Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Oct 1926, p. 2

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' STORE OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT FUR - CATALOGUE (Bent on request) : : .., Bhowing the newest styles in wT nt Fur Coats and Fur > . : Chokers « Repairing and Remodeling : You can have your Fur Coat re- modeled in the latest style on our Fac- tory-lo-Wearer flan. Charges are the lowest, consistent for the first class workmanship we insist on for our pat- rons, ' JOHN McKAY 3 MANUFACTURING FURRIERS 140-157 BROCK STREET, KINGSTON, ONTARIO . p Limited | 'Waterman Fountain Pens, Parker Duofold Pens and Pencils, Wah! Eversharp Pencils' Boxes of Stationery, Correspondence Cards, Writing Pads, Envelopes and Ink. ° Branigan's Drug in J 288 Princess Street u Phone 18 k, from the test BUY ADVERTISED GOODS 3 5 : . : * A new Speed Service E=Long; Distance calls while you hold the line J ¥RS of Li ce aye j lr On the majority of calls fo distant cities, the Long Distance O tor to whom details of the call are first given, at once endeavours to establish the con- nection while the calling party holds the line. The result is often only a matter of seconds. A constantly increasing roportion of Long Distance traffic is ng handled on this new and speedier Extensive "changes ge in Long Distanea a pemet, as as rearrangemen - tensive training of our staff have nade this new service an accomplished act. » IN Your co-operation in making careful note for future use of distant numbers . may have occasion to call is always Felptul. But whether hay know the dis- tant number or not, the Long Distance will do her utmost to get the ¥ | plant,«and leases it, and who lives BRITISH (HE DAILY Teme A "HOUSE WARMING" } (CLAIM. THE GASOLINE | | STATION IS: NUISANCE ras wors ss" cummences Ludgment = ins tho Dass at the Local Institution | Before Judge Lavell in County Court. -------- i { Does a gasoline [illing statffh | under dettain von jviaances Tuesday Night. . = | The work of the losal Y.M.CA. | | officially started for the fall at dhe "House Warming" held at the "Y" | 3 | Tuesday evening. The rain did not] A rToiaeebitate 8 prevent a good crowd Trom attend | | ing the event, The institution was Mr. David J. Patterson and Mr. J.| op 0 in, i | ; a i the public for inspection for | { J. Patterson, who reside on Princess | ope entire EE e ans owes ad- | | streat, between Frontenac and Albert! . 0 or this opportunity, and | | streets, claim that i; does, and In (5.4 the different departments. | county court on Tuesday afternoon. ryere 'were games in the gym-| applied for dn Injunction restrain. | podium, swimming races and exhibi- | | ing Clarence Albertson and HEBTY| ions in the swimming pool, and a | | Bauder, from operating a S&rage | ,andid musical programme in the | { business and filling station om the|,,oer social rooms. Refreshments Jot next to that on which their house | wore also sérved in the social | is situated. Mr. A. B. Cunningham | rooms. Te presented the case for the plaintiffs, T g { while Mp. T. J. Rigney acted for the Who Beige alte R "H defendants. Judge H. A. Lavell 78 warg Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newman, served his decision. i Mrs. P. F. Brockel, M d ! Mr. David Patterson, in his testi- | 3 Anglin. wr. and Yo. £. mony, said tha; his chief complaint was against the fumes from the! y jay hall game between the Bank- | gasoline, He could not open the! erg and the 5.9.3 the Bankers win- | windows of his house to get a little | ning by the score' of 11-9. The | { fresh afr without the fumes ¢oming | teams were: { in. Other things which annoyed him | | were the repairing of cars in the | yrook, Harris, Window, Barrnecotr: | street in 'front of his home and the| «5.9 _ Morris, Pollock, Harper, | | nolse of work going on in the gar-| Laurenson. Vinee. Elliott. "| | age on Sunday and at night. Referee--P. F. Brockel. i Cross-examgined by Mr. Rigney the| Theré was also a basketall gama | witness said that he had never On| hetween the same teams, the Bank- account of this garage business! ors again winning by the score of | which had been In existence for) 22.12 The players were the same | about nime years, applied to have his) with one or two changes and the! assessment reduced nor had he ever| referee, A. Brunke : i attempted to have the proprietors! [pn the swimming pool there were | of the gara prosecuted for doing | diving tompetitions and swimming | work in the public street. . | races. The boys showed very good | Mr. Cunningham" read from the! style in both diving and swimming examination for discovery an extract | One of the most interesting events | ony of Mr. Bauder was the "relay swim of the Eng-| | to the effeey that he owned the land, | lish Channel." | | building and gasoline pumps, and | i s In the upper social rooms, a-fine! that he leased them to the defend-| programme of music and singing ant, Albertson. : This concluded the | was given. Mr. R. H. Ward acted as | case for the plaintiffs. the chairman of the programme. Mr. | In defence, Clarence Alberison,| Brnest Madrand rendered a splen- | the proprietor of the business, and | did piano solo. Vocal solos were al- | several people who live in the vicin-| so rendered by Miss Loitie Sanders, | ity of the gas filing station, were| Mr. Bernard Curran and Mr. H { called to give evidence. Mr. Albert-' Underwood, all being given in g fine] son's evidence was that the business | manner. 'A chart talk of great 1a- | was a small one, conducted by him- | terest was given by Mr, Cecil Wyatt. | self and a helper. He usually closed Mr. M. W. Harlow, secretary of at 10 o'clock at night, he said, and | the ""Y."" gave a brief talk and sev- would sell between twenty-five and | eral announcements of gemeral in- fifty gallons of gasoline in a day. He | terest, Refreshmuats were served by did miake minor repairs t6 autome- | the Ladies' Auxilinry, of which Mrs biles in the stree; such as tightening | R. H. Ward Is the \ president. Mrs: | a nut or adjusting a wire. Perhaps Chirles Anglin and Mrs Edward | tive or six times this had happened | Spencer dispemsed the refreshments in frons of Mr. Patterson's home be- cause there were several cars in front of his garage getting gasoline. | These repairs usually only took from? sides. five to fifteen minutes. He admit-| canadian orchards are hung ted hat, work was done at the garage | po, yy with luscious. red apples, sym- : Mr, Henry Bauder, who owns. the In the gymnasium, there was a| Canadian Apples for Overseas Fire- bols of Canada's sunshine and her bright warm summer days. The crop this autumn is the best in years and close to. the garage, testified that he boxes and barrels of choice hand had never experienced amy annoy-| / | picked and hand packed Fruit are ance from the close proximity of the | ri at ple : the garage. No one, he said, had |. ..o grocer ever complained to hith of it being! 4.4 could anything be more ap- a nuisance. Five qther witnesses! . 01a to carey your kind who live in the neighborhood declar- | tioughts and »good wishes to the 8 that they were not inconvenienc- | ¢; 4giqe' of your friends overseas, . i ipl MF Rigney and Mr | this Christmas than & box of thes Cunningham a | ruddy cheerful-looking apples. Tha] HORE A Er ugh ud yon matter of shipment is as simple as! their.arguments. In the evidence it | mn ot oe eal Express Sing ou! at he gualine Bumps ia} will call for your apples; transport | prices - { and deliver them, by"quick service, ! { and the curb and Mr Cunningham | any station in Great Britaim, Tco-| | sgid that this was in itself illegal. It . | the city had granted a license 6 ono tranosoristion eh Sugeries. |} | place the pumps there it would be- he transportation charged from | ! ; | Montreal and Quebec up to Novem- | comd a party to the injunction If one, y5p or trom St. John and Hall-! | was granted, he argued. was reserved. : Judgment fax, thereafter, by direc; steamer !o| J points in Great Britain, Ire'and anil | . ---- | the Channel Islands is $3 por stand-| ! "DAYS GONE FOREVER" {ard box and $6 per standard bdar-| i isn In intinding refrigeration. | For rates to Canadian ports, through rates to Continental Sta-| Quite a bit of amusement has re- tions and other particulars coasult | | sulted from a poster which is at|any Canadiah National Express ag-| present being displayed on the Y.jent. : i M.C.A. bulletin board. It advertises! | an excursion to Toronto. for mem. |v Dean L. R. Sherman of | bers of the Kingston Y.M.C.A. for Was alectad Anglican Bishop | Cheap Excursion To Toronto, But It ! Was In 1874. uebes f Cal- A . Bankers--Edgar, Donnelly, Ham-| _WHIG i HELD AT THE Y.M.C.A. 4 GOOD LINEN BUYS! . From Fresh Stocks Just Received - 20c LINEN TOWELLING, 7 YARDS for $1.00 800 yards of heavy, pure Linen Crash To: Bhi ls an Thursday's Sale Price TABLE DAMASK, 45c- YD.| LINEN Bleached, Mercerized, Table Da- | mask, 54 inches wide, and in | several pretty designs to choose | from. At this price your Table | / Coverings will be cheaper than | Oilcloth. Extra good value. 45c. Yard 2 Red or Blue borders, or in old-fashioned Grey with White Stripes. At this attractive sale price, you will want many y#rds of this fine mater- ....7 yards for $1.00 4 for $1.00 16 dozen offered of these heavy, pure Linen Towels. They come in a good size for every day use. On Thursday STAMPED TEA TOWELS, 25¢ EACH These quick-selling favorites are offered again! In White, with 'Red or Blue Stripes, and stampéd with several attractive designs. The ends are hemmed, too! .'. . . ..At Shaw's . .. /"X Wednesday, October 6, 1926. a a ng, in White with og a HUCK TOWELS, .....4 for $1.00 25c¢. each Stamped Pure Linen and 50c. each. BUY BETTER AT Buffet Sets, Centres and Runners: 25c., 35c¢c. D. A. SHAW, Limited a THE ALWAYS RUGS | BUSY STORE DRAPERIES |- KINGSTON'S CARPET WAREHOUSE Exclusive Hats at moderate prices. Parisian Shop 822 BROCK STREET NAPANEE Napanee, Oct. 6. Before a large j audience the Kingston Salvation | Army band gave a concert | local corps. Mayor E. Meng presid- ed as chairman ! St Andrew's { with Mesdames PICTON concert company Vaulkman and Den- nis, soloists, and Mrs. MacGregor, Picton, Oct. 5--Next Sunday will | citer, were in Sydenbam, re United Church, and a chicken dinner | gramme at an anniversary tea will be held on Tuesday night. Napanee athletes at the @ntario rural schools held their own school!a very creditable showing Fred fair this year. | Ballard was third in the pole vault, Mr. Fred Wright, C. P. R. fore- his mark being 10 ft. 6 in, 2 man at Owen Sound, is visiting rela- | inches below that made by the win" tives in the county. iner. In the relay rage the locals Dr. Marion E. Davis of Everett. | were fourth Wash., is the guest of her mother; The Dominion Bank has moved and sisters for a month at their | into its Beautiful new quarters, cor- home, Elmbrook. | ner of Dundas and John streets An eagle was shot at Big Island | W. J. Normile, Bas; street, was recently, which measured seven feet | taken 'quite ill on Sunday, his condi from tip to tip of wings { tion being reported as unchanged Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kerr and Capt. | The Misses Mildred Harrington and Mre. G. Fraser Kerr motored | and Nand Sexsmith, nurses-in-train- down from Toronto and visited Mr. ing at the Kingston General Hosp! and Mrs. Melbourne Wright, Maple | tal, spent the week-end at their Hurst farm, Cressy. { homes here Mrs. G. M. Hicks is convalescing | very satisfactorily in Prince Edward | county hospital after a serious oper-| ation ! or Mrs. Larkin's Sister Dead. Winnipeg. Ost 6 Mrs David Forrester, sister of Mrs, P. C. Lar. Miss Olive Harrison, Hamilton; kin, wife of Canada's high commis was a réceny visitor. at the home of sioner in London, is dead at Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Whattam. home here. She was a native of Co- Monday | be anniversary, services in Milford | night, where they furnished the pro- | | ° bor | -- EE -- . = = ANOTHER GOOD BARGAIN ! Ji A dew, solid brick dwelling, with 7 rooms, attic floored, hot le air furnace, three piece bath, electric, good yard. 5 , fqr $3,500 in the § mom | town hall last nigh; on behalf of the Hi ll Building Lots Eight of Prince Edward county | Athletic Sports held in Toronts made | | $400---Albert Street. ll 8800--Xeison Street. i $50.00-<A few lots left near new school. Come early 1 Money to loan, Houses for rent. {E W. Mullin} Real Estate and Insurance. Cor. Johnson and Division Sta. Phone 580w, 580J and 588. Our knowledge of the insur. ance business is gained from I many years' service tw our | clients. See our J. IB. Sampson. : - bourg, Ont, but ! west for man had resided im thé ¥ years Wm. Crawford has taken over the Massey-Harris agency here made va- | eant by the resignation of Mr. Cole- man Whattam, who has represented | tlie company in this county for many years. i W. M. Davis of Detroit, Mich. a ap ' . party you want while you hold the line! "Almost as speedy as a local call" is the *. werdiet of many who have used this new and speedier Long Distance Sere A A. J. EVANS, Manager. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA © the return fare of $2. The year of Esry &iocese. | the excursion is not advertised om | the poster, but the name of General | Secretary Meadows appears at the bottom. Mr. Meadows was secretary vy of the Kingston "Y" about 1874, | therefore Ir was about that time) that the Kingston Y.M.C.A. held its railway excursion to Toronto when {the fare was only $2. The postar| |= discoverad by Mr. R. H. Ward Children's Fall Hats We show the who happened to find it while visit-| ing an old member of the "Y." i » kes - Coffee Truly De " Bch coffee is spoiled In the! making, but iy Is safe to say more ix spoiled in the serving. This is be-| cause comparatively féw people use j| veal cream. figuring, perhaps, that! its dally uss is rather a luxury. Of, course. one can rob the milk bottle, | by taking off the {op milk. but even that is not calculated to give ome the rich, golden. appetizing cup of coffee that makes this beverage! truly a nectar. ore and more' housewives ard afrving Eagle Brand Condensed Milk with coffee, for the reason tha: it is so economical and | because it ensures a beautiful fla-| vor, being so rich and creamy. There | is the further advantage that it saves sugar, for condensnd milk con- | tains sugar and the milk and sugar gre so perfectly blended tha; the, proportions are abselutely right Us! ually, the condensed milk is placed' {right on the table being served: wffom the can, which, If desirable,' may be set in a marmalade jar. Hats and Tams in Plush, Vel- vet, Feit and other materials in attractive styles at popular prices. "FOR BOYS Caps in big variety, ' also | M. T. T. Hawkins of the post of- { tice department, Ottawa, 'died oa Monday, sged fiftr-sight years A NM! son. Hartiey, is a Queen's student. - former resident of Picton, was re-; | newing old ' acquaintances In town | | lass week : | Mr. and Mrs. George R. Moore | | are moving this week to Port Hope | | where Mr. Moore has bought an In-| { terest in a chicken ranch which he { will manage i | Prince Edward County apple | i erop is said to be only 30\per cent. | i of last year's yield. { Donald Huffman, Glenora, is at- | tending Normal Schodl in Toromto.} Mr. and Mrs, Bert M:Kee and | family were Sunday guésts wiih Mr. {apd Mrs. Merrill Hagerman. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Hicks, South | Bay, speny over the weak-end with i Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Whattam, Burns ! avenue. : | Miss Alice Conger. Bowery street, will entertain the Sunshine Class of | Picton United Church this Tuesday | evening. at their monthly mesting. | Two Births at Sand Bay. 4 Sand Bay, Oct. 4 Most of the 'neighbors attended Lansdowne fair jast week, some of the neighbors tak- ing lots of first prizes. Mr. R. Frees! 'is not. well: hope for a speedy recov- lery. Miss Roxcy McCrady returned trom Gananoque, where she has been | nursing at C. Genge's, who is rejqic- ing over a baby boy. Mrs R. Austin visited Mrs. R. R. McCrady bue day Ps wed There was quite a heavy on Thursday night, which did some damage to gardens. Nurse R. McCready is at Wilfrid Webster's. They are the happy parents of a new baby boy. Most of the neighbors 'have got their threshing done, and { are now ready for the silo fillers. 2 8g it Eg Mussolini . declares aly must! master the seas fu 'order to gor an! outiet for Ner purplus population. Lord and Lady Byng will be ac- corded a reception on their arvival in Sales Representatives ENO in the United States from Druggists, department and general . -Across the border its fame has spread is steadily taking its place as drink" of the people of that coun- ith the fact that Druggists everywhere "sell + y {or North America: Harold F. Ritchie & Co., Limited, 10-18 McCaul Street, =" Toronto

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