70 BROCK STREET. REPAIRS "PHONE 21d | readings; popular singer; banjo and | Douglas Glenn. Miss Lulu Glenn re- | was able to return to work. tho famous Tanlac formula, 'from {8 gms : General Insurance | pianist; baritone; violinist; Waldorf-lcited I- Cor. 13. The children's, "] have en exoce'leme appetite jroots, barks and herbs, help bring | Astoria music; talk; Hymn sing; hymn, "Tell Me the Story of Jesus." sloop well, and Dave gained 1i [You robust health end vigor, as iL] Fire, Lt ident, Automo- | | Davis' Orebestra. | was. sang very sweetly by four gir's |pounds. I feel fine In every way [has to thousands of others. Ask for 2 Ya Mle, Fires Jats, Accidens. > Plate || 83--The Berenaders. lof the intermediate grade, Misses It is with pleasure that I recom-ift By namo. : Atten tion! ueen Ss Students ] Glass, Baggage, Robbery. | 8.30---Orchestral concert. Jean Cochireme, - Idg Brows, Lulu 2 - ~~ | Reliable spenles only rep { 9---Cliequot Club Eskimos. Glenn end Ruth Gleam. - A generous RECENTLY MARRIED. 22nd, when M's eldest daughter, | We have a complete stock of Study Lamps, Com | 10--The Goodrjeh Zippers. itoring was given for the meinien- Mise Eulah Brown, and Heber Row-|8 Extension Cords, Irons; Toasters, Heaters, etc. { 11-12---Farrel's Orchestra. ance and extension fund of the Unit- |The Bride and Groom to Reside at some werd united 'in ma'vimony. | Ww h R di S R. H Wadd dell | . ed Church of Canada, The oharch Addison. They witl reside at Addison, where | Federal and estinghouse Radio Sets. ad | WJZ (458) New York, had beem very beautifully and artis- Addison, Oct. 5.-- Ths farmers are [the groom is a prosporous farmer. | #1 BROCK STREET p.m.---Volee of the Silent Drama. | tically decorated for the wedding of | busy these days fililng their silos, a8 Miss Alma Wats waa a recent vis- | Buy your electric peeds from a Queen' $ graduate 'PHONES t .30--Judge Jr Miss MacDonald Saturday morming. (pearly every ome has a big crop of [itor at Oxford Station.' Mr. and | 45---Democratic talk, These decoratfons, with a few ad-|corm. Miss Irehe Greenham is taking | Mra. Elgin Mell and son were re-| | : ~-Royal Salon Orchestra Aroond of fruit end vegetables, add- 4 course in the Brockville Businecs | cent vioitors round here. e aun ers eciric . . { 80--Jack Denny's Orchestra. od greatly-to the interest of the eer- [Oollege. Mrs. Erma Wes and son -------- -- ! : ct " a l : "Rab . 167 PRINCESS STREET. TELEPHONE 441. vice. Subject of the address, "Rally- | Stanley, are spending some time ac} At Bunkers' Hill. [ "" 1 I WGY (879.5) Scheneciady, N.Y. |ing ror Servis," by the minister. Herbert Wars' Fromas Mackey, | Bunkers' Hill, Oct. 6.---A& §avére | a -- __. 6.30 pm.--~--Ten Eyck dinner pro- The annual harvest thanksgiving | Watertown, N.Y., spend the "week - | thunder storm passed over this dis- | chased A new car Farmers "have | many places Corn is a good crop. Dental Surgeon gramme | service wes held in the evening. TWO and with hs wife and family bere | trict last Friday morning. The nearly all their harvest in. A small| Sanford Leeman is engaged drawl w Street. 'Phone 679. 7.45--Programme from Syracuse special anthems were rendered bY| A quiet wedding took place at the | roads were very muddy after the, quantity of buck wheat has been lef:| wood. Some of the farmers are # 150 Weliagion one University. ithe choir, "Come, Praise: Ye theipome of Herbert Brown, on Sept. storm. Gordon McGowan has pur-|out. Potatoes are a pooY crop inl gaged in plowing in high lands '9--Royal Hour Lord," and "Harvest Thanksgiving." | ow -- -- : 10--Utica, N.Y., musical program- | The minister gave an apyropriate ad- he me drecs on "Condinual Thanksgiving," | rge ng t 11.30---Organ recital. trom Peam 34. Bash services were well attended, Otvil Engineer and Contractor. i WBRZ (888.1) Springfield, Mass. the eveming service deinz stromgly Office 81 Brock St, cor. Wellington 7 ¥.m.--Brunswick Orchestra, augmented by visitors and friends. . 8=-Evelyn Marcil, contralto and Brock Street. Phone 326. 8 30--The T Fhi-Song Trio. - 9---Royal Salon Orchestra, REBUILDING A BRIDGE _---- ------. § DR RUPERT P. MILLAN ! WBAL (246) Baltimore, Md. One Near Wilton West in Very Bad 6-68.30 pm.---Sandman Circle, Repalr. DENTIST { 6.30-7.30--Dinner Orchestra. Wilton West, Oct. 5.--The farm- L 3 ries Siig. Bsr Brad 7.30.8 Mixed Quartet, ors are making good of the fine wea- or rk 8-9-Trio ther, such as gelling out .their po- OPE TENT © 9-10--Dance Orchestra. tatoes and cutting corn. Work has -- ' commenced rebuilding the Victoria WSAI (326) Cincinnati, O, bridge, which has been in a very bad 6.45 pm.--~Chime concert condition for some time. Quite a ( oO 7--Olympian Coffee Club half {number from here attended the La | 5 4 dies' Aid comventiom at Yarker on co 8---Serenaders, : Friday last, and were pleased to HEA JOUR Sour WITH COKE 3 Bg=<On Heatrat foncert hear such Spiendid reports given 9---Clicquot Club Eskimos. from erent L "STELCO"" COKE |10--doodrich Silvertown orchestra. | Mr. and Mrs. vy Sou and two i k v Jaren, Bitlis baby Vivian, The beat Canada can prodycs WCCO (416.4) Minneapolis. it page rg Wh Meg for ' $1 3.00 per ton 4.05 pm---Readers' Club, scoompanded by their sister, Misa | - : 5.15--Children"s' hour. Hazel Frink, after spending the Sold only by $-9--Now York programme. past two months with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joha Frink. Mr. and W. A MITCHELL & C0. KYW (536) Chicago. Mrs. W. Campbell, Newburgh, spent 15 ONTARIO STREET 6.30 p.m.--Congress¥ dinner con- |Sunday at T. Babeock's. Telephone oT. cert The anhiversary service of tha 7-«'American' Family Hour. United Church of Wilton was largely + 8.20-9--Congress Musical 'pro- attended. Rev. Mr. Hollingsworth, gramme. | Sydenham, gave a very interesting | sermon, both morning and evening LISICIO RO] Mr. and Mrs. Atchion spent oe GARRY lol} Pu week-end with their uncle and aint, oli IKE ID] Th 08 [8 Mr: and Mrs, J. Newman. . x Mr, and Mrs. James" Cummings GIRILIPT EID LS OSH Co spent Thursday evening with Mr E [VIE IR ERTIMITIC R and Mrs. Torrance, Babcock. Miss | (TLHIATNIERH AL IL] Reid and Mr. asd Mrs. Donald Frink RANCHO NEE! 5] spent~Sunday with Mr. and Mrs ne BIAIL IL BEWIATT IEDR) Russel Craig, Switzerville. Nr IDIAlL ISERO and Mrs. Harvey Smith apent Sunday DIVIL IL IRLCIO) with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ro- zd AB IDS Ricl I RCIA A a [ / : [ Crossword Puzzle Answers. Lr her aunt, Mrs. J W. Frink. 2 a ( CROSS-WORD PUZZLE | EERIE Lr .The NEW Orthophoriic, Victrola i is the PAT T= 9 most 'astonishing contribution to music since the me ---- i destroys germs BE Al helps to keep qt i firm i J " A 3 invention thirty years ago of the first "His Master's ; Voice" instrument. . . . .I¢ upsets tradition, throws oi abot I= A ' { J off old methods and applies a new principle only 9 co : recently made practicable_by research. . : This 4 ; elas llile I wonderful pri ciple 1 is "matched impedance' ex~ ee clusive to insttuments bearing the trademark * 'His Master' s Voice" «+.» Here at last 1s music such as you have never heard anywhere except in the living presence of performers. ..The true fulness, 'richness, depth and magnificence of tone, which M Store ; : ; ' et 4 this matchless instrument presefves in all musicy eat Store IA | will astonish you. . "Obtainable on easy terms at all "His Master's Voice Dealers. : TENE, Th 0 * 3 2 Z 4 4 "4 Tomorrow's Specials ee " imeem Lon VICTOR TALKING MACHINE COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED all words used in this pussle already ave leitexgd I. Plenie Hams .. o.oo... : 20¢. Horizontal, 38. 3 5 been tauglit. Jagatlamd ......0.. 80, Obstruction: 15" & | : +111. To squander. 5 41. 1 13. Pertatning to sound. ype i 42 r a 16. To employ, 19. Champion or advo- 4 cane, Sd 47 21. Abbreviation . for, ing 18. 23. Within, ' 123, More cordial. 495. . . Let it stand. 24. | 126. £27. j28. ission #31. a who hrs bring Mm 32 . a SianaD campaign. (33. Mvtve 1 IT.

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